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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15262265 No.15262265 [Reply] [Original]

It just kinda disappeared

>> No.15262297


>> No.15262300

They renamed it because it was "racially insensitive."

>> No.15262317

high mortality rate

>> No.15262318

I don't it was ever real

>> No.15262373
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>> No.15262377
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*the virus formerly known as monkeypox

>> No.15262440


>> No.15262467

Once statistics were published like "over 90% of monkeypox cases in the UK were detected in men who have sex with other men" it became obvious that monkeypox is the new gay disease. However it's discriminatory to actually say that so it just doesn't get reported on any more.

>> No.15262496

>Spreads through gay sex
>then some kids got it

>> No.15262596

People got vaccinated pretty fast so it went away

>> No.15262629

>they actually changed it to mpox
but a disease like "mpox" can't spread that far because it's hard to transmit, and unlike HIV it doesn't infect you forever and has obvious symptoms
plus gays typically aren't antivaxxers

>> No.15262644


I thought they changed the name to pridepox

>> No.15262648

>plus gays typically aren't antivaxxers
Studies showed that almost all gays got it before the vax was available. Then it got into kids and animals and the story was quashed.

>> No.15262654

A rather implausible narrative. What do you mean by all gays? Gays just stopped getting it for some reason? But it continued to thrive in the child/animal population, even though there would be little opportunity for transmission? Even if gays were buggering some children, it's hard to believe those victims frequently have multiple partners. And how do they quash it? Do they send a note to every doctor that if some kid (or dog) gets the pox it's something else?

>> No.15262656

>A rather implausible narrative.
Take that up with the CDC and major media conglomerates. I didn't tell myself that.
>And how do they quash it?
Stop reporting on it. See: Hunter Biden laptop.

>> No.15262675

there are no viruses

>> No.15262679


>> No.15262816

They renamed it into homopox.

>> No.15262856
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most likely they realize that having multiple propaganda focuses is not effective, so only war in Ukraine and cvoid/vax narrative remain in daily shilling agenda.

>> No.15263160

why do certain diseases only attack gay men? most women suck dicks and fair amount of them like to get fucked in the ass so why don't they infect women too?

>> No.15263164

Homosexuality is perverse by its nature, so their behaviors make them sick. No self-respecting woman would have a 100-man gangbang, but homosexuals do it regularly.

>> No.15263170
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out of sight, out of mind. If jew news isnt reporting on it, in the normieverse it simply isnt happening

>> No.15263191

The worst part of this phenomenon is how normies cannot understand how their attention is controlled.

'All the media is blasting this at you to manipulate your perceptions. They're controlling your mind by controlling your information.'


>> No.15263234

Just like stated in
Not only is this common behaviour amongst their kind, they do this at locations they refer to as "beats" which are basically public toilet blocks which turn into public homosexual orgies of unprotected sex with random gay men. They don't know who the other men are. They don't care. It's just piss and shit and cum and blood everywhere.

>> No.15263247

The last thing I heard about it was "seems to mostly affect gay white men (95% of cases)"

>> No.15263323

buttsex is not as clean as vaginal sex or oral sex, many gay men are also unusually promiscuous which is a pretty good combo for disease to spread

>> No.15263382


>> No.15263453

I had two grandparents die in the last year. In the second case it took almost 2 months to have a funeral because the undertakers were so busy.. This kind of thing is barely reported

>> No.15263458

Why isn't there a lockdown on homosexuals to prevent this epidemic?

>> No.15263464

>'gay disease' is kept quiet because it hardly affects 'normals' anyway, just like under the Reagan administration
>"A-actually this is because the media are so pro gay!"
Another hot take from the science-minded folks at /sci/

>> No.15263717

It didn't disappear, the media offensive stopped. Seeing the massive difference between 1) what's happening in the world and 2) what the news is talking about is a crucial skill in modern society.

>> No.15263722

pure speculation, not proven by scientific method

>> No.15263723

you seem intimately familiar with gays

>> No.15263730

overpopulation, governments hates those out of order, also a good distraction from real causes of problems. blame god, blame genes, blame viruses, blame anything but environment, food, stress.

>> No.15263741
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>> No.15264264

Women are naturally much more reserved about sex than men. While there are promiscuous women, the promiscuity among gay men is on a scale far beyond.

>> No.15264265


>> No.15264297

>While there are promiscuous women
…and they're AWESOME.

>> No.15264397


>> No.15264487

we all love your mom and her piss gangbangs anon, we know

>> No.15264764

Tell me about it, I'm economically left and the average person that only knows as much about economics as corporations are willing to tell them doesn't have any idea how much they have to gain from socialist / nationalist policy.

>> No.15264769

Through countless centuries of selective breeding the average person is genetically a slave.

You can show them how the system is screwing them, and they won't care. They prefer their own delusions of contributing to society over the reality that society is giving them a makework task to keep them busy until they die.

>> No.15264783

What's your hot take

>> No.15264785

He thinks that propagandizing for gay people is actually anti-gay because their lifestyle kills them.

>> No.15264843

It's not even a joke, they really did.

>> No.15265122


>> No.15265140

Fuck that's dumb, I get then renaming "mad cow" and "bird flu" because retarded politicians were killing all the cows / birds thinking that would stop the spread.

>> No.15265165
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Spread was limited because it spreads via bodily fluid transfers.1st world nations have good blood donation standards so really the only way you get it (outside of someone walking up and spitting on your face) is through intimate fluid exchanges, i.e. sex or sharing a contact surface with someone's popped sores. So the only group really susceptible was gays, who spend lots of time doing that unprotected with people they don't know. God forbid though that it doesn't mutate in one of their orgies to form some hyperpox, yeesh.

>> No.15265599

spread was never proven scientifically, ever

>> No.15265609

you mean politically

>> No.15265610

I like seeing cute white bois being sissy bois

>> No.15265926
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Go back to your containment board, incel.

>> No.15266255 [DELETED] 
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>Go back to your containment board, incel.

>> No.15266301

many of the diseases we currently have would disappear if only faggots stop fucking indiscriminately and without protection.
many jurisdiction condemn faggotry for a reason, they know it's fucking dirty and disgusting.

>> No.15266389

1) gays are for more promiscuous. they do it in the ass more and they do it with strangers, often without protection
2) women might catch the disease easily but they can't transfer it as effectively to someone else, and their men are less likely to be infected themselves. So even straights did have as much sex as fags, it still wouldn't transmit as effectively.

>> No.15266402 [DELETED] 
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>to gain from socialist / nationalist policy.
poverty, serfdom, disease, hunger and extermination concentration camps?

>> No.15266425

audibly laughed from this one.

>> No.15266468

I've had monkeypox at least 2 times (after the 2nd I stopped caring because it goes away by itself in a couple of weeks). It fell out of the news cycle because it's not really that serious and everyone who was going to have it (non-virgins, ie non-incels, ie non-/pol/ posters) has already had it or will have it anyway so no point in doing anything about it.

>> No.15266478
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>a viral outbreak with microscopic fatality rates and developed vaccines has been contained after a while so everyone has stopped giving a shit
I have an inkling /pol/lacks are mad because they really wanted AIDS 2.0 to decimate the gays but they got a total nothingburger

>> No.15266499

Are you talking about New Zealand here or England?