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15258066 No.15258066 [Reply] [Original]

>It took 4 billion years for life to evolve in our planet from single cells to intelligent life
>the sun's life is 8 billion years, only 4 billion years more
>this means any other planet where life evolves would most likely run out of time before the sun explodes
>in earth, life appeared around the same time the earth was formed
>in any other planet, life could start whenever between the 8 billion years when the planet is habitable, meaning their sun would explode way before intelligent life evolved
We really are alone in the universe, aren't we?

>> No.15258077

>We really are alone in the universe, aren't we?
I doubt it but I’m glad we’re understanding how special life itself really is.
Everything we see/experience had a 1 in 10000000000000 chance of existing and yet here we are.
Given that we haven’t found an end to our universe, there is very likely to be other life somewhere/sometime. Possibly we just missed them in time, possibly they are purposefully/accidentally hidden, possibly they are unintelligent.
Likely that there is life though.

>> No.15258126

Now for the bad news.
It is extremely unlikely that Humans will achieve interstellar travel. Scientific progress is nearly stagnant in all but a few fields, literacy rates and education standards are dropping, the West is in irreversible decline. The Japanese, Indians or the Chinese will never replace the creativity of the West, which is certainly doomed to become a collection of Brazil tier states. While some bases may be established within the solar system, travel to the stars will remain unachievable. Which means life is trapped on this planet until either the Sun burns out or it is destroyed by an eternal event.

Even if Humanity was to become extinct, through war, pollution or natural disaster, and was eventually replaced by a new species of equally intelligent creatures, there would still be no escape for life. For the cheap and easy to access natural resources required to power a new industrial and scientific revolution have already been consumed by us. Some would say squandered.

If we were for any reason wiped out and then 100 million years later some other species, say dogs, rats, horses, dolphins, monkeys, cuttlefish, or even cockroaches if you like, even if they managed to achieve full sentience and human-like intelligence there wouldn't be the accessible reserves of coal, gas, and oil necessary to support an advanced civilization. They would be like the Australian aborigines, unable to leap up the technology tree. If they were lucky they might reach the steam age equivalent, but that would be the end of their progress. In which case if Earth is the only living planet in the Universe and life is trapped here until it perishes 500 million year from now, then it really goes to show that God is a complete and utter cunt.

>> No.15258154

Not that I think there's any alien civilizations near by, but the sun's lifespan of 10 billion years is due to its mass, an orange star half the sun's mass would last for 80 billion years

>> No.15258670

I would like to say no, but there isn’t any evidence that “conscious” species exist in the universe besides us. The only signal we’ve ever received that has the potential to be ET in origin was the https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wow!_signal and it might have come from Earth.

>> No.15258688

Nigga we got thousands-billions of years. Relax. If humans can't break this perceived ceiling then probably some AI god machine eventually could.

>> No.15258696

>it is extremely unlikely that Humans will achieve interstellar travel

>> No.15258707

faster than light travel is impossible because that would imply time travel

>> No.15258708

You're a fucking retard if you think we won't implement eugenic policies within the next century.
Scientific progress will only accelerate with machine learning and eugenics.

>> No.15258731

More than just imply it. It IS time travel. If you start with the idea that a signal can propagate through space faster than light, paradoxes drop right out onto the floor.

>> No.15258774

>4 billion years for life
That's relative to human timekeeping. For all we know, 1 second universally could be 100 billion human years.

>> No.15258775
File: 155 KB, 1237x1017, 1653316412505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> significant scientific achievement has only been accomplished within the past 400 years
> we haven't discovered [thing] in that short period of time, therefore it will never be possible
please give more of your midwit takes on why the human race has plateaued

>> No.15259314
File: 45 KB, 1200x507, 1200px-H2A_-_MonitorGravemind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even assumeing Faster than light is impossible, along with Wormholes, Warp drive, ect. The Milky Way Galaxy is 50,000 Light Years long. So Even assuming 50% speed of light or 20%. The entire Galaxy is still easily colonizeable by a more advanced Humanity. Within 100million to 200million years. Which is not *that* long a time all things considered.

>> No.15259320
File: 726 KB, 1200x1200, 343Industries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way I lied. Milky way is 50,000 lightyears. Therefore it's more like 100k years which is fucking nothing in cosmic time. Little prank if you will

>> No.15259328

dude, the roman empire lasted 1000 years, how do you expect a colonization effort to last 100 thousand years?

>> No.15259336

Eventually there will only be one ethnic group left on Earth under the same banner, just a matter of time.

>> No.15259455

>that graph
lmao wait until they figure figure out who invented the numbers they are using

>> No.15259510

It’s almost like if you commit genocide, destroy economies in other parts of the world, exploit resources, and keep a modest modern education system that it is possible to completely skew progress and try to point to something “special” about a group of pillagers.

>> No.15259546

if there was intelligent life outside the earth, the US would be sending money to it.

>> No.15259784

>Some would say squandered
Yes this. At this stage of the resource usage we should be FAR more advanced but alas, a greedy few have hoarded most of the power wealth and resources, robbing all of humanity of the endless opportunities given to us. At this point why even learn or care about about space? Best case scenario we mine some planet or asteroids and make another space colony full of poor blue collar workers who will get exploited without a doubt.

>> No.15259794

Maybe advances in AI can help solve the dysgenics in our world.

>> No.15259798

>if there was intelligent life outside the earth, the US would be sending money to it.
Kek! Muh Ukrainespacealiens border!

>> No.15259800

This is why we need to crucify and mutilate all those liberal faggots, subjugate nature, and colonize all the galaxy and any other galaxy that gets close enough.

>> No.15259806

Britfags shouldn't be there at all. Those thieves took stuff invented by Indians, Irish, and other native peoples and pretended is their own. I tell you, those animals a too damn stupid to invent shit, they are nothing but scammers.

>> No.15259809

if you believe in that nonsense, that is

>> No.15259812

WTF? Meat shields like you should be in the front lines, not here.

>> No.15259836

>eugenic policies
But that's racist you dumb cunt

>> No.15259850

Unfortunately this is the most likely scenario. Dreams of space colonization beyond our own planets is pure copium, a fantasy popular among teenagers and normies, along with hopes of technology and AI solving all the problems. Its delusional at worse, ignorant at best.

Over the past 100 years what we have seen is a political shift from the majority working hard for the greater good of Humanity to working hard for the ungrateful parasites. When most of our efforts and resources are wasted on trying to achieve the impossible task of some liberal utopian pipe-dream then yes, we are fated to never spread among the stars.

>> No.15259874

This. Real AI will be used to manipulate markets and consumers, plebs will get a souped up version of Alexa that will also double as a 24/7 surveillance system(it already does)

>> No.15260168

Umm Sweatie, we only have 1 billion years before the sun becomes too hot for any complex life

Indians invented those scripts for thousands and never did anything useful in them. White men invented all of modern mathematics within 500 years of adopting them. Cope harder

>> No.15260275
File: 963 KB, 1680x1104, 1457380614977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the men in this photograph have accomplished more in their short lifespans than any other ethnicity have contributed to the sciences in their entire existence

>> No.15260301
File: 327 KB, 750x614, 4 great inventions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah sure man the stuff in picrel isnt that that important anyway

>> No.15260519 [DELETED] 

You should read Guns, Germs, and Steel.

>> No.15260544

none of those are "the sciences" tho
at best they are engineering

>> No.15260600

>Scientific progress is nearly stagnant
This is what pop-sci fags really believe

>> No.15260611

We won't lol. We could easily edit human embryos successfully if given the time but that shit has all kind of legal and moral hurdles we can't even begin to get past. But you're right about this species cucking to AI though. That seems to be everyone's focus

>> No.15261835

The [math] \mathbb{PHENOTYPE} [/math]

>> No.15261840

People really have a hard time grapsing that science goes through paradigm shifts where there are big fundamental discoveries, and stages where discovery is more modest and gradual.

>> No.15262858

We're literally implementing policies against the genetic group (Europeans, i.e. "whites") that brought about modern technological civilization.