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File: 32 KB, 477x301, vaxd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15268382 No.15268382 [Reply] [Original]

It's offical, the vax is now unquestionably a deadly poison
>first death directly linked to COVID-19 vaccine
>directly linked
Its no longer a matter of if the vax is deadly, but only how deadly it is.
How do the many vaxxxies of /sci/ feel about this new finding?

>> No.15268395

2 more weeks

>> No.15268405

>one person dies immediatly after getting a shot
KEK you cant even make this shit up. You anti vax guys are real retards huh. Also it was an issue with the lungs not heart.
Everything is deadly OP. People have died from advil or asprin. People have also previously almost died from the vaccine becsuse they were allergic to the shit inside. So maybe to your 70iq mind it was about how dangerous vs if it is dangerous, but not everyone is sub 80iq.

>> No.15268411

The article says the effects happened very shortly after the vaccine was taken. Sounds like one of those allergic reactions they warn about. Usually if you have a history of bad reaction to any vaccine you don't get the vaccine at all. Also she was obese with high blood pressure.
But yeah the vaxxies will start dropping en masse any day now... this time for sure!

>> No.15268416

whats wrong, why don't you trust The Science? The Science says that you were dumb enough to volunteer for an experimental injection which turned out to be highly toxic, did The Science hurt your feelings by pointing out your mistake?

you'll be wondering how much harm you did to yourself by taking the vaxxx for as long as you live, the longer you live them more opportunities you'll have to regret your mistake, the stress from that alone is already enough to shorten your life expectancy

>> No.15268431

When and where can I read or hear any government or expert say
>well unfortunately a very small minority will die from the jab, but that's a price we are willing to force you to pay because statistics are more important than individuals and for most people the benefits are worth the risks.
They were not that honest, right? Oh you think a little lie is for the greater good? Consider a real deadly disease showing up but no one caring anymore. Bravo, well done, gg.

>> No.15268434

Oh no. 1st death in a country of 125 million. We're all doomed!!

>> No.15268442

Yeah a single individual life doesn't matter. Just shut up and take the 1/125m chance to die. Like russian roulette with the odds overwhelmingly in your favor. Don't be a pussy and get the shot.

>> No.15268445

No, I'll just wait to get the virus instead because that's much safer.

>> No.15268446

If they were honest they wouldn't be antivaxxers. It'll forever be "2 more weeks" and then they'll invent a global conspiracy claiming the mass deaths were hidden or something equally flat-earth retarded.

>> No.15268455

>It's offical, the vax is now unquestionably a deadly poison
So are bee stings if you're allergic to something in them. Acute anaphylactic shock triggering pulmonary edema. Yawn.

>> No.15268459

Yes because I'm young, I live a healthy life, work from home and have no social life, the risk of getting complications from the virus are very low and the risk of getting and passing on the disease are very low too. So you don't need to force me to take the jab. The fact that you are forcing me makes me concerned about my safety. You ridiculing my concerns makes me even more concerned. You downplaying cracks in the narrative makes me extremely concerned. So that's why I didn't took the jab.

>> No.15268461

> the risk of getting complications from the virus are very low
1 in 125 million low?

>> No.15268464

>Just shut up and take the 1/125m chance to die
Wasn't that literally the argument the "I have an immune system" "natural immunity" "just a flu, bro" types were making, except with a substantially smaller denominator?

Yeah, it's just mindless tribalism, but these types continuing to push, sometimes in tandem the simultaneous harmlessness of covid and deadliness of the vaccine (there of course being one vaccine made by (((them)))) is contemptible.

>> No.15268472

These types think statistical modeling and probability are lies because it "doesn't look at the real world".

>> No.15268474
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>They were not that honest, right?
>a little lie is for the greater good?
Common sense/a reasonable person would not assume 0% risk for any activity, and that the absence of a specific notification was evidence of a 0% risk state. Food doesn't contain "you may choke or get poisoned by this" warnings. Airlines are not required to hand out or prominently display "the cargo door might unlatch, causing the aircraft to crash" or " the pilots might attempt to deice the plane with the jetwash of preceding aircraft, despite manuals saying not to do that, causing the plane to crash on takeoff" warnings, nor would there be any point to their doing so.
The closest you'd come is California's Proposition 65, which does require warning labels wherever 'carcinogens' might be found, and is completely useless as a result.
>statistics are more important than individuals
Ironically, this was an explicit argument by many who wanted to end Covid countermeasures.

>> No.15268478

I don't play the numbers game because numbers are a tool for manipulating perception. I was less scared of the to me unknown virus risks than the to me unknown jab risk. Especially because I saw there was an information war and tribalism going on. Don't get me wrong: it's becoming obvious to me now that the ''two more weeks'' crowd are dishonest fear mongerers too. For example: no one reported on the decline in excess deaths this year. Still, I have more sympathy for this tribe because politicians, scientists and doctors should be of the highest moral standing and deserve hell for manipulating perception.

>> No.15268479

>I don't play the numbers game because numbers are a tool for manipulating perception.
Can be. Do tell, though, exactly what do you think was manipulated and how by who? Direct reference or citation preferred.

>> No.15268480
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>> No.15268483

>decline in excess deaths this year
What alternate reality do you live in kek?

>> No.15268484

> politicians ... should be of the highest moral standing
in what universe? can't be this one you're looking at.

> scientists and doctors ... deserve hell for manipulating perception
that's one hell of a statement given everything said by the "other side". you need to be specific what you're complaining about.

>> No.15268487

Due to covid and aging demographics. You gotta get way better at lying man.

>> No.15268492
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> old people that get covid die

>> No.15268494

Of course. That's why I suggest an honest approach would not be a mandate for the ''greater good'', but to recognize that there's a difference between what's best for public health and what's best for individual health by giving doctors and nurses freedom to assess individual risks and advising the individual with a freedom of choice.

>> No.15268496

Bro I was a zogbot in the military and they injected with all kinds of vaccines. Been vaxxed against anthrax twice, small pox, bunch of other shit I can’t pronounce. If the one JnJ jab does me in then GG I guess.

>> No.15268504

You live in upside down world. Distrust is the default position.
I'm not playing your game of citing all sorts of things that can be interpreted in many ways leading to endless discussion. That's intentional information warfare playing all tribes. Don't tell me you can't see that everyone and everything is fooling us or is that too /x/ for you?

>> No.15268510

> I'm not playing your game of citing
you tell them, no one needs to see any evidence when making outlandish claims.

>> No.15268511

>You live in upside down world. Distrust is the default position.
If your beliefs do not comport with evidence and are merely matters of axiomatic conviction, you do not have a worldview based on evidence or anything but blind faith. Same as young earth creationists, flat earthers, and every other narcissism fueled delusion.

>> No.15268515
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Poke a billion people with a needle, one will die.
Also you're making it look like as if their actions were fine if only the vaccine was better.

>> No.15268520

What part of ''everyone and everything is fooling us'' don't you understand? This is the age of deception, deconstruction, information warfare, divide and conquer. ''They'' (?) want us arguing like this. Please let go of your pride and start doubting what you thiink you know instead of looking for evidence.

>> No.15268521

>an honest approach
There isn't any dishonesty in the current approach, for the reasons already given.
>there's a difference between what's best for public health and what's best for individual health
There isn't any difference in this case.

>> No.15268524

>post articles from news organizations
>make no comments otherwise
>why are you lying!
Ah we have us a special kind of retard here frens

>> No.15268528

>I am a retard
Why do you think this quote of you admitting your own retardation is a lie?

After all, I was only posting excerpts from your post! All those letters are in there!

>> No.15268533

No. How do you know that someone is attractive? Not by writing a scientific paper about it. That's backwards rationalization. How do you know that drinking water is healthier than Coca Cola? Please don't tell me that you need to read the scientific literature first. How do you move your hand? Not by citing physiology 101 about action potentials. Don't tell me that you don't kill people because you had to learn that's wrong. How do you know in a conversation if the other person is angry? Not be first consciously analyzing all sorts of indicators. You see, there can be many things you know without science. Science is like autism a handicap because you can't capture reality fully in a purely rational construcct.

Please see that flat earthers etc. challenge us to question how we know what we know.

>> No.15268540

This is called a false equivalence, also a kind of category error. You are equivocating a persons subjective feelings of something, like attraction, with the objective fact of whether something is healthy or not. The only arbiter of what you find attractive is you, the arbiter of whether something is healthy is the reality of it regardless of your personal feelings.

As I said: Narcissism. You somehow seem to think your fee fees are what matter instead of reality on matters of reality. No, there is no value in people like you, and definitely not flat earthers either.

>> No.15268551

Your scientific consensus is but a shared perception of reality. An agreed upon map confused with the territory. Vulnerable to influence of money, power and individual interests. Limited to what can be measured, who measures, how the measurement is done and reported. A cult basically. You're the pot calling the kettle black.

>> No.15268554

Good try chuds, but only 1,611 deaths were """caused""" by the """deadly""" covid pandemic in New Zealand (of over 100,000 all-cause deaths in 3 years)

https://www.health.govt.nz/covid-19-novel-coronavirus/covid-19-data-and-statistics/covid-19-case-demographics (scroll to the bottom)

...which is less than half of excess deaths...


So if it isn't covid that is causing the excess deaths. What is? Global warming? Aggressive gardening? Shaking duvets too vigorously?

>> No.15268556

A perception of reality that does not correspond to reality has a very specific term. It's called "a delusion". Sorry bud, consensus based on evidence beats consensus becased on bullshit every time.

>> No.15268567

So didja miss the whole "and aging demographics" part or was it too hard for ya to figure a way to lie about that one too?

>> No.15268573

If you've never been high up in the mountains, because no money is granted to do your research there, you have no direct first hand experimental evidence that the boiling point of water is different over there. You either assume only one boiling point or you assume someone's story or some untested molecular theory that the boiling point depends on atmospheric pressure. That's how deluded you are.

>> No.15268578

Yawn same old flat earther canard. It's called induction.
>You either assume only one boiling point or you assume someone's story or some untested molecular theory that the boiling point depends on atmospheric pressure
Nope. The predictions comport with everything contingently necessary for it to be true, and would require magic for it to suddenly cease to be true in those conditions. Things are not believed merely on faith, but the convergence of the successes of the evidence. If boiling water did not work this way as predicted, then other consequences of that deviation would result. Therefore, except magic, the alternatives are precluded.

Oh I'm sorry did your philosophy professor not teach you about epistemic closure yet?

>> No.15268584
File: 51 KB, 765x482, ed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sorry, a sharp rise in (non-covid) excess deaths is because of "aging demographics" gotcha. I haven't been keeping up to date with the latest programming, I was still on the "Global warming" and "Vigorous duvet shaking" narrative.

>> No.15268595

Clearly the predictions of molecular theory did require magic, otherwise there wouldn't be a need for atomic models, revisions of those models, quantum mechanics etc. Proving again and again that your shared perception of reality you called The Science was too limited.

You're like the fact checkers debunking vaccine passports on date X because those were not official policy yet until date Y. Surely vaccine passports were mere conspiracy theories on date X because there was no evidence for those yet, right?

>> No.15268706

wtf is this schizobabble? you are having a manic episode

>> No.15268788

Sorry chud but anything from japantimes doesn't count. Only outlets from my list of personally approved news sites that put out propaganda which I agree with count

>> No.15269001

>The woman received a Pfizer shot targeting the omicron variant on Nov. 5 at a mass vaccination center. She felt sick seven minutes later, and her breathing stopped after about 15 minutes.
I'm on 890,945 minutes, I reckon I'll be okay

>> No.15269047

The only people who have ever said two more weeks are yourselves. Antivaxxers like OP are merely saying the vax can kill.

>> No.15269181

Millions of people have already died from the vaxxx, the Japanese news is big because its the first time any medical scientists have been able to show exactly how and why the vaxxx is a killer.
Before this news there was some level of doubt because "correlation does not necessarily mean causation", but now there is known causation

>> No.15269418


>> No.15269832
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>I live a healthy life, work from home and have no social life
Yeah, we can tell.

>> No.15269844
File: 48 KB, 800x800, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the science says that the vaxxxxxx is deadly, don't you trust the science? why not? i thought vaxxxxxies trusted the science, how, why and when did you switch to being a science denier?

>> No.15269870

Here's every. single. anti-vaxxer ever

>posts misleading nothingburger or actual false article
Yeah it's either a ludicrously small sample size (see: faggot OP) or something from the Daily Planet
>*reductio ad absurdum noises*
>Oh my Science, praise Fauci, yes! YES! good goy

Great argument!
It's all so fucking tiresome

>> No.15269872
File: 731 KB, 2226x1651, US Senate Hearings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japan proves covid vax is deadly
USA proved that over a year ago. Was Senate hearings and scientific evidence showing how the "vaccines" are suppressing the immune system and causing tons of diseases to crop up, even among the most healthy elite military.

>> No.15269876
File: 44 KB, 415x900, excess deaths.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

70% of those deaths are under 60 years old, with the median age at 34 years old. Very disturbing trends.

Not just NZ either. Most western countries that had high vaccination rates.

Excess death rates are higher among 10-50 year olds than in modern history since WWII.

>> No.15269880
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>never forget the 6 million vaccine deaths
>actually, it was 60 million
>make that 600 million
>I have re-checked the figures and it was 6.6 BILLIONS
This is horrible! I am going to spread the word! Do you have a source I can provide?

>> No.15269884

>Shaking duvets too vigorously?
This. Or racism.
Probably racist duvet owners causing climate transgender change.

>> No.15269886
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>70% of those deaths are under 60 years old, with the median age at 34 years old. Very disturbing trends.
Ah Twitter, the global repository for Truth and amateur virology hobbyists.

>source: industry insider

>> No.15269887
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>> No.15269907

>Ah Twitter, the global repository for Truth and amateur virology hobbyists.
NZ Ministry of Health statistics.
So it is much worse than what they admit to.
As far as Twitter, it's a gossip and news site.
Fact Checkers are everywhere on Twitter.
Best source of up to date news.

>> No.15269929

Picrel meme needs a dude who chops a hole in the wall and is sitting in a lawn chair swilling beer and shooting off fireworks outside.

>> No.15269961

>you'll be wondering how much harm you did to yourself by taking the vaxxx for as long as you live, the longer you live them more opportunities you'll have to regret your mistake, the stress from that alone is already enough to shorten your life expectancy
I literally only think about covid or the vax when I come here. You guys are the ones raging out on Fox News for 18 hours a day.
I just got back from lunch with friends and you know what we talked about? Our lives and how we should make plans for a trip together.

>> No.15269966

What's causing the 40% excess deaths? Can't be covid, most people are vaccinated.

>> No.15270004

>What's causing the 40% excess deaths?
Age demographics. What's not to get?

>> No.15270012

Young people are dying because of age demographics?

>> No.15270018

>Young people are dying because of age demographics?
Isn't young people. You're talking about NZ, right?

>> No.15270023

>Age demographics. What's not to get?
What are you suggesting? Insurance companies are claiming deaths are up across the board.

>> No.15270029

>What are you suggesting? Insurance companies are claiming deaths are up across the board.
I have no idea what you're getting at. That is yet another metric and both can be true. The majority of deaths can be due to aging demographics, and deaths across the board can be largely attributed to covid. I don't see where you think the contradiction is?

>> No.15270036

>I literally only think about covid or the vax when I come here
sounds like you don't enjoy discussing this aspect of science at all, but its popular on this board, so you'll just have to deal with it or leave. maybe you should be spending more time with your friends and avoiding 4chan, that way you won't have to chimp out every time you see a thread that you dislike. goodbye & good luck

>> No.15270035

I meant "deaths being up across the board" in case that was ambiguous.

>> No.15270037

>I just got back from lunch with friends
Sure you did. Sure you have friends. Suuuure.
>I literally only think about covid or the vax when I come here.
Overuse of the word "literally" is a sure sign of a low IQ and being brainwashed by leftist media.
You took the "vaccine" didn't you? kek

>> No.15270042

So you're saying younger people are dying in excess despite a highly vaccinated population?

>> No.15270074

>So you're saying younger people are dying in excess despite a highly vaccinated population?
Wrong question. Vaccines are not miracles. The real question is "How many would have died were they not vaccinated?" and you can get some inkling by all the comparisons https://ourworldindata.org/covid-deaths-by-vaccination

That is to say, a whole lot more would die, would have died, without vaccination.

>> No.15270100

>Vaccines are not miracles
how many times have you gotten polio?

>> No.15270115

>how many times have you gotten polio?
I don't even comprehend why you would think that question makes sense to ask. Some things mutate a whole lot more than others, which can mean "more immune evasion", and other mechanisms play into that. I can only infer you don't know anything about the subject, which is fine, but you might want to AT LEAST read wikipedia for an overview and then go on to read some literature reviews or watch some additional instructional videos/classes. That'd be a good start.

>> No.15270117

>"How many would have died were they not vaccinated?"
First, five million of the near seven million deaths came AFTER the vaccine roll out began. Second, the virus has become less virulent. So you're suggesting that deaths actually rose after vaccination, with less virulent strains, because why?

>> No.15270144

>Second, the virus has become less virulent. So you're suggesting that deaths actually rose after vaccination, with less virulent strains, because why?
This is big-pharma and big-government's position now! kek!
Panic mode!
Once the majority of the masses realize how deadly the vaccines are, they will be coming for them.

>> No.15270146
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>First, five million of the near seven million deaths came AFTER the vaccine roll out began
On its own, true or false, that means nothing.
>Second, the virus has become less virulent.
Yet still in certain countries, like the United States, the unvaccinated die at higher rates. I do not know what you think "less virulent" implies.
>with less virulent strains, because why?
Can you explain what you mean by "virulence"? Are you meaning lethality overall, in proportion to infected, or its numerous technical "virulence factors"? I don't know what you are asking because I don't know where you are coming from, technical field or not.

>> No.15270149
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>That is to say, a whole lot more would die, would have died, without vaccination.
Even more would have died if I had not cast a protection spell on humans!

See, there are still billons alive because of my protection spell I cast!


>> No.15270151

>First, five million of the near seven million deaths came AFTER the vaccine roll out began.
That is very damning evidence against the vaccines.