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File: 275 KB, 2536x1372, Electric Universe Space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15262756 No.15262756 [Reply] [Original]

Putting all of the memes and faggotry aside. Is there any legitimacy to this theory at all? It seems to be able to predict a lot of stuff that our current accepted theories usually shit the bed on like dark matter and singularities.

>> No.15262757

To add to this. How much would modern science shit the bed if it could be proven that this was legit?

>> No.15262761

You would have to fire the majority of tenured physicists.

>> No.15262781

>Is there any legitimacy to this theory at all?
>How much would modern science shit the bed if it could be proven that this was legit?
For this to occur we would all have to have been under a colossal mass hallucination on the order of being totally detached from reality and its consequences. On the order of everything we know being wrong except, somehow, the few schizos advocating for "electric universe".

>> No.15262787

Science advances at funerals.

>> No.15262797

so according to this theory, neutrons and protons are somehow electrons?

>> No.15262800


>> No.15262807

what then?

>> No.15262813

They believe that electromagnetism is one of the main organizing forces of cosmic phenomena, such as the shape of galaxies (no dark matter) and the formation of stars in the plasma z-pinch of galactic-scale electromagnetic currents.

>> No.15262819

sounds too easy, if it were that easy we would have surely solved dark matter ages ago, since EM is observable

>> No.15262833

Galactic-scale magnetism hasn't been observable with the right resolution until the last few years, and recent observations on the galactic currents running through the spiral arms of distant galaxies (and the "cosmic web" of charged plasma) seem to prove EU cosmology right.

>> No.15262835

Its only blockaded by existential crises.
Brings back the 'one'.
That this is not a shared experience.

>> No.15262876

What predictions can plasma cosmology make and how can they be tested?

>> No.15262889

It predicts that electromagnetic energy is conducted between stellar bodies. This could be tested with probes (actually it already has been and was effectively proved for Jupiter last year or so).

>> No.15262895

I should say, bodies in the solar system and between stars. You could send a probe outside the solar system to check whether we're in a z-pinch for example.

>> No.15262898

No no, I mean what kinds of predictions does it make that standard laws of physics DON'T also make.

>> No.15262914

Mainstream astrophysics believes that space is electrically neutral.

>> No.15262950

That's not true at all. Space is filled with diffuse plasma.

>> No.15262951

Yes correct. Which is why the EU has legitimacy and why previous astronomic assumptions are failing to hold up.

>> No.15262954

Large scale structures such as galaxies. Standard physics uses "dark matter/energy" which is the scientific way of saying "we don't know but we still want to seem smart". EU predicts and explains galactic formations pretty well.

>> No.15262957
File: 112 KB, 1200x675, picard-meme-facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In order for a theory to be tested, it has to make predictions that DIFFER from other predictions made by other theories. If not, how would you tell which theory is the right one?

Let's start with a simple question: Under plasma cosmology, what's the predicted value of the fine structure constant?

>> No.15262959

>In order for a theory to be tested, it has to make predictions that DIFFER from other predictions made by other theories.
Yes it predicted the electrical nature of the interstellar medium before it was observed. Retroactively including it in modern astrophysics doesn't change the fact that the EU guys got it right and you failed to believe in it. Same with the temperature of Venus they predicted, and the rocky nature of comets with their tails being ionized by discharge machining.

>> No.15262961

Electric Universe is basically a meme pushed by one rich English guy named Wallace Thornhill, who was independently rich before its emergence as a meme. even though Wal has no scientific training, he is often cited as an authority on this “theory” and gives keynote talks at their larpy “conferences”

he gives money in great sums to people who agree with his fringe theories. for example, Stephen Crothers got tons of money from Thornhill. even though Crothers was one of those weird old men who enrolls in a PhD program in his 60s, he got kicked out for being a pseud (which is hard to accomplish: if you are paying large sums of money to a physics department [most normal young 20-something grad students don’t, their education is funded by the government typically] it is very very hard to get kicked out)

that was the kind of guy Thornhill/EU recruited. it is hard to explain

my best way of digesting how EU works is that it’s Thornhill’s club of sad boomer conspiracy theorists. like guys who were too old to get into Q but were old enough to remember 1940s antisemitic conspiracy theories (coincidence: they really REALLY hate Einstein)

medicine is too good nowadays. this meme should be dead by now but boomers are just going strong at 75, 80, +. we need more of the crazy boomers to die

>> No.15262965

Sounds like a chad barging his way into a community of nerds and being better at what they do, which angers the nerds into gatekeeping and feminine attacks against the individual rather than the argument in an attempt to discredit said argument without actually refuting it.

Life as in nature, and the universe as a whole: THE WEAK SHOULD FEAR THE STRONG

>> No.15262978

i pity you anon. Thornhills theories are far from strong, robust , rigorous. they are a lot of words and speeches and talk with no results. it’s actually rather feminine in that respect. The EU folks basically rely on clique-consensus for their standard of truth and ignore rigorous results and measurements. which is basically the woman way of conducting business. normal physics is literally the patriarchy by comparison

>> No.15262982

>The EU folks basically rely on clique-consensus for their standard of truth
Remind me what happened to Halton Arp when he pointed out that modern cosmology was barking up the wrong tree?

>> No.15263013

it’s a typical ruse the EUers do to complicate conversations by giving some random and semi-related biographical thing. i know this ruse.

Do you know what Robert Laughlin said about the Big Bang?

it doesn’t matter. what matters is that changing goalposts is a signature move of EU pseuds, and it is literally a sin on humanity that you folks make a profit off normal average folks with your bullshit pseudo-physics

>> No.15263022

I think it matters quite a lot Mr. Projector. Because you're accusing others of the behavior you exhibit even now.

>> No.15263027

>Yes it predicted the electrical nature of the interstellar medium before it was observed.
...It's a bunch of gas, dust, cosmic rays, and so on. What are you on about?
>temperature of Venus
Citation needed. I expect a model with a precise prediction and corresponding measure of error.
>the rocky nature of comets
Citation needed. Also expect a model and corresponding measure of error.

In general pseudoscience simply does not provide actual predictions. They make vague statements, avoid modeling and testing predictions, and retroactively claim anything they can make loosely fit as "evidence". Only people with complete ignorance would think of that as "prediction".

>> No.15263035

this argument is so weak and feminine that i will not even respond to it

>> No.15263037

Thank you for conceding.

>> No.15263049

go suck a dick, tranny

>> No.15263051

I thought you weren't going to respond anymore. This is very feminine behavior anon, I think you might be projecting some repressed urges.

>> No.15263056
File: 42 KB, 636x770, D3A05C63-2F9F-4790-B82B-E0B5F785003A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought you weren't going to respond anymore.

>> No.15263057

He said he wasn't going to respond to that argument, not that he was going to stop responding altogether, smoothbrain.

>> No.15263060

All theories of everything are bunk at their core, I guess yours isn't any worse than the others.

>> No.15263084

Yes it is true but the phyicucks here seethe uncontrollably because it took a CS chad like me to come here and dunk over their standard model and quacktivity

>> No.15263092
File: 2.80 MB, 3014x5203, CuckVSChad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15263109
File: 129 KB, 414x412, cucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For this to occur we would all have to have been under a colossal mass hallucination on the order of being totally detached from reality and its consequences
Like when covid happened? It isnt hard to induce this in NPCs

>> No.15263122
File: 709 KB, 995x2442, CoL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15263124

go suck a dick, tranny namefag

>> No.15263148

Seething schizo.

>> No.15263192

>eu garbage
into the trash it goes

>> No.15263253
File: 1.50 MB, 1366x2338, ActualSchizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15263353

BBT is creationism for autistic midwits. Not saying EU is any better, but BBT is just dumb christcuck cope. Not even really a scientific theory but a theological idea.

>> No.15263460

You're barking up the wrong tree. They're not interested in trying to do construct rigorous theory in order to test their ideas. It's much more profitable to just make all your claims qualitatively in youtube videos.

> Same with the temperature of Venus they predicted
lel. The temperature of Venus was measured directly in the 60's by the Soviet Venera program. The EU didn't emerge until decades later. And no it's not the same as plasma cosmology.

Ah yes, Arp who died having a full faculty position in Germany. What a terrible existence. He was truly ostracised. People tested Arp's claims extensively, they didn't hold up under the scrutiny of larger modern datasets.>>15262957
You're barking up the wrong tree. They're not interested in trying to do construct rigorous theory in order to test their ideas. It's much more profitable to just make all your claims qualitatively in youtube videos.

> Same with the temperature of Venus they predicted
lel. The temperature of Venus was measured directly in the 60's by the Soviet Venera program. The EU didn't emerge until decades later. And no it's not the same as plasma cosmology.

Ah yes, Arp who died having a full faculty position in Germany. What a terrible existence. He was truly ostracised. People tested Arp's claims extensively, they didn't hold up under the scrutiny of larger modern datasets.

>> No.15263481

Lol, this is so true. It happened to me everytime I tried to talk to this subhuman. Every insult you throw at him, he throws back at you three posts later, even if it makes no fucking sense, he will cram it into his post. It really gets under his skin.

>> No.15263596

>Putting all of the memes and faggotry aside.
you first.
>Is there any legitimacy to this theory at all?
nope. also, trolling is against the rules.