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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15309081 No.15309081 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15309088

Newtonesha be inventin calculus and sheeit

>> No.15309129


>> No.15309157

>teenage girls
if those girls were chinese this never would have made a single headline

>> No.15309176
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Damn they really did it

>> No.15309232

If they were Chinese it would be a real discovery and not fake bullshit to pump up the black genius numbers

>> No.15309277

Give them a break man, if young people are doing TikTok you laugh at them, if they discover the secrets to a 2000 year old math equation you bring race card.
What do you want then?

>> No.15309286

Honestly, a bit. I wish I was studying more outside my curriculum when I was younger. I wish I have known that knowledge back then is more than school. What those kids do, that's purely awesome.

I'm a conservative. So I am in touch with BLM and all that crap

>> No.15309406

Wait what? I thought there were dozens of proofs of that. It isn't even that hard to come up with some.

>> No.15309408 [DELETED] 

Tell me, someone confused it woth the last Fermat theorem, didn't they?

>> No.15309411

Tell me, someone confused it with Fermat's last theorem, didn't they?

>> No.15309429

Grow up.

>> No.15309433

Accept the truth.

>> No.15309437


>> No.15309468

Throw away the hate and move on with your lives.

>> No.15309616

You are retarded. If there were only dozens of proofs in human history, them coming up with one would be incredibly impressive.

>> No.15309623

Imagine being such a retarded faggot that, not only do you shitpost /sci/ with some /pol/ bullshit, but you post multiple threads to feed your confirmation bias.


Get fucked and quit shitting up the quality of this board even further.

>> No.15309624
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you fucker, I want your criticism of my schizo thread.

What could be the purpose of making up what I wrote? To what end do I have by spreading this truth?

fucking come at me with your disdain.

namefags i've been waiting for you the whole time.
20 years of experience, I want some confirmation that I am completely insane or that you have peeked into the keyhole of the universe.

>> No.15309631

black excellence flexing again

>> No.15309652

I can not tell if it is legit or if it is another nice clock

>> No.15309690 [DELETED] 

why do so many people care about proofs? you can just take it for granted that the theorem is true and move on to making use of it in some form, saves a lot of time and unnecessarily wasted effort that way

>> No.15309711

>you can just take it for granted
need a proof for this statement

>> No.15309734 [DELETED] 

been peer reviewed by the many millions of ppl who use the theorem without caring about >muh proooofs
prove me wrong
>imma goona proooooooooooove
big cringe

>> No.15309746

With blind naivety you would just be spending all your time responding to images that say your mom will die in her sleep if you don't reply.

>> No.15309761
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>Jason Zimba
What kind of a surname is that for a white man?

>> No.15309885

It isn't hate when you refuse to accept lies.

>> No.15309902

What's wrong with hate?

>> No.15309990

we can't contain their power any longer

>> No.15310342
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An end to circular reasoning.

>> No.15310376

It's not him bringing the race card, you are oblivious

>> No.15311206 [DELETED] 

Makes sense, Pythagoras was black too

>> No.15311238

If some nigerian able solve an equation that Asians couldn't solve and it's confirm by them what's your excuse.

>> No.15311290


>> No.15311321
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>> No.15311329

Based gamer kid trolling journalist roasties.

>> No.15311332
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>> No.15311350

Haha you faggots doubted me on homework, but you got beat by young girls lol. Come on, where your impotent rage?

>> No.15311651


>> No.15311665

This story is real though, unless you’re insinuating the girls didn’t come up with a new proof.

>> No.15312123 [DELETED] 


>> No.15312124

Grow up.

>> No.15312131

Even the article headline straight up says it might not be true and get here you are, ideologically bound to defend your ideological ground, regardless of reality.

>> No.15312138

>incels mad because they're black women and this threatens their bigoted worldview.

GOD men are pathetic

>> No.15312301

Move on.

>> No.15312311 [DELETED] 
File: 156 KB, 342x440, 1680158122774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i must defend niggers at every turn
>i am an anti-racist saint
>thats why i presume that niggers are too lame and stupid to defend themselves

>> No.15312419

Your mind is rotten. Get out while you can.

>> No.15312426

Unlike law of cosines, law of sines do not assume pythagorean theory. Stay mad incels

>> No.15312469

Schizophrenic negrophilic lefty

>> No.15312510 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 500x709, nigger worshiper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

their virtue signaling reflex is evidence of their brainwashing
the imaginary goodboy points are irresistable to them

>> No.15312610 [DELETED] 

Keep samef*gging, racist.

>> No.15312854

There's nothing wrong with being racist.

>> No.15312865 [DELETED] 
File: 245 KB, 819x562, anti-racist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Presuming you can be all things to all people is the grandiose delusion of the anti-racist

>> No.15312872

Africa and Asia aren't countries.. they're continents.

>> No.15312892

Nobody said they are, aww is your schizophrenia and paranoia waking up again?

>> No.15312894


>> No.15312910

people will never be perfect, so why would you expect an end to the ridicule? should your parents have just said “its okay that you didnt get into med school, you made your bed so well this morning!”?

>> No.15312918

the reason you cant use trigonometric functions in a pythagoras proof is that you need a circle to define what an angle is, measured in radians or otherwise, and you need the pythagorean theorem to define what a circle is.

>> No.15312946

What's the theorem?
So the issue is people don't understand that because you prove the pythageorean theorem geometrically/algebraically that trig proofs aren't trig?

>> No.15313131 [DELETED] 
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>reeee black mathematicians trigger me

>> No.15313140 [DELETED] 

Except that there is no such thing as "black mathematician" you worthless mentally ill schizophrenic nigger loving tranny

>> No.15313343

How's your butt worms tooker?

>> No.15313359

>Paranoid schizophreniac sees Tooker everywhere and in everyone even when chatting with a credible and real scientist or mathematician unlike him

Ew kys trannoid

>> No.15313740

The story about the 12 year old is just as real. It's not a joke, that story was actually really put in the newspapers as a real thing. I know it can be hard to decipher parody from reality these days but that was put as real.

Now, building computers is more than just swapping graphic cards or memory modules, it can be a serious white person hobby. The kid might have done something fairly neat and they ran with it, but it was absolutely a real story, as much of a farce as it looks.

I'm not sure how self-aware the journalists or the kid were about how ridiculous it still was. It would be incredibly unethical if the journalists were smirking to each other about it or making the kid thing he had actually produced something genius.

I feel like this story is probably a very, very similar sort of thing, that it's some obtuse diverseion that any person could come up with, but who knows.

>> No.15313993

Holy snowflake, batman

>> No.15315314

Monkey is happy, because it got banana for easy question.

>> No.15315649

Did they publish their findings? I'd like to read it.

>> No.15316118
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I mean - it is interesting.

I'm not sure if I'm completely sold on it myself.

>> No.15317441

Here's the proof
It features an infinite construction and several special cases, which makes it pretty gay imo.

>> No.15317541
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>> No.15317551

Quite worthless

>> No.15317957
File: 197 KB, 1200x1483, Teeny+ordinary+divergent+jaguar_f9847c_7589051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such excellence deserves to get into the book.

>> No.15318007

It would be nice if their paper were actually published anywhere online to read.
Because it's not published at the URL that news websites purport it to be it

>> No.15318012

what I can gather they used the law of sines to prove it. I'd be interested to see if what they do isn't actually just a special case of the Pythagorean identity<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.15318117
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The entire thing is based on an overzealous claim (the law of sines is essentially just the area formula for triangles and doesn't need sin^2+cos^2=1) in a book written by high school teacher - the same book famous for cataloguing 366 known proofs as of 1940, many of them very simple. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to give a shit about this except for diversity propaganda. However much you hate corporate media, it's not enough.


>executive director of the AMS says there are already trig proofs

>> No.15318261
File: 73 KB, 600x569, 1664442563229678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need law of sines for this at all. Continuing from @5:07 let A = area of isoceles triangle at the top. Then [math]A = ab[/math] and [math]A = c^2/2 \cdot \sin 2\alpha = abc^2/(a^2+b^2)[/math]

>> No.15318290

>what they do isn't actually just a special case of the Pythagorean identity
this is what I thought too. If you'd asked me last week, I'd have said confidently that the law of sines is derived from the distance formula, which is the Pythagorean formula.

That said; someone also posted a geometric proof in another thread already, made with symmetric triangles and filling in a rectangle. I like it WAY more, it's very intuitive and unimpeachable.

>> No.15318297

Law of sines is the formula for the area of a triangle. Calculate 1/2 * base * height in the 3 possible ways writing the altitudes with sines then rearrange.

>> No.15318436

>Law of sines is the formula for the area of a triangle. Calculate 1/2 * base * height
This multiplication to calculate triangle area, only show
able algebraically because the sum squares norm is assumed ok already.

>> No.15318444

No, you get it by cutting the triangle into two right triangles with the altitude then using the rectangle area formula.

>> No.15318451

To do this geometrically (||, |_ style proof) is trivial and that example has existed forever.

To find the point on base where the dropline coincides algebraically, as (x,y) re: to the triangle's vertices' (x,y)s, requires the pythagorean formula.

The entire deal of this news is the women have supposedly developed an Algebraic proof, not a geometric one, which was previously assumed impossible. I'm not sure I agree their proof is algebraic, or any different from the rectangle one with flipped tris.

>> No.15318453

>requires the pythagorean formula.
or trig derived from it.

>> No.15318455

>re: to
f() of*

>> No.15318467

Any synthetic proof also works in a coordinate plane, just ignore the coordinates.

>an Algebraic proof, not a geometric one, which was previously assumed impossible.
The claim was there couldn't be a trig proof, which actually only one person who didn't know what he was talking about ever claimed.

>> No.15318475

>synthetic proof also works in a coordinate plane, just ignore the coordinates.
This does not produce a function. What are you missing about this. The only way to find that point's coordinates would be to draw and measure, and you'd still be imprecise.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.15318484

You still get the formula 1/2 bh, nothing else matters.

>> No.15318485

>just ignore the coordinates
ignore the very core distinction between geometry and algebra, nbd

>> No.15318492

It's not a distinction, it's just extra information. Nothing about this is even relevant anyway.

>> No.15318508

Consider a right triangle with legs a and b. The altitude on the hypotenuse divides the hypotenuse into lengths c1 adjacent to a and c2 adjacent to b. Examining some similar triangles, c1/a=a/(c1+c2), so a^2=c1^2+c1c2. Similarly b^2=c2^2+c1c2. Therefore a^2+b^2=c1^2+2c1c2+c2^2=(c1+c2)^2.

Didn't we learn this as kids? Did I ruin something funny about kangs and shiiet? I can't tell anymore.

>> No.15318514

Since this is = sin(A) this proof technically uses trig too. OP btfo once again.

>> No.15318516
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>Didn't we learn this as kids? Did I ruin something funny about kangs and shiiet?
sure did!

>> No.15318818
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pythagoras actually seem like a name that might pop out of picrel, would be a good name for a mathematician if there was a female version
pythagoriqa jackson