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15297473 No.15297473 [Reply] [Original]

Sweden (no mask mandate, no lockdowns, no vx mandate) had the lowest mortality rate in Europe during the pandemic


>> No.15297526

Bulgaria had a lot lower vax rates than western Europe.

>> No.15297527

During 2020-21 (alpha, delta):
finland had 350k cases, and 1700 deaths
sweden had 1.4M cases, and 15000 deaths

During 2022 (omicron):
finland had 1.15M cases, and 7300 deaths
sweden had 1.3M cases, and 8000 deaths

During 2020-22 (alpha, delta, omikron):
finland had 1.5M cases, and 9000 deaths
sweden had 2.7M cases, and 23000 deaths

Even considering that swe has 2x the population of fin, sweden's death rate is 40% worse


>> No.15297531 [DELETED] 

Sweden has a demographic inverse pyramid. OP's chart is more honest to the demographic reality of the nations involved.

>> No.15297532

Sweden has millions of immigrants while Bulgaria and Romania are losing people like crazy on top of the inverse pyramid.
I don't see why they would have more excess mortality.

>> No.15297542

lockdown doesnt prevent virus
mask doesnt prevent virus
jabs doesnt prevent virus
shutdown doesnt prevent virus


>> No.15297544

What virus? There is no more Corona.
We didn't flatten the curve but Corona just disappeared

>> No.15297550

>just disappeared
funny how vaxxing does that

>> No.15297571

Excess mortality adjust the statistics based on age of the diseased. More people caught Covid and died from it in Sweden BUT they would have died anyway (statistically speaking).

>> No.15297577

>Excess mortality
measures everything, not just covid
But for the ones that actually had covid, the stats are sad

>> No.15297598

Another possibility is that the lockdown and vaccination may have prevented the virus from spreading but didn’t have an effect on excess mortality since most of the deceased from Covid would have died anyway.

People that were saved from Covid died from a heart failure, stroke, pneumonia or some other disease instead.

The virus wasn’t potent enough to kill healthy people, but maybe next time the kikes will release a more potent one and lockdown and vaccination would prove to be the right strategy.

>> No.15297604

I meant deceased not diseased.

>> No.15297609

Vaxx rates in Eastern Europe were below 40%. Most people I know did not take the vaxx or took only one dose.
Funny how it disappeared here as well.

>> No.15297612

Perhaps a sign herd immunity theory works. If enough people catch covid it will not be able to reproduce.

>> No.15297617

Or perhaps they stopped lying about it and went: look the vaxx worked (no refunds)

>> No.15297662

They all would.

>> No.15297772

This. COVID deaths in 2020 would have just died in 2021 anyway if they didn't get COVID.
Also the lockdowns caused more problems than the left wants to admit. Obesity, alcoholism, isolation, etc all went up due to lockdowns and that's going to cause problems

>> No.15297777

It caused way more problems like hospitals being unavailable and people dying from lack of care cause muh lockdowns. People couldn't even attend their relatives funerals.
Fucking pieces of shit.

>> No.15297829 [DELETED] 
File: 940 KB, 4149x2076, medical-harm-quote-pic-460x345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people don't from lack of access to hospitals, hospitals is where ppl go to die at the hands of incompetent doctors

>> No.15297851
File: 78 KB, 1200x1707, ChristopherDuntsch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>patient comes in for a routine spinal fusion
>drill through his spinal cord instead

>> No.15297982

Sweden's population is mostly 18-30 African males; why is it surprising that the mortality rate aligns to Africa rather than Europe?

>> No.15298001

I have corona right now ffs. It may not kill me but it's as bad as the flu

>> No.15298071

>Most people I know
lol retard

>> No.15298413

>Obesity, alcoholism, isolation, etc all went up due to lockdowns
awwwh poor babies :,(

>> No.15298417

Well, we did not have mask mandates nor lockdowns here in Finland.

>> No.15298418

ah, the boundless empathy of the left

>> No.15298467

Bullshit. Sweden has almost twice the number of COVID deaths per capita of either of its climate/population density comparable neighbors of Norway or Finland.

Norway: 946 covid deaths/mil
Finland: 1,625 covid deaths/mil
Sweden: 2,331 covid deaths/mil


>> No.15298703


>> No.15298714

He's using all excess mortality to skirt around that and also ignoring the fact that Bulgaria, the worst one, also had no mandatory vaccination and one of the lowest vaccination rates overall.

>> No.15298718

Sweden didnt do lockdowns. We have data on countries that didn't lock down.

>> No.15298818

So fyi nordic people are superior