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File: 985 KB, 6340x2836, Volcanoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15277422 No.15277422 [Reply] [Original]

>Every time a volcano blasts gigatons of CO2 into the atmosphere, the Earth's temperature goes down.

>> No.15277425

Can you post a chart showing the other gases produced during volcanic eruptions as well as the quantities, as well as data showing how much sunlight is blocked?

>> No.15277441

But I thought CO2 was the most important gas ever because it stops the passage of visible light? You said so yourself in another thread.

>> No.15277472

>>Every time a volcano blasts gigatons of CO2 into the atmosphere, the Earth's temperature goes down.
a vulcano doesn't just spew co2, it also spews a fuck ton of sulfur gases, sulfur has the opposite effect, it scatters light and basically acts as a mirror sending light back into space, so that's why big eruptions actually have a cooling effect, look it up faggot, the UN is already arguing that we can't make the transition and we will need to spread some of these reflecting gases into the atmosphere to counter the elevated co2, but these gases will cause acid rain and other nasty effects, and the ocean will keep soaking co2 becoming more acidic

>> No.15277480 [DELETED] 

>becoming more acidic
the ph of the ocean is over 8.1, it isn't even slightly acidic

>> No.15277507
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>But I thought CO2 was the most important gas ever because it stops the passage of visible light
>visible light

>> No.15277513 [DELETED] 

even so, when the effect of the other components disappear, which can be seen happening on the chart, there should be a subsequent temperature spike due to the remaining excess co2, if co2 is really a "greenhouse gas". the chart shows no such feature

>> No.15277569

>even so, when the effect of the other components disappear, which can be seen happening on the chart, there should be a subsequent temperature spike due to the remaining excess co2, if co2 is really a "greenhouse gas".
That is not because it is not a "greenhouse gas", that is because your assumption is incorrect. You don't know how volcanos work relevant to carbon cycles and climate change feedback loops.
>>Our results reveal a global volcanic CO2 flux of 51.3±5.7 Tg CO2/y (11.7×1011mol CO2/y) for non-eruptive degassing and 1.8±0.9 Tg/y for eruptive degassing during the period from 2005 to 2015.
Secondly you don't understand how long it takes for sulfuric acid and its byproducts remain in the stratosphere. Reactions in atmosphere turn it into sulfuric acid, which further nucleates into aerosols.
more detailed summary here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tectonic%E2%80%93climatic_interaction
Depending on the volcano, how explosive, its primary gasses and components, it can generate a cooling or warming effect. Generally, cooling, and if explosive enough the increased albedo from prolonged snow and ice will further create more cooling. This is called a positive feedback loop, and has happened repeatedly in the geological past of Earth.
That short-term feedback loop causing runaway cooling can also cause "rapid" carbon sequestration https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_sequestration
>if co2 is really a "greenhouse gas"
It is, you just don't know how it works. Cooling from shorter-term volcanic dust can cause larger ice build up, longer winters, more ice albedo, etc. Way offsets carbon release.
Very simple video by Sabine too.

>> No.15277685 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 750x1000, youtube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its gotta be true, i saw it on youtube!!!
youtube is a ZOG propaganda outlet barely disguised as a video sharing site

>> No.15277689

No, it's true overall within given margins of error for all the work people have done and published on various measurements, models, and predictions.

Feel free to read any of them for once in your life.

>> No.15277733 [DELETED] 

>all the work people have done and published

>> No.15277747

Ah yes, the last refuge of morons who don't know anything. Just throw vague dismissals.

Okay sport, you explain to me how there can be a "replication crisis" pertaining to these models when they're used all the time. Does reality magically shift under scrutiny when convenient to you?

You don't know what the replication crisis is. You just use it as a weapon and hope nobody's smart enough to call you on your bullshit. Too bad fucker you picked the wrong day to gamble.

>> No.15277765 [DELETED] 
File: 443 KB, 1200x1200, global-warming-conspiracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

abuse of the peer review system to "cancel" anyone who voices disagreement with the false narrative. nobody in climate science is willing to throw away their prestigious academic careers in the name of honesty, none of them have to possibility of earning more than minimum wage if they're forced to work outside of their academic field.

>> No.15277769

And unsurprisingly when all else fails make accusations of conspiracy.

So predictable. So boring.

>> No.15277772


>> No.15277914

>Ah yes, the last refuge of morons who don't know anything. Just throw vague dismissals.
you made an appeal to authority, don't act so high and mighty.

>> No.15277920

Smugness is all warmists have. It's their one and only weapon because both facts and public opinion are against them.

>> No.15278098

>you made an appeal to authority,
Bet you ten bucks I didn't.
Bet you a thousand you don't know what that means.
Bet you ten you think it means "referenced an authority as authoritative on a topic"
Bet you ten gorillion you won't believe it's only a fallacy if the authority isn't an actual authority.

>> No.15278191 [DELETED] 

"authority" and "authority figure" are two similar terms with practically opposite meaning.
a "figure" is a stand in for the real thing, like a figurine or a doll, so an "authority figure" is a false authority, while an "authority" is the real deal.
if you are incapable of differentiating the real from the stand-in then you're low iq. people who need to use less than honest means to quiet those who dissent (such as abuse of the peer review system) are not authorities, they are fakers, an authority does not need to hide how they're shutting up the dissenters, an authority can shut down dissent honestly and in public using nothing more than superior argumentation.

>> No.15278199

>it also spews a fuck ton of sulfur gases,

>> No.15278417

yeah, because it concomitantly blasts gigatons of particulates

>> No.15278457

Op is a retard and doesn't understand how volcanic winters occur.
Feedback effects can occur from a severe eruption, and this usually occurs when in sync with other influences on climate cycles.
Other influences include:
>milankovitch cycles, particularly when all three are at their prime state for an ice age - big one
>existing atmospheric conditions - is there already low c02 in the atmosphere, are there lots of volancoes erupting...
>continental position - larger continent causes colder conditions in winter, causing large ice sheets that in increase earth's albedo
>sunspot activity
>cosmic events (rare)
>changes in ocean currents (big one)
Preficting climate is complex. Which is why i have my doubts about the current models. I have not checked their calculations.

That being said. A massive eruption causes some drop in temperatures, which has weather feedback effects.
I.e. the recent eruption in tonga is believed to have contributed to the wet and colder weather australia has had in conjunction usual la nina cycle (driven by ocean currents).
However, after the particulates have disipated, there could be an increase in temperatures due to more c02 storing more heat, as it may not have been sequestered yet.

Lots of if buts and maybes i know. But shits complicated and i'm a mitwid.

>> No.15278481 [DELETED] 

>However, after the particulates have disipated, there could be an increase in temperatures due to more c02 storing more heat, as it may not have been sequestered yet.
that is not reflected in the temperature charts, is that because co2 is not a "greenhouse gas"?
co2 does not produce the "greenhouse effect" on mars, but somehow or other people still irrationally claim that it does on earth. is that because the idea of a co2 induced "greenhouse effect" on earth is a key part of a popular, low iq political agenda?

>> No.15278509

The correlation with temperature is due to the consistent rate of c02 production that is faster than the rate of c02 sequestration. As for what effect this has on climate going foward is difficult to predict completely.
Lets assume no other climate factor comes into play. Then you can assume that at the current rate of c02 production will caused a delayed change in temperature.

>why wouldn't this happen
Major volanic eruptions causing a long lasting volcanic winter, say 1,000 years. This is possible, see yellow stone national park.

A change in ocean currents from fresh water ice melt, particularly in the nothern hemisphere. A fresher water is less dense and therefore does not travel as far north, resulting in weaker ocean currents. This means a weaker gulf stream, resulting in colder temperatures in europe, probably mostly northern europe.
Colder northern european temperatures means more ice, more ice means more reflected sunlight. And so on.

The volcanoe scenario is hard to predict, but the ocean currents scenario is completely predictable should taken into account in existing climate change models.

>> No.15278540 [DELETED] 

>a long lasting volcanic winter,
according to "the science", the siberian traps eruption drove the planet's temperature up to such a degree that life didn't exist in the planet's equatorial region for millions of years afterwards

>> No.15278889

It gets even more complex.
Not all volcanic eruptions are equal.
The type of rock that was turned into magma contain many green house gases once it erupted. It's possible that the amount of c02 released could counteract the amount of sunblocking particulates or sulfur dioxide provided the eruption is large enough and the geology is right.

There is evidence for this but you clearly lack an understanding of basic earth science.
Go and study and come back with stronger arguments.
You can download the data and run the numbers yourself if you wish to disprove any existing theories around the effectives of volcanoes. Some dimensions to include:
>ice core sample data
>geological dating data
>geological core sampling
Near present
>existing geological surveys of active volcanoes
>atmospheric surveys of material released in a recent volcanic eruption
>sattelite imaging of recent eruptions

From this you should be able to determine
>the mass of particulates released
>the mass of c02 released (and measure the increase in global c02)
>the mass of sulfur dioxide released
From this you can determine your own theories.

For historical data you will need knowledge about how c02 and temperature affects the way rocks form and how the layering works in geological time scales. Ice cores is obvious.

Rather than being a retard and going in with a politcal bias, try to be open minded and see what the data tells you. Any calculations post on a forum online to get feedback to check you haven't made mistakes.

If you want to deny the majority of geologists and then not back it, this is what you need.
Oil and gas and mining pays for geologists wages remember, so most of them have a vested interest in keeping these companies going.

>> No.15278916

Isn't marine life extremely sensitive to any kind of change, be it salinity or acidity or temperature?

>> No.15278927

Marine ecosystems are if they depend on sources of food that are.
Individual organisms up the food chain are most sensitive to a lack of food

>> No.15279900 [DELETED] 

>Isn't marine life extremely sensitive to any kind of change, be it salinity or acidity or temperature?
no, it isn't. if marine life were to all drop dead due to slight environmental changes, that would disprove darwin's theory of evolution, which states that adaptability to changing environments is the driving force of evolution or extinction.

>> No.15279930
File: 62 KB, 750x727, Climate Hoaxes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how much sunlight is blocked?
Without abundant levels of CO2, most life on Earth would freeze and perish.

That's why the rich elite leftist's in charge of governments want to reduce CO2 levels, to cause widespread famine and depopulation, as per their stated agendas.

>CO2 was the most important gas ever
yes, it is important, since it keeps Earth stable and warm/wet.

>> No.15279934

Not even close, but nice try.

>> No.15280158
File: 21 KB, 618x412, fgfnkhfknflj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody in climate science is willing to throw away their prestigious academic careers in the name of honesty, none of them have to possibility of earning more than minimum wage if they're forced to work outside of their academic field.
"Climate Change" is all just a scam.

>> No.15280217 [DELETED] 
File: 227 KB, 1550x1550, greg t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>none of them have to possibility of earning more than minimum wage if they're forced to work outside of their academic field.
because they're low IQ, smart people are capable of learning new things,while climate soientists have been repeating the same lies incessantly for the past 35 years. imagine that your discipline is so low IQ that a high school student who can't do math feels they have an expert level grasp of the topic.

>> No.15280371

>But I thought
...and that is where you went wrong.

>> No.15280377

>ph of the ocean is over 8.1
fake & gay

>> No.15280384

there is no wagering at 4chan, Grandpa

>> No.15280389

You're right. Nobody joins the Warmist cult through thinking.

>> No.15280393
File: 32 KB, 580x450, D7841EA5-44FB-4F2F-B122-6ED4C9807912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

volcanoes aren't real


>> No.15280453

He gives a well researched and fairly comprehensive explanation and then leaves one youtube video just so retards like you can understand and your response is
>hur durr jewtube. ZOG.

>> No.15280463

Why thankya kindly anon, I do try. To give somewhat researched comprehensive answers to things, that is. Welcome to /sci/ sadly. That kind of response typifies most of the weird troll/pol motivated "alternate facts" threads. Like flat earthers they can't argue or bother to understand anything.

>> No.15280564 [DELETED] 
File: 154 KB, 965x1024, glowflats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone who expressed an opinion different from me is a flat earther

>> No.15280716 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 1024x544, glowies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooo!!! you can't just ignore all content from muh government censored propaganda outlet!!!

>> No.15280825

And how much ash and sulfates are thrown in the atmosphere in the meantime? Don't cherrypick the data just because you want to prove your idea.

>> No.15280842

This is a really retarded post.
>bro valcanos release CO2
>temp go down!
>that must mean co2 doesnt warm
Kill yourself brainlet retard. You will never be a scientist. You will never do science you have no understanding of science. You have no ability to think critically. You will always be a retard that tries to be smart but just says really retarded shit.

>> No.15280848

He never said that, schizo. Take your meds. AGW believers truly are insane.

>> No.15280925

>everyone who expressed an opinion different from me is a flat earther
No one said that.

>> No.15280998

But above all, it blasts a giga ton of white particles which have the effect of increasing the albedo of the planet.

>> No.15282019

>>nobody in climate science is willing to throw away their prestigious academic careers in the name of honesty, none of them have to possibility of earning more than minimum wage if they're forced to work outside of their academic field.
This is why NASA still exists. Soft money for "climate science". All a scam.

>> No.15282037

So do coal power plants, but you forced them to have cuckmuzzles.

>> No.15284088 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15285449


>> No.15285529
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>there are still retards who don't accept anthropocentric climate change

>> No.15285563

>there are still retards who don’t accept my jewish lord and savior

>> No.15287456

>"Climate Change" is all just a scam.