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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15254443 No.15254443 [Reply] [Original]

I hate communists, russians, and uzbeks so God damn much bros

>> No.15254447

Don't worry bro, Russia will be tearing itself apart next year

>> No.15254451
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lol copium

>> No.15254452

Russia has been sanctioned by the west since the Soviet. It is pretty much independent and has a self-sufficient economy. Ain't nothing gonna happen to the Vatniks.

>> No.15254455

Kazakhstan is working on saving their side of the Aral sea

>> No.15254457

>It is pretty much independent and has a self-sufficient economy.
Lol. Not to derail the thread but russia can't even make modern CPUs or semiconductors, they can't even make the composites needed to build planes (though they have been trying and failing since 2014), they literally use German machinery to make their artillery shells. They literally can't last without importing fancy western shit they can't hope to produce.

>> No.15254463

I know, that's why I don't hate them like I hate the Uzbeks. But the Kazakh government has been dragging their feet in building the new dam that would expand the North Aral's size.

>> No.15254465

you watch too much propaganda Jewtube and read too much from brainlet redditniggers

>> No.15254469

>they literally use German machinery to make their artillery shells.
We "literally" order German barrels and armor plates to build our tanks because the USA can't make them as well. I don't see how this is a criticism without being hypocritical.

>> No.15254471
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>nooooooo, the earth can't just have a changing environment
>everything must stay exactly like *arbitrarily selected time in the past that i selected* forever
>i own the world, it has to be the way that i want it to be
>anything less is a crime against nature

>> No.15254475


>> No.15254477

it's not even hypocritical. it's just dumb and disingenious. it's not like the USA or Russia can't make those machines. it's just cheaper to buy directly from the Germans and is probably part of some kind of collaborative economic deal. they are very small part of the industrial pipeline anyway. the USA and Russia can start making the machines if needed. the Germanniggers still can't produce anything of highest technological values after their fall in WW2.

>> No.15254480

Maybe, but since the Russian leadership consists of former gopniks and religious zealots, they follow anti intellectualism and are doomed to fall behind in tech eventually. Then, Russia would become incapable of protecting itself from more advanced countries. And, since not all of its neighbors are post soviet shitholes, it's doomed.

>> No.15254487

the Russia development is different from the direction the west is heading, which is more software/AI focused. Russia on the other hand has been focused more on old school techs, of the industrial kinds. the west has been deindustrialized since the rise of China. it's hard to know which direction will win in a war. you may argue that AI tech may enable more advanced weaponries but none of those have come yet and it's hard to imagine killer robots can do shit against nuclear bombs or a constant stream of artileries shelled at your cities.

>> No.15254488

Lol. Cope more vatnigger scum. Russia is literally an economic backwater, nothing more than a cheap gas station. I hope they pay for what they did to the Aral sea. I want to see their country broken, and the great part is that I will.


Nigger, America can build 120mm guns just fine, in fact America manufactures the Rh-120 (M256) domestically, America just liked the design of the M256 over the domestic 120mm designs. But procuring the license for a gun so America can build it domestically is a world away from needing to buy German machinery in order to sustain your industrial base then claiming you're independent and self sufficient.

>> No.15254493
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>making a toxic desert out of a once bountiful lake solely because of unchecked human ignorance and greed is good and okay

>> No.15254497

>But procuring the license for a gun so America can build it domestically is a world away from needing to buy German machinery in order to sustain your industrial base then claiming you're independent and self sufficient.
The majority of essential industries in America have been outsourced to China, Russia's strongest ally.

>> No.15254520

>it's just cheaper to buy directly from the Germans
What the fuck are you taking about? Do you not understand what producing under a license means?
>The majority of essential industries in America have been outsourced to China
America wisely never outsourced high-yield manufacturing to China, i.e. high-end semiconductors, CPUs, etc... and at the same time the low-yield manufacturing, i.e. clothing and plastic shit, that has been outsourced to China has kept it on a leash economically. What you consider essential, most likely isn't essential to the American military. The American military has always taken great care to protect it's supply chain and ensure it had a good supply of domestic manufactures; America still has a robust military industrial complex and will probably only grow stronger as more manufactures are reshored. While America can build thousands of F-35s based solely on the strength of its domestic manufacturing capability, Russia can't even build more than a few dozen T-14s or more than a handful of Su-57s.
>China, Russia's strongest ally.
>Doesn't even recognize the annexation of Crimea

>> No.15254523 [DELETED] 

>While America can build thousands of F-35s based solely on the strength of its domestic manufacturing capability
Good luck producing enough steel to wage a real war now that the majority of blast furnaces have closed.

>> No.15254533

you are a dumb nigger who think it's still 2000 and just a frog in a boiled well

>> No.15254543

>he thinks the F-35 is mostly made out of steel
>he thinks that the US is going to be incapable of ramping up production during wartime
Oh no.
And even if America can't ramp up production we have friends, lots and lots of friends (looking at you Australia). Also, I'm curious how you think China will be able to acquire enough food during a "real war" seeing as they are the largest net importer of food in the world, and the US just so happens to be the largest net exporter of food in the world.
Kekalek. Remind me again what happened to those 2,300 T-14 tanks Russia stated they would have by 2020? Oh yeah, they don't exist, just like the hundred SU-57s they said they would have by now.

>> No.15254545

boomer cuckservatives don't want to conserve anything

>> No.15254551

Conservatives live rent free in your head it seems.

>> No.15254552

They are behind thanks to mongols and ww2, basically thanks to the west tard
>advanced countries filled with N-, w-, youtubers and falling IQ

>> No.15254557

It's amazing people think the US can still fight a war, isn't it? This is the country that's on a 2-0 losing streak against Asians using WWII-era weapons.

>> No.15254567

Poor delusional vatniggers.

>> No.15254718
File: 53 KB, 800x308, great salt lake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate capitalists and americans so God damn much bros

>> No.15254740

>a natural drought is the same as humans actively and successfully destroying the 4th largest fresh water lake in the world because some Russian dipshit thought it was a “useless evaporator.”

>> No.15254743

so is this board just /pol/ 2.0 now?

>> No.15254752

Always has been

>> No.15254755

What are these pictures of/from?

>> No.15254776

Oh my sweet summer vatnik, it isn't the sanctions, its the brutal civil war which will tear Russia asunder. The wheels have been in motion for a long time, and it is all but a guarantee. But oh yeah, bukhmut encircled, two more weeks hohol etc.

I hope you're ready.

>> No.15254779

>Russia's strongest ally

>> No.15254781

The vatnik tries to what about, his last and only cope, but fails due to lack of IQ

>> No.15254786
File: 95 KB, 1000x1000, fake enviromental concern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i am the savior of muh precious lake
>i am the savior of mother nature
what all of the people who prospered by using the water? fuck them right?
>other people can go to hell
>they're not allowed to use my planet
meanwhile you're a disgusting urbanite with an massive filthy carbon footprint and your bleeding heart for mother nature is just how you try to hide your guilt and shame at your own disgusting, toxic lifestyle.

>> No.15254789
File: 517 KB, 720x600, lakemeadcomp_oli2_2022184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is Aral Sea between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
2nd one is great salt lake in Utah.
This pic is lake mead in Nevada and Arizona. It's an artificial lake that's the result of the Hoover Dam, which is currently under threat of ceasing operations.
>The Bureau of Reclamation predicts there is a 1-in-5 chance the lake could fall to 1,000 feet by 2025, which is only 50 feet above the minimum level needed for Hoover Dam to generate electricity

>> No.15254803

I'll add this note. The river supplies water to 7 different states. Water rights are in dispute and the FED has issued an ultimatum of basically get your shit in order or we'll step in and do it for you. The time on that ultimatum has expired, and they will be stepping in.

>> No.15254805

oh yeah that's kind of what i thought
every usable reservoir in a developed country is a victim of tragedy of the commons. Surprised its so bad for the saltwater too though wtf

>> No.15254815

> what all of the people who prospered by using the water? fuck them right?
What about all the people who prospered due to the lake both economically and spiritually and now the millions that have to contended with toxic dust storms? fuck them right? Fuck all nature man, just turn everything into a desert so some jackass can grow cotton in an unsustainable manner.
> meanwhile you're a disgusting urbanite with an massive filthy carbon footprint and your bleeding heart for mother nature is just how you try to hide your guilt and shame at your own disgusting, toxic lifestyle.
Lmao. Nice projection faggot. Why don’t you go advocate for the wanton destruction of nature down at your local retard club. I feel sorry for someone like you, so blind.

>> No.15254823

>t. what is a megadrought
But go off retard, its totally cool that the 4th largest, and completely natural, fresh water lake was wiped off the face of the earth due to human greed and contempt for nature because America bad!

>> No.15254835

Why does the sea matter? The area is a desert steppe, why not use the water for irrigation upstream and make something productive of the land and let the lake dry out (which is what actually happened)?

>> No.15254838
File: 59 KB, 570x453, anti spermers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the bleeding heart environmentalists who were crying over all that beautiful desert canyon landscape being submerged under a reservoir finally get their chance to enjoy what they've been complaining about missing all these years.
Their reaction:
>nooooo!!! we need to get the water back right now reeeeeeeee!!!
See? They're just virtue signally faggots always looking for something to cry over. They will always have some made up fake cause or another to shed tears over as a means of falsely signaling the existence of a virtuous personality which doesn't truly exist.

>> No.15254839

>>t. what is a megadrought
A natural phenomenon extremely common to the region which people should have known about because the Indians told them when they came, and the area is littered with the ruins of civilizations that collapsed due to them.

>> No.15254864

> A natural phenomenon extremely common to the region which people should have known about
You are so fucking stupid it’s not even funny or entertaining.

> Thanks to the region’s high temperatures and low precipitation levels from summer 2020 through summer 2021, the current drought has exceeded the severity of a late-1500s megadrought that previously had been identified by the same authors as the driest in 1,200 years.


>> No.15254865

>water is being used up by tens of millions more people
>drought is worse
Wow it's almost like Californians are fucking stupid. How ever would I have known?

>> No.15254872
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ivies are 100% shills & liars

>> No.15254874
File: 50 KB, 560x369, aral_sea_2006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Soviet plan is still the only realistic solution. bickering stans have only made the situation worse and worse.

>> No.15254875

I've been here since 2007
/sci/ certainly has not always been this way

strawman, very imaginative too

Correct. I assumed that was common knowledge tho.

>> No.15254883

Do you have to try to be this retard? Or does it come naturally? Guess I shouldn’t expect much from an imbecile who thinks mega droughts are “extremely common.”
Okay schizo

>> No.15254885


>two more weeks

>> No.15254890

>I've been here since 2007
/sci/ didn't exist in 2007. Newfag election tourist exposed.

>> No.15254894

>Guess I shouldn’t expect much from an imbecile who thinks mega droughts are “extremely common.”
They occur on a known, measured cycle whose recurrence is measured in historical rather than geological time. You would have to be a complete mongoloid or a complete lunatic to settle a massive amount of people and livestock in such a place after knowing the risks.

>> No.15254908

To put this in more perspective, it would be like rebuilding Pompeii and filling it with skyscrapers right on top of the existing pyroclastic flow about 100 years before the next eruption interval. It's insanely irresponsible. Only a Left Coaster would be that stupid (see also: Mt. Rainier and the San Andreas fault).

>> No.15254912

Yeah bro, cuz people where actively studying Dendrochronology during the 19th century in the southwest United States to make sure they didn’t settle in an area that could go through a possible mega droughts, lmao. Touch grass you fucking lunatic. The reservoirs were built to mitigate the regular mild droughts and so far it seems they are still effective against even a mega drought, it just doesn’t look pretty. But still the natural occurrence of a mega drought in the southwest US is not even comparable to the totally human caused destruction of the Aral Sea.

>> No.15254918

The Indians were telling them stories of the mass starvation of the last drought. They didn't need dendrochronology, there were completely empty cities with bone-dry wells and massive dry lakebeds across the entire region, with the descendants of the survivors warning against settling there again.

>> No.15254925

>there were completely empty cities with bone-dry wells and massive dry lakebeds across the entire region, with the descendants of the survivors warning against settling there again.
>source: I made that shit up.

>> No.15254930

If you don't know who the Puebloans are, you can't be helped.

>> No.15254943
File: 537 KB, 650x1274, Old-anonymous-vs-new-anonymous-2012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been here since 2007
you have so little self awareness that you're bragging about being a cancrous newfag

>> No.15254954

I don't understand why so many /pol/acks love Russia, it's a multiculti shithole just like the west and has super high rates of abortion and divorce.

>> No.15254966


Well, it's quite easy:

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

The Russians are our rivals, YOU are my enemy.

>> No.15254974

I'm not a left winger at all and certianly don't support the current state of the west.

>> No.15254979
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it is the russhit mentality. All the nuclear oopsies and chemical/biolab outbrakes can testify to that. If Chernobyl happened somewhere in Siberia and not right next to euro they would have left the reactor uncovered as it is cheaper then cleaning up after themselves

>> No.15254985
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Vatnikstan should honestly be moved to Africa where it belongs. One tip touching south africa and another nigeria. Much closer in development and mentality level and in there they can actually lay a somewhat true claim of being a regional power. That is until the natives next door flood them and average them out to the regional standard