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File: 585 KB, 1360x584, starbase cartoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15290968 No.15290968 [Reply] [Original]

Starbase BBQ Edition
Previous: >>15286855

>> No.15290982
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Female engineer develops world's largest waffle iron.

>> No.15290983
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1st for Yuri

>> No.15290987

She's a visitor from NASA.

>> No.15290989

That just makes the joke funnier.

>> No.15290997
File: 905 KB, 3840x2560, FU6hynZXEAAI9-k-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bill still hasn't visited Starbase

>> No.15290998

Why was this picture allowed to be taken

>> No.15291055


>> No.15291063

Fuck those "scientists"

>> No.15291064

lol no.

>> No.15291089
File: 3.89 MB, 1280x720, SpaceX-1637942606020890624-20230320 172203-vid1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>View from the second stage following last week's launch of SES-18 and SES-19 to a geosynchronous transfer orbit

>> No.15291095

I like those Texas style hardhats where the brim goes all the way around

>> No.15291099

It's like a modern pith helmet

>> No.15291107
File: 65 KB, 812x749, Gemini B, Gemini capsule, Manned Orbiting Laboratory telescope c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is western Australia going to be terraformed?

>> No.15291121

As soon as we can drop more space station modules on them filled with invasive species.

>> No.15291131

Fly Starship, put 10 - 20 JWST into space.
Or bigger space telescopes.
Or 50 smaller IR space telescopes.

>> No.15291143
File: 134 KB, 800x450, pills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The expensive part of JWST was the mirrors not the launcher.

>> No.15291144

scientists must be killed say anon

>> No.15291150

The expensive part of JWST was the ultra-light-weighted, deep cryogenic imaging systems. The mirrors were relatively cheap in the overall budget.

>> No.15291149
File: 865 KB, 1354x784, Screen_Shot_2018-10-25_at_11.02.15_AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bans elon musk starlink launches
>China launches chinklink anyway

>> No.15291154

Facts. Everything expensive about JWST ultimately comes from the fact that it has a super cold operating temperature.

>> No.15291157
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Anything else you got up your ass?

>> No.15291159

And the host of associated technologies and engineering solutions that had to be developed to fit in the available weight budget. Low-creep composites didn't exist prior to JWST.

>> No.15291161
File: 2.83 MB, 1280x720, 1679426784509716.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't they use a parachute, inflatable, and a big ass pool ?

>> No.15291167

Why not just use a trampoline to soften the landing?

>> No.15291172

In the end it comes down to mass, and Starship will drop cost of mass-to-orbit
Will it be cheap? No. Will it be far beter than ground based telescopes that can literally not even see the infrared? Fuck yes.

>> No.15291183

New Rocket Lab ad

>> No.15291192

I thought it was expensive due to all the meme unfolding for the sake of fitting inside the Ariane 5.
Starship will allow bigger space telescopes being launched in a single piece

>> No.15291199

The meme-unfolding did complicate it, but most of that was verifying that the servos and actuators would work inside of a vacuum chamber, which devoured weeks of schedule for every test. So, yes, moving parts hurt, vacuum testing hurts, and the number of specialists and engineers you need to keep employed to figure out how to solve the new problems you run into while building the thing *really* hurts. At the end of the day, all expenses found in engineering are born from the manpower employed to produce solutions.

>> No.15291203
File: 206 KB, 514x287, Screenshot_2023-03-21_20-17-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is no one talking about this? looks absolutely kino. Is there some kind of invisible advantage in separating your launch site from your headquarters by 1000s of miles? seems like all the successful small launchers are doing it.

>> No.15291205
File: 3.89 MB, 1080x1920, Cooper Hime-1638203460012109828-20230321 103835-vid1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15291209

Vacuum testing is easier if you manufacture in space

>> No.15291212

There isn't an advantage, and all of the smallsat companies, barring those kept afloat for political reasons, will die.

>> No.15291215

I wish once Starship is operational, Musk starts thinking about more than Mars and builds a giant space telescope to search aliens

>> No.15291219

I was talking about it last year but they kept scrubbing it. Was too lazy to get the video from twitter the other day.

>> No.15291225

I feel like the hexagon panel thing is overall better for space telescopes, folding or not
You get way more control over the mirror, and micrometeorites won’t be much of a problem due to the separated panels. A single piece of metal into Hubble’s mirror could ruin the entire thing

>> No.15291226
File: 183 KB, 480x854, Adventurer Aldo Kane broadcasts live over the OneWeb network 1-38 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adventurer Aldo Kane broadcasts live over the OneWeb network: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkE2IJESkgw
Skip to https://youtu.be/xkE2IJESkgw?t=86

>> No.15291233

ThatS' thre steps into the future.

But Starship will make it cheaper simply because it will allow things to be heavier (technically, more massive), and allow lifting things of larger size (i.e. less/no unfolding)

But who am I kidding, they will find a gajillion excuses to not build space telescopes, keep building ground telescopes like fucking Luddites from the 19th century and then cry about light pollution.

>> No.15291261

It literally uses turbo expensive beryllium just to make it lighter you fucking retard. It's expensive for the same reason most science mission payloads are, it had to be made as light as possible.

>> No.15291264


Reaction Dynamics CEO talking about hybrid rocket development, they're using solid fuel with liquid oxygen. Targeting $2M price per rocket for smallsats
The company is a spin-off of a student competition team, lol
They're testing out of an abandoned asbestos mine now

>> No.15291266

By "single piece" I mean no meme unfolding and all the single points of failure it brings

>> No.15291277

Starship will allow even bigger folded space telescopes

>> No.15291292

Will Starship suck my dick, too?

>> No.15291304

>Why is no one talking about this?

A mystery.

>> No.15291308
File: 5 KB, 398x59, 1659076072573524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15291325

Wouldn't rideshare on F9 be cheaper?

>> No.15291365

rideshare is for poor people

>> No.15291372

the massive success of JWST has confirmed every major telescope from now on will be an unaffordable foldable boondoggle

>> No.15291386

Why does SpaceX develop their own CFD software instead of just buying a licence. Also when's the launch

>> No.15291423

Nice try Cheng

>> No.15291424
File: 170 KB, 801x720, sac policy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If telescopes must have origami bs why not unfold them in a space station hangar and send them off to L2 when everything checks out?

>> No.15291437

yeah and weight constraints is a problem that compounds on itself
expensive launch -> have to get it right on the first try
expensive launch -> have to mass optimize
above mean that the base price is already very expensive, so you can't really iterate by launching multiple (because launch is expensive too) so designing becomes that much more difficult
no room for error, have to make it light and use weird new materials which means more cost, no way to iterate because everything is so expensive so have to make sure it works which makes it even more expensive
the cost makes it more difficult to get funding too I guess and if its public funding, failures will be even worse and might mean the whole thing is cancelled (even if in reality it wasnt the end of the world)

I've seen some posts here saying that the reason these scientfic satellites, rovers etc are expensive is because they use novel instruments
I guess that could be part of it, but I don't really buy it, you could still try to make some generalized rover that you tack on new instruments on and keep sending them here and there to get some mass manufacturing going on, do the same for probes to have some generalized satellite bus

>> No.15291440

>I guess that could be part of it, but I don't really buy it, you could still try to make some generalized rover that you tack on new instruments on and keep sending them here and there to get some mass manufacturing going on, do the same for probes to have some generalized satellite bus
This yields the most autistic of shrieking from JPLites and other spacecraft systems engineers.

>> No.15291459
File: 26 KB, 495x410, 001543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rocketlab has something like 25k /kg fully utilized (electron is $7.5 million per launch, 300 kg to LEO)
falcon 9 rideshare is like 5.5k /kg (minimum 50kg)

but, after starship + spacetugs these small launch companies have no chance, are they hoping that starship simply doesnt work out? or is much more expensive than thought
the value proposition is a bit shaky already compared to falcon 9 rideshare

>> No.15291461

there are no space station hangars at the moment

>> No.15291466
File: 81 KB, 946x704, orb 2 model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well there should be by now

>> No.15291472

Well lets see what FAA decides
are we going to be a space faring species or not?

>> No.15291471
File: 133 KB, 897x806, bump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How useful is it to know this for an aspiring engineer?

>> No.15291474

Its pretty easy to learn, I guess depends on what you end up doing
learning python will be more bang for your buck, but you should probably learn both

>> No.15291475

I think the market for smallsats is weird orbits that aren't profitable for a fully laden Starship.

I don't know if that's enough to sustain a full company though.

>> No.15291476

Canada makes a lot of satellites but no launchers, I assume the hope is to be kept alive for national security/sovereignty reasons, maybe get integrated into the CSA after they've demonstrated their launch capabilities

>> No.15291479

but if you have reusable space tugs then weird orbits arent a problem for starship rideshare

>> No.15291485

When you're doing state of the art research, there's no one else to rely upon but yourself. Thus you build your own CFD software, internal systems, all integrated into your testing suit for automated testing process

>> No.15291499
File: 393 KB, 2048x1152, EqdUHgeXMAE4F2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15291508


SpaceX facility in Bastrop(next to Boring Company) is just about complete

>> No.15291536

one reason: hybrid motor. Automatic dead end.

>> No.15291541

national pride

>> No.15291567

Very. Even if you're not using the system modeling/simulink side of things, it's an incredibly useful tool for homework, data analysis, calculations, and pretty much anything else you could use a computer for. Also, it's plotting functions aren't complete fucking ass like Excel, so that's a plus.

>learning python will be more bang for your buck, but you should probably learn both
This is also correct.

>> No.15291596
File: 87 KB, 1600x900, HT_spacex5_ml_160901_16x9_1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its over for Spacex.

>> No.15291605


too many space bagels monsieur hon hon hon

will you fit back in airlock I wonder

>> No.15291659
File: 3.97 MB, 1280x720, HANBIT-TLV.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu fags

>> No.15291683

This but Starship OFT

>> No.15291693


Launch control video control system

>> No.15291717
File: 3.79 MB, 854x480, HANBIT-TLV2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15291724

>suborbital toy

don't care

>> No.15291744

Great view. But what are those condensation clouds alternating back and forth? Vapor cones from the air stream? Thrusters? Either way, it looks like the control scheme was oscillating back and forth to keep it level, but keep it level it did.

>> No.15291759
File: 350 KB, 2048x1152, 1549564492180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, the last thing we need is more fucking passenger sounding rockets

>> No.15291774


>> No.15291787

We're gonna gonna gonna fly now....we're gonna gonna gonna try now......

>> No.15291801
File: 68 KB, 652x794, bezos het orbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15291809

I was legit pissed with the number of people who tried to claim that JWST wasn't super expensive because everything was exquisitely engineered to be light weight.

>> No.15291830

It's a common cope. Even for people who work at NASA.

>> No.15291848
File: 78 KB, 830x597, george says hodl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stahshih gongo up

>> No.15291888

I like this. It's nice to see someone doing something with hybrid propulsion, even if it's well past the point where it could be considered groundbreaking. It's also nice to see Alcântara getting some action, since that contracted Virgin Orbit flight clearly isn't going to happen.

>> No.15291899
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this will be the sky for most colonists

>> No.15291902
File: 33 KB, 657x527, Crossed arms, closed eyes Apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The FAA is in charge of planes
>The FAA is blocking Starship
>Ipso facto, Starship is a spaceplane

>> No.15291903

>Calls for ban on light-polluting mass satellite groups like Elon Musk’s Starlink
But... wouldn't this be VERY unfavorable to Ukraine? They have really been relying on Starlink during the war. This would basically cut off their service, and we all know how much of a social outcry that would generate, specially after how we all saw what happened after Musk went back and forth with whether or not he would let Ukrainians use Starlink. People were unironically calling for SpaceX to be nationalized and for Elon Musk to be thrown into prison and/or assassinated. Is The Guardian advocating for the mass-killing of innocent Ukrainian children? This newspaper needs to be cancelled now.

>> No.15291916

Amazing this hasto be spelled out for the r*tards on /sfg/

>> No.15291947

Dumbass, beryllium costs less than $900/kg, even if they used ten thousand kgs of it it's only make up $8.25 million of the $10,000 million total cost of JWST.

>> No.15291951

the actual atoms that make up JWST probably cost less than a tenth of a percent of the price. therein lies the problem, and the same first principles logic is what led Elon to found SpaceX in the first place

>> No.15291952

Besides that, the only reason probe instruments arr so expensive is because they too are subject to "every gram at any cost" engineering philosophy. If you allow yourself to design something 3x heavier, it is at least as reliable but costs 100x less.

>> No.15291957

That was their idea, but it turns out most smallsats want to go to SSO anyway, and there's only one of those.

>> No.15291959

pretty much. the ELT for comparison is projected to cost less than 2 billion, despite being fuckhuge.

>> No.15291961

Correct. Hybrid motors are a retard trap technology.

>> No.15291965


>> No.15291967

cant believe the aussies fucking fell for it

>> No.15291972

We can blame Elon for the banning of starlink and get mad at him all over again

>> No.15291975

Imagine building the ELT in Earth orbit for the cost of half a JWST

>> No.15291978

You just cant do it. The astronomors, the budgetors, the redditors told me so

>> No.15291982

Nihon bros...

>> No.15291990

Nihonbros are very happy right now

>> No.15292020

Hybrids are attractive because even simple liquid propellant engines are very mechanically complex. A pressure-fed hybrid is made up of two valves and an ignition system. If you want to design an orbital-class rocket in the quickest (and therefore cheapest) way possible hybrids look like they have a lot going for them.

The problem is that the difficulties in designing liquid propellant engines seem to have been vastly overstated, as everyone with a garage and some basic tools seems to be building them these days.

>> No.15292026

It's a mystery

>> No.15292027
File: 1.30 MB, 4260x3369, IMG_20210831_151309744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you own any space Lego, /sfg/?

>> No.15292038

Disgusting. Also, why would a grown-ass man still be playing with those?

>> No.15292039

hybrids give you the flaws of both solid and liquid motors

>> No.15292058

Yep. Got the Saturn V and the ISS.

>> No.15292061

A lewd Krystal Dakimura? Really?

>> No.15292062

How much poop can i store inside me in space

>> No.15292068

A months worth of poop

>> No.15292070

is there a point where you literally cant hold it anymore or can it get backed up all the way to my stomach?

>> No.15292074

Lol someone noticed it

>> No.15292081

Imagine having shit taste and no personality
No wonder you cannot get laid

>> No.15292086

>simple liquid propellant engines are very mechanically complex
they aren't

>> No.15292099

It's like making a model for people who don't care to learn how to glue/paint/decal.

>> No.15292103

The anti-LEGO shills in these thread are undoubtedly woeking for the FAA or ULA. Don't listen to their lies.

>> No.15292232
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>> No.15292240

This is aerospace grade beryllium. They need to use a special light isotope.

>> No.15292252

>a special light isotope.
there is only one stable isotope of beryllium and that has nothing to do with its grade. Grade is determined by purity and oxide content and its usability for aerospace would depend on alloying (pure Be is not used structurally, its advantages are in alloy with copper or aluminum.)

>> No.15292260

I hope they fail simply because Daytona is the worst rocket name I've ever heard

>> No.15292294

>another smallsat launcher
Tiresome. These companies are the corporate equivalent of holding a barn-raising near the water at low tide.

>> No.15292309

You fucking retard, the DOD had to invest hundreds of millions alone just to develop the right technology and facilities to get domestic high purity beryllium for the JWST.

>> No.15292354

It would be 1/3 of what Rocketlab charges

>> No.15292364

Five days. And then it's some of the firmest shit you've never had. The lack of gravity makes it even harder to push out.

>> No.15292368
File: 42 KB, 332x342, 1590742939351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm holding out for an Indianapolis engine.

>> No.15292378

i feel like that would clog the iss toilet

>> No.15292387

Great video lmao

I wonder if Elon's toilet jokes comes from the fact that you cant talk about toilet in space

>> No.15292400

I wonder if they'll solve this for Starship. I can't imagine that they go, "You know what needs to be bigger? Some stupid experiment, fuck the toilet."

>> No.15292401

This is what 100 billion nasa dollars buys. What a fucking joke

>> No.15292408

Spin gravity module just for shitting

>> No.15292417

Pretty sure he used the Russian toilet since he was a soyuz tourist.

>> No.15292419

Accordingly, if you take a shit once a week on earth, it will be once a month or atleast twice as long.

But its gonna be a large long poo possibly breaking world records

>> No.15292424
File: 3.25 MB, 5001x3747, 1661143694407831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

capella space is using fabric reflectors for their spysats

>> No.15292425

>Krystalposting has spread to IRL
God help us all

>> No.15292427


>> No.15292441

There's not just rockets in this lab!

>> No.15292456
File: 543 KB, 1080x1187, 1649739246364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy

>> No.15292491

>that futuristic shine as it swings toward the ground
I cri every time

>> No.15292496
File: 2.90 MB, 720x1280, ship24.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pools are a hassle to keep clean

>> No.15292501

Pool's closed due to FAAids

>> No.15292516

It would cause too much electrical infetterence.

>> No.15292518

Considering that even a kid can build a scale model, it's made for lazy people.

>> No.15292522
File: 79 KB, 680x847, cringe soyence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please stop being cringe, you're embarrassing the rest of /sfg/. if you feel the need to post cringe, use reddit or something

>> No.15292523

I am getting news from L2...yes...yes it's coming in now very clear...Q2 2024...oh god...and they're saying....they're saying...you can take that to the bank

>> No.15292527

Where are you from?

>> No.15292528

Why not? If tankwatchers can post pretty much everything they spot, then NASA can publish pictures on Facebook from their official visit.

>> No.15292530

Reddit. Why are you asking?

>> No.15292534

Oh twinsies, i'm from reddit too :)

>> No.15292536

Looks like polyimide to me.

>> No.15292540

>Elon Musk’s Starlink
wow it's ragebait for lefties

>> No.15292541

Has anyone else seen For All Mankind season 3?
I enjoyed the first two season but I've heard the third one is just "Elon Musk Bad: the show"

>> No.15292542

The virgin comeback arc (as if lol)

>> No.15292543
File: 1.80 MB, 1920x960, 1679395453962854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was always garbage. Show made for women.

>> No.15292549

virgin orbits concept was completely retarded to begin with

>> No.15292551

I watched the first episode and then dropped it
wasnt very good and had the vibes it would get bad and apparently it does

>> No.15292558

it would, that's why they cut it up with scissors

>> No.15292581
File: 369 KB, 2048x1536, 1649854293325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Elon Musk Bad: the show"
What a shame. Media should be used to promote spaceflight and the advance of humanity. The visceral feeling of curiosity and wonder you get from exploration of the unknown. The innovation and master of technology that comes from reaching out into space. People coming together to reach beyond the stars. Not 'muh whitey on the moon' shit.

>> No.15292606
File: 551 KB, 773x802, for all mankind nig elon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have their Elon standin be a petulant asshole and send a software update to his Mars ship to take direct control and prevent them diverting to rescue some Soviets, who have burned out their reactor in an attempt to outpace the NASA ship, which is powered by eco-friendly solar sails and commanded by a strong woman of color. The NASA crew save the day, take the Soviets on board, and still get to Mars first.
Then later his not-SpaceX colony fails and he is expelled from his own company in disgrace.
I guess space really IS hard after all.

>> No.15292611


>> No.15292614
File: 90 KB, 490x525, Screenshot_2023-03-22_11-13-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For whatever reason, I've recently been interested in dog breeding, and it seems like you can pretty easily get a viable population from a really small amount of individuals. I've always heard that you need around ~100 people who are genetically diverse to found a human population, but our breeding practices, and the fact that there are records of extreme 'population bottlenecks' in the human population, as well as the fact that only two individual mammallian pests (rabbits, rats) were enough to create a viable population suggest to me that this is not true.
Can anyone point me towards the paper that the '60 people or more' thing comes from?

>> No.15292619

I dislike 95% of that show regardless of season

>> No.15292623

100 billion dollar scissors

>> No.15292624

seasons 1 and 2 were acceptable. season 3 is awful though.

>> No.15292625
File: 1.43 MB, 1036x1600, SLS-Apr-21-2022-8521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NASA really is better than SpaceX, who knew?

>> No.15292627

What do you mean by viable? Don't nearly all breeds have lower lifespans and more defects than the average mutt? Your definition of viable depends on how much degeneration you're willing to accept from bottlenecking.

>> No.15292629

The first few generations would be horribly inbred
But eventually the genes of the population would drift far enough apart that the degree of relation between spouses drifts.
There's a real danger during the first few generations of everyone dying out.

Starting from 2 humans bind me far too risky.
But say for 10 unrelated people might be possible if you manage who fucks who to maintain the best genetic diveristy for a few generations, until there's enough people that it maintains itself.

>> No.15292630

Turns out the SSME is heavily based on joint work by MBB (messerschmitt-Bölkow) and Rocketdyne (named BORD engine*) and that a lot of its innovations are west german.

*also gave, on the european side, the Europa III H20 engine, which was never finished.

>> No.15292631
File: 158 KB, 760x1024, who could be behind this tree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>genetically diverse

>> No.15292637

how could you guys not immediately sniff out what this was from the beginning? the obsession with the space shuttle was the thing that tipped me off.
They were never interested in spaceflight, they halfheartedly (and halfessedly) did the research to try to appeal to autists and then segued into what all of them were actually interested in.

>> No.15292642

At wasting taxpayers' money? Of course.

>> No.15292644

I have experimental proof that your picrel doesn't tell the whole story. either that or i'm unlucky enough to have scored a 1-in-65536 chance at failure twice in a row on the same selective breeding project. and i've done the same experiment successfully dozens of times before with normal results. i've got one variety of yellow peas which will not uptake the green pea gene even though it will produce fertile offspring with a green pea breeding partner.

>> No.15292646

It's the classic trick
1) Lure in an audience with nuclear rockets and alt-apollo hyjinks
2) Pull the old switcheroo and hit them with the nigs and queers

>> No.15292651

>hollywood makes anti elon propaganda
Remember is show how he's a bady
Well it's just like in real life!
Tv shows and movies makes audiences more pliable to half truth news when it paints something in a certain way.

>> No.15292653

Didn't Mendel more or less fake his results? He expected to get the result in >>15292614 so he just discarded the ones that didn't work.

>> No.15292654

yes, I have actually begun to suspect this. I first remember seeing the 60+ (but 250 would be better) in the garbage pop sci magazines I used to read before they went completely horrible.

>> No.15292656

They really think we're too stupid to notice also.
I've met these types of people that make stuff like this irl and they are better than you. You don't have to ask because they will tell you and then insult because you're not like them.

>> No.15292657

at getting to Mars safely

>> No.15292679

there just isnt any decent scifi to watch after the expanse ended, so people latch onto whatever drivel is thrown out

>> No.15292684

just watch old star trek

>> No.15292685

Old, you mean like Voyager?

>> No.15292690

im hoping the AI revolution helps bring more scifi projects to life

>> No.15292691

TNG, DS9 first
voyager if you still want more
assuming you watch ~5 1hr episodes a week thats 2yrs right there

>> No.15292694

holy shit you guys are such fags

>> No.15292695

Currently halfway through a masters in aerospace engineering. Posting this from a meeting where we are analyzing MATLAB data from a flight simulator.


>> No.15292696

This. Go to >>>/tv/ if you wanna discuss the latest netflix goyslop

>> No.15292697

Forget startrek
Watch babylon 5

>> No.15292702
File: 107 KB, 805x628, star-trek-connection pedos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>star trek
> ftl, psychic powers, teleportation, aliens you can breed with
its a fantasy just like LOTR, except Tolkien is unattractive to pedophiles

>> No.15292703

No, watch star wars

>> No.15292707

/sfg/ is itself a sci-fi project because none of this shit will ever come to life. I'll just be another failure like the last Space Race.

>> No.15292709

im old, i've seen most everything

>> No.15292710

explains why sfg sucks shatner cock and posts underage rocket girls

>> No.15292711

Startrek is a bigger and more competent psyop than any modern netflix show could hope to be. If you want decent sci-fi, read an actual book. Star wars and star trek were never actually about space or space travel, they just have a veneer of the aesthetic, and use it to communicate something else.
In fact, I actually dislike sci-fi as a whole: most of it is utter garbage fantasy shit, these days I prefer nonfiction stuff.

>> No.15292714

>muh realizm
It's not about the tech or explaining why warp drive works.

It's about groups of people coming together from all walks of life, working together to solve problems (engineering). It inspired countless people to join NASA by showing a future where we actually get our shit together and actually explore space.


>> No.15292715

Read a good book, like stephen king

>> No.15292717

Yeah a lot of sci-fi makes idiots think they understand something when actually they don't have the slightest idea. Like how Jurassic Park made people in the 90s for a while think that resurrecting dinosaurs was just around the corner because of the dry way it was presented in the book.
Yudkowsky gets all his ideas about AI from sci-fi. Vernor Vinge in particular. People confuse this shit with actual meaningful research.
I actually prefer fantasy sci-fi because it doesn't attempt to bullshit you about tech. Like Roadside Picnic. It's about people rather than made up machinery.

>> No.15292718

bad bait.

>> No.15292719
File: 186 KB, 602x941, Have Sting railgun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only like Shatner for TJ Hooker and Tek Wars tyvm

>> No.15292720

>the fifteenth consecutive offtopic post about >>>/tv/
kill yourselves niggers

>> No.15292722

star wars is bait, stop posting

>> No.15292723

If conveying a deeper meaning behind what's on screen is a 'psyop.' Then yes, star trek and pretty much all other works of art are 'psyops.' If you can't recognize this and separate the messages on screen from your own then you are a retarded schizo

>> No.15292726

purge it janny

>> No.15292730
File: 42 KB, 589x485, Stephen Rosen Future Facts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything before Cujo is....adequate