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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15256084 No.15256084 [Reply] [Original]

Did science literally kill philosophy?

In the past philosophers could just make up some bullshit theory and baselessly claim it was true, defending it with shallow rhetorical trickery. Nowadays in order to stay compatible with scientific and mathematical facts a philosopher would at least need to know quantum mechanics, relativity, thermodynamics, formal logic, theory of computation, stochastics, statistics and probably many more branches of physics and math. For example any metaphysical framework based on absolute time or local realism can be instantly dismissed and the scientifically uneducated philosopher wouldn't even understand why. That means today true philosophy is only amenable to highly educated theoretical physicists and mathematicians. Bohm or Penrose could be seen as examples of modern philosophers. In general though, mathematicians and physicists won't have an incentive to spend much time on philosophical questions as long as their fields yield sufficiently many more interesting questions on their own. This puts philosophy into the place of merely being a pseud blogging topic. It will never return as an influential academic discipline.

>> No.15256086

>quantum mechanics, relativity
>make up some bullshit theory
Yes, they still do that. As you demonstrated.

>> No.15256091

>words words words
o the ironing

>> No.15256102
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>In the past philosophers could just make up some bullshit theory and baselessly claim it was true.
Ah, yes...the good ol' days when there was literally no one else on Earth qualified to review your works it you published freely and without hesitation.

>> No.15256225

Conveniently you left out thermodynamics. Nice second law you got there. Has it been proven yet? Yeah, didn't think so.

>> No.15256237
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Yeah, anyways...

>> No.15256239

We just need the name asociation

You can leave Newton out of this he was a wanker with more philosophy than science

>> No.15256246
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>philosophers are just useless drunkards
Sounds about right.

>> No.15256265

Please tell me the biggest breakthrough in philosophy in the last 10 years and how it has helped humanity.

>> No.15256268

Please tell me the biggest breakthrough in particle physics in the last 10 years and how it has helped humanity.

>> No.15256271

The realization that we need to eat bugs and live in the pod to save the climate.

>> No.15256278

Philosophers discovered more than 100 previously unknown genders.

The quantum communication satellite launched by China.

>> No.15256280

>The quantum communication satellite launched by China.
Pure copium lol. You have to rely on actual Chinese fraud to claim that science has benefited humanity.

>> No.15256306

No, philosophy killed "philosophy", and btw science is just natural philosophy.
Our philosophy reflects our era: A behavioral sink inhabited by beings that crave meaning, but know that it cannot exist.
So modern philosophy deteriorated into bullshit, especially after Wittgenstein buried what was left of it. All that's left is kikes and their various schemes and the qualia retards.

>> No.15256319

All modern science is built on top of empiricism, a particular kind of epistemology. (At least it was before the replication crisis.) Logic is technically a branch of philosophy, also, and is intimately tied into mathematics. So, no, science did not kill philosophy, it grew out of it and further informs it. However, as you say, philosophy needs to conform to science and mathematics if it is to be useful; you can't have a metaphysics that crosses over into the material world and contradicts observed physics, for example. In any case, there are a lot of open philosophical questions which do not intersect at all with science or math.

>> No.15256331

>empiricism, a particular kind of epistemology
It never ceases to be funny how philosophers so desperately want to claim credit for the concept of "looking". As if observation didn't exist prior to philosophy.

>> No.15256335

Higgs boson

>> No.15256361

Read Nietzsche.

>> No.15256362

Fact is that the scientific method wasn't formalized until relatively late in history and before that was superceded by other sorts of epistemologies. That's why the scientific revolution was such a big deal.

>> No.15256383

>last 10 years