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15263223 No.15263223 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.15263249

Oh its PM2.5. You know those measured levels are all made up right? The EPA just restricts it to force people to stop driving old cars, there's no known health risk even in their own studies.

>> No.15263324

That’s ridiculous

Look at the areas above Saharan Africa and the Australian outback. Places with almost no industry. That map must be including fucking micro desert sand.

How is that ‘pollution’?

>> No.15263326

It's any particulate matter around 2.5 micrometers or smaller. It could be windblown dirt or the dust that builds up in your room.

>> No.15263984

>those measured levels are all made up

how so exactly?

>> No.15264067

I wouldn't call them made up, besides measurements they probably rely on alot of simulation to fill the gaps.
Also just stop behaving like degenerates, using motorvehicles and heating your dwellings like crazy. Just put on clothes.

>> No.15264390

The risk levels for PM2.5 were assessed by literally putting participants in a gas chamber and gassing them with car exhaust. As you may be aware, carbon monoxide poisoning is deadly.

>> No.15265205 [DELETED] 

>USA has best air quality
Europoirs BTFO

>> No.15267038

Do you happen to have a link to that?

>> No.15267162
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>Safe Levels of Air Pollution
That's like saying non-pregnant levels of pregnancy.

How are toxins ever "safe", unless of course they are government approved and "safe and effective".

People who fall for this government double-speaks deserve what they get.

>> No.15267164

PM2.5 isn't a "toxin," it's dust blown out of fields and trace amounts of smoke from fires.

>> No.15267172

Not off-hand, but it's from the EPA human experiment report. It received a lot of criticism because someone died during the study of CO-related heart failure and they used that as their recommendation to enact bans on particulate.

>> No.15267368

>>15263984 >>15267038
You do realise you are being baited, right? Right?

>> No.15267375

It isn't bait, anon. You can go find the EPA briefs on the experiment yourself.

>> No.15267384 [DELETED] 

you seem to unironically believe that your lungs evolved on a planet with no wildfires or volcanic activity and that the first speck of dust those lungs inhale are going to shatter them like fine porcelain.
how did you get to be so emotionally fragile and irrational?

>> No.15267428

the point of staying healthy isn't just to be healthy in your 20's

>> No.15267434


Projections on your part? That anon said nothing of the kind, in fact the opposite it seems. Reading comprehension is not for everyone it seems. keks

>> No.15267437

>smoke from fires
Always toxic. Toxins are everywhere bro.

>> No.15267441

Even the lung damage caused by chronic smoking can be repaired in only a few years. There's no reason to believe that inhaling a little dust or having a fireplace will shorten your lifespan.

>> No.15267447


>> No.15267587

>I snort my fireplace ashes with my cocaine!
Cool starry brah! Go take a booster shot.

>> No.15267601

>lung damage caused by chronic smoking can be repaired in only a few years
gonna need to see a source on that

>> No.15267642 [DELETED] 
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The largest and most long term study of cigarette smoking concluded that smoking cigarettes only impacts the long term health of people who fail to quit before ages 35-40. the reduced life expectancy measured from people who quit at 40 years old was within the margin of error, so thats why its a range rather than a fixed number. people who smoked until they were 35 had the same life expectancy as people who never smoked. the study took place mainly in the late 20th century and all of the participants were living in worse air pollution than we currently are.
humans are evolved versions of creature which survived the permian triassic extinction event, amongst other things. inhaled ash content ends up digested and is a potentially valuable source of micronutrients.
picrel is the aftermath of the world's biggest bong hit, the champion inhaled the better part of 35 grams of hash oil directly into his lungs in one continuous 5 minute long hit, he suffered no immediate or long term consequences so far after what will be six years of observation come April 20.

>> No.15267873

yeah i suppose so... i did a search using the following and nothing came up: "PM2.5" "participants were" "car exhaust" "chamber"

I grew up in redneck southern state where the 'animal shelter' would regularly gas the unwanted animals by hooking up their truck to a box filled with them.

>> No.15267884


>> No.15267897

>'animal shelter' would regularly gas
Look up what the Chinese do to dogs.

>> No.15267913

covid coff literaly came from air pollution, unironically and scientifically

>> No.15268117

he makes some interesting points about naturally occurring PM2.5
The airborne micro plastics are likely doing all animal's lungs harm though as they've only existed for about 50 years.

>> No.15268119

yeah gooks hate dogs for some reason. I will never understand it

>> No.15268174

So do the whiteys hate pigs?

>> No.15268177

dogs are considered dirty and stupid by chinks. they are also considered to be bad luck, especially black dogs.

>> No.15268186
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Japan has the highest life expectancy in the world should tell you how meaningless this shit is

>> No.15268188

also there is a widespread superstition that whenever you encounter something bad, you kill and eat things associated with it to counter the effects. so whenever a chink thinks that he is being haunted by bad luck, he will eat dog meat to remove this bad luck. this is quite common in rural areas.

>> No.15268210

Air pollution isn’t the only factor of life expectancy.

>> No.15268212 [DELETED] 
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they like them enough to pay good money for a dead one. how much money does a dead dog fetch on west?

>> No.15268219

is that dry aged?

>> No.15268231 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 1088x1105, speilmann2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if its not a significant factor then why should there even be a thread about it? japan's life expectancy is 45% longer than eswatini, but swazis have better air.
the air quality/particulates story is just yet another made up, end-of-world, envrio-messiah complex lie, no different that the global warming lie or all the other lies that the envrio-messiah complex crowd habitually circulates in their attempt to push their barely disguised political agendas
>lets just lie to the dumb chuds who we hate, maybe we can trick them into harming themselves by lying about science
and it never works, because the envrio-messiah complex narcissists always overestimate their own intelligence and underestimate everyone else's

>> No.15268256

Again, air pollution is just another one of many (significant) factors of life expectancy. The 45% difference can also be explained by the difference in healthcare facilities. Life expectancy measures how long someone lives, not how healthy. What will you do with your life expectancy if your last 10 years were spent on a hospital bed?

>> No.15268260

There is no country where the leading cause of death is small-particulate related.

>> No.15268268 [DELETED] 
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>muh made up enviro scare story is true!!!!!
>i don't if all of the evidence shows that i'm lying
>muh made up enviro scare story needs to be true for me to try an push my poorly hidden political agenda
>i have no conscience whatsoever, only thing i care about is force my controlling, authoritarian political agenda on other by any means, no matter how unethical

>> No.15268705

And yet the Namibian desert is fine, same with the AZ and TX areas. Madagascar is somehow not fine.
I suspect there is trickery relating to the definition. With the broadest interpretation you also cover natural particiles such as pollen.

>> No.15269427

>I suspect there is trickery relating to the definition.
Always has been. >>15267884