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File: 45 KB, 800x500, figures_dipole_map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15276156 No.15276156 [Reply] [Original]

the cosmic microwave background radiation dipole graphic triggers me. the part thats red is indicating where the background radiation is blue shifted and the blue part indicates where the background radiation is red shifted.

>> No.15276185


Yep. Because is complete and utter bullsht.

It's remarkable that you all stand for this.

The CMB has nothing to do with the "big bang"

>> No.15276192

so what? isn't it just saying what direction we're moving?

>> No.15276194


>> No.15276204

It's arguably the single most important piece of evidence proving the big bang. Nothing else can plausibly explain the CMB's existence .

>> No.15276232

how about a static universe with an average temp of 2.7ºK? or what if its the heat signature of the milky way's dark mater halo?

>> No.15276245

> how about a static universe with an average temp of 2.7ºK?
There's no reason to expect a static universe to have a background temperature at all or such a specific value. The big-bang theory predicts that exact temperature.
> what if its the heat signature of the milky way's dark mater halo?
Then it would depend on the halo's density, it doesn't. Also what about other galaxies? The CMB would increase around them too, it doesn't.

>> No.15276254

>so what? isn't it just saying what direction we're moving?

How can you say that and not realize it's incompatible with everything else (they) say about physics & big bang.

Jesus you people really are cattle aren't you

>> No.15276257

>It's arguably the single most important piece of evidence proving the big bang. Nothing else can plausibly explain the CMB's existence

You people are literally cattle. It's remarkable. We can literally say anything to you people and you'll believe it.

>> No.15276259

>incompatible with everything else (they) say about physics & big bang.
like what, about the earth being the center of the universe?

>> No.15276260

>how about a static universe with an average temp of 2.7ºK? or what if its the heat signature of the milky way's dark mater halo?

Yeah. At least not all of you are completely fcking braindead cattle slaves

>> No.15276263

>like what, about the earth being the center of the universe?

You are so utterly enslaved you haven't even figured out yet that big bang is the religious gaslight, have you? You probably still think atheists invented the theory and are the ones enforcing compliance to it

>> No.15276266

>like what, about the earth being the center of the universe?

In the off chance your not a fcking cow, yeah: one one hand they say light is the same at every speed, no central reference frame, big bang happened everywhere, no center, etc... etc... and on the other hand here's the CMB clearly showing a reference frame and they have gaslit people into thinking it SUPPORTS their model when in reality is SHTS on it!

>> No.15276270

Resorting to insults tends not to work as a valid scientific argument. You need to give an alternative explanation.

>> No.15276271


You're a slave and a cow. Utterly brainwashed. Not even worth communicating with. I would rather argue with an idiot geocentrist, even their braindead theory had more evidence than Big Bang theory.

>> No.15276274
File: 588 KB, 768x894, anyway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're funny.

>> No.15276275

>You need to give an alternative explanation.

We have. Many times. Your kind have already proven yourselves to be braindead, religiously motivated (even those of you claiming to be "atheist"), cattle.

>> No.15276279

> Many times?
Really? Please point out where in this thread then.

>> No.15276286


All wave mediums "redshift" the wave the further it is. Water. Sound. Fucking jello.

What a fcking coincidence that the "expansion of space" completes the trend by just stretching the light just a little bit. Billions of light years of expansion stretches the light just a tad, just the amount we would expect if light had a medium.

You are a fucking slave.

>> No.15276292

>All wave mediums "redshift" the wave the further it is. Water. Sound. Fucking jello.
>What a fcking coincidence that the "expansion of space" completes the trend by just stretching the light just a little bit. Billions of light years of expansion stretches the light just a tad, just the amount we would expect if light had a medium.
>You are a fucking slave.

"But but but Michaelson Morely..."

Michaelson Morelys experiment would not have even detected the presence of fcking air because lights medium moves WITH the Earth just like air does


>> No.15276296

>Michaelson Morelys experiment would not have even detected the presence of fcking air because lights medium moves WITH the Earth just like air does
Well also it was conducted in a sealed underground room. It couldn't have detected aether drag at all.

>> No.15276302

>The big-bang theory predicts that exact temperature
if that were the case then it would have been predicted before it was accidentally discovered.

>> No.15276323

>Well also it was conducted in a sealed underground room. It couldn't have detected aether drag at all.

Are you actually retrded?

>> No.15276329

>Well also it was conducted in a sealed underground room. It couldn't have detected aether drag at all.

I'm sorry, but do... do... you think that LIGHTS MEDIUM just isn't there when you're inside of a fcking room?


>> No.15276335

>aether drag

Oh, no wait - you're right.

I forgot that when you close all the doors in your house air suddenly stops moving with the Earth and begins whipping around the room at 30k MPH

You fcking small minded baffoon

>> No.15276339

>if that were the case then it would have been predicted before it was accidentally discovered

Not only that but one of the tricks these wastes-of-resources pull is have scientists guess every single value so that when they stumble by dumb luck on a new discovery they can pretend it was predicted.

String Theory in particular dropped all illusions of this. They boast of doing this.

Big Bangers and their institutions are truly scum that impedes the progress of the human race.

>> No.15276340

>Big Bangers and their institutions are truly scum that impedes the progress of the human race.

Wasting trillions of our dollars. With 0.00001% of their budget I could have advanced the human race 1k years in the time that they digressed our race -100

>> No.15276351

I'm sorry about your thread, OP. The graphic bothers me as well, now. there's no reason for using a colorbar like that except that it's the default in whatever software you're plotting with.

>> No.15276362

>Nothing else can plausibly explain the CMB's existence .
Nothing needs to explain anything. You can just treat it as a brute fact. This is why scientists should take a philosophy class

>> No.15276397

>I'm sorry about your thread, OP. The graphic bothers me as well, now. there's no reason for using a colorbar like that except that it's the default in whatever software you're plotting with.

You two should dress up in furrie outfits and spoon each other.

>> No.15276403

>You can just treat it as a brute fact.

THIS. Big Bang theory is BTFO and something these codfish will say is, "but wHaT wIlL replace iT?!?"

Uhhh, nothing need replace it. We have a set of data, and your interpretation of that data is wrong. Period. Because it was BTFO by other evidence and observation...

... but that said: the universe is most likely an infinite, and eternal fluid like fractal.

>> No.15276415

> Nothing needs to explain anything.
> You can just treat it as a brute fact.
That's it everyone, wrap it up and go home. Nothing ever has to be explained or understood, we don't need science or knowledge, it's all pointless.

>> No.15276420

>That's it everyone, wrap it up and go home. Nothing ever has to be explained or understood, we don't need science or knowledge, it's all pointless.

You're a dipsht. Big Bang does NOT explain the observations. You simply WANT big bang to be true because you're a religious cuk.

A closer match for observation is a steady, fluidlike universe, and you know that, but you cannot say it because of daddy Pope. It's pathetic

>> No.15276425

What is this crazy correlation you seem to believe between the big bang and religious nuts? Literally no one in this thread mentioned that except you.

>> No.15276433

>between the big bang and religious nuts?

1700: Giordano Bruno, a scientist who theorized the Universe had no beginning, was hung upside down and burned alive by the Inquisition. Bruno has not received a pardon to this day.

1920: Giordano Bruno's murderer (inquisitor) was Sainted by the Church.

1930: Steady State Theory (eternal universe theory) was deemed antichristian, and a Priest invented Big Bang theory as an alternative.

1960: A Pope ratified Big Bang Theory and ties its validity to the validity of the religion itself.

2023: every American school child pledges to God, the Catholic Church is the world's largest academic network and owns the Presidency, Fed chair and court majority.

Big Bang theory is false. And we will find galaxies that predate the big bang by billions of years. Bookmark this.

>> No.15276434
File: 190 KB, 414x319, schizo thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15276437

>Big Bang theory is false

Big Bang is not only false, it's even more ridiculous than geocentrism. Anyone who has actually conducted soveign study from first principles knows this.

>> No.15276439


I'm not the one who believes that wine instantly turns to human blood, schizo.

You're use of violence and terror does not make you correct in matters of science.

>> No.15276466

vatican agents are en route

>> No.15276484

okay, inquisitor faggot

The universe is just a statistical physics system and the religious bangs have no part in the real physics

>> No.15276491

Op thow me the redpill on tbe fractal universe

>> No.15276513

>Op thow me the redpill on tbe fractal universe

Universe is a "moving fractal" which would be an area of mathematical research if these Big Bangers weren't hoarding resources. Similar to, say, the Mandelbrot Set, the equation at every point of the universe is the same, inward and outward, but also like Mandelbrot (fractals) this results in infinite complexity. Because the universal equation works "locally" like other fractals, but is not static like other fractals, the effect on our universe is similar (but not exactly like) a traditional fluid, i.e. it has a kind of flow to it which we observe as electricity, gravity, and even atoms can be though of similar (but not exactly like) tiny whirlpools in the "fluid" of our Universe. The pattern of the universe is high symmetric and atoms can essentially be thought of as tiny galaxies inward forever... infact, the orbital velocity of a star around a galactic center is virtually (if not entirely) identical to the orbital velocity of an electron around a nucleus. Because the "fractal" of our universe is a "real-number system" i.e. has positive AND negative values, the primary emergent phenomenon of our universe is attraction and repulsion. Attracting and repulsioning particles infinitely "sharpen" their paths through the "fluid", understand its not just a fractal, it's an optimization equation. The mass structures we observe are the result of that optimization: stars, planets, even you and me. I can "deep dive" any of these points if you are interested.

>> No.15276531

It was predicted. Hence why Dicke, Todd and Wilkinson started building an instrument to detect it before it was discovered.

>> No.15276536

Except people didn't stop there. Michelson and other did experiments at altitude, they also detected nothing. Then the desperate drag proponents claimed it was the heavy vacuum chamber that was dragging the aether. This was rejected by the Hammar experiments, which had one enclosed arm and one open. Aether drag is dead.

>> No.15276539

>Michelson and other did experiments at altitude, they also detected nothing.

Their experiment also would not have detected our atmosphere at altitude.

Listen, I don't care what you believe. But I'm simply trying to help you understand that you are brainwashed.

>> No.15276544

>Then the desperate drag proponents claimed it was the heavy vacuum chamber that was dragging the aether. This was rejected by the Hammar experiments, which had one enclosed arm and one open.

Completely irrelevant. Containing the "aether" drag is even more difficult than stopping our atmosphere.

You WANT to believe in a big bang because it comports with your cultural traditions (moment of creation). That's fine. None of my business what you believe, but it is a lot of fun to effortlessly dunk on it.

>> No.15276546

>Their experiment also would not have detected our atmosphere at altitude.
Correct. They werent trying to. The air is not the aether.

>> No.15276550

>The air is not the aether.

No sht! Lol!!! "Aether" is even more pervasive than air! "Aether" halos surround entire galaxies (which is why Einsteinian equations get galactic rotation wrong!) - you cannot get above it on a fking mountain LMAO!!!!

>> No.15276554

>Completely irrelevant. Containing the "aether" drag is even more difficult than stopping our atmosphere.
Then you didn't understand the Hammar experiment. It's not about the atmosphere.

>> No.15276556

>you cannot get above it on a fking mountain
You didn't even try to understand the point before opening your mouth. The point of going to altitude is that drag propropenents claimed the problem was doing the experiment in a basement. Hence going to Mount Wilson would be less effected by drag.

>> No.15276559

>Then you didn't understand the Hammar experiment. It's not about the atmosphere.

I understand the experiment just fine. you simply don't understand what I am saying: the "aether" "particles" if one can even call them that, are sub atomic. This idea that you can use fcking matter structures to contain the flow of it is completely idiotic.

The experiment is like something a baboon or flat earthen would invent.

We KNEW that light waves, because of their speed and continuity must - if moving through a medium - be it a medium that subatomic structure...



>> No.15276562

>You didn't even try to understand the point before opening your mouth.


>> No.15276564

>This idea that you can use fcking matter structures to contain the flow of it is completely idiotic.
That's not the point of the experiment. You don't understand.

>> No.15276569

>Hence going to Mount Wilson would be less effected by drag.


But now I'm getting into stuff WAAAAAAY beyond goyim such as yourself. You people are still struggling with evolution theory! It's hilarious!

>> No.15276579

So much noise and yet you don't mention the actual point once. It's not about where the aether is, drag is about how it moves.

>> No.15276580

>That's not the point of the experiment. You don't understand.

Again, I understand. You are simply retrded and a goyim.

Tell me: can you prevent the flow of a river using a fishing net? That's what it's like trying to prevent the flow of the "aether" using a cinderblock or lead, or virtually and material you can think of.

>> No.15276584

>So much noise and yet you don't mention the actual point once. It's not about where the aether is, drag is about how it moves.

You're a fcking retard, bro. Straight up. I already posted everything you need to understand what an enslaved cow you are on this subject, you simply refuse to believe that your indoctrination stations (schools) could be so wrong about this. Go pledge to God some more at the cattle farm you call a school some more, maybe he can give you a clue.

>> No.15276587

>Tell me: can you prevent the flow of a river using a fishing net?
That's exactly what the aether drag hypothesis is. Somehow objects drag the aether and it's stops in the local frame. If you think it's stupid then there is no escape from the MM experiment and the aether is falsified.

>> No.15276593

>That's exactly what the aether drag hypothesis is. Somehow objects drag the aether and it's stops in the local frame. If you think it's stupid then there is no escape from the MM experiment and the aether is falsified.

Your not gaslighting me, fggt. Maybe you'll gaslight some of the other cows here, and frankly IDGAF! To each their own!

>> No.15276597


Actually you did teach me a valuable lesson today. Don't try and teach to Goyim. They are beyond saving. You understood my point completely, but lying and gaslighting is what your kind does best. After all, you're "saved by grace" not by any pretense of actually being honest as someone like me conducts himself.

Get fked

>> No.15276600 [DELETED] 

>pretense of actually being honest

Which is to say you Goyim don't even attempt to be honest. We all saw it with Trump. You relish in your lies, and when called out you people get violent because you don't believe in "though shall not kill" either. What a sick and disgusting race of people you are.

>> No.15276619

I didnt understand anything but thanks for explain it
Ill meditate your post

>> No.15276622

>I didnt understand anything but thanks for explain it
>Ill meditate your post

You're welcome. And to anyone reading these, sorry for being such an asshole... I really do mean well.

>> No.15276627

>... I really do mean well.

I understand the path forward for science, I just don't know the best way to communicate it.

>> No.15277193

Are you Jewish?

>> No.15277479

Based a Jewish girl I know once posed with Neil Degrasse Tyson and recently I realized why every word that comes out of either of their mouths is completely fucking fake

>> No.15277490
File: 28 KB, 228x305, jewish penis envy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm a jewish cripplecock and i lividly hate all whites because they give me an inferiority complex
thanks for letting us all know, cripplecock

>> No.15277628

In 1964, Bell Labs scientists Arno Penzias and Robert A. Wilson were conducting experiments with the Holmdel Horn Antenna, an extremely sensitive device originally used to detect radio waves that were bounced off Echo balloon satellites, and later Telstar, the first active communications satellite. These radio waves were so weak, that it became critical to eliminate all possible interference in order to detect them.
Despite taking all conceivable steps to eliminate interference, they continually detected a strange, buzzing noise that was coming from all parts of the sky at all times of day and night. They did a range of additional testing on the equipment, and even removed some pigeons that were nesting in the antenna and their associate detritus. Still, the sound persisted. They ultimately determined that the noise was coming from outside of our galaxy.

>> No.15277662
File: 240 KB, 1286x338, fuck off.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You you fuck off already?

>> No.15278336

calm down schizo kike

>> No.15278437

>calm down schizo kike

I legitimately deserve this. My apologies. Our traditions are different, but that does not make us adversaries. I was raised that the law of Moses is paramount: don't lie, steal, murder, etc... you might not believe that, but Jews hold fast to this despite the propaganda otherwise. Seeing someone like Trump who blatantly disregards that law is *jolting*; "I could shoot an American without losing a single vote" "kill the women and children", etc.... your way had gained you great success, and perhaps that is all that is needed to gain favor in the eyes of our eternal creator, I don't know. What I do know is my life is dedicated to upholding what I believe to be right regardless.

>> No.15278442

>I legitimately deserve this. My apologies. Our traditions are different, but that does not make us adversaries. I was raised that the law of Moses is paramount: don't lie, steal, murder, etc... you might not believe that, but Jews hold fast to this despite the propaganda otherwise. Seeing someone like Trump who blatantly disregards that law is *jolting*; "I could shoot an American without losing a single vote" "kill the women and children", etc.... your way had gained you great success, and perhaps that is all that is needed to gain favor in the eyes of our eternal creator, I don't know. What I do know is my life is dedicated to upholding what I believe to be right regardless.

Said simply, I could have been more tactful about speaking my truth. In my way we value deep understanding, not lies meant to prop up a "hierarchy". I understand that is your way, to lie, steal, kill, rape, etc... to further your power. Your way has achieved 1B members and my way is dying so who am I to judge I suppose.

>> No.15278446 [DELETED] 

>lie, steal, kill, rape

That is the way, because we are saved by grace, and if you disagree you are WOKE!!!!!!!







>> No.15278449


Thats your way. I get it. Everyone gets its. You want to kill 90% the human race or something like that. We get it.


That's your way.

>> No.15278452


And everyone totally understands. Europe. South America. African. America.

Everyone gets it. That's your way. The 0.001% of you. That's how you operate.

>> No.15278454


The 9.009% are mostly enforcers for the 0.001% rape murder lie steal campaign. Obvs

>> No.15278455

>The 9.009% are mostly enforcers for the 0.001% rape murder lie steal campaign. Obvs

Fucked those numbers up. But basically, yeah

>> No.15278491

>That is the way, because we are saved by grace, and if you disagree you are WOKE!!!!!!!

To the Feds monitoring the site, yes obviously this was sarcasm. I am even more conservative than you are. That's why I am so disgusted. But oh well.

>> No.15279003

>The big-bang theory predicts that exact temperature after the equations are purposefully fudged to produce that exact temperature value
Fixed that for you. The Big Bang predicts no feature of reality. Keep adding epicycles you schizophrenic maniacs..

>> No.15279815

You're just an ignorant retard on the wrong end of the Dunning-Kruger curve. The big bang involves a preferred reference frame since there is energy density sitting around. If it were just vacuum or dark energy then you would get some extra Lorentz symmetry, but that is not the case.

It is okay to not know this, but the way you simply assume there is some sort of conspiracy to hide some obvious flaw just screams retard.

>> No.15279831

You're Jewish?

>> No.15279977

Lol, your ki d just finetuned the formula until it shows what you measured

>> No.15280060

>where in this thread
Even an AI has more tokens then sciBots (m/w/d/pc).

>> No.15280105

lmao literally an open kike.
>muh pope runs the west.
you're literally a jew.
this time the holocoaster is going to be real

>> No.15280137

That triggers you???
Nigga, you dont even know what "triggered" means!
Jesus Fucking Christ! Somehow the Existence that we occupy came from something. Now why the fuck that would happen is anyone's guess. But whether its turtles all the way down or just a simple quantum fluctuation that got out of hand we can be sure that we, as sentient creatures, evolved as a result of an incredibly long and complicated series of circumstances to a point where we can regard the existence we inhabit and query its nature and conception. Nigga, that isn't the end of the story. Furthermore we devised a structure of reasoning tools, the most fundamental of which involves representing, in both abstract and physical concepts, values which we can assign to the features of existence. Mathematics, Nigga, you dig? CAN YOU DIG IT? Furthermore when we take the most MOTHERFUCKING fundamental units of this reasoning system and plop two of them at right angles to each other we find that the length between the two extremities of our "Oh so precious" fundamental units of reason, is GODDAMN FUCKING MOTHER FUCKING FUCKING impossible to calculate to absolute certainty! FUCK! JUST FUCK! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK! CUNT! Why the fuck couldn't it have been something nice and whole? Fuck your CMB bullshit baby trigger! I am talking about the MOTHER FUCKER OF ALL TRIGGERS! The SQUARE ROOT OF FUCKING 2 !!!!!!

CUNTOLOGY! We got cucked right out of the starting box!

That triggers me.

>> No.15280671
