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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15293249 No.15293249 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there a group of people on this board trying hard to discredit every bit of scientific knowledge, including some of the most established bits (examples >>15286763 >>15292959 >>15292553 >>15288435).
Who are they? What is their end goal?

>> No.15293255

Also >>15292123

>> No.15293258

Failed PhD students who cannot hold a conversation with anyone outside what they dedicated 100% of their time with. They have no outlet to speak, so they come on to this site and talk with others who can understand them. Other than that, they literally have no life.

>> No.15293263 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 1200x1976, autogynephilia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more frog spam
hello fellow 4channers

>> No.15293284

They are "idealists" or "non-materialists". These people are extremely envious of the success of science in explaining the world and want to trample on that success by shitting up any scientific forum with their deep philosophical insights about how science has actually failed or how no one can really know anything (other than CONSCIOUSNESS, which they absolutely FUCKING LOVE) because everything might just be a simulation. Accompanying these types of posters are bots like these who >>15293258 >>15293263 try their best to derail conversations when they sense that their side is in danger.

>> No.15293288

Meant to quote >>15293249 at the beginning of the post

>> No.15293297

Thus, absolutely this. There's coordinated spam going on. It's shit but st least there's the comic relief of bodhi, who's been posting for a while already but has been usually given the attention if a dirty hobo ridden with AIDS from used needles, who now feels vindicated thinking materialism will die for sure this time.

>> No.15293316

I am not derailing the post, but you are.

>> No.15293323

Scientific theories are not rigorous. So of course there are people that disagree with their intentions.
If things like particle physics and astronomy were truly rigorous, they wouldn't be science. They'd be mathematics. So until then, it is right to question whatever scientific theories are thought of as true, because they have not been proven true beyond all doubt.

>> No.15293326
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>They are "idealists" or "non-materialists".
SEE; >>15293077

FORCE it into STEM...dont let them debate semantics or "logic theory".

>> No.15293332
File: 48 KB, 768x512, IMG_20230322_231925_981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact of the matter is that the science has an innate tendency to be constantly doubting and triple checking itself.
Various Sophists from the age before Amy scientific method was established preached that rhetorical dominance is the only thing that matters (and in a way it did, specifically in the democratic Athenian system for example)
If you feel frustrated with the fact that you have to constantly be dragged into debates with Sophists and others that for different reasons (not all malicious) reject "the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained" (which is the definition of science on the 1st page of Google), that's nothing new.
It's a historic norm for it to under constant pressure of that kind and it, is in a way, a system trying to adjust itself because academia became too rigid, arrogant and self-absorbed due to it's sucseeses at the turn of the millennium going to it's proverbial head (you may say "what successes? There's only stagnation" and that's the point)
So yeah, it is kind of weird and exhausting to have to argue with actual schizophrenics and bots about the nature of the observable universe, but it is kind of a long standing tradition and is needed to keep the mind fresh

PS I wish they had more humour and humility like Diogenes or something

>> No.15293335

That used to be synonymous with mathematics...do mo HIStory, less HER-story.


>> No.15293337
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It's actually interesting to study. We can do it scientifically. Your feelings about /sci/ are, from a purely material view, actually neurons firing off. The problem, though, is how that becomes your subjective experience. The subjective experience that you are experiencing is what we call "buck broken." There is no mechanism by which we can ever generate the feeling of being buck broken simply from reconstructing the brain. In other words, as Nagel put it, "what is it like to be buck broken?"

>> No.15293339

>humility like Diogenes
The dude that masterbated in the town square? Humor, sure..."Behold"...but Humble? Dude told off Alexander with a chad-face.jpg and Alexander was btfo.

>> No.15293340 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 1080x774, 16466638291655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's coordinated spam going on.

>> No.15293343

modern astronomy is pretty far away from maths and into the domain of science
but i will watch the wildberger video since i like him

>> No.15293346

Yeah...so STEM them out of Linguistics and Logic-Theory (what Philosophy does for Physics but only when they know a bunch of Physics to enter the realm of Theoretical Physics.)

I believe in you, /sci/!

>> No.15293347

You've already made this post. No one's impressed.
You are your neurons, everything is based off them, they could be potentially rearranged so that you genuinely enjoy eating shit and see nothing wrong or disgusting about it at all.

>> No.15293352
File: 70 KB, 564x860, 8zMXo5UKtiDwAhCno120c8gbB3Wiumms48VIaV7rTT8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, found the problem.

>> No.15293354


What is the feeling of being buck broken? I will never know because I will never be you.

>> No.15293360

>So of course there are people that disagree with their intentions.
Alright but there are people that disagree in all intellectual honesty and there are other people that are trying to discredit on purpose, without even having the expertise that is necessary to advance real arguments. If you are trying to argue that relativity is 'goyslop' or that the duality wave/particle is bullshit you better have arguments that are very high level because these theories have been established for a very long time and confirmed by generations of experts in their field.
But these people are not doing this, they are purposefully trying to create confusion in the mind of some people by advancing nonsensical 'arguments' and when people explain to them what their argument is stupid they add even more confusion with another batch of nonsense. This has nothing to do with the scientific process.

>> No.15293361
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>from a purely material view
You're transparent as hell. Go back.

>> No.15293383

i hope it gets fixed or we will forever be locked behind unprovable theories

>> No.15293429

This is what's known as "shitposting". You may have heard of it. If you think there's some grand coordinated operation to stifle discussion by posting a handful of shitposts then you need your brain checked for retardation. 4chan is not stacexchange, people will post junk simply because they can

>> No.15293449
File: 70 KB, 599x798, 1678945208179907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr.Tour did a shit ton on Origin of Life researchers (who are clearly using Gap of the Gods tactics, "Theory-Crafting" like Big Bang Theories.)

People are...but with Academia rife with retards this era it will take a generation to soft through the shit. Unfortunately....this is that era.

>Jetsons? No...trash day...
But...when you look at this from a global perspective (world management) its clear that "Leaving Earth" is not whats best for the planet. Most of the world is now on the internet within the last 20 years, so for the first time "the world" is on the world stage and not just "the western world."

>> No.15293484 [DELETED] 

>people will post junk simply because they can
imagine what they do when they find out that their shitposting wields emotional authority over frogposters

>> No.15293753

"Shitposting" is not a reason to be retarded. Instead, being retarded is what causes people to make the "shit"posts linked by OP. You completely missed the point of the thread.

>> No.15293765

Just because you don't enjoy your ivory tower being rocked doesn't mean it isn't built on a foundation of sand. It was your own fault that your "most established science" was this shaky to begin with.

>> No.15293771

Just a bunch of clowns wasting time. The same goes to the mods/janitors that aren't cleaning the sci wasteland

>> No.15293852

That makes zero sense. I've made plenty of serious posts but occasionally I'll make a stupid one, like that materialists electricity one, which wasn't me but is kind of funny in a stupid way. Are you saying every post should be serious? Because this place has never been like that

>> No.15293902

>It was your own fault that your "most established science" was this shaky to begin with.
What goes trough your mind when you say shit like that? Do you think i'm Albert Einstein or Marie Curie?

>> No.15293917

30% /pol/tards
70% /pol/tard LARP

>> No.15294245
File: 21 KB, 474x355, E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>discredit every bit of scientific knowledge
That is how science is done.
The whole purpose is to discredit and disprove every theory with science.
If it cannot be refuted, it is considered true, until it can be refuted.

The world was flat for most of humanity, until that was REFUTED.
Bad air and boogeymen caused sickness, until germs were discovered with microscopes, and that was REFUTED.
Climate Change was caused by C02, until it was proven that it wasn't, and was REFUTED.
The vaccines were safe and effective, until they were proven to be dangerous and useless, and was REFUTED.
Newton's 3 Laws........ Have NOT been refuted.

Notice the trend?

>> No.15294249

wrong. i made one of those threads OP is bitching about, and i'm not even reading either of those other threads nor do i know who made them nor do i care. i am my own entity. take your meds schizo.

>> No.15294257

stop exposing me.

>> No.15294259

The definition of the anti-germ theory posters on the board right now

>> No.15294262

That guy is a schizo who arrived here a month or two ago. He's not pretending.

>> No.15294280

I just ignore their posts and go back to /med/

>> No.15294286

Materialism is not established.

>> No.15294291
File: 35 KB, 600x600, 1679527846205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfriendly reminder to all "idealist" pseuds:
Science and math are our only methods of gaining objective knowledge. There are some questions science and math can't answer, but if they can't then nobody can. Any other methodology is low IQ cope. In particular philosophy neither has a defined methodology nor has it ever solved any problem.

>> No.15294294

Neither is cosmology or that particular experiment in QM. OP is a frogposter.

>> No.15294313


This is a complete mischaracterization of Idealists.

1. No one denies how scientific behavioral models are successful in predicting how reality behaves.

The problem we have is that as soon as you regard the entities within these models as more than useful fictions, you immediately run into the hard problem of consciousness, which shows that reality can not be fundamentally those entities because consciousness is not accounted for.

Scientific models are completely compatible with Idealism. They are simply useful fictions experienced within consciousness that allow for the prediction of the behavior of the world as represented to us.

>how no one can really know anything (other than CONSCIOUSNESS, which they absolutely FUCKING LOVE)

Maybe if your worldview fails to explain the consciousness in which you hypothesize about other entities outside consciousness, you should start over from the given of nature.

> because everything might just be a simulation

That's not at all what we say. A simulation implies a physical mechanism to produce reality, but we deny physical entities outside of consciousness.

>> No.15294364

So how is idealism different from materialism other than avoiding the question of consciousness and establishing a supposedly nonreligious mechanism for an afterlife?

>> No.15294393
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Just follow it back to the source.

>> No.15294417


> avoiding the question of consciousness

Why do you guts keep attacking something you don't understand? We directly deal with consciousness by making it fundamental. It is Materialism that sidelines consciousness by being unable to account for it.

>> No.15294421


Stopping the delusions is now a crime.

>> No.15294424

>We directly deal with consciousness by making it fundamental.
That's not directly dealing with anything, its hand waving.
>"Oh, consciousness? Its just everywhere in everything."
>"Why do I need to back that up?"
Its like saying food would get hot my oven if I disconnected the gas because heat is an intrinsic property of ovens. Never mind all of that obvious work that goes into the process. Plus you're just annoying.

>> No.15294441


>That's not directly dealing with anything, its hand waving.

What has been handwaved then? You should be able to point it out. Say xyz has been handwaved by Idealism.

Is it the neuronal activity that generates consciousness that is being handwaved? Well that is a failed worldview as shown by the Hard Problem of Consciousness.

>"Oh, consciousness? Its just everywhere in everything."

Ya, the ONLY thing you can ever be certain of MIGHT be the fundamental aspect of reality. Such as wackjob idea, right?

>> No.15294583 [DELETED] 

I looking at 4chan triggers you, makes you angry and turns you into an emotional wreck then maybe you shouldn't be doing it. not only is it impossible to ban anyone with an iq over about 120 here, but also the moderation staff just doesn't care if you're upset. seeing idiots chimp out and melt down emotionally is a big part of the fun here. you were never invited, you're not wanted and you won't be missed. you have our OC saved to your drive and buried into your brain, we got nothing in return from you, thank god. goodbye

>> No.15294594

You faggots are annoying because established science is based on rigorous math and experiments to validate credibility. You losers use le imagination and philosophical reasoning to validate your pseudo science. If you are so sure that your ideas are reality then why can’t any of you ever provide formulas or experiments to supply credibility to your ideas? Surely it’s not because you are all shitposting in your underwear after taking fat bong rips lol.

>> No.15294614

1. Materialism is not established science. It is a metaphysical claim and science can not prove a metaphysics.

2. Since metaphysical claims can not be experimentally verified, the most reasonable metaphysics must be argued for on the basis of reason. Idealism wins out clearly in this regard.

3. Idealism (like Materialism) can be brought into science if one proposes precisely how consciousness behaves. In this way, the metaphysics provides the foundation of a scientific model, so discussing metaphysics is important to science. Donald Hoffman is one such person who uses idealism as a metaphysical base, and builds scientific models on top of this base.

>> No.15294712


Great post.


You *believe* in the material. You don't know it. The only thing you will ever know is the fact of your own existence.

We aren't crackpots or trolls dude, this is a serious topic. Metaphysics underpin science as the guy above me said.

>> No.15294716


midwit alert

>> No.15295372

Genuinely wondering where you guys are from with such a us vs them attitude regarding science? Did you even go to school? Science is not a political opinion, it's a method that everybody can use. For me arguing against the scientific method is as far fetched as arguing against mental health or against walking and speaking.

>> No.15295427 [DELETED] 

>arguing against the scientific method
you hate the scientific method
you hate occam's razor too
you like regurgitating memorized factoids

>> No.15295448

No I think you don't understand the scientific method. It's not about doubting everything all the time. it's about doubting things that have good reasons to be doubted. Otherwise you never advance in knowledge because you spend all your time retesting the hypothesis that have already been tested thousand of times with the exact same objections. If you have genuine objections that have not been raised or properly tested yet then yes you're doing the scientific method. On the other hand if you're trying to destroy a theory with nonsensical arguments, just because you hate the theory and want to destroy it then what's you're doing is not science, it's just the work of a political militant.

>> No.15295476 [DELETED] 

>noooooooo, you can't just doubt my memorized factoids
how many boosters are you on?

>> No.15295549

>Failed PhD students
>who cannot hold a conversation with anyone outside what they dedicated 100% of their time with. They have no outlet to speak, so they...and talk with others who can understand them. Other than that, they literally have no life.
lol this is literally describing successful PhD students too

>> No.15295583

Maybe you just weren't as clever as you thought you were eh?

>> No.15295616

You probably got vaxxed

>> No.15295619

You got vaxxed didn't you OP?

>> No.15295633


Because science has been conflated with materialism as objective truth. You are correct that science, when properly conceived, is simply a method.

>> No.15295766

And for a good reason. What can't materialism explain? Consciousness I guess at the moment, but it's getting there. Idealism clings to the final ultimate god of the gaps, it's no wonder only total philosophical schizos with god complex and weak minded people who miss religion adopt it.

>> No.15295770


>> No.15295783

Maybe you guys should understand that only a small subsection of the US population transform everything into a political thing. You guys are genuinely sick. You were so butthurt during the pandemic that it has broken something in your brain.

>> No.15295784

No refunds
I'm not coming to your funeral jabboid

>> No.15295785 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15295803

>I'm not coming to your funeral jabboid

>two more weeks

>> No.15295810

Oh no people are actually doing science! The horror! Why won't they just memorize and repeat, like me the NPC hack?
>NPC screeching noises

>> No.15295820
File: 80 KB, 850x400, plato2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and they are the people in charge running it into the ground. Not only are you too stupid to stop them, you are too stupid to even realize it is happening. The cherry on top is you are so stupid in fact you try to shame people who aren't as stupid as you are on anime forums

>> No.15295837 [DELETED] 

thats not all stupidity, its also cowardice and jealousy. too cowardly to get involved, jealous of those who have the courage to something

>> No.15295840
File: 2.80 MB, 600x338, TIMESAND___PrettyMuch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are the Satanists.

>> No.15295855

>muh schizo voodoo gish gallop is reel science!!!1

>> No.15295857

That's how science is supoosed to work. Things are true until they are proven false. Established science is established because and until no reasonable argument exists against it. You fucked it up with you rationalist nonsense that works in the same way as religion. You can even notice that in old papers they try to exclude as much apternative explanations as possible, while current paoers do the exact opposite and try to milk claims out of the data as much as possible. That is no longer science.

>> No.15295859 [DELETED] 

>Things are true until they are proven false.
you owe me a bilion dollars

>> No.15295869

Do you ever sleep or eat or shower schizo anon? The site wont dissapear if you log off for a bit

>> No.15295922


The problem with your dumb comment is that it is not objectively true. The only objectively true statement is that we exist. If you want to prove anything beyond that the burden is on you.

>> No.15295924

The only objectively true statement is that *I* exist. You guys are still up for debate.

>> No.15295928

>The only objectively true statement is that *I* exist.
Not that's subjectively true by definition

>> No.15295963

Always was

....throwing pearls before swine ...... turn around and gore you ......

stampedes from spooking herds ... so on and so forth

>> No.15295968

>established science
You havent established anything than proving to everyone how stupid you are. All the people you read about in your textbooks that "established" this thing you call "science" were not materialists you black gorilla nigger retard

>> No.15295969

*other than proving

>> No.15295971

Idealists and other non-materialists are nothing more than broken condom kids

>> No.15295972

Nothing you ever observe through your 5 senses can ever be proven to be objectively true, you are just too stupid to realize it. Ask tooker what is "objectively" true from his perspective

>> No.15295979

Why don't you idealists retards start your own boards : /idea/. That way serious people can keep having conversation about science here without being harassed by you schizos, and you can have your very own circlejerk echo chamber .

>> No.15295981

Why don't you materialist hacks jump off a cliff so real scientists can do real science?

>> No.15295982

Why don't you *both* just fuck already. Jeez.

>> No.15295986

no you, I am objectively the smartest person on this board, therefore I make the rules

>> No.15296002
File: 333 KB, 678x768, flouride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When something first starts out in its purest form it was started out of love for a thing. Started by men with passion and dedication to the subject. Slowly they start to let others who share their passion in this club they created and it gets better and grows exponentially by all these dedicated and passionate minds. Eventually it peaks however in the bell curve and the more people you let into this club the lower the quality of the output gets until you get wat you have today, the bottom of the curve again where you have hack institutions giving out hack PhDs to retards who couldn't even manage a McDonald's shitting up every space their betters try to elevate them back to acceptable standards this moron >>15294594
and most of the morons on this board. Our entire society, our entire planet is being taken over by idiots who are redesigning everything to appeal to the lowest common denominator ..themselves. You better fight like hell to take power back from them unless you want to live under haiti tier conditions because they are riding this bus right off a cliff with a downsy grin on their faces on their eyes just glazed over revealing zero awareness or consciousnesses behind them

>> No.15296043
File: 97 KB, 581x500, Image_Goddard_Space_Flight_Center_244904_5_solarflare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well it is about time to cross your fingers on the next one... oh wait, you may want to know that images from those satellites are being politically filtered out of fear!

Do you have an unfiltered data set live from those solar observers?

>> No.15296058

The scary part is this idiot believes the schizophrenic voices in his head that tell him to post retarded shit like this

>> No.15296060

I'm somewhat of an idealist myself, but it's more of a hermetic hobby that all practitioners realize are limited to personal conversations with God. Now do I try to translate that to (material) physics ideas sometimes? sure, but that's just for the NPCs and only to be publicized after I'm dead.

>> No.15296062

Post your original research, schizo.

>> No.15296066
File: 2.27 MB, 1366x3932, ActualSchizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shhh, go back to eating handfuls of your own shit schizo. Adults are talking right now

>> No.15296071

Adults don't tend to make schizophrenic collages of their image board conversations.
Post your original research.

>> No.15296079

Most adults are retarded NPCs. What's your point. Image board screenshots are the only data that matters in the AI age

>> No.15296083

My point is that if this guy's Real Science™ amounts to documenting his conversations with anonymous people on 4chan, he might want to hold back for a bit with his grandiose claims about being the last bastion of rational thought or whatever shit he's peddling.

>> No.15296095

Worthless trash

>> No.15296099

Yes in fact they do when they have to deal with an insane schizo all the time that is completely oblivious to anything that happened more than 5 minutes ago and wants to have the same arguments over and over for infinity because they will never acknowledge or accept that this discussion was already had and they lost the argument. It is a very handy and efficient way to show unsuspecting anons that you are batshit crazy and there is no need to waste their time engaging with you. But then. But then you already knew all of this which is why it makes you seethe :)

>> No.15296103

Or, and bear with me here, you're an insane schizo who pretends that every single person who disagrees with you is the same guy.

>> No.15296121

>Why don't you materialist hacks jump off a cliff so real scientists can do real science?
What's real science for an idealist? Some book from Schoppenhauer?

>> No.15296150

Nope just the schizo, which is you :)

>> No.15296155

NTA but I regularly call you schizo too.

>> No.15296157

Yeah i do too. So at least 3 posters.

>> No.15296181

Because they are literally mentally retarded

>> No.15296205

low IQ and spiteful people always try to insultgheir betters because envious and low character generally accompanies low IQ, it is only natural. That is if i assume you aren't the schizo same fagging which he does in every thread. you can call me whatever you want kiddos but i will always be wealthier, more intelligent and better looking than you and there is nothing that will ever change that no matter how much you seethe amigo

>> No.15296209

>will always be wealthier
I can guarantee you that you are not wealthier than me at least.

>> No.15296240

He scams people by selling some eso bullshit. The jury is still out on whether he posts here because he's genuinely deranged or because he's trying to recruit new customers.

>> No.15296254

rofl samefag, you are crazier than a shithouse rat

>> No.15296430

Genuinely deranged and terminally stupid

>> No.15296434
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lol fuck

>> No.15296444
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>> No.15296455
File: 99 KB, 682x366, 1650901478214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every (you) you get is just me on a gorillion proxies. I'm always watching you and you can't escape.

>> No.15296457

Hey buddy random observer here, you are clearly batshit crazt

>> No.15296498

>this guy has been stunlocked spamming about ancient aliens on 4chan nearly every day for 6 years
Well holy shit.

>> No.15296499

so in other words he is based and red pilled and you are batshit crazy and retarded?

>> No.15296502

>you're batshit crazy and retarded because you noticed that a namefag has been posting on 4chan about ancient aliens nearly every day for the last 6 years
Sorry, I don't get the logical connection there.

>> No.15296526

lol wtf. This is with this kind of person I'm discussing on /sci/

>> No.15296716


>What can't materialism explain?

You don't even know what matter is. Materialism can't even explain itself.

You don't even have 1/10 of a clue of what this discussion is even about. It's like talking calculus to someone who only learned algebra. You should be quiet and read more.

>> No.15296723



>> No.15296726

>the eternal God... I mean idealism of the gaps

>> No.15296728


You are so stupid it hurts. No one is talking about God but you.

Why does it hurt you so much to conceive that reality might not be fundamentally material? Do you understand what that even means?

We're talking about the fundamental nature of reality and you're spouting atheist memes likes it's 2008. Shove a banana up your ass and fuck off. Come back when you have something to contribute to the discussion. You're like an 8th grader sitting in a post-grad course acting out.

>> No.15296763 [DELETED] 

Literally electionnigger poltards that MUST be against NEW THING at ALL COSTS

>> No.15296777 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 640x427, chris elliot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a big conspiracy, we're well organized and supported by 4chan administration at the highest level, rapeape and hiro are making some of the posts that upset you. no matter how much you complain, you can't get rid of us. the point of the operation is to trigger death via apoplexy in the vaxxies, its part of the population reduction agenda.

>> No.15296792

um agent triple 7, who authorized you to release this information? Report to command to be reprimanded immediately

>> No.15296796

We already have a negress who can't define what a woman is on the Supreme Court. We have a one way ticket to idiocracy. Enjoy the ride

>> No.15296815 [DELETED] 

oh shit i spilled the beans by accident.
i told them not to assign me to a high iq board like /sci/, they knew i wasn't up to the task, but now i'm in deep shit ffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.15297845

Unbelievably based reply.

>> No.15297852

Reminder that these idealists never have and never will have real influence over science. BWAHAHAHA!

>> No.15297903


hahaha pickle rick!!!

>> No.15297910 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15297911

almost certainly retarded but people trying to discredit things is good, if you cant prove it kill yourself

>> No.15297919
File: 160 KB, 1125x698, Fr4YGSPXgAAWa-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GPT-4 is the ultimate defeat of idealists.
And we are going to be on first row to witness their mental collapse here on /sci/
Enjoy the show, it's going to be brilliant.

>> No.15297942

They're already fortifying. Once they couldn't continue pretending that AGI will never be real, they shifted their argument that sure computers will be intelligent but at least they'll never have their special consciousness (which they FUCKING LOVE as it's irreducible and primordial).
You'd think the last vestiges of vitalism were swept away in the 19th century, yet here we are.

>> No.15298110

I'm sure this means something to you schizo, but holding a piece of paper covered in your own shit and saying it is a treasure map doesn't convince anyone you found treasure, it shows them you are a schizo fucktard

>> No.15298122

AI is the gayest, cringiest scam of the century

>> No.15298154

Because this board has the second highest concentration of users who suffer from genuine schizophrenia in this website.

>> No.15298187
File: 39 KB, 563x712, cf47a54b5ebc24dc6024c343bf18d75e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a funny phenomenon of steel man trolling.
Basically where some posters will 'disprove' parts of modern science that 99% of people take for granted.
The idea is to reveal that most people don't really understand anything and just base their knowlege on priors; like for example most people can't actually prove that the earth is round.

Obviously this does not account for all, or even most of the schizoposting, but i do think it accounts for some of it.

>> No.15298500


Can you fools do basic reading on Idealism?

An idealist has no problem with intelligeny behavior exhibited by non-biological system. We just think that system operates in the medium of conscious activity, as does the world at large.

>> No.15298543


Those idiots actually think idealism means "dude everything exists in my brain!!!"

They are clueless.

>> No.15298613

It's very funny and does a good service to make IFLS! people have to consider that they know very little.

>> No.15298623

>like for example most people can't actually prove that the earth is round.
Are you retarded? Anyone can just take a plane around the world these days

>> No.15298625

Almost nobody can circumnavigate the globe in a single trip.

>> No.15298628

What does your incoherent reply have to do with my post?

>> No.15298631

If nothing else it proved you are massively retarded

>> No.15298634

>t. resident subhuman schizo

>> No.15298647

>t. actual schizophrenic

>> No.15298650

I'm watching you through your webcam.

>> No.15298656

That method of proof is beyond the capacity of most people to obtain, therefore they can't rely on it to provide their evidence.

>> No.15298670

You just take a few plane trips. It's that simple.

>> No.15298672

start with the Greeks

>> No.15298680

Most of the people being forced to defend the globe haven't even left America.

>> No.15298684

And why don't you stay on /lit/? It's just a better environment for you I think. I think you'd fit very well with René Guenon's fan club.

>> No.15298698

Irrelevant. Anyway, the point is that "steelman trolling" of being a flat-earther only advertises your retardation to everyone else since it's obvious these days that the shape of the earth is not some unsolvable mystery.

>> No.15298700

It isn't about unsolvable mysteries, it's about exposing pseuds for what they are.

>> No.15298709

Why is there such a hard push by people against the pathogenicity of microbes and why can't they prove that germ theory is false?

>> No.15298712

It's just 1 schizo.

>> No.15298717

Like I said, the only thing you're exposing is your retardation. You probably don't realize that since you're schizophrenic

>> No.15298726

>Failed PhD students
lol, more like:
- internet schizos who think they ackshually hold the key to all understanding
- internet tradcaths who think the world is 5000 years old
- namefags like bodhi and his alts
- retards

t. actual failed PhD student

>> No.15298729

This is the kind of seething that comes from people who lack the ability to defend their positions. IFLS! is a mental illness.

>> No.15298730

You forgot humanity majors who think they're above STEMs because they just read a book from some schizo postmodern 'philosopher'.

>> No.15298733

It is kind of flattering how you are obsessed with me and want to suck my dick so bad but since you are a schizo I should probably call the police about it

>> No.15298734

You have failed everything in life, bud no one would doubt that for a second. Let us know when you get your 17k settlement from the negress hit and run and lose it all in crypto again HAHAHAHAHAAH

>> No.15298737

>Failed PhD student

Oh so that must explain why you're so buthurt you're quite talentless, wish me luck on becoming a professor

>> No.15298740

Knowing the correct shape of the earth isn't a "position" to hold you dumbfuck schizo.

>> No.15298748

>911 what is your emergency?
>yes so... there is this anonymous discussion board on the internet... and basically I'm here posting on this board with a single user that spend days and night harassing me.... can you send someone?
>how do you know it's a single person if it's anonymous?
>oh you're not familiar with the theories of Bernardo Kastrup?

>> No.15298751

Mirroring again ROFL he can't stop himself it is fucking bizarre and creepy watching schizos mirror you

>> No.15298759

>- internet tradcaths who think the world is 5000 years old
The biblethumpers who still hold this view are overwhelmingly flavors of Protestants from the US.

>> No.15298787
File: 19 KB, 306x306, 1679690235403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 5 stages of seething philosotranny cope over being made obsolete by Science

1. Denial
>Science is le wrong. STEM plebs are ignorant and philosophy is intellectually superior. Idealism is clearly better than materialism.
2. Anger
>We philosophers will destroy science by taking over the STEM departments and forcing identity politics upon them. Haha, take that, scientists! You will now have to take mandatory classes on LGBTQIA2S+ BIPOC philosophy!
3. Bargaining
>If science and philosophy cooperated both would benefit from it. I cannot name a single example how a scientist in the past benefitted from philosophy, neither do I have any idea how it could happen in the future. But I firmly want to cope by believing though.
4. Depression
>Science has in fact made philosophy obsolete. I wish I studied STEM and didn't waste my time with bullshit language games. Also I will never be a woman.
5. Acceptance
>Sir, may I take your order? ... Would you like fries with that?

>> No.15298989
File: 196 KB, 1012x1181, before the dark times before monism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refer to the last example. Remember when that telescope launched? This entire place became an even bigger /pol/ colony. I haven't checked in for a few years but when I did, it was evident this board became raided by scholastic christ cucks and vaxx obsessers; biology and medicine were always this board's weak points, which provided them little resistance. /pol/ was making duplicate threads here from its boards and linking directly to here. It became a bonanza of flat earth and gravity denial trolling.

Also the "I FUCKING LOVE [POP] SCIENCE" memes didn't help on top of that either. This is all the result of politicizing science with the corona circus being the straw that broke that camel's back. It also doesn't help that scientists have been claiming a sort of imperial monopoly epistemology to the the extent that social sciences are all poisoned by positivism.

>> No.15299162

I've started to realize that. He never responds to actual scientific reasoning, just keeps posting the same disproven articles and cries about calls anyone who asks him to prove his points as being retards who want proof of a negative. It's really actually pathetic to see, but that's life.

>> No.15299525

Another quarter life crysis retard coming to terms he has to apply himself one day and his brain hit the psychosis button after a weekend with Alan watts and then let YouTube algorithm do the rest
It's a tale as old as time
I had a similar experience, but I didn't disappear up my own asshole like this and it only made me weary of all the right wing drifters looking for a spot to ferment a cult for themselves before becoming something so predictable, literally any foreign intelligence agency could hijack it.

>> No.15299556

Sorry this wasnt meant for you kek, it was for the comment that got deleted I think >>15295972

>> No.15299566
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>> No.15299590

At least when schizos have names i can identify them and not waste my time reading their word salad

>> No.15299943

/sci/dealists absolutely BTFO. The more they insist they're not a religion, the more they're projecting. All they does wrap their thanatophobia in sciencey sounding words while justifying everything with "yuo cannot know".

>> No.15300099

ever wonder if you're the sophist?

>> No.15300104

>flies in a circle over a flat plane
>thinks he's circumnavigated a globe

>> No.15300154

Let's say you measured something and it comes out to be x <units> and it effects y in z way. Does the particle observe <units>? Does it understand to behave with y in only a z way? You can't say, and down the line you are more likely to run into a wall with this articulation.

What I have described is how you imagine materialism to be. You aren't understanding that all perception is bound within consciousness and all understanding is bound within agreed upon symbols to articulate them. The only rigorous and 'can't be fucked with' science is mathematics because mathematical intuition doesn't use numbers or words to make itself known.

>> No.15300809

You can see the curvature of the earth from a flying plane. So it's not a flat plane. If the curvature doesn't reverse at some point and become concave then it means that earth is a sphere.

>> No.15300819

>when you get so thoroughly trounced and exposed as sophists with fallacious or NO arguments at all just start calling your opponent a sophist
I love how the new sophist trend is to call everyone a sophist. Schizo shit. This post is the textbook definition of sophistry It's very simple sophist, respond tot he arguments or stfu. No one cares about armchair psychology sophistry. Respond to the arguments or stfu you fucking hack

>> No.15300846
File: 293 KB, 680x474, 1679771272932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idealist / anti science trolls are just a vocal minority of permanently butthurt /pol/ chuds who failed their calculus courses. Notice how scared they are of math? They vehemently deny everything they don't understand.

>> No.15300851

Nothing you experience with your 5 senses can ever be proven to be objectively true. Counter or stfu psued sophist

>> No.15300857
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>> No.15300875
File: 105 KB, 1366x416, Sophists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to know why the materialist schizos are all of a sudden spewing "sophist" all over the place. It is because most of the posts are made by one actual schizo mimicing and any other ones are made by psueds parroting (if there are actually any other ones it isnt all just the one mimicing schizo same fagging). Their goal is to post piles of nonsense attacking their opponents and talk about every nonsensical non-sequitur you can possibly imagine to avoid ever actually addressing any of the facts or arguments. They will never respond to pic rel

Imagine being stupid enough to think this an argument. This is the level of intellect you are dealing with. Prove you arent dreaming

>> No.15300881

Let this be a lesson to you about how stupid the people who post here really are. These are the idiots calling everyone else "pol" and "schizo." These people couldn't pass a qualifying exam to be a manager at Wendy's

>> No.15300886
File: 37 KB, 460x434, 1679772436808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Sophist" is a compliment but a historically ignorant fucktard like you wouldn't understand. The sophists were the based, smart and good guys. It was Plato, Aristotle et al who turned philosophy into retarded midwittery.

>> No.15300890
File: 126 KB, 1361x496, Sophists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left out the first part

Sophistry, stop mimcing beause youa re incapable of original and respond to the arguments or stfu

>> No.15300902

What arguments? You made none. You merely posted something idiotic and obviously false.

>> No.15300908

>I will just dent reality and I win
>heh checkmate
You are the actual samefagging schizo, imagine my shock

>> No.15300916

You have been defeated in an argument. You posted something stupid and have been refuted with FACTS and LOGIC. You may experience an unusual pain in your anus. This is called butthurt. It will get better as soon as you admit that you're dumb and wrong. Next time try to be less retarded.

>> No.15300919

God you're here everyday, spouting the same shit again and again?

>> No.15300924

>says the schizo who never logs off
kek, never change bro

>facts and logic
youa re incapable of such a thing schizo, they are your mortal enemy that expose what you really are

>> No.15300933

Math is false.
Germ theory is false.
Climate change is a hoax.
Trans is fake.
Lesbians are fake.
Pedophilia is not a sexuality.

Deal with it.

>> No.15300935

Bodhi, what is an IP address?

>> No.15301045

Didn't you just make a thread saying you blocked me that got you banned? And yet here you are, on your fresh samefagging IP reading my posts schizo. Curious

>> No.15301056
File: 171 KB, 1250x318, Narcissit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost like you are a lying, scheming, narcissist who only tries to create chaos for attention.

>> No.15301091

It's painful. Look at all the vitalist anti-AI seething, really reminiscent of times fags were saying man would never fly, or that speeds past 20mph would be lethal.

>> No.15301093
File: 54 KB, 1346x153, FuckingPsyco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In fact didn't say this yesterday as well in the kastrup thread? It's almost like you can't help yourself isn't it? It's almost like what you say and what you do are two different things. You know ..... one the main symptoms of psychosis? Meh, you probably don't know but I assure you it is. You have no continuity between one day and the next week, hell you dont have any continuity from hour to the next most time because you are ruled by your emotions in the moment. This moment x person is the devil incarante and wish they were dead while an hour later you decide you can't live without them and want to kill yourself because they abandoned you (in reality they didn't abandon you, they just wisely booked it because they realized you are insane and likely dangerous). This is why logic and reason are your enemies, because you don't have the first notion what they even mean, they are just words to you, words whose meaning destroys the mask you put on to try and fool everyone in not seeing how utterly insane you are because you live in a world where these things do not exist, bouncing around from one idea and personality to the next which no logical consistency between your words and actions. This is how people who are not insane can see that you are.

>> No.15301134

>You have been defeated in an argument.
This is what psychosis looks like. You didn't make any arguments you fucking nutjob, you didn't respond to the arguments at all schizo

>> No.15301283

Ironic that the schizos are arguing against idealism when they themselves are unable to distinguish objective reality from their delusions.

>> No.15301305

Damn, you replied to him three times. You really are butthurt about being called a retard, I think you should kill yourself and spare everybody here your retardation

>> No.15303010

Well yah schizo, you only post one screenshot at a time. Also blatantly samefagging thinking anyone would be too stupid to know it is you is ... wait for it ... an obvious sign you are a schizo!

>> No.15303253

Bodhi I have a confession to make. I have 50 proxy servers running at the moment and I am the only poster on /sci/ with you.

>> No.15303311

>Why is there a group of people on this board trying hard to discredit every bit of scientific knowledge, including some of the most established bits
That's how you do science you absolute fucking retard. By questioning things.

>> No.15303351

ah yes and both of these arent you also right schizo? Eat a bag of dicks psycho

>> No.15303529

Ahah yes you retards are going to put to bed the duality wave/particle, here on sci, I have no doubt about that big boy.

>> No.15303533

>probably /pol/fags
They’ve also been non stop posting climate science denial bullshit

>> No.15303536

So you're saying that one shouldn't question things until when exactly? Master's? PhD?

>> No.15303601

I agree. It's insane that people continue to deny that climate scientists have proven global warming is over.

>> No.15303607
File: 23 KB, 680x368, dd2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hiding things about the origin of the chinese virus and its treatment, aligning with literal pedos, being pedant faggots, helping to turn the world into a hellish dystopia
Gee i wonder

>> No.15303632

have you considered they might be doing it because they think it's funny

>> No.15303696

Why did you announce to the entire board you were never going to respond him again and yet here you are attacking him?

If you really thought he was a schizophrenic then attacking him the way you do would make you what? A psychopath? What kind of person seeks out and attacks mentally ill people for sport? A psychopath does that, so you aren't helping your case here. Whether bodhi is mentally ill or not remains to be seen but there is undoubtedly something wrong with you.

>> No.15303701

>What kind of person seeks out and attacks mentally ill people for sport?
A 4chan poster. Baiting lolcows has been a feature of the board since it opened.

>> No.15303704

I'm sure psychopaths justify can always justify their vicious malevolence. What has bodhi said here that you find funny? You are the lolcow here.

>> No.15303710

>What has bodhi said here that you find funny?
His 3-week-long spiral about "schizophrenics" based on a single joke post is pretty amusing. I'm actually surprised the jannies haven't swept him up yet for spamming.

>> No.15303711

It is amusing to you because you are a psychopath.

This is one of the most psychopathic posts I have ever read here.

>Why are you attacking that man
>Because "we" think it is funny

Get some therapy psyco

>> No.15303716

Is "we" in the room with you right now, anon?

>> No.15303722

>A 4chan poster. Baiting lolcows has been a feature of the board since it opened.

"We" is implied here. Are you all of 4chan? Fuck off mentally ill freak,

>> No.15303726

If you take your risperdol we'll go away.

>> No.15303730

It doesn't appear to have helped you. I will pass, thanks anyway. Maybe you should finish the bottle, preferably all at once

>> No.15303731

I've heard that mirroring is a sign of mental illness.

>> No.15303759

Who got baited? You think you baited him? Lol schizo

>> No.15303764

I made a single joking post that caused him to create a month-long string of spam threads and attack dozens of other anons thinking they were part of my botnet or something. He's trolling himself for me and I don't even have to talk to him anymore.

>> No.15303781

>I was only pretending to be a schizo
>btw you are all schizos for falling for it
ooooooooooo kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. I hope you die in a grease fire psyco

>> No.15303782

Is "you all" in the room with you right now?

>> No.15303786

Nope just me and two favela niggers spit roasting your mom. Uma deliciosia

>> No.15303984

>can't understand obvious implications

Yes, the entire world to the last man if need be. He can NEVER be wrong. His mind won't let him, it will having to admit himself that he is psychotic and can't trust his own judgement or perception. His perception of what is happening or has happened is so radically different from objective reality you may as well be trying to convince him he is on an alien ship right now. That is how sees anyone trying to disagree with him, as someone saying something that bizarre. Of course he thinks you are nuts for trying to convince him that he is psychotic and in an alien ship right now. What else is he supposed to think? That HE is the one who is nuts here? pffft as if

>> No.15303989

it will *mean*

The best thing to do is just ignore them. It is very difficult however because they will stalk you

>> No.15303997

I will bet every dollar I own this is the psycho who made the thread on Christmas day trying to make fun of tooker and got rekt for it.

>likely no family to be with on Christmas because he is a fucking psycho
Do any anons remember that thread? What a fucking psycho

>> No.15304015

You were on 4chan on Christmas day?

>> No.15304025

Yah I know it was you psycho, you are the only psycho on this board. There may be other schizos but there is only one psycho. You are scheming, lying, psychopathic nutcase and I hope I run into you some day irl so you can get some divine justice for all the lives you have destroyed fucking psycho

>> No.15304045

>His 3-week-long spiral about "schizophrenics"
this hot mess of a samefaggging tripfag has been plaguing this board with his schizophrenia far longer than that anon.

>I will bet every dollar I own
That can't be much because you are on this site more than you sleep and if they don't even pay jannies a salary here then what would they pay you?

>Do any anons remember that thread?
Unlike some of us, we were with family on Christmas instead of trying to remember or post a thread about black holes or whatever shadow it is that you like chasing.

>> No.15304057

I enjoy seeing bodhi lose his mind.

>> No.15304058

>I'm totally a different person guise
rofl, fucking psychos mane, not even once

>> No.15304076

I genuinely think it is a psyop from government agencies doomer pilled from the fact that we haven’t discover any world ending physics weapons since the nuclear bomb. We are their last hope for inspiration towards any breakthrough in physics that can exterminate their enemies. If they are really so desperate to entertain our schizo theories then we must really be at the end of road of human comprehension of the universe.

>> No.15304087
File: 171 KB, 828x1061, chuckle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>psychos mane

You have to go back, over the border first preferably.

>> No.15304223

How many animals have you tortured and killed psycho? I bet you spend a lot of time /b/ in rekt threads don't you? Yah, I know you friend, I know all about you

>> No.15304342

>enjoying rekt threads is LE BAD
Maximum onions, moralfag

>> No.15304378

You keep bumping these threads on purpose, you think we don't notice? You're the biggest spammer on this website and it's a shame it has not been acted upon by administrators.

>> No.15304379

The jannies here like schizos and refuse to ban them because it helps keep post quality down. Less need for discord trannies to slide threads if schizos do it for free.

>> No.15304427

bump my fucking dick upside your tonsils psycho

>> No.15304429

>enjoying watching people get severely injured and killed is normal
fucking psycho kys

>> No.15304436

Explain how it's morally wrong. You can't.

>> No.15304456 [DELETED] 

In aviation flight school I was taught that every regulation starts with someone finding a new way to kill or injure themselves or someone else using an aircraft. I read NTSB reports for that reason, occasionally find an amusing one. Watching or reading about other people's deaths is a learning experience.

>> No.15304464

NTSB and OSHA reports are insane sometimes. I saw a presentation once where a steel mill (making some kind of sintered metal powder thing IIRC) basically exploded because every surface was coated with several inches of microscopic granulated metal particles.

>> No.15306447 [DELETED] 

>how is it immoral to enjoy watching people get hurt
Day of the rope cant come soon enough to gas you fuckers

>> No.15306788

The weak willed eventually succumb to envy. They come to hate those who succeed and move past them and will stop at nothing to satiate that hatred. To destroy knowledge is only the beginning, they will bring ruin to everything in their quest for suffering and when there is nothing left and the good still surpass them by their just actions the envious will strangle them to death with their own hands to quell the flames in their own hearts.

>> No.15306797

>muh day of the cope
Lmao you're just a submissive onions who cries at the sight of a paper cut. You're never going to do anything, your feeble constitution won't permit it.

>> No.15306800 [DELETED] 

years ago there was an NTSB report on a cessna 152 crash that killed a roastie flyng instructor and her student. the report noted the unusual state of their clothing, making it clear that they died trying to fuck in the plane. everyone on the pilot forums lol'd heartily, we were all glad they died because they'd proven themselves unsafe. i expressed sympathy for the cessna, innocent victim.
the cessna 152 is one of the greatest airplane designs of all time, its not a showy or fast aircraft, but nothing else has it's spin qualities, even if you can manage to get it in an inverted flat spin, all you need to do to recover is let go of the controls and relax, the plane will fix the spin real quick.
i spun one once an held it in the spin for at least 10 turns and a soon as i let go, i was flying normally like 2 seconds later.

>> No.15306804

>Being proud of being a sociopath

>> No.15306813 [DELETED] 

you're too cowardly to ride in an aircraft piloted by yourself, you should be happy that the people who aren't that cowardly are as safety conscious as they are, we go to a lot of trouble to weed out the bad apples before they can do harm

>> No.15306821

Tell me how mathematics results from materialism, I'll wait. In the meantime, I'll take back first-order logic, Bayesian confirmation theory, Craig's theorem, and many-world semantics with me.

The fact that you are too much of a dumb fuck to not know anything about 20th century analytic philosophy doesn't mean there are no established results within it.

>> No.15306968


>> No.15308816
File: 55 KB, 720x781, 1657078345854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first thread is a genuine discussion.
The second one is just a bait (but still a real issue to argue)
The fourth one is pure bait (and it was fun)
What the third one was about?

>> No.15308820
File: 140 KB, 680x375, fetchimage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically they are just tradlarpers.

>> No.15308824

I think it was a thread about the IPCC leaked emails expressing fear that climate change wasn't happening.

>> No.15308846
File: 82 KB, 650x433, 1656780229703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that was the case, it was a very very genuine discussion, why is the op complaining?

>> No.15308888

Why are some people motivated to support government narratives on 4chan?

>> No.15308904
File: 577 KB, 299x198, boxcat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't about the government narrative, but some clue that would expose that the holy grail of the mainstream science is a charade.

>> No.15308907

OP is supporting a government narrative by attacking inconvenient topics that he wants the jannies to sweep up.

>> No.15308911

>expressing fear that climate change wasn't happening.
That would be a good thing.

>> No.15308913

Not for people who have built their careers on predictions that it was happening.

>> No.15308916

Guess I'm not as cynical as you.

>> No.15308919

Take that up with the IPCC employees who said it, not me. I'm just taking them at their word that they're scared they were wrong.

>> No.15308930

I didn't see the thread. I question the larger context of whatever this leak was.

>> No.15308939

bunkertroon raid for damage control after the shooting eh? you fucking troons shitting all over the place

>> No.15308944

The larger context is that IPCC employees were frightened that the public would turn against them if they figured out that the climate hadn't been changing for 15 years.

>> No.15308958

>that the climate hadn't been changing for 15 years.

>> No.15309095

The IPCC's scientists.

>> No.15309107

Thats me doing that and my coworkers, thanks for saying something. Trump & Putin hired us to do it. Remember when Trump ordered the military to transfer several billion of their IPv4 addresses to a private organization? That was me getting all of those for free. We traded many of the addresses 1 for 1 to a bunch of other providers in order to distribute ourselves amongst all ip ranges and become unbannable.
Thanks for noticing my work, glad you like it. Tell me what your favorite part is.