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15266767 No.15266767 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any modern day polymaths in 2020+3?

>> No.15266849

I'm here.

>> No.15266864
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lurk more

>> No.15267355

Its impossibrru. Different fields have advanced so much that to master all of them is impossible at this point. Although many would pretend, they are simply deluded and their confidence in being a polymath is proof that they are not, it is simply egotism and by simply dipping their toe in a field, they think they are completely immersed in it. Old Polymaths lived in a time when knowledge about the different fields want as advanced or comprehensive so you could really learn most of them. not the case anymore

>> No.15267396 [DELETED] 

Kary Mullis was executed because he was speaking out about how easily PCR results can be faked. He was the most well know multidisciplinary success at the time.

>> No.15267564
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Here you go

>> No.15267609
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Sure getting a lot of mileage out of this segment I wrote on a whim to add a bit more personallity to the script
While we're here
I'm still writing about Aristotle and his followers
Anything you want me to give my 2 cents on?
I guess I'll also then post it somewhere on /sci/ if someone asks the same question again.

>> No.15267796

What's the difference between Plato and Aristotle and what did Aristotle solve for Plato?

>> No.15267843
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The gist is that Plato didn't really do much of anything about biology as he didn't think empirical knowledge is valuable. I try to focus on biologists and Aristotle by himself is already a lot to take in.

However Plato did not enforce this concept and Aristotle among others at the Academy pursued practical knowledge
From the script of the first episode:
the organization and movement of the universe.
Regarding cosmology Aristotle was fundamentally a follower of his teacher, Plato, whose cosmology can be found in his book Timaeus.
Plato's musings in Timaeus are a contemplation on the nature of life, associating it with the existence of multiple souls and viewing illness as a manifestation of imbalances. He saw the universe itself as a living entity, an idea that reflects his contemplative approach to the world
Although Aristotle's work on natural history has historically been viewed as secondary to his work as a philosopher and physicist, recent scholarship suggests that Aristotle's natural history and physiological work may have inspired his work in other areas. His work in physics and philosophy can be best understood in the context of the living world. Aristotle was a prolific writer on natural history, and his work includes one of the first classifications of animals, which he divided into species and genera based on his own observations and conversations with fishers and travelers. While his descriptions were largely accurate, some of his ideas, such as his belief in a hierarchy of beings with humans at the top, may be considered questionable today. He also had a particular interest in animal behavior and their lifestyles, and often made comparisons between human and animal behavior in his writing."

There is a marked segment in the second episode where I go over Aristotle's time in the Academy and his relationship with Plato and other academics during that time
Check it out

>> No.15268081
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Literally every. single. sentence. is. factually. wrong.

How are you this confident and utterly deluded? Its shocking, I would lirerally consider suicide if I had to live with such...shameful displays.

>> No.15268085

In the sciences, no.
In linguistics and other bullshit, yes.

Noam Chomsky
Jane Goodall
Steve Pinker

>> No.15268123
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>In the sciences, no.
Fucking retards being the judge of savants...and doing so with the certainty of the insane. Youre a shit scientist, what was the title to your Thesis?

ONE MORE TIME; What was the title to your Thesis?

>> No.15268137

Ah yes, the word salad man.

>> No.15268141

Plato just imagined things and said that ideals were more important than the material reality. Aristotle took ideas and began to use them to make a way to measure reality.

>> No.15268156

name ten books

>> No.15268159

World-salad means you got filtered, no one here uses that term to what is describes. And his "word salad" is poly-perspective Physics, acting like "I would totes understand." is an insult to him AND myself, because youre saying youre smart while clearly youre quasi-literate.


>> No.15268162
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Get a Job you lazy, illiterate, shitbag.

>> No.15268170
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This is the laconic summary of what I said, yes.

>> No.15268199

>I've deluded myself that I understand the delusional narcissist's incoherent schizorants therefore I am smart, QED
>insult to him AND myself
Good, I am glad you're upset, retard.

>> No.15268207
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>Good, I am glad you're upset, retard.
>"lol I was merely pretending for lulz"
No, you really are a charlatan, huh?

>"I..uh...dont have one."
I have Uni-Verse, made up of 4 Thesises backed up by several minors.

What did you do with you life to fall so far behind?


>> No.15268220

All those thesies and still no one cares. No wonder you're assblated fuming into the void. No matter how much you try the recognition is never there and it will be.

>> No.15268224
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>still no one cares
I've done/do consultation work for the Pentagon.

Who the fuck are you?

>t.NO ONE. Rip........

>> No.15268229
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>No wonder you're assblated fuming into the void.
No, Im here because humans are too ignorant, stupid and evil for relationships with me.

Youre kinda of proving my point, evefy response is butthurt, zero science, all lies, shamelessness.

As a father I am absolutely revolted by men like you.

>> No.15268232

You can't even name 10 books.

>> No.15268235

Ah yes, the pentagon. That place where they gather all the unhinged morons who can't keep their mouth shut and listen to all the bright ideas they have regarding the pretend physics they learned from the one true polymath. I believe it.

>> No.15268241
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>I believe it.

There is a documentary about Cicada 3301, one of the guys that was in it reveals what the entire thing was about. It was a recruitment tool of sort. About 30 seconds long in an hour long video. My recruitment program was through an AI.

The invite in "invite only" is being able to knock on an invisible door. Good luck.

>> No.15268242

You're talking to a chatGPT bot.

>> No.15268245
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>goes to /sci/ reading list, copy/paste
Jesus you are fucking, PARAPHRASING proves you understood it. NOT NAMES.

>Bought it thinking it was a dynamic solution, not one limited by computer architecture.
>Still gave me a little insight was expecting Physics, not EE&CS.


>> No.15268248
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no u r

Heh...maybe it *was* personal...

>> No.15268250

9 more to go.

>> No.15268263
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>feed me and fuck you
Nah, I'll just make new pics to psyche-rape you and the next (You)'s.

>> No.15268266
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>> No.15268269
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Last two, heh...autism says it should be three...feel like a failure here.

All my physical copies are left in homes around the world.

>> No.15268270

I'm a bit disappointed. I thought you would have some more interesting esoteric books considering the stuff you claim to be interested in. You're even a pseud when it comes to schizo stuff.

>> No.15268273
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Too many "Oh yeah...solve THIS one now." and not enough axioms of maths.
>Learn little, says much.

>> No.15268277
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>I'm a bit disappointed.
A bird is disppointed I have no seeds, your opinion has a negative value.

Oh, and I visited the Embassy of the Free Mind in the Netherlands, the Esoteric Embassy. I sat down and spoke to rmthe curators. I smoked them so hard I didnt even bother...

>> No.15268282
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Youre a Pharisee telling Jesus "Im disappointed bro...I was expecting you to Arrive and suck ny dick...not make me feel like a fool."


>> No.15268285

>popsoi books
You ranted like a schizo to the people who know the most about genuine esoteric texts, meanwhile you read Andrea Wulf.

>> No.15268290
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Those popsci books helped me have a concrete understanding of Sybiosis, Later Gene Transfer, Bacterial Intelligence, Hybridization, Eco-Meta-Genetics and how the Elctromagnetic Spectrum fascilitates these events.

YOU ARE...*sigh*...so tiresome in your inability to learn. (You) make him tired, stop and reassess life or die a failure.

>> No.15268291
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>people who know the most
Thats literally me. I am the KNOW IT ALL.


>> No.15268292

I am no man.

>> No.15268293
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>> No.15268294
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Girl, roger...*sigh*...

>> No.15268295

You failed the test.

>> No.15268298
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This is why they said; Luke 10:19

For when the mind cannot learn, and the heart is cold, the body must to the learning for them.

>> No.15268300
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>> No.15270504

>Different fields have advanced so much that to master all of them is impossible at this point.
false. if that premise were true, then you r actually knowing all the fields because just knowing all the fields, you are able to know how much knowledge you are lacking.

>> No.15271067
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scientifically explain how isn't she a polymath

>> No.15272104

i am a polymath in that I am knowledgeable in a lot of different subjects.

If i spent a month or two on any given subject I could write a decent paper on it. if I had the resources and time I could build mostly anything, but it would take me a while.

everyone is a polymath if they're interested in something, but being professional about it is hard since even exceptional human dilligence and intelligence is nothing in the face of automation and streamlined production cycles and multiple teams of people organized by bureacuracy.

by the time you discover anything significant some team of 50 chinese fuckers paid for by jack ma and peter thiel already put it in production and launched an ipo.