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15291898 No.15291898 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone actually doing anything about about the looming collapse of the civilized world due to people no longer having kids and what looks like every new generation numbering just half of the previous one.

Why is this happening?
Has anyone proposed a solution?
Exactly which branch of science should be working on this?

>> No.15291905

Don’t worry about it. It’s just another means of natural selection. Only the people who value reproducing, and are able to consciously make wise decisions towards that goal, will reproduce. The species will be more resilient as a result. There’s always a good and bad to everything. But the good is always greater. You just have to learn to see it.

>> No.15291907

>Collapse of the civilized world
God damn, finally

>> No.15291920
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>below replacement numbers means collapse of the world
I think you mean it might be bad for the economy (in that it will get smaller and the rich don't get richer from that)

>> No.15291921

It isn't the problem, it's the solution. World population can't keep increasing forever. The west (and some other rich nations like Japan) is leading the trend (maybe they did with population growth too? I don't know), but the rest of the world is following. Even most developing nations are past the point of inflection.

It will suck for a while because the current systems are built on the assumption of infinite growth. However since that assumption is clearly impossible something had to break sooner of later.

>> No.15291926

I personally feel like there's something horriby wrong with global economy. As I'm not an economist myself, I can't quite put a figner on it, but it feels like more and more businesses are figuring our just how much people need their services and are sort of.. holding people for hostage over anything they can.

And im not even talking about just houses built not for living but for soem bankers to keep their money in, but for an example the energy crysis in eu - in parts of the eu there were no real shortages of it, but as part of a larger energy market, prices were inflated to where it was literally cheaper to run a generator off gasoline here and there. People need electiricty, so they'll pay.

in th end of the day you're gonna need a roof over your head and some food and if you're not producing it yourself, you'd probably be willig to shell out your entire income on just that - and it'd be even more profitabel to just focus on providing these services to the wealthiest coz a guy who makes 1m /mo, will pay as much as 1k ppl who make 1k/mo as they need those things just as well.

>> No.15291928

>looming collapse
everyone always loves to pretend they're so speshul and that the world is DEFINITELY collapsing this time for real when they're alive.

you are having textbook NPC thoughts. stop worrying about shit you can't control and better yourself instead.

>> No.15291931

WEll here's the thing. How many boomers do you know who don't have kids? WHy is it there's a whole generation of people who legit all had kids?

>> No.15291937

If the west falls, China alone can't carry the world. Without a competitive market system, the only way to make any serious advancements is ..forced labor. The world'll be back in dark ages

>> No.15291973

>Why is this happening?
Society constructed a system that parasitized younger generations while penalizing them for being young. "Get experience to get experience"
>>need money to get the education to make money
and so on with many other catch-22's. All contingent on parasitizing people trying to move up for the benefit of those already at the top, whether managerial or otherwise.
>Has anyone proposed a solution?
Make youth discrimination as illegal as eldery discrimination for a start. That'd have some real hilarious rippling effects across all the broken aspects of society.
>Exactly which branch of science should be working on this?
If a relevant subfield for what I just said exists I've never seen it.

Too much benefit and too much control went to the largest generation (boomers) with zero checks or balances. A failure to correct that flaw in generational sizing and its effect on politics will ensure such self destructive cycles continue wherever they occur.

>> No.15291979

>destructive cycles continue wherever they occur.
Fucked up that sentence. I mean "wherever highly disproportionate generational sizes occur".

>> No.15291981

>Why is this happening?
Women having impossible standards

>> No.15291983

Not my problem

>> No.15291993
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>mfw I told you all of this 7 years ago

>> No.15292033

>Even most developing nations are past the point of inflection.
You're right. India, China, Latin America and some African countries are all below the replacement rate. It's not a rich country problem anymore.

>> No.15292112

Those skinny jeans on picrel dude. KEK! What a faggot look.
Science should try to find out why any self-respecting male would wear that shit.

>> No.15293169

Can I get the source for that text? It would be useful in future discussions

>> No.15293188

It's the monetary system we're currently using. Doesn't allow for adjustements or else the whole thing implodes and as a result life is slowly fading into hell. This will only end with a brutal fart that shatters all this infinity growth bullshit and we enter a dark age that lasts decades and allows ecosocial systems to heal. You can thank economist niggers for reinvesting the wheel.

>> No.15293192


>> No.15293321

I hope that’s what ends up happening. Unfortunately they will likely just import immigrants until the west is a shadow of what it once was.

>> No.15293395
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"The West" is full of "immigrants" already. America and Oceania are colonial in their origin and pride themselves on their immigration mythology.
Europe used to be full of Celts, now look how many are left, and who knows how many people lived there before?
The ethnicity doesn't matter, what matters is culture (language, institutions and traditions) that's why it will persist just fine when Christians and White people (hate the term but it would be confusing to list every ethnicity lumped under the term in the 19th century American courts by arbitrary decisions if not worse) would be the minority. What's more it can go for the second spin and in a couple of centuries they will take place of the dominant ethnicities again. Who knows, weirder things happened.

>> No.15293405

It says the fake source already on the image dumbass. Are you looking for him to make up another source?

>> No.15293409

What you, and they, didnt know what the global eugenics program's next "mixing" involved that kind of Jew. Its mixex with African (American). (My) female daughter (so its kosher as we all know).

Matrilineal line in the US. Patrilineal line for (my half's bloodline) in Europe is African female. I have also seen the combinations of a few others, specifically British (looked red headed so Im going with it) with India Indian female.

Trade-Mar(x). Its a tongue and cheek reference to the changing of new blood (which brings changes to each of the Kingdoms).

>> No.15293443
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Oh, and that mix with that type of Jew has happened before, hence why they sometimes have fleshy lips and nappy hair.

You can only not-mix so many times before it starts to become incest. Its not a choice...its that or turn the tree into a circle.

>> No.15293453

how the world will collapse due to people not making kids if we already have around 8 billion people on the planet?

>> No.15293454
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The worst part of this absolute retarded, nihilistic cope, is the idea that you think humanity and its derived cultures come into being and prosper based on nothing more than a general species wide appreciation of the core ideas and values that brought them into being. Where do those come from? Culture is the flower and DNA is the seed.

One! group of humans in all of our recorded history pursued and banned the slave trade, abuse of animals, individual liberty, open and free trading, free and fair law as it has ever been (Magna Carta, English Common Law, Constitutional Rights, Universal Code of Law, elimination of divine right of kings), freedom of movement, freedom of association, FREEDOM OF SPEECH (no matter how short its true existence was) and much more. Singularly was developed and implemented by ONE group of humans and the entire rest of the world had to have it forced upon them by force over centuries.

The overwhelming might of one group of people was the sole reason these other groups of 'men' decided to adopt our way of life. No other group of man ever came up with a system near the Scientific Method. The entire idea of Merit and Meritocracy, is right now and for at least the last 30 years, taught in our highest centres of learning and philosophy to be ironically without merit and even more recently - objectively evil. The very systems/schools/institutions that birthed the renaissance/enlightenment and the modern world are utterly corrupted and are lurching forward with sheer momentum as it rots.

The last 800 years years of monumental advancements of this world is solely the purview of a single sub race of man - built on top of the last height of our civilisation before its multicultural collapse. People who have only heard of Nietzsche but have not even read his works all the way to the end to see he was describing the kind of men that would bring about this downfall, are the worst of egotist pseud's.

>> No.15293464


>> No.15293471
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Islamic 'golden' age does not count, not just because it was imping the Greeks and Romans before them, but mainly due to after 500 years of mandated inbreeding they banned mathematics and we are now living with hundreds of millions of people descended of 1300 years of mandated close family incest. Their genetic makeup is obviously tainted. To say otherwise is as bad as communists who scream their support of evolution but believe it only affected humanity from the neck down.

As far as 'Oceania' goes. Australia props up the entire region and there is not single island state there that would not be in the worst conditions seen in the modern day if not for them. North America and Australia when they were both above 90% white made the greatest leaps forward in every single field of science, medicine and engineering in all of human history, even when directly compared to the sum total of all works before 1800.

Australia for example has outproduced all of Asia in any field with the exception of Japan and even China with their retarded 'middle kingdom' nonsense about being a single nation unbroken in 3000+ years has done less than a newly formed country on the other side of the world from Europe that is officially 123 years old and only unofficially 245 years with a population perpetually a tiny fraction of its size.

That we 'celebrate' our multiculturalism is entirely modern political policy and media propaganda. The vast, VAST majority of White Australians despise it. We still remember when you could leave your car in the street unlocked and nothing would happen, or that our young girls could walk the streets without a chaperone. How neighbours used to mow your lawn for you with your own lawnmower and line trimmer while you were away on work or holiday and not steal anything, and feed and look after your pets. We also remember the influx of non Europeans and the drastic emergence of no go zones. I am not saying we had 0 crime. We had 90+% less.

>> No.15293489

I met some Indians in Zanzibar, Tanzania and they said they had lived there for like (some 200+ years/15 generations or something) and told me they had NEVER interbred with the locals. I was shocked by how long and how certain he was about it. They for sure didnt look interbred, so I believed him.

Also, I found Russian and "Sven" bloodlines in Afghanistan that looked quite unfiltered through Persian/Arab/Indian/Asian bloods.


>> No.15293507
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Ok, I will engage somewhat seriously, for better or worse.
a) First of all, the people you describe would be absolutely appalled by you lumping them together to make this construction of the West. The French would not want to be combined with the Germans, the British with the Irish and so on. I'm not even gonna try going into East Europe, specifically the Balcans. This great erasure of the cultures was nessesary to an extent to prevent WW1 style events, but some take it too far. So I disagree with the "one group" you mention.
b) They had to be dragged there kicking and screaming (and there are always a subsection of the population that would like to go back). Let it be remembered what neiboring countries around France did when they had their Revolution that was along with the Glorious Revolution and American Revolution was the establishment of the things you mention.
Let it be remembered what happened in 1848.
And so on and so on.
c) All freedoms and abolitions you mention were "granted" by hook or by crook, yes. But it is curious why exactly they were taken in the first place.
There's no way around the fact that since Babylonian times the Mediterranean civilizations used copious ammounts of slave labour to sustain themselves. There were no other alternatives in their mind, and as they saw the Marvels of civilization they just accepted living in constant fear of the slave revolt because it was too good in peacefull intervals.
There are other black marks, such as scientific racism Naziism and Communism (Socialism and Anarchism get a pass I guess, but just barely)
d) You really underestimate the interconnectedness of the Ancient and Mediaeval periods. The Hellenistic tradition could've been lost if not for the Irish monks and Islamic scholars. If the Baghdad did not fall in the 1258 or if the Chinese did not close themselves and colonised (it was not inevitable that it did happen that way) we would be living in a different world.

>> No.15293526
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Or instead of relying on the idea of the genetic inferiority it was the Mongols that crushed all the countries they conquered because they developed a formidable war doctrine and Europe was saved by the fact that they were distracted by traditions demanding them to be personally present to resolve succession.
Well, they did seed the Plague from Crimean ports most likely, so Europe got some pressure from the Mongols after all.
I like how you go "except Japan" when talking about the superiority of the White people. It's always Japan that throws the wrench into theese kinds of conjectures.
I hope you also remember the eradication of the aboriginal culture and people

>> No.15293529

ur a virgin lol

>> No.15293533

I cant find the right image but it looks like this. They were "seeded" by genes.
>one of those "Trade Marks" metioned here;

This is why their north has stout men with beards and brown hair.

Ascended men who "see" the bloodlines and must travel to new lands to mate because he sees his own bloodlines in all of those around him.

Incest or new blood...you cant intra-breed forever before you see yourself in everyone around you.

>> No.15293535
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oops, looks like this

>> No.15293537

Frenchmen and Brits are white europeans, whether they like it or not. The genetic distance between the different groups of europeans is minimal compared to the distance between them and moors or east asians. I won't respond to the rest of your retarded post

>> No.15293540
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>America and Oceania are colonial
This rock was found in middle America by settlers, depicting Cairo and Blue eyes.

This also lines up with myths in South America, Mahcu Picchu, saying "the people before us built this" and the later additions to the ruins are clearly less advanced than the earliest ones. Also, New Zealand having myths of blue eyes "fairy people" by the locals.

Travel is easy, even by foot, if you go one way.

>> No.15293545

>The genetic distance between the different groups of europeans is minimal

No. There are three "white people" and I will fight to the death their distinction of each other is equal to the other root races. The blanket term "white people" has caused a lot of confusion about this but the Jews being very xenophobic in breeding has kept themselves internally distinct in their minds, while thd other two not as much (though Hitler did crack that open a bit but he was no Geneticist or Evolutionary Biologist so...whatev.)

>> No.15293548
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We're discussing apples and oranges. You're talking genes, I'm talking memes.
Since you don't feel like moving towards my paradigm and I certainly don't feel like any of my education (be it formal or personal) suggests that genetic superiority is a deciding factor over geography, history and institutions, we will have to
Agree to disagree

>> No.15293557
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>You're talking genes, I'm talking memes.
Arent you a Biologist?

>> No.15293561

We found out soon after COVID, there is a limit to how much countries can print money. MMT is all but a pipe's dream now. Now comes the hard part. We have too many people in the world. Too many mouths to feed both in food production, and from a job and monetary perspective. China was the last country to use its vast labor pool to power the global economy. Now all of that is shrinking everywhere. Inflation is increasing, everywhere. The end of the globalism will bring about a seismic shift to more regional economies, which in turn will spur the growth of military alliances and the return to imperialism, but with a smile. China is ahead in this game, but is probably a gawd awful lender and a lagger in geopolitics. For some reason, they still have a ruthless teenage angsted dictator stockpiling nuclear weapons next door. A World led by Russia/China would be a highly unsecure one.

>> No.15293564

Yes, neurophysiology is my specialty
The selfish gene (1978) was one of the first books on the subject that I read on my own free time when I started skipping school.

>> No.15293566
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Yet when all is said and done, once we fade away, through time or war or disease that vast majority of the world will starve first, then the rest will be dead from disease and despots, as the global slave trade is revived. Only in one other time of history has man ever achieved something akin to Pax Romana - the current Pax Americana. The 'how' they achieved this not being 'clean' and 'noble' is irrelevant. The alternative is far worse.

The entire concept of civitas and civility is an alien concept thrust upon the rest of the world by Europe. Almost always by necessary force. Every other equivalent is subjugation instead. The idea of keeping your word and honour, as we know it, has been erroneously attributed to 'others' based on emotional arguments bereft of evidence. This stretches far beyond simply manners. Chinese are renowned for cheating everyone outside their immediate family no matter the cost down the road. Arabs and Jews literally are the source of "so vile he would sell his own mother". Indians are so innately corrupt, the prize of the nation - The Taj Mahal - has not lasted 300 years due to inferior supplies slipped in by crooks and the required high quality ones stolen. This extends so far through their entire societal structure that just recently they have shrunk in their per capita GDP so much that Bangladesh has surpassed them.

Indonesia is the second largest polluter of plastic and debris in the oceans despite the Dutch building 5 custom state of the art recyclers out of pocket and manning them on the Dutch dime, while training on site and in Dutch universities all the locals required to not just run them but reproduce more to eliminate this issue and instead 4/5 languish inoperable once the Dutch handed over control. We have bent over backwards until our spines snapped to raise them from the muck and even then with everything handed to them on a silver platter they fail to meet our minimum standards.

>> No.15293568
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There is not a single non white country on Earth, with the exception of Japan, that modernised and made their own progress without express European or US patronage and direct guidance. They ALL still embody the exact 'culture' that resulted in their state before European interaction and will return to it.
We can preach and pay them to give lip service forever, to our way of life and they WILL NEVER absorb any of the cultural practices that made Europe dominate the world. We have tried every single way for 200+ years now and utterly failed. Now they infect our home nations and drive them into ruin. Nihilists shrug their shoulders and ignore events like the Boxer War - and claim that we, Whites are, and always have been utterly separate in thought and deed from each other. The same scots that fought for Wallace would be utterly ashamed their kin fought for Britain for centuries with pride now. Charles Martel would be utterly distraught and ashamed of the abandonment of Catholicism in France and the presence of a single moor or muslim there. Cherry picking is just lazy and disingenuous. You think Cromwell and his parliamentary army would tolerate the celebration of Ramadan openly displayed by the mayor of London? What of the Catholic League that saved Austria from the Ottomans?

>> No.15293575

>that I read on my own free time when I started skipping school.
Brief History of Time for me, detention, and befor that was Outer Limits of Life, the philosophica implications of gene ediiting and what it could mean.


>> No.15293579

Sure people had to fight and often for their rights and were opposed. However there were ENOUGH of them, capable enough to do so. The great tragedy of Africa etc is that particular individuals capable of similar feats are just far too rare to reach critical mass. Now, instead we will devolve into their culture as ours is torn down around us. Except we are not just talking about religion. The appropriate acts and philosophy we enjoy that fuelled our success will go with us. There is no evidence to the contrary. If Whites had instead kept the ICE/Electricity/Flight/Computing and many MANY other advances racial/state secrets like China did with silk and gunpowder for even half the time they did - the rest of the world would be far less populous but also basically a living zoo. Sure China and others might be more advanced than Nigeria - but what would a wooden ship do to a modern dreadnought?

No, instead the single most advanced race on Earth, for less gain than otherwise simply wiping out the inhabitants - shared their greatest secrets and achievements mostly out of singularly misplaced altruism. Were some people bloody and cruel for personal enrichment? Yes and even in their time were uniformly condemned for it. Antibiotics for example could have been a British Imperial secret. Its a tragedy that we make up 7% of the world now when we used to be 45%. more than half of all human life on Earth is directly propped up by 7% of it and will cease to exist otherwise. Australia alone could stop shipping food to China and nearly 300 million would starve in a month. That is not exaggeration. It was an open threat after they denied our coal and iron ore ships 2 years ago.

>> No.15293590

Then you should be familiar with this.
How can anyone in your field be so ignorant or dismissive of the effects of genetic predisposition as well as the overall dominance of our psyches and personalities. Caucasians are literally further away from Bantu Africans in genetic drift than Bantu's are to Bonobo Apes.

>> No.15293592
File: 95 KB, 1058x1447, Warrior gene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my pic

>> No.15293593

lol stop patronizing yourself. The West created N. Arguably the worst infraction of the whole of the human race's short timespan. The West is in a deep slump because it is constantly deconstructing and suppressing what made them dominant for many centuries. Yes their absolute ruthlessness to not only other people but to themselves too. The culture of rationalism and reductionist attitudes has spawned a plethora of societal ills, racism being just a tiny bit of it. And of course I am using the classic sense of the word, where you look at blond and blue eyed and declare it superior over your brown and brown eyed fellow Europeans.

>> No.15293596
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>> No.15293597

>Caucasians are literally further away from Bantu Africans
That was a caveat I should have added, that the African gene was different than the other root races. My mind was thinking of EurAsians, and the American Indians being clearly Asiatic in origin.

>> No.15293599
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There are gains of truth in what you say, but I'm sorry to admit that I am reaching a limit of my ability to disregard the fact that you're blatantly racist.
As a biologist I feel obligated to be clear about stuff like phrenology, eugenics, Lysenkoism, Social Darwinism, Aristotle's inferior women and natural born slaves and other "sins of the father's" in my field.
So I would like you to reduce the Nazi Germany style of rhetoric, if you could. I get plenty of that IRL.
The Jews have plenty of problems, but so do everyone else. No one is clean in this not superior in enough respects to be above everyone else.

That being said

It is true that many Asian countries are corrupt and authoritarian compared to European ones but that has to do with the geography and history. Russia is a prime example of Asian light country with the majority "White" population. You may say Slavs are not white, and I would agree but because I hate the White moniker on anyone. It's not helping anyone and has not been helpful for a while now.

>> No.15293611
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I say who cares what Cromwell would think. They wrote with feathers under the candle light, so I'll cut them some slack with their prejudices and thank them for their contribution to the world history.
Same goes for the Founding father's. In my view they are not too far from Aristotle. As in terribly flawed and hampered by the situation they were raised in.

Perhaps you're correct in saying that a region dominated by the country claiming to be tracing it's lineage from as far as the times of Ancient Egypt and historically dence in population due to the rice and geography would be a bit conservative and not individualistic in their tendencies. I don't see any contradiction with my views

>> No.15293613

>Aristotle's inferior women and natural born slaves
Ma'am. I found this to be uniform in humans the world over and is a evolutionary backup/fuck it aspect to nature. One side, the man, builds, and the other side, the woman, rides the destruction down.

Since men and women share some DNA this "ride the destruction down" is also found in penis-havers. The "downward spiral" bloodline that is always abke to handle societal collapse while the other side, the "creator bloodline", always builds, never destroys.

Nature builds AND destroys and women are destroy (use resources, not save them or cultivate them). Naturally women need resources (for the baby) and if she needs to "eat the empire" to do so....SHE WILL.

Men, not having babies, only sometimes need to "eat the empire" (seperate wheat from chaff).

>what does this have to do with what I said?
Women leading is someone biilogically predisposed to be VERY ok with sinking the ship to "feed the day".

Historically this is echoed, not because "youre dumb", its because women are about "today" and men are much more about "tomorrow".

>> No.15293615
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Then you admit to being ill informed and a midwit of European cultural and political history. Not one single piece of pre, during or post war propaganda exists of the USSR produced claims of Nazi Blonde Blue eyed ubermencsh. Not even the very document title as such. It was propaganda to rally the slavs and eastern Europe behind the Warsaw pact.

'Racism' in any context is irrational. It cannot contend that prejudice exists against a particular group of people while maintaining that prejudice against them is practically non existent yet an entire race can be still be defined as the victims of it. We have studied millions of species and sub species of animal but only modern man is utterly without meaningful difference. Or worse, our eyes are lying to us and the differences are physical superficial attributes only.

Yet the invention of the single most effective drug to treat heart disease in Americans in the 1960's, which achieved a rate of success in reduction of symptoms and causes by more than 90%, barely cleared 40% in African Americans. It took more than 30 years to create another version specifically for them that would rival the success of the original in Whites.

Your objection to biological evidence and anthropological fact is entirely emotionally based and the argument of;
>Racism and Racists = bad
>No, there is no reason why other than we all agree it is. All wars and suffering exist solely due to it.
The greatest wars and greatest loss of life occurred between racial kith and kin, almost entirely based upon political reasons or Religion.
Rome's greatest and bloodiest wars were civil wars. No non white enemy has EVER beheld the wrath and ruin of the white man in earnest. No on claims we are perfect. Someone has to come first. That we are so far in front everyone else who believe we are not even in the same race is entirely is the joke.

>> No.15293618

>if she needs to "eat the empire" to do so....SHE WILL
Social benefits being a prime example.

>> No.15293625

>if she needs to "eat the empire" to do so....SHE WILL.
Or eat the house (divorce court)...SHE WILL. Women are VERY sensative with this and media/culture can push women tinburn down their lives to feel "better" for a short time (at the ling term cost of broken families and futures).

>> No.15293642
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These are not controlled experiments. You would need to raise people of different ethnicities (yes, ethnicities because different ethnicities under the same race have different genetics), like a 100 for one group, in a controlled environment where they would get the same nutrition, the same level of stress, the same education from childbirth till adulthood. Then they would be thoroughly tested physically and mentally and the data would be analysed in a double blind manner.
That's the scientific method in it's purest form. It would be best if it is also done by the aliens or AI to diminish the effects of human bias towards some ideas.
Obviously nobody sane would do that nor would they be allowed because people of your predisposition and your opponent's from the other side wouldn't want to find out the results. Notice how I'm not saying that your views would be disproven or proven. We don't know for sure.
We do know, however, that genetics provide a range from x to y of certain characteristics that will be expressed due the the environmental pressures to be z (x<z<y).
When it comes to intelectual capabilities, if it's not some genetic disability or something close to it, that x to y range is rather wide and y is newer lower than highly above average.
So how does one explain the statistics you provide?
It's down to nurture. The nutrition and the health of the mother and the habitability of the environment is crucial. Then you would need sufficient intellectual stimulation to promote plasticity of the brain to do it's thing. There needs to be a sufficient amount of stress, but not too much. That's the basics.
After that comes some very controversial things such as language and culture. It appears if It was not disproven (I'm not up to speed on this that iconographic languages make people better at IQ tests (makes sence since both rely on pattern recognition mostly). Being bilingual also greatly helps.

>> No.15293647

That's it in a nutshell. A monetary system built on fractional reserve banking and usury needs a perpetually growing population. But if you outlawed usury and based the money supply off population and the needs of commerce, then we could have prosperity regardless of whether the population is growing or declining. In overcrowded countries like Japan, a shrinking population would cause rising wages, cheaper prices for necessities like food and housing, and it would be good for the natural environment. Same goes for the United States. We have 330 million people, the third largest population in the world. We do not have a labor shortage or a need for immigrants, even if our population were to decline by 100 million people.

>> No.15293651
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You appeal to authority and ridiculously presume my position irrational, only due to its political and social stigma. Yet as a Biologist myself who has worked in the CSIRO and the Sydney Blood Bank, I started off with the same revile you demonstrate of so called 'racists'. Then I turned eleven and began taking a whole hearted interest in our field. You should know then how taboo it is to speak of these racial differences within our profession, not because they are wrong or improper - we have to incorporate so called 'racist ideals' - in order to do any broad spectrum research or study and then pretend our results were "surprising" "happenstance" etc.

You listed apparent outdated ideals and sciences that were NOT disproven but rather abandoned for political expediency. Eugenics is literally in practice right now in Iceland and it has improved their population immeasurably for its reduction in physical and mentally disabled persons. All you have to do is turn off the government tap and force parents to care for them on their own dime and allow termination of the pregnancy when a deficiency is detected - 99% of the people will opt (and have in Iceland) to eliminate poorly developed unborn children instead. It is a mercy.

Genetics is much farther along the so called descent into irrational racism than any KKK retard could hope for compared to Phrenology. You can find tens of thousands of initiatives, programs, charitable ventures that have tried to eliminate the 'gap' between the White race and the rest and not one has EVER succeeded. Ever. The evidence is overwhelming in one direction and only hopes and dreams as well as self delusions allow the continued existence of the other.

As a scientist myself all I can find is mountains of tests that failed to produce even a modicum of results the current prevailing theory stipulates MUST be true. I did not want this to be so. Only in Hollywood is this true.

>> No.15293654
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Culture is a hard one.
It's too many variables to say which promotes intelectual capabilities and which doesn't.
So I'll opt myself out by saying "diversity good" because it leaves enough of a meme pool for selection to sort it out over time.

But one principle evident since ancient history is that just like the diversity of life is highest on the border between the ocean and land, as it creates a lot of unique environments that are filled with ecologal niches for species to fill, the places where a lot of cultures manage to coexist and mingle in relative leave is much more productive over homogeneous societies. Yes, the latter is more orderly and can be much more efficient in the short term, but in the long term it leads to stagnation and the natural forces start to inject diversity to mitigate that.

>> No.15293658

>"diversity good" because it leaves enough of a meme pool for selection to sort it out over time.
Riding it down.

>> No.15293664
File: 401 KB, 1080x1522, Screenshot_20230323-021950_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to know that your ideology didn't lose it's connection to spirituality and mysticism
Pic related (1935), found it in 2 minutes

>> No.15293673

>but in the long term it leads to stagnation and the natural forces start to inject diversity to mitigate that.
Not culturally. Cultural diversity breeds degredation of the society, like acid. The kinds of the people become divided (literally splits the nation on no visible line to its "everywhere")

Genetic diversity doesnt always.

Belgium, culturally "diverse"; Created ghettos of Arabs, place was a dump.
Netherlands, culturally homogeneous; Whole country felt like an upper middle class neighborhood.

It CAN be done right, with genetic mixtures, and when done wrong its a train wreck.

>> No.15293676
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They have been done. Anonomous adoptions of twins was done in the 80's and 90's and the order of academic success, and rate of criminality remained unchanged regardless of upbringing and chances on offer.

Whites and Asians fared better - poor or wealthy they both ended up either in prestigious education with no criminal activity to speak of or achieved middle of the road success and became upper middle class then Latino's who both ended up blue collar but law abiding and both blacks ended up in jail. The one that was adopted by the wealthy family simply had less severe crimes but the rate was similar.

A High School was built from the ground up with a near unlimited budget with full tuition and supplies paid for, students had access to technology and learning that rivalled Harvard and Cambridge. They went on bi monthly excursions to the greatest centres of science/medicine/art and culture. Even going to the Louvre and the Sistine chapel. They had Smithsonian scholars on hand to privately tutor students and no class exceeded 15. Their dietary needs were completely covered and they could every single meal at school for free.

They were bussed in from wide and far - only the most capable and highest achieving (for blacks) students were selected. It took 2 months for most of the sports facilities to be destroyed or vandalised. The science building was set on fire from the outside and a quarter or more of rendered unsafe. Fights between students began almost immediately and within a 6 months student on teacher brawls become common. By the third month the school was forced to bring in security guards and metal detectors prevent weapons and contraband being brought in.

>> No.15293680
File: 201 KB, 680x445, 1548798427421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Environmental Biology? Genetics? Psychology? All these ultimately are rooted in Physics...and in the other direction...all the way to (You) and that includes all your opinions, feelings and your very soul (central nervous system which interacts on an electromangnetic level to the rest of nature as a part of the cohesive force of evolution (why every organism isnt evolving in its own direction)).

>> No.15293684

Your post comes from an assumption that human civilization and/or possibly the human species itself is worth saving.

>> No.15293690
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The current Academia is in disrepair as a whole, 70% of the results are not reproducible, the culture of publish or perish and institutional corruption that is viewed as a good thing and flaunted openly leads to a very bad efficiently and small output. I wholeheartedly agree with that idea.

However, being from a more... "Based" country and culture, and knowing people from both sides of this left Vs right debate in my corner of the world, I say we need to thread carefully. I don't want another atrocity to be attached to the noble pursuit of the study of life itself. The COVID debacle is bad enough (I personally worked in a lab preparing RNA tests in 2020/2021 and it was WILD in a variety of ways).
Eugenics wasn't abandoned ever. It existed before the world was formulated and continually exists to this day, we just abandoned the word because of bad historic connotations.

What authority do I appeal to again? Not a dig, I'm recovering from a cold and can be a bit delirious sometimes so maybe I'm not saying what I think I'm saying, sorry.

>> No.15293704

>Eugenics wasn't abandoned ever
Cicada 3301 was a deep state talent scouting project and the winners had their sperm taken.
>Because theyre such turbo-spergs the risk of their genes dying inside a flesh light was VERY too real.

>> No.15293710


Eh, see...its people are looking out for these things. I am with my works in this field and so are others.

Relax. People know.

>> No.15293711
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Mentions nothing of 'Master Race' or anything like it. Are you so ingrained in modern propaganda that any image of a fit, well dressed white teenager with focus in his eyes is considered some exclamation of superiority?

It literally states that students should strive to be better for the good of their people and nation. There is a single group of people that in all of history actually exclaim racial supremacy. They call themselves the "chosen".

>> No.15293724
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I don't deny the existence of genes that promote irrational violence. We can breed these things in mice and dogs reliably in a few generations. My guess is that the socioeconomic situation and high mortality created a situation where such selectuon occured. Just look at the Irish, it's not race that matters here but the environmental pressures. Memes Evolve fast and a very intense pressure can make genes move in a few generations. I have some aggressive genes myself since I'm bipolar type 2.
They need professional help. Incarceration wont help. Therapy might. I'm not a fan of big pharma, but maybe they can cook up some Soma to quell the Drama (bad solution to a bad problem, I know, but I'm just spitballing)

(Out of AI Asukas in a lab setting, so I'll just add something in that vein)

>> No.15293738
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> "downward spiral" bloodline that is always abke to handle societal collapse while the other side, the "creator bloodline", always builds, never destroys
I've read enough on the subject to know that this here is implying the Master race (in Nazi sence, not Nietzsche)

I'll admit I have some gaps in that subject. I'll work on educating myself more in the future.

>> No.15293743

Ma'sm...what youre saying in this post; >>15293724 is flat out sorority tier shit.

How old are you? You dont speak like a scientist...you speak like an activist.

>> No.15293747
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I've read Sex at dawn as my first complicated book in English in the 11 grade.
Not the best choice academically but it was a fun read

>> No.15293749
File: 63 KB, 720x720, 2022-12-15_13.45.31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've read enough on the subject
You have NEVER read on this subject because this is my own work. What you read are midwits with a book.

My sources are millenia old and paired with modern understanding of Genetics and Evolutionary Biology, as well as Statistics and my world travels. (MY modern, not Academia's modern.)

>> No.15293756

>Sex at dawn
Heard it was...tainted a bit. I read genetics, not "some dudes interpetation of sociology".

Meaning my findings are rooted in plants and fungus, not Chad amd Stacy (fuck those guys, society should cherish ME...the book fag!)

>> No.15293759
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The problem with all of this is the only way that could ever happen is a state controlled, direct operation of non White 'communities' and full seperation lasting at least 100 years and then you would have to justify what would appear to be a form of racial incarceration.
Meanwhile their race wide propensity for violence, dishonesty and laziness makes them both a liability that is ever increasing with our reduced White population to the breaking point, and now with state enforced mandates, openly and constantly violent towards their 'betters' as they see us in all but name.

Cultures are like amoebas. They eventually absorb one or the other, the properties and norms of the previous being or culture is wholly engulfed and 'looted' for energy. Only physical violence maintains one of their existences. The idea that our demonstrably superior culture is not worth preserving as if it was a waste of time is treasonous at best.

Traditions, those actions that make up a culture and daily life are not "the veneration of cold ashes" but are instead "the preservation of fire". When the fire dies, we die. We are the only ones capable evidently of making and sustaining it. Some people can be taught to administer to it and with the right setup have successfully kept their own going, but it does not burn as bright or instead burns out of control and starts a forest fire.

When the lights go out due to our racial enemies (yes they are ours as we are theirs when the chips are down) the bloodshed will be unreal.

>> No.15293770
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Here is a modern equivalent except constructed as a critique by people incapable of embodying its practises or virtues and instead deem to slander, deride and hold up such actions and behaviour as 'evil'.

When you point at the description or depiction of your opponent and those are actually worthy things to express physically or otherwise - perhaps your views and position is actually the 'evil' and *wrong* one to have.

Imagine having someone show you a picture of a clean cut, happy and orderly dressed person who represents the best ideals for productive, law abiding teenagers to create a prosperous future for yourselves and children - and think that it MUST be corrupt or evil because 80 years of war time atrocity propaganda says so.

>Do not believe your lying eyes.
>“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”

>> No.15293783
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Ok, we moved to politics. I must warn you that my "biologist and a fan of history" hat is much more tolerant than my armchair politician hat.
First of all people like me were sent to concentration camps by people that say similar things to what you just said (and it's not just Nazi Germany, I'm talking USSR as well. My great uncle had escaped German imprisonment and was later repressed by his own motherland for not khs as was ordered by Stalin.
I'm part Russian, part Ukrainian, part Jewish and part Polish (empowerished aristocratic polish from under Moscow if I understand correctly). So I'm basically hated by everyone no matter what I do.
This whole thing that is literally continuing as military conflict right now that can drag people that I care about in the meat grinder is a sore sore area for me and I can't promise any objectivity. I may feel I'm being impartial, but that's just ice cold anger in the depths of my soul.

>> No.15293810

No, the reason is because my family lived under communism so I know how this goes.
Nice ideas for PR and to entice "useful idiots" while we crush all those virtues you have on that pic.
It doesn't have to be communism. Any totalitarian regime is wrapped up in it's own symbology and mythology and is distinctly national
No matter how good the values are, what matters are the polices, and the polices of every single country in the world leave much to be desired.
The most happy people in my anecdotal view are those that grew up in one country and moved to the other because they grew up where the was a huge problem set x so they moved where there's almost no x and are happy despite that country having problem set y because they didn't suffer from y growing up and can deal with it as adults.

>> No.15293813

>Has anyone proposed a solution?
Raw milk. The US gov wants to kill us all. The solution to all our problems is returning to driving the village cattle to pasture in the morning. It's really that simple.

>> No.15293817

So I'd rather be an AI or a schizophrenic or a moderator or transgender or whatever it else I was called lately on here, that what I actually am.
Luckily I managed to escape my blood ties as much as it was possible and try to live and let live so let's just not go there

Someone mentioned being a biologist also. What do you work on?

>> No.15293819

You should've pointed out, more bluntly, that genetic associations with phenotypes do not imply the sort of "fatalism". They do not understand the difference. Quite on purpose. You make rhetorical errors not emphasizing that deliberate ignorance on their part.
Your image (as usual for images) is not an honest representation of the the research. It also does not, for example, account for maltreatment as is often found significant. Overview paper https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5250535/
>>The first study of the MAOA-L genotype, based on a longitudinal follow up of an epidemiologic cohort in New Zealand, found that the MAOA-L genotype predicted an increased risk for aggressive and antisocial behavior in Caucasian males, but only when participants had experienced severe childhood maltreatment (Caspi et al., 2002). There was no direct relationship between the MAOA-L genotype and aggressive or antisocial behavior, although there was between childhood maltreatment and antisocial behavior. Importantly, maltreated participants were not significantly more likely to possess the MAOA-L genotype. This suggests they were not genetically predisposed to being maltreated (e.g., by provoking extreme reactions from their caregivers), but rather the risk gene impacted their resilience to abuse (Baum, 2013). Replication studies have generally shown that there is little direct relationship between carrying the MAOA-L genotype and aggressive and antisocial behavior (Dorfman et al., 2014), although exceptions have been reported (Beaver, Barnes, & Boutwell, 2014; Beaver, DeLisi, Vaughn, & Barnes, 2010). Generally, meta-analyses of this main effect found the direct genetic influence to be very small and heterogeneous across studies (Ficks & Walman, 2014; Vassos, Collier, & Fazel, 2014).

As is usually the issue, a lie can travel around the world twice before Truth gets its boots on.

>> No.15293824

I guess you're right. I assumed since that other anon said he was a biologist I don't need to explain everything

>> No.15293825
File: 119 KB, 742x546, Wrath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Point proven. You are irrational on the matter and assume my intent is to offend. I guarantee I lost more family than you fighting the Germans in north Africa like Tobruk/El Alamein or Greece or the Japanese at Singapore and then Changi. Last Christmas we sat around drinking and my cousin and I worked out that until our generation there was a 45% chance a male member of our blood would not see old age due to war - progressively decreasing.

Half the men in my mother and fathers side died fighting either in Gallipoli or France in WW1. 2 of my uncles who were called up by the lottery conscription in Vietnam by a cruel twist of fate unlike the 3 others in service at the time including my W02 grandfather who led troops into combat - were KIA and the only non enlisted of their generation.

I have no love for the Germans anymore than I do anyone else other than my own kin and people - British people - who have done more for this world than all else combined. Without us you have no penicillin, no jet engines, no trains, no free and open shipping and global logistics (granted the US now stewards this role), no parliamentary government or common law. The existence and prosperity of Australia is reason enough to prove my point. In spite of every single conceivable burden we forged a first world nation while being as far from the Empire and other Whites as possible without being in Antarctica. Yes *we*. I am a direct descendent of Sir Henry Parkes the father of our Federation. Soon to be a minority in the same country my family gave so much blood, sweat and toil for and helped carve out a virtual paradise from barren hot earth and rock.

Its just sad when the pity victim card comes out.

>> No.15293836

Continuing from >>15293819
>They have been done. Anonomous adoptions of twins was done in the 80's and 90's and the order of academic success, and rate of criminality remained unchanged regardless of upbringing and chances on offer.
With high attrition rates, convenience samples, lack of multivariate analysis and control of confounds, and many other issues rendering their results invalid. Odd for someone who seems to do his research you'd have read and referenced none of the ensuing 30-40 years of advances in methods and standards. Or is that "corruption" because it ends up disagreeing with your inferences?
>I guess you're right. I assumed since that other anon said he was a biologist I don't need to explain everything
There are biologists and researchers who genuinely do not understand how probability works. Same goes for not understanding "phenotype" is not fatalistically determined by genetic associations with said phenotype.

This is why academics often make terrible debaters. You do not realize the vast gulf of difference of implicit understanding between what academics are discussing, and what ideologues are weaponizing. As a result, it feeds back into the ideologues even if you think you've refuted the point. All they read is confirmation of the point.

>> No.15293844

>positive feedback loops are bad
Wait until you see how fun it is when the best moves you can make still make you poorer

>> No.15293857
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Well I'm glad that we both had our catharsis.

I guess your logic won and we will see the second British empire rise out of the rubble of our current collapse. Can't say it's the worst outcome.

I'm certainly purged of my repressed emotions that I held onto for months. A bit exhausted and tired, but I can sence that healing will start soon.

Thanks, anon, whether you wished me well or not.

>> No.15293864
File: 135 KB, 616x800, Rock and a stick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I was to post even 1% of the studies and work establishing exactly as I have posted I would be here all fucking day. There is a civil war going on right now in my field and others precisely due to the results NOT fitting their preconceived ideas on race or a lack of racial differences. On one hand everyone has to nod and and agree with the political and activist mantra to survive and on even so, more and more new graduates are outright convinced of this so called inalienable truth and flatly deny any or all results they disagree with.

I can cite lack of peer review for published works as well. It does not dismiss my position. If so much noise exists today that everything is washed out then why is there so little work, even deliberately dishonest or not, to prove the the opposite position yet EVERY SINGLE PAPER has to be caveat with disclaimers and notes of "totally maintains the current status quo!" "Please do not look further into this" "The data not only suggests but rabidly supports the notions of taboo ideologies HOWEVER we do not recognise it as such, no further enquiry needed".

Meanwhile I had to have a smelly, un sanitised abo 'bless' my lab due to public funding we needed and then had to spend a week cleaning and resorting everything. If I did not do this with a giant fucking smile on my face I would be out of a job and likely blacklisted. My lab is located in an area that never had any permanent settlement and 50 years ago no abo had been known to be in the area in 200 years.

This is fucking ridiculous that anyone with even minor exposure to my field would be ignorant of its state without also being a proponent of its subjugation and forced, un scientific, biased output. I am done. Go preach the word of holding hands and singing kumbaya. You lot clearly enjoy your delusional fantasies.

>> No.15293871
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Yes, I view it as a spiritual revival of sophist Vs philosopher debates in ancient Greece. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

If I recall calculus was invented earlier than statistics. It seems our brain is so hardwired for pattern recognition that it just doesn't understand probability on the same level as other mathematical consepts

>> No.15293883
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It's a very interesting discussion but I have work in like 4 hours (it's fine, I slept for 4 hours today already, and yes I know it increases the chances of Alzheimer's, I'll die from a heart attack much earlier so I'm not that concerned)
So I think I should they and get some sleep despite the sun and that my mind was in full hypomanic state just a while ago.
If the thread is still there when I'm up I'll join you again

>> No.15293890

>If I was to post even 1% of the studies and work establishing exactly as I have posted I would be here all fucking day.
Try me motherfucker. You ran into the wrong person to try to lie to and your luck just ran the fuck out. Was this you as well? >>15293651
So explain to me why a "biologist" repeats a point reliant on an invalid taxon (subspecies), primarily tied up in ecological legal concerns and used for geographic convenience, as some sort of "evidence"? If you had any relevant expertise you'd know that boomer meme is full of shit for multiple reasons. It misrepresents subspecies, it misrepresents fixation index. Only someone with no relevant expertise would make such mistakes, let alone parrot such falsehoods.

But do, please, try to explain exactly how fixation index relates to your misapplication of an invalid taxon. I caaaaan't fucking wait
He's lying about being a biologist to boot you idiot. Either that, or he's one of the most inept biologists I have ever met in my life. I've never known any of them to be so incompetent as to genuinely think subspecies are taxonomically valid.

>> No.15293895

racial, cultural doesn't matter. The Chinese want to be number one real bad. Its lights out for the West. You can thank the Russians for abiding. ahhahahamuahahah

>> No.15293899
File: 453 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20230302-121903_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chinese want to be number one real bad. Its lights out for the West.
Plebian tier take, like being lectured by the state department...

>> No.15293934

Further continuing,
Consider these other /pol/tard tier images. No shit sherlock, a given phenotype like intelligence has genetic correlates. No shit sherlock, those genetic correlates of a given phenotype, exactly like height, represent significant differences in which genes are associated with which phenotype between populations.

Now here's the question for all the chips: From that, can you conclude "these genes cause that phenotype"? If you answer "yes", you haven't even taken college biology 101. Every such class I have ever seen glosses over the only sort of context and thinking where you could be mostly correct answering that way. Namely, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mendelian_inheritance

Genetic association does not imply genetic causation of the phenotype. There are extremely few cases in humans where something like that could occur, case in point this extremely short list https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mendelian_traits_in_humans

Yet here you are, "a biologist", not knowing what first year fucking freshman learn in their first class.
And you should've known better and known damn well what this moron (and probably liar) was implying. It doesn't even take an associates degree to know he's full of shit.

>> No.15293937

I'm afraid that I don't think he's lying about being a biologist, or at least studying to be one.
Definitely not in a high position seeing that he is upset by lab politics and not instead exploring them anscheming for his own gain
(seriously, you're upset because you had to share your facilities with someone that has a different skin color in 2023 academia? That's your main issue? Nothing else to complain about and want quit this Poseidon forsaken field forewer and sell designer soap on Amazon for the same money?)
He might be specialised into genetics or molecular biology, some of those don't even remember the basics of evolutionary biology after a few years of dancing around PCR machines and such. Since the skill is not used, it atrophies.

>> No.15293941

>I'm afraid that I don't think he's lying about being a biologist, or at least studying to be one.
Then explain to me how he's representing research as if correlation is causation for non-mendelian traits. Do, please, explain how that is possible. Did he sleep through literally ALL of his classes?

>> No.15293947
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>associates degree
Youre full of shit, go to class, midwit faggot.

>Genetic association
Youre not a geneticist. Youre a high school hack with the internet.


KNEW IT. Youre Phrenology tier 19th century citation is a FUCKING JOKE.

GO BACK TO /his/.

>> No.15293948

Im also studying genetics with a focus on mammalian embryology and developmental biology
We should start a general!

>> No.15293949

Put a name tag on so I dont knock you out instead of him...

>> No.15293952

I'll fight you in any field, BOY.
SEE; >>15293823

>> No.15293954

The small one would shoot and kill the larger one, yes unironically he is sure to win as his agility and speed are superior

>> No.15293958

Good fucking luck you'll be overwhelmed by idiots who think every human trait runs on mendelian inheritance.

>> No.15293959

I'm just judging by the only thing I actually know well, that being myself.
I was (still is on bad self-esteem days) a very third rate student in my group for a few years.
So I can believe he's an undergrad with a chip on his shoulder.
I had a schoolmate that was a fan of biology but simultaneously very religious (Orthodox Armenian).
It was the first real life experience with the doublethink phenomena for me. So I think his ideology just blinds him and he dismisses all logical inconsistencies, even if it's high school level biology tier inconsistencies.
He's a racist nationalist who had relatives that fought the Germans in both WWs
As Orwell said: "There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them"

>> No.15293960
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>Im also studying genetics...
Fuck yeah!
>...with a focus on mammalian embryology
>and developmental biology.
Fuck yeah!
>We should start a general!

You want me to shit that bed everyday? Someone else is going to clean the sheets...

>> No.15293965
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>> No.15293967

We should,
Enough with the constant mathematician and phisicist posting. As you can see, biology is somehow underrepresented and misunderstood the most out of the STEM subjects here.
Will you do the honours?

>> No.15293969

Can't relate. I'm one of the annoying people who just got A's in everything. I was quite serious in pointing out I have never met anyone studying biology so clueless about such a basic fundamental thing. Maybe I'm just out of touch.
Don't say I didn't warn you.

>> No.15293974

As a response to

>> No.15293978

So I gathered >>15293969 but thanks.

>> No.15293981

The ultimate goal is to genetically modify humans to express extreme female biased sexual size dimorphism, making future human males 120cm tall but proportional and super athletic, and females 200cm+ and thick and super fecund, who will superovulate and gestate litters of 3 or 4 babies each pregnancy

>> No.15293987

>genetically modify humans

I got some bad news fren...turns out you didnt know the test was front and back...you only filled out the front. That is...if you filled it all out.
>ruh roh...


>> No.15293999

I was something like this
Did great in highschool, skipped half of the 10 and 11 grades, still almost perfect record
Then uni hit and I recovered only by the 2nd year. After that it went like this.
Straight As on everything (except physics because we had a demon professor and I was fine not knowing physics just to see him less) for the first half of the semester and then I just dropped of (depression, family emergency, health issues, always something in the November and April struck me untill I realised I was mentally ill and then it got much better)
So I got a C because I did the half of the course with As and did not do the second half at all. Something like that. Just cuisine along untill the final form of physics took me out on academic leave.
Since then I reconsidered my approach

>> No.15294009

Make the biogeneral fren

>> No.15294017


>> No.15294031
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I just looked at the dates and blew it off as typical old timey nonsense.

THIS IS CHILD'S LIKE INTUITION. WHAT THE FUCK DUDE...This is the kind of shit I wiuld theorise as a child looking through thousands of pictures in my Animal Fact Binders. Evolution Theory - Kid Edition.

God damn...we need to staple peoples degrees on their names so I can know who to outright diregard as "Hes trying..."

>> No.15294033

Yeah that happens. Didn't happen to me, and ironically because I was voluntarily studying other fields out of interest. Discovered that kind of cognitive trap among gifted children who never learn how to study, etc, and realized it'd be better to proactively study as many different fields of relevant information as possible. Makes it more fun. Didn't have the issues you did, luckily. Don't really care about research so I switched everything over to the maths and courses for finance, because I like money and retiring early. Don't like politics and busywork, and if I have to put up with that shit I'm damn well going to get paid as much as I can get away with for doing so.

As a result I have a lot of free time most of the time and a lot of higher level knowledge in quite a few fields. You don't just magically get it, I just spent most of my time reading and asking questions of professionals or faculty. In the end you've a far better stable high paying career in finance, even if you're doing accounting instead of financial modeling or actuarial work, than any research field I considered probable. Naturally, "shooting for the stars" in research for lucrative pay is far less likely than even middling success in finance-related work.

Don't know what country you're in or if that'd apply in your case. I just don't find the grind rewarding and it's offensive for institutions to take advantage of people who do. So to finance I went.

>> No.15294039


>> No.15294046

Now start posting interesting biological ideas to discuss and try to refrain from sophistry.

>> No.15294048

What do you mean by sophistry

>> No.15294054

the use of clever but false arguments, especially with the intention of deceiving.

>> No.15294055

No I mean with respect to this thread or the conversations about biology

>> No.15294082

Controlled opposition

>> No.15294099

The guy in that thread basically gave the outline.
Using everything in the biological arsenal to disprove the opposite point of view and then ignoring glaring discrepancies in your own
The kind of thinking where you know the result and try to construct a way to get to it, however convoluted

>> No.15294187
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>Using everything in the biological arsenal to disprove the opposite point of view and then ignoring glaring discrepancies in your own
Oh please. Do tell. What glaring discrepancies am I somehow sweeping under the rug? I can't wait to find out.

>> No.15294197

The only people that reproduce today are retard non whites
Yep its over

>> No.15294216

Who are you?

>> No.15294224

I inferred your remark meant me.

>> No.15294241

No, you're alright mate

>> No.15294246

Ah, my mistake. Hopefully you understand why I inferred so. Carry on.