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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15271526 No.15271526 [Reply] [Original]

have you read it yet /sci/ ?

>> No.15271528

>written by a woman
>inb4 AIDS is good

>> No.15271542

It is good. It increases the fitness of humans. Someone should engineer super aids to expedite the extinction of homosexuals who according to Benatar are a net harm for others (misanthropic argument).

>> No.15271546
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>according to Benatar

>> No.15271552

wtf I love syndromes now

Viruses dont exist in 3...2...

>> No.15271559

>jews advocating for the destruction of gays
wtf i love jews now

>> No.15271584

He's also advocating for the destruction of whites, to absolutely no one's surprise.
>Benatar is the son of Solomon Benatar, a global-health expert
Make of that what you will, kike apologist.

>> No.15271695

Benatar wrote a racist anti black tirade against the University of Capetown and the logical conclusion of his arguments are for high IQ antinatalists to procreate. He's writing for the extinction of humanity which of course would be sequential from elimating the worst like homosexuals to then low IQ peoples that lack the sentience to see the harm of coming into existence. Whites would be last in accordance with the misanthropic argument.

>> No.15271697

>Benatar wrote a racist anti black tirade against the University of Capetown
He also wrote a bunch of books meant for whites about how it's evil and stupid to reproduce. His daddy is a Mossad-connected """global health official""".