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1526170 No.1526170 [Reply] [Original]

How, theoretically, could telekinesis work? Could you have a device that converts brain impulses into some kind of transmission of energy?

inb4 /x/ is that way

>> No.1526175

/x/ is that way

>> No.1526176

maybe if you strap a magnetron to your head, you could blow stuff up
or at least give it cancer

>> No.1526179

You can control out of self things with your mind. You just need to concentrate.

>> No.1526184

/x/ is that way

>> No.1526186



>> No.1526194

In the distant future, I can see telepathy working via a radio transmitter implant (why not use a cell phone though?).

I doubt telekinesis will ever happen.

>> No.1526205


right. wouldnt the object you attempt to move have to have some kind of reciever in it?

>> No.1526207

BCI hooked up to a radio transmitter.

That simple

>> No.1526214

wat about levitation people can do that nowadays look at chris angel he does it over tall buildings and says its all in the mind

>> No.1526217

Read the post again.

>> No.1526218



>> No.1526233

lol u mad

>> No.1526242

you could have something hooked up to your optic nerve that it directs whatever you want to whatever you are looking at...as for the energy to move it, if you can create a cascading effect through air or something

>> No.1526249

The device exists. It is called hands.

also, /x/ is that way

>> No.1526264


and what if you have to move used needles or toxic waste, hmmm??

>> No.1526272

oh, well fuck that. God help the poor bastard that has to move either of those things, which are entirely impossible to move without telekinesis.

>> No.1526276

OP is a massive faggot, this is not science so take your shit and GTFO my /sci/

>> No.1526288

/x/ is over there >>


>> No.1526303


notice how i said THEORETICALLY how it could work, meaning how could you, in a scientifically sound way, mimic its effects?

But most of you are too butthurt or you lack the brain cells to answer a simple curiousity.

>> No.1526306


>> No.1526392

It works in the 4th dimension. You can't understand it. The "waves" in another dimension are beyond your comprehension. Just understand it works.

>> No.1526550

your brain creates electromagnetic wave while you use it. if you could train you brain to produce enough electromagnetic force you could achieve telekinesis. telekinesis works by you controlling the matter of an object. to manipulate matter, the use of the electromagnetic force is needed.