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File: 248 KB, 1400x933, earth-view-from-moon-perspective-footprints-1400px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15281084 No.15281084 [Reply] [Original]

If Elon is serious about colonizing Mars shouldn't the first step be Colonizing the Moon? You know where you could actually get help from Earth in weeks instead of years on Mars. Even if the Moon colony is only temporary it seems like a necessary stepping stone to avoid disaster on Mars.

>> No.15281162

Elon Musk doesn't care if they die as long as he makes money

>> No.15281171

if elon wanted to make money he would start mining astreoids

>> No.15281172 [DELETED] 


>> No.15281176

>he makes money
the ultimate cope. you don't make money with a moon or mars colonization project.
you lose a lot of it in fact.

>> No.15281182

The moon is harder. No carbon and nights that are way too long.

>> No.15281189

Delta V to lunar orbit isn't much different than that delta v to Martian orbit. Landing on Mars is more difficult than landing on the Moon and the trip takes longer but in general, the Moon isn't all that much easier, relatively speaking.

>> No.15281195
File: 119 KB, 598x777, why NASA never went back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a reason we never went [back *delete_as_appropriate] to the Moon...

>> No.15281258

The easier option would be to build orbital space colonies first. Then progress from there.

>> No.15281259

As long as he gets attention*
There, fixed it for ya

>> No.15281289

I didn't think of this. You mean like the international space station? Is that safe, how big would it have to be to be a good test? Would it be in LEO or higher?

>> No.15281290
File: 1.49 MB, 280x210, 5952652.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's a nigger in the moon
>by jew dick

>> No.15281303

Musk has the idea that we can colonize Mars, like in the sense of having a large permanent population there. He keeps talking about being a "multi-planet species." He's enamored with the idea that if something catastrophic happens to the earth, the people living on Mars could carry on humanity.

>> No.15281310 [DELETED] 

he ran the number on homeowners insurance on a planetary scale and realized that a mars colony should be worth about $4 trillion a year

>> No.15281311
File: 70 KB, 650x516, billwright-eden4-650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start off with something small, like a small neighbourhood. Few houses, facilities, fake grass areas etc. Something that could accommodate like 10-20 people.

It would be easier and more achievable that trying to colonies Mars. Plus with it being orbital above earth it is easyily acessable to transfer people and send help if needed.

It is more of a realistic start for human life in space and something to progress from over time. Colonising Mars seems too big of a step from where we are now, so many variables and things that could go wrong plus it needs a lot more money and recourses.

>> No.15281317

If you had the fuck you money and press behind you, why not
That being said elon suck my dick

>> No.15281343

Go back to your containment board you science hating schizophrenic troglodyte. I'm pretty sure Elon Musk has a better understanding of the settled science than an anti-science luddite incel like yourself.

>> No.15281353

I can't convey how stupid you are in this post. Biosphere 1 and 2 both failed miserably ON EARTH. Yet you want to carry out this experiment on Mars for the 3rd time on Mars with totally new people. Just kill your self any time.

>> No.15281362

Elon grew up reading Scifi, where the recurring theme was Mars and it's colonization followed by galactic colonization, by authors like Philip K. Dick and Asimov. He doesn't think about why he's doing or or whether or not it's right, he's just autistically following his fiction.

>> No.15281392

Moon is easier & safer - since it is only a couple day's travel from this place called 'earth' - I hear they have a lot of manufacturing capacity there. Not to mention the differences in ability to get back to earth in the event of emergencies. You know, minor details like that

>> No.15281397

Let's be honest, colonising Mars isn't a realistic goal. Maybe in 50-100 years time.

Next to no one in the field outside of Elon thinks it is achievable.

>> No.15281440

Right, that's why I think an effort should be made to redirect Elons goals to something that's achievable in his life time. A moon colony is perfect he could start on it right now.

>> No.15281451

Aparently he is also considering a permanent moonbase.

>> No.15281515

Humans will not colonize space anon. That is a pipe dream sold by the technocratic elite because the continued growth of their wealth requires constant population growth. But the truth is that human population is actually decreasing and is very likely to run into fundamental biospheric limits in the very near term future. The water and air is already too poisoned for drinking so if we keep polluting at this rate then eventually the water will be entirely undrinkable.

>> No.15281529
File: 173 KB, 958x916, 1608349469334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a Starship needs to be sent to this gold mine with the ability to at least bring back some surface rubble ASAP

>> No.15281531

>it would make everyone richer
Lol, the only people who will see that money is the government.

>> No.15281537

>If Elon is serious about colonizing Mars shouldn't the first step be Colonizing the Moon?
Investors would ask him to build a proof of concept, and since moon landing was already achieved, he will need to be able to at least replicate it.
But with mars he can bullshit himself until he dies. Same thing applies to other meme projects like hyperloop.
You can make up some meme prototypes and get infinite investor money because since this thing doesnt exist, investors won't know what it will look like so you show them some tube and they will think everything is working

>> No.15281550
File: 115 KB, 985x673, crew-biosphere-2-2991872916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biosphere 2 had the goal of having no external inputs besides sunlight from the moment it was sealed. That won't be the case, at least at the beginning, for extraterrestrial bases. Constant resupply missions are a given. But yes, in general such colonies will be orders of magnitude more difficult than Biosphere 2. At the same time, Biosphere 2 was run by a bunch of borderline cultists, as were many of the crews. I'd hope that with an actual Mars or Moon base that we'd be much more selective with the crew and support, but given contemporary obsession with diversity at all costs, it is possible we could end up with worse people than Biosphere 2 had.

>> No.15281555 [DELETED] 

>muh soience fiction space travel fantasies that i was programmed with by jewish soience fiction television and jewish moooooovies
whats being low iq like? do you enjoy it?

>> No.15281650

Not OP but space travel fiction has nothing to do with it. Making a space colony is possible, the problem is trying to do it on Mars.

The moon is a much more achievable goal, as OP said. It is possible with what we have today, and could be achieved within a couple of decades.

We have 10 people living aboard the ISS, which is basically a small version of a space colony.

All you need to is design a structure with all the necessary equipment and technology. Which isn't the hard part, it is getting it there and building it.

>> No.15281665

The moon already has a breakaway civilization base. He's not allowed to colonize it.

>> No.15281671

if its something elon clearly doesnt care very much about its money, at least not easy to get money

>> No.15281677

the price of those metals would drop a lot in the short term so things made from them would get cheaper at least

>> No.15281729

Yes, the weak link was people and the assumption that all variables could be accountable for. Witch is obviously ridiculous. Many such biodooms should carried out on Earth before we go to space.

>> No.15281767

He's a conman so by trying to reach even higher than the Moon he might end up reaching the Moon.

>> No.15281832

If a mars colony ever develops it will be supported by taxpayer money to pay for the hundreds of rocket trips needed to support the tiny population there, whom wont be colonists but rather where the worst Mengele-style rape happens.

>> No.15281842

>taxpayer money
Space X and the 'Mars colony' is funded by Elon bucks.

It is why NASA uses Space X to transport crew and supplies to the ISS now, so they can save tax payer money and use Elon's money instead.

>> No.15281846
File: 166 KB, 1199x822, Lisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even with the very small number of humans who have trained to travel to space, we've already encountered several with behavioral quirks that have the potential to be deadly. Perhaps more, depending on who one believes is responsible for the hole in the Russian section of ISS, sloppy Earthside construction crews or someone up on ISS.

>> No.15281848

Im talking about a hypothetical mars colony not current day so your post is both correct and completely stupid

>> No.15281851

Starlink works.

>> No.15281856

>don't do space kids. It's bad, m'kay?

>> No.15281865

Selling transport to the government isnt the same as running a colony as a business. A mars colony would be paid for by the government.
A mars colony would not make anyone money, has no way of making any money at all. You build some housing and rape dungeons and laboratories where the worst unethical research gets done, and what you get out of it? Some rent money from the dungeons, IP for the research? It would never pay enough for the supply ships

>> No.15281910
File: 161 KB, 1602x1200, Marsland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tourism but yes, I doubt that would be enough to cover the costs as they're going to be high enough that only a handful of people can afford it. The difficult questions are just how cheap can SpaceX make a Starship trip to Mars and back cost.
There's also a possibility that low gravity manufacturing could have value, but just like tourism, it's going to be difficult to make it cover its costs. Guess it really depends on what ends up being the hard floor on cost to transport cargo to and from Mars per kg, and that same for humans, which likely have a different cost per kg since they can't just be stowed away from the trick like a bunch of boxes.

>> No.15281918
File: 274 KB, 1467x825, Space Opera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should she get another chance at going to space?

>> No.15281919

I don't think anyone thinks it will make money anon. It will cost a lot of money, time and recourses. And there will be many problems and most likley deaths along the way.

It just isn't feasabley capable with what we have today. We need years of advancement in space rockets and technology before it is able to be done as easily as a trip to the moon.

>> No.15281935

That being said, I do respect Elon for having a vision and trying to advance humanity. Sooner or later Earth is going to dwindle and humanity will need to find somewhere else to survive. We need someone to start the ball rolling. He has the right idea, he's just not being honest about it being realistic.

>> No.15281969
File: 55 KB, 655x444, f-brightman-a-20150312-870x591-655x444-3048715694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She paid the Russians $50 million and now they're not really in a place to continue her training and give her a ride. If she wants to go to space, she's going to have to either get in touch with SpaceX or settle for Mr. Bezos' Carnival Ride.

>> No.15281973

>colonizing Mars
>Colonizing the Moon
how dumb do people have to be to believe this shit? JFC!
Quit watching Star Wars and grow up.

>> No.15282009

A moon base at least seems to be essential.

>since the Moon's surface gravity is about one-sixth of Earth's, it's around six times easier to land on and take off from the Moon

>> No.15282040

>>since the Moon's surface gravity is about one-sixth of Earth's, it's around six times easier to land on and take off from the Moon
Take off from earth with supplies.
Take off from moon again with same supplies.
Two launches instead of one from Earth.
Brilliant! You'll be a CEO in charge of funding in no time. 10% for you! (Sorry, you won't be called the Big Guy. That's already taken.)

>> No.15282095
File: 1.04 MB, 768x1152, illust_105883656_20230317_182225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have about 7.5 billion years untill the sun completely wipes the Earth from the solar system, so we or some other advanced lifeform will manage to do it, I think. As long as at least some bacteria survive the nuclear or other catastrophe (and they will) life has another shot or maybe two at this.
That seems to be at least the part of the reason. I read a book on Musk (dropped in the middle) where they explained how he actually got into the space stuff through some Californian celebrity club.

>> No.15282126
File: 175 KB, 300x375, redart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe the point is to make supplies on the Moon and ship those supplies to the LEO and elsewhere in the Solar System.

>> No.15282153
File: 53 KB, 700x700, roll safe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need way less fuel to launch from the moon. That means that when you launch from the moon you can get further than you could from a launch from Earth with the same amount of fuel.

>> No.15282322

but if all the fuel, and all of the vehicle, you need to launch from the moon is brought from the earth, where is the saving? School me bro

>> No.15282340
File: 404 KB, 1000x666, jdjk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing would orgininate on the moon, unless you are shipping moon dust and rocks. So go ahead and start your dust business.

>> No.15282344

>the point is to make supplies on the Moon and ship those supplies
From what materials would you make these mystical "supplies"? The "supplies" would still come from Earth.

The only reason for a moon base would be to mine minerals on the moon for transport back to earth.

>> No.15282349

>We have about 7.5 billion years
No, not even close. Estimates are that 99% of life will be gone from Earth in about 1 billion years, due to an enlarging Sun. By 4-5 billion years, not even the planet will exist, having been disintegrated by the Sun.

>> No.15282351

Elon is an all-or-nothing guy, relatively speaking. Either you make self-driving cars or you don't, no decade of testing individual mechanisms on their own or in extremely narrow and controlled testing environments like Boston Dynamics. Either your rocket explodes or it revolutionizes rocket costs. Either Mars or bust. Seems to be working well for him so far, but I guess we'll have to see where this goes in the next lifetime or so.

>> No.15282358

Elon has BALLS!
Most based and smartest African American ever. He might BTFO Edison one day, but probably not.

>> No.15282362

really, thats how they made it work on apollo fro what i can see. they did everything they possibly could to make it safe but when it came down to it they were going. give engineers and, even worse, politicians, enough time to and you'll end up waiting for an eternity. light. the. candle.

>> No.15282363

I want to digitalize my mind, upload myself to a Von Neumann probe and shoot myself to a distant location amongst the stars.

>> No.15282404

what if theres only 5mb for porn?

>> No.15282407

I'm a Von Neumann probe, baby.
Infinite probes. Infinite porn.

>> No.15282414

Moon is already taken

>> No.15282438

You get bored there, it grow normal expected, u be on pc there, gravity will ruin u, u be stuck in capsule, suit to walk outside. waste of time.

Get a clue.

>> No.15282462

kek you bastard i don't how that would work but you're probable right

>> No.15282466

>help from Earth in weeks instead of years
You'd like that, wouldn't you, globohomo shill
The fledgling colony within easy reach of Globohomo, no need to wait for a window.

>> No.15282473

>Constant resupply missions are a given
Not just resupply, ISRU is assumed for Mars. That's something Biosphere 2 never did. If anything Biosphere 2 proves the impracticality of space stations, where you can't go outside for new material when you need it.

>> No.15282478

You can turn moon dust into aluminium and oxygen by focusing sunlight on it.

>> No.15282502

launch from earth > refuel on moon > launch from moon > land on mars
With this tactic you can drastically increase your travel distance. You clearly have no idea how much fuel is needed just to get out of Earth’s atmosphere.

>> No.15282819

You just doubled the amount of fuel needed to reach Mars. Why is it so difficult for people like you to understand that there's no appreciable friction when traveling between points in space? Lunar orbit and Mars orbit cost nearly the same amount of fuel to achieve from Earth.

>> No.15282862

If he makes money colonizing mars, I'll give him all the money he needs. You trannies can seethe endlessly about it.

>> No.15282871

>Take pic of woman in spacesuit
>Take other pic of her with cut hair in colder lighting

What are you trying to even show?

>> No.15283219

>You clearly have no idea how much fuel is needed just to get out of Earth’s atmosphere.
i do. the thing is you also have to launch all the fuel to the moon in the first place. refueling on the moon isn't going to save energy overall, though it will mean you dont need such a larger launch vehicle. you also might not want to have the fuel on the surface of the moon either because you'll use lots of fuel for landing and liftoff. would like to see the numbers on this.

>> No.15283264

That’s exactly it, you can make a smaller more streamlined spacecraft or rocket that is less prone to failure that way. And you also want to think about the future, I don’t think that we should stop at mars.

>> No.15283271

theres got to be some way to go faster. it all depends on that.

>> No.15283324
File: 284 KB, 1140x1600, edu_space_shuttle_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They might even just want a spacecraft that is more appropriate for the job. I could see them getting to the Moon from earth on a rocket and then switching to something like the Space Shuttle to get to Mars from the Moon.

>> No.15283332

Notice how much fuel that thing needs just to get out of Earth’s atmosphere, it would only need a tiny fraction of that on the Moon.

>> No.15283368

Now tell us how much fuel it will take to get the fuel on the Earth to the Moon. Unless you're manufacturing fuel on the Moon, you're still just shifting things around to make them more inefficient. At this point, it appears you're either on the left side of the bell curve or a troll because multiple people have already explained to you why launching to Mars from the Moon is not more efficient. You're either too stupid to understand or don't want to/aren't able to understand. Either way, stop embarrassing yourself. And if you're (you) farming, that's the most pathetic possibility of all.

>> No.15283421
File: 189 KB, 700x1300, Falcon-Heavy_and_Shuttle_RK2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to go further from Mars with current technology it is actually essentially that you launch from the Moon, because that fuel will let you get a lot further.
Both times the Space Shuttle failed was because of problems related to fuel and fuel tanks. The Space Shuttle was actually considered a better way of getting to space and back, but it’s very expensive so they had to switch to rockets. I think it won’t be expensive at all to launch it from the Moon.

>> No.15283435

The moon is not needed, do all the refueling in some orbital station. You'd be making thousands of trips carrying fuel to dump on the station tanks, then rockets would fly to mars and build a new space station on mars and there would be hundreds of trips to fill the tanks. Maybe a thousand gallons of fuel will be needed on earth for each one that reaches mars.

>> No.15283438

You dont need to land on the moon, just have some space station to gather supplies and assemble modular rockets.

>> No.15283480

His plans for mars seem very long term, he will likely be too old before any economoc return, so I doubt it's a lucrative investment for him.

He is already rich as fuck and his actual investments are on other things like Tesla.

>> No.15283490
File: 138 KB, 1029x1558, rockets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15283522

Elon Mars memes was about grift.
Now that he is the richest man in the world he no longer has to even pretend to give a shit. He has already walked back his "timeline" from 2025 to 2043.
Thanks for playing, "I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE" redditshitheads.