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File: 1.33 MB, 1036x1476, germs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15257912 No.15257912 [Reply] [Original]

viruses have never been isolated.

>> No.15257919
File: 34 KB, 744x380, virus_ethym.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be exact.

Virus originally means poison.
Poisons have been isolated.

The modern interpretation of virus is:
>replication competent infectious particle

which has never been shown to be:
>replication competent
>cause of disease

because this specific particle has never been isolated, therefore you cannot do experiments with it.

>> No.15258114

OP here, I'm trans btw don't know if that matters.

>> No.15258273

Hundreds of viruses have been isolated and studied, including COVID-19 and polio, but I’m wasting my time on a Schizo like you who doesn’t have either the knowledge or experience to level a proper criticism of germ theory.

>> No.15258330


>> No.15258334


>> No.15258340

The forest gnome I have imprisoned in my basement says these sources are lies.

>> No.15258360

there is no covid faggot

>> No.15258767

At this point there's quite a lot of people who knows the virus hoax.

The problem comes when the next question is asked. What makes us sick then?

This is where the virus deniers lose because the virus theory makes a whole lot more sense than the "terrain theory".

Terrain theory got hijacked by the new group of virus deniers in the start of the Covid 19 "pandemic" lead by the jew Kaufmann.

In reality all they have done to "expose" the virus hoax is to look at the work of Stefan Lanka.

Stefan Lanka should have known better than to associate himself with jews. These people are now leading you away from the truth about disease.


>> No.15258796

Virus Mania is a pretty thorough book. it and the private science of pasteur are where you might want to start

>> No.15259229

Since you make that assertion, I doubt you will have any issue in proving it. Go right ahead.

>> No.15259234

>Hundreds of viruses have been isolated
There are papers which have the word:
In the title. But never isolate a particle with the features of a virus.
They isolate snot from a person.
Then add more stuff to it.
Then add it to monkey kidney cells.
Then add heavy metals and radioactive material.
Then dehydrate it and fixate it with osmium or epoxy or formaldehyde.
Then take a slice and interpret some 2D artifacts of epoxy poured degraded monkey kidney cells.
Then they draw some arrows.
Do zero control experiments.
Then call some dots "virus".

And do a in silico genetic assembly on a template.
And do no control experiment for the assembly using a different template.

The woed isolation in virology does not mean isolating the agent in question.

And they cannot study an object they are unable to obtain.

>> No.15259236

This is not a source. Thats a search query.
Show the specific isolation of the polio virus and the proof that what they isolate is the causal agent of polio.
Show the explicit study. Not the meme search query URL.

>> No.15259268

>muh isolation


they didn't

don't you understand

it's about the ISOLATION
you have to ISOLATE the virus
get it?
If you haven't ISOLATED the virus, it means nothing! Nothing!
Why doesn't anyone see it but me? Why am I the only one who gets it? Why? WHYYYY?

That's you.

>> No.15259271
File: 5 KB, 254x198, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey look it's a virus
looks pretty isolated to me

>> No.15259341

>Then dehydrate it and fixate it with osmium or epoxy or formaldehyde.
First of all, it's fix. Secondly, staining is a common technique in microscopy. Are you going to tell me that basophils and eosinophils don't exist because you need to stain those, too, or that DNA gels are a bunch of bullshit because you need the ethidium ion to stain the DNA?

>> No.15259349

>replication competent
every virus carries a viral polymerase. why do you think that might be?

>> No.15259396
File: 970 KB, 872x3960, 1677490692222640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have cells, that are sensible.
And starve them and poison them.
And then use their death and degredation as indication that a virus killed it, then you have to perform the exact same steps of preperation just without the "virus infected" snot to show that, what you see is not just an artifact of your invasive and toxic procedure of preperation.

All these methods disrupt the natural state of an tissue and kills it.
Dehydration will alter the cells.
Exposing the cells with a toxic or radioactive staining agent will alter the cells.
Pouring it with fixation agents will alter the cells and has the chance to create bubbles and pockets.

And yes native blood microscopy with unstained blood is way way better than staining it with eosin

>> No.15259403

Oh how unscientific of me to demand a isolation if they claim it is an isolation.

>> No.15259556
File: 449 KB, 1480x1733, Phage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15259572

This is so fucking stupid. The fucking GERM THEORY OF DISEASE is not up for debate.

>> No.15259585

You're simply not going to be able to put living cells into an electron microscope.

>> No.15259592
File: 690 KB, 724x1000, Polio_EM_PHIL_1875_lores.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this not polio virus?

>> No.15259602
File: 38 KB, 863x167, IMG_20230309_013826_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they use their own definition of "isolation", typical manipulation.

>> No.15259606
File: 19 KB, 306x306, 1654606514854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they called this photo "polio virus". but it's only two words irrelevant to reality. again playing with their own "definitions".

>> No.15259612

theory is not dogma, only assumption. dogma is religious thing, go to /x

>> No.15259615

looks like a worm to me. or a dust particle.

>> No.15259621
File: 195 KB, 1141x759, DDT-is-good-for-me-old-ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello shill. be careful eating apples.

>> No.15259623

So it's not polio virus?

>> No.15259631

>cell isn't cancerous or infected with bacteria but it's still release interferon alpha and beta and MHC class I is down regulated
Gee I wonder what could be wrong with the cell

>> No.15259651

Then do a control.
Easy as that.
If the effect is not caused by the preperation.
Then the control experiment should look different, with the same exact preperation with the exception of putting in infected snot.

>> No.15259652

No because you didn't


don't you understand

nothing exists unless you


See the sun in the sky?
Doesn't exist. You didn't isolate the Sun, therefore it's not real.

>> No.15259655

Give citation and protocoll on how they obtained the image.

>> No.15259656

Isn't that what they do?

>> No.15259668

define it, picture or what it is supposed represent. let me call this picture gayshill virus.

>> No.15259670

You can see the sun, feel the heat, see its causal effect.

You cannot see the virus, cannot see causation because you would have to isolate the "identified" particle to isolate it from the millions of other germs in snot to show that this single thing is the cause of the effect.

And yes, we can only see and feel the effects of the sun but only speculate on its composition, because ypu could not reach it nor take a sample.

>> No.15259676

No they don't.

>> No.15259687

Control experiments are never done for isolation.

>> No.15259701

Okay, so you agree that the Sun is, in fact, Apollo on his golden chariot. Good to know.

>> No.15259706
File: 176 KB, 631x607, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a recent paper (not associated with the previous image) where the authors use TEM to not only image poliovirus, but to also image the virus particles in the process of infecting human (HeLa) cells. HeLa cool if you ask me,

Nature Communications volume 13, Article number: 5986 (2022)

tried to post the url but the spam filter kept eating it

>> No.15259721

Why are there so many psyops on sci?

>> No.15260545

And of course you did not read the methods:

"HeLa LC3 and GABARAP 3KO cells were described previously. All cell lines were grown in (D)MEM supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS)/25mM HEPES/GlutaMAX™/Penicillin-/Streptomycin (Gibco) and maintained at 37°C in a 5% CO2 atmosphere. Cells were regularly screened for the presence of mycoplasma infection."

>immortal human cell line known as “HeLa”
>cencer cells
>in DMEM (dubleccos minimal essential medium) (starving medium)
>bovine serum (genetic contaminant)
>antibiotics + antimycotics (poisons for cells)

"HeLa cells were pre-treated with DMSO or 1µM MRT68921 (SML1644, Merck) in culture medium, 1h before the infection."
> added DMSO
And had NO controll experiment

Added mor stuff:
"Inoculum was then removed, and cells were incubated in fresh media containing 2% FBS and 1µM MRT68921 and/or 5µM Vps34-IN1 or 50µg/mL hydantoin (5-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-5-methylimidazolidine-2,4-dione (EN300-21815)), or 2mM Guanidine hydrochloride (Sigma) for 3h to 8h."

Then they added specifically a lysis buffer to make the cells breal down:
"Cells were lysed with lysis buffer (20mM Tris-HCl pH8, 300mM KCl, 10% glycerol, 0.25% Nonidet P-40, 0.5mM EDTA, 0.5mM EGTA) on ice for 15min, passed through a 22G needle and centrifuged at 21,000×g for 20min."

So they poisoned and dissolved cells, and added a Poliovirus from unspecified origin, did NO CONTROL to show that the images are distinctly different IF a PV was added or not.

And the images were """enhanced""" using computer algorithms... so its mostly cgi:
"signal-to-noise of the tomograms were improved using the deep-learning software IsoNet software"

Without control to show that the PROCEDURE is not cause of the cell anomalies you require a NON-Infected control, to show DISTINCT effects of the Virus.
Also WHERE the "virus" is obtained is never clearified in this paper.

>> No.15260648

Where is this claim, that the composition and method of observed apparent motion is the caused by an God pulling it with an chariot?
No claim can be made beyond:
>sun warm
>sun bright
>sun give live
>sun can make burn
>sun can induce electric effects via UV radiation

Your strawman is retarded.

Scientific method:
>you observe a natural phenomeon
>you have a dependent variable (the phenomenon, in this case disease) and a independent variable (the presumed cause of the phenomenon which you can manipulate, the virus)
>you have a hypothesis about the independent variable to be the cause of the phenomenon
IMPORTANT: Here you are required to have the independent variable at hand and distinctively
- to manipulate it
- add or substract it from the experiment to show it's CAUSAL effect
- if you cannot OBTAIN the independent variable, you cannot establish an causal releationship, because if you don't have it, you cannot do science with it
- this is the point one of this shit falling apart

>you conduct a experiment in which you change the variable, to demonstrate its influence or even cause of the phenomenon
>you conduct a valid control experiment under the same conditions without changing the variable in any way
>the results of the experiment can now be interpreted
>either the X causes Y or X does not cause Y (which is the null hypothesis)
- either the virus is cause of disease, or the virus is not cause of disease, or cell death
- this is the point two where it is falling apart, because they have to use "indirect" methods (culturing) but have no control, even though the experiment is invasive
>a theory arises
>a scientific experiment must be falsifiable and therefore repeatable
>meaning, there must be a chance of reproducing the experiment

>> No.15261307

why do you think it's so many?

>> No.15261368

>First of all, it's fix.
No, fixate. The formaldehyde captivates the virus by staring deep into the virus' soul. It strips bare the virus' true self, exposing its oneness wet the universe. We are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. That's why no virus is ever truly isolated.

>> No.15261393

>this thread
Just nuke the whole fucking board. It’s all schizos now

>> No.15261477
File: 1.28 MB, 2128x4472, bacteriophages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virus has never been isolated, because it did not have been isolated.

If you have a bag of mixed clothes, and I request from you to isolate a sock, you would search in the pile of clothes for the sock and get it out.

The virology approach is:
>take all clothes
>add handkerchieves and towels
>then add hydrochloric acid to it
>then put all of it in a blender
>then pour it in epoxy resin
>then take a 1cm slice of the epoxy and textile block
>then make a photo of the slice
>then find a sock shaped textile fragment
>then claim "I isolated the sock"

You can easily find particles smaller than viruses or the same size, and isolate them without the "culturing and contamination process".
For example bacteriophages or exosomes.
The technique is called density gradient centrifugation:
And for some reason they can really isolate the "viruses" of bacteria, but not the viruses of humans or other warmblooded organisms?!
And here exosomes:

Why don't they isolate the virus directly from the snot and take a image?
Like they do with bacteriophages or exosomes?
Why not ISOLATE it first, then to a culturing to prove that the ISOLATED virus alone causes the cells to die?!

>> No.15262923

only this board? the whole 4chan is swarming with big pharma shills

>> No.15263421
File: 56 KB, 640x507, 1615290565936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the whole 4chan is swarming with big pharma shills
the whole internet my friendo.
Everything is swarmed by them.

>> No.15263959

Fun fact I found out recently
Colgate actively suppressed the evidence that fluoride is harmful to health.
The labs where one individual was studying the effects on rats were smashed up and the brain samples destroyed..........

>> No.15263982

Inject yourself with the unfiltered untreated blood of an active HIV / AIDs patient who is not on any drug or treatment regiment, on LIVESTREAM directly after they take a confirmed positive rapid HIV assay and then come back.
Otherwise, kill yourself on livestream.
>Self testing to prove my hypothesis is unscientific
Lol niggerfaggot tranny enthusiast wrong again
>Some skepticism was expressed initially, but within a few years multiple research groups had verified the association of H. pylori with gastritis and, to a lesser extent, ulcers.[172] To demonstrate H. pylori caused gastritis and was not merely a bystander, Marshall drank a beaker of H. pylori culture. He became ill with nausea and vomiting several days later. An endoscopy 10 days after inoculation revealed signs of gastritis and the presence of H. pylori. These results suggested H. pylori was the causative agent. Marshall and Warren went on to demonstrate antibiotics are effective in the treatment of many cases of gastritis.
>Inb4 'bacteria don't exist'
>Inb4 'bacteria don't cause illness'
You will never be shit

>> No.15263991

This is the new flat earth meme. Expect it to be spammed everywhere, especially /pol/.

>> No.15264704

Well Kaufmann is jewish and drops illuminati symbols every now and then, cowan feels weird,
that bald guy is a literal mason.
the american front line doctors were a clear psyop
mikovitz et el are filthy

malone is controlled opposition for the whole rna vax.
Kennedy smells bad

honestly it's a hard one to come to reliable conclusions on.
There is clearly manipulation and a number of so called viral diseases have extremely shaky foundations.

>> No.15264873

> hard
omg you are weak minded.

>> No.15265338

What is your theory on Hepatitis B?
>blood related procedure
>10 days
>jaundice and weakness begin
What could have caused this?

>> No.15265594

> what's your theory on my strawman?

>> No.15265676
File: 87 KB, 679x633, 1673942115950327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hepatitis B?
>>blood related procedure
>>10 days
>>jaundice and weakness begin

Give sauce on that and the causal releationship with an Virus or its bullshit.

Hepatitis just means inflamation of the liver, which yes, causes systemic problems in the body.

The meme HepVirus and Antibody shit is a meme.
>My hep b SAb is
>100iu which shows immunity from three injections
You literally believe, they posses the ability with a verified repeatable method to identify and decleare which antibody you have.

Let me get this straight:
> Antibody response means
> you have hepatitis (not even the virus, its a liver marker apperently)
They CANNOT say, that you are Immune...
They literally can ONLY interpret it that way.
Because for that the Laboratory requires your whole vaccine history...

> blood sample gets sent to a lab for analysis.
> Your healthcare provider will evaluate the results
> in line with your vaccination history, symptoms, and exposure risk
> as well as the results of other hepatitis tests.

So they cannot even say, if you have it or not or if you are immune or not.
BASED on the antibody test.
Based on your whole compliance history... do give you.

Also it is not a Standardized test.
It's all memes and "interpretation".

>> No.15265711

You have to interpret everything, you barely literate schizo. All data comes from our tools and is filtered through our perception before being perceived in our minds. Tell me how to magically isolate and observe viruses without using tools. Science is about making probabilistic inferences, i.e. it's extraordinarily unlikely that our methodology for observing HIV is just some kind of noise, and it's also unlikely that HIV being found in people suffering from AIDS is just a coincidence, etc.

>> No.15265735

Nigga. Before 2008 even a negative HIV test could be interpreted as you having AIDS by:
>beeing gay
>unmarried women
>having any disease

And it's known that HIV deliver """"false positives"""" because they need to interpret it.
Pregnancy, a cold, having done excessive sports before a test, beeing on drugs etc. Can trigger a positive result, thats why they have to interpret it.

And a AIDS test is not even standartized world wide.
So a AIDS result in the USA is not valid in Europe or canada.
Because it is not standartited.

And btw. The AIDS era is over since 2008.
Because they stopped killing people with AZT.

>> No.15266109

Elaborate a theory to explain what does particles are, then come back

>> No.15266116

HIV is mostly tested with an antibody or with an antigen + antibody test.

The antigen is an allergy against male smegma. Antibodoes ain't specific. If your body is damaged you will have a lot of antibodies. This is why they have to dilude the blood of pregnant women.

This is why junkies and homosexuals are often tested positive. Because drugs damage the body.

Why does "AIDS" kill without treatments.
Simply because vodoo only works on people who believe in it.

With the amount of propaganda about AIDS and Cancer it's often better doing something than nothing even if the treatment is pure placebo and even toxic.

Modern medicine is not all bad. It is very effective in emergencies.

>> No.15266154

>And of course you did not read the methods:
And of course I did.

I didn't realize that what you consider to be "isolated" is an impossibility. Even with the images that show (to me) isolated PV particles, they have to sit on an amorphous carbon membrane so that they can be suspended in the electron beam. To be visible in a TEM they have to be stained with a contrast agent. So to you this isn't "isolated." I guess nothing is isolated unless it's in the vacuum of intergalactic space.

>> No.15266192

None of you will inject rapid test positive aids blood
Because you don't truly believe this shit
You're fucking cargo cult niggers
You deserve to die
I sage
Announcing a sage
Because you're fucking niggers who deserve ignoble deaths because you are coward niggers who don't believe the shit you are selling
>Inb4 unscientific h pylori was proven by self testing kill yourself niggermcdarkness

>> No.15266469


>> No.15266475

HIV tests trigger at higher rates depending on their proximity of the sample to a cancer.

>> No.15267238

It's not impossible to isolate them.
They can isolate with controls biological particlase in the same size range, without any problem.
It is not impossible see:

And YES you have to stain it.
But in order to say, that what you see is caused by the virus and not just random decaying cells, you require a control to have a standard measure and comparison.
Thats what they do in immune histology aswell, they know how healthy stained and manipulated with formaldehyde tissue looks under EM.
And how poisonings or leucocyte imune events look like.
Thats how they differienciate it.
That called having a control.
To control it.

>> No.15267244

>Elaborate a theory to explain what does particles are, then come back

Artifacts of the preparation and induced lysis of the cells.
It is the most likely since no control is present.

>> No.15269334

>With the amount of propaganda about AIDS and Cancer it's often better doing something than nothing even if the treatment is pure placebo and even toxic.

>there are guys with needles that will poke and infect random people
>aids via saliva
>aids by breathing

>> No.15270697

>illuminati symbols
go back to /x/

>> No.15270896

Are you ready to grow up yet?

>> No.15272154
File: 1.27 MB, 908x2324, sheep_dip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever dude.

>> No.15272158

Why are you posting a kiwi sheep dipping fact sheet?

>> No.15272185

>Isn't that what they do?
Lanka did, is you don't know the results you must live under a stone or in a glownigger cubicle

>> No.15272239
File: 22 KB, 700x438, Proof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the next 'flat earth theory' level retardation we're gonna have to deal with?

>> No.15272294


>> No.15273435

>be luis pasteur
>be fraudulent sponatous generation of "muh disease causing germs"-Believer
>in france sheep and sheperds get sick
>must be da mystery germ
>look everywhere
>don't anything
>conduct fake anthrax vaccine experiments
>sheep died anyways
>claim its effective

>never mentioned the fact, that sheep were dipped in arsenic solutions since the 1840s
>never mentioned the fact, that solution was put on fields and water after use
>never mentioned that the neurological symptoms of sheep and shepherds were arsenic poisoning
>made random fake claims about muh germ called "anthrax"

>deep sheep in arsenic
>sheep gets sick
>*suprised pikachu face*
>must be new germ

>> No.15273731

>is this the next 'flat earth theory' level retardation we're gonna have to deal with?
Impossible you deal with it since Pasteur?