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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15252845 No.15252845 [Reply] [Original]

Why are nearly a fourth of gifted children dropping out of high school?

>> No.15252856

My theory is that the schools aren't sealed tight enough so there's some leakage and some students drip out from there. Some duct tape should be applied to the leaks to keep students from escaping.

>> No.15252860

they took the vaccine

>> No.15252861

Because why would I allow my efforts in life feed the machine thats actively trying to murder me by legal proxy?

>> No.15252870

Read the fourth sentence of the abstract

>> No.15252884

>Fall 1991
Back then there were few special programs targeting intellectually gifted students. AP classes and an advanced diploma were about as far as most school went. It's not surprising most of them bored and annoyed at being subjected to being stuck in slow moving classes all day that teach down to the dumbest person in the class.

>> No.15252889

Because if you have a modicum of intelligence and a spine, you know the government indoctrination facility is not the place for you.

>> No.15252897

Because "gifted" just means they developed a little quicker than normal kids. So they can memorize some smart calculus when given a tutor when they're 10 but by 20 they haven't caught with normal people.

>> No.15252900

>t. jealous public school drone

>> No.15252907

What's wrong with envying people who get better education?

>> No.15252909

Millennium A Room with No View.

>> No.15252912

I guess you're a literal bot.

>> No.15252914


>> No.15252971
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>he believed the Justice Dept, let alone Dept of Education, is, can or WOULD accurately differentiate "gifted" and atuned to a corrupted school system
>nit knowing the "ungifted" are the gifted and this was a feature, not a bug, to rid the system of actual merit

No, YOU read...a....uh, a fucken book, um....about shit and stuff....or whatev...

>> No.15252979

To be fair, obnoxiously namefagging is consistent with an affective and cognitive phase of identity development.

>> No.15252985

>Gifted students have a mental break when they start nooooticing the world for what it really is
I was a gifted dropout, I still went back and got diploma’d and completed a few college courses before my classmates even graduated.

>> No.15252988

You people are almost all retarded, fucking disgusting, morally bankrupt, charlatans.

But yeah...Im a namefag mainly because....welll....ALMOST ALL OF YOU A RETARDED CHARLATANS.


>> No.15252995

Oh...and also, the whole fucking site needs ID tags. Im sick of retards and "I havnt posted yet, why you hostile to me for making retarded comments".

So tiresome...

>> No.15252996

I don't have a problem with the namefagging, merely with the obnoxious manner in which you go about it. You certainly haven't distinguished yourself from the average Anonymous in that regard.

>> No.15253004

lol.....becausr the name is you fucking retatded jackass.

Thats it. Whats your major, boy. I wanna fuck you in a language you "understand".

>> No.15253008

>name is

>> No.15253009

This being said, after school I mostly dedicated my brain power to exploring my own mind rather than studying for an upper class job.
Turns out that inside your mind there are literally infinite equally real universes, where you can do anything, and since the experiences are so realistic, it is indistinguishable from reality, and therefore our reality is indistinguishable from our imagination.
Escapism is real.

>> No.15253014

I majored in math over a decade ago, but you should probably make sure you aren't having a stroke before you attempt to engage in coitus.

>> No.15253030
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>engage in coitus
You dont understand who youre talking to. The difference between me and you is the same as the most blue-pilled normie NPC that has no shame lying through there teeth. Honestly its way more than that but if I told it accurately you'll just "take it as an insult" because thats what humans do to the Truth; butt hurt because when humans fuck up they expect a blowjob.

You are human.
I am not.

>> No.15253036

Oh, and Number Theory, greatest living. Lots of base systems. Bleeds into Physics often.

Be specific.

>> No.15253039
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Wow, so dark and mysterious and edgy. Aren't you going to make love to me in the language of mathematics?

>> No.15253045

>Why are nearly a fourth of gifted children dropping out of high school?

I can only speak from personal experience as a 3/250,000 3.5 standard deviations above mean grade skipping GATEr who barely graduated highschool and went through a riduculous psuedo-life that ended with living alone in national forests for 2 years

there's nothing in established curriculum that could surpass what my own internal dialog has taught me

>> No.15253047

The tedium of being forced to attend classes designed for people with IQs 3 standard deviations below yours is, quite literally, painful. It's like being forced to watch the teletubbies eight hours per day, every day, for 12 years. So inevitably, students that can't take it anymore drop out.
This is also why you see shocking rates of drug use among gifted students.

There's "gifted" and there's GIFTED. If you've ever met someone actually gifted, you could usually tell. The types of students to finish 4 year degrees in 3 semesters with A+ averages.

>> No.15253050
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My combinatorics can. Statistically youre retarded, see; >>15252979

You majored in math yet you stepped into my field, AGAIN. Developmental Psychology and Phenomenology, I dont count "Psychology" because we all know its not a real science.

Youre a shit analysis, very "teenage-esque", especially with this "edgy and dark" comment. I hope youre not the kind of kind that talks shit to someone that would kick their ass then is suprised when it happens becausr "dude fuck you do" with zero self awareness.

>> No.15253053

this is from 1991, almost no one drops out of high school anymore. The dropout rate even in super poor areas nowadays is probably well below 25 percent. At my high school of over 1000 people I only knew of one drop out, and one kid who was considered "troublesome" so he wanted to drop out but they instead sent him to some school that was meant for people who couldn't complete regular high school.

>> No.15253056

>There's "gifted" and there's GIFTED.
Its even worse if you stick in the program, motivated by love of science or some other rationalization, get to PhD level, and find that despite being around people that finally understand your jokes for a change, everyone of your peers is truly only motivated by money, status, and hot chicks.
And then you get first hand evidence of the replication crisis and find out you've spent 7 years just so people will call you doctor.

>> No.15253059

You aren't worth the cognitive effort required to parse your errors. Have a good day.

>> No.15253071
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There you go again, talking out your ass about shit you know nothing about.


Welp, remember the name, I'll checkmate you every time we cross, I try to be polite but I don't belong on this planet.

>> No.15253085

I am thoroughly convinced that the most intelligent people ever born in human history likely committed suicide over the course of the last 20-30 years. High intelligence correlates almost directly with mental disorders like depression ADHD and schizotypal personality disorder. As another anon mentioned drug use is extremely common among highly intelligent people, and it’s been that way throughout most of history.

>> No.15253086

Your narrative is classic, documented, demonstrable midwit cope.

>> No.15253088

if you really think about it (heh) some of the only ways to prove you have free will are heroing, celibacy, poverty, ego-destruction, diogenes mode

>> No.15253093

That's the most retarded thing I've heard in a while.

>> No.15253097

Possibly, however intelligence doesn’t necessarily solve your problems, it just opens the door to even more problems for you to solve. Go ahead and disprove anything I said.

>> No.15253099

>however intelligence doesn’t necessarily solve your problems
It has a better chance of doing so than stupidity. At the very least, it helps you avoid unnecessary problems.

>it just opens the door to even more problems for you to solve
Like what?

>> No.15253101

Thats because you don't have free will, you're a meatbot, completely subject to instinct. The thoughts you think are yours are just an amalgam of the words of others being recycled in a derivative loop ad infinitum.

>> No.15253104

>Like what?
complete ablation of instinct
consciously controlling breathing, heart-rate, gait, inability to shut off the internal dialog resulting in decades upon decades of insomnia

>> No.15253114

>At the very least, it helps you avoid unnecessary problems
Not even remotely true
Smartest person I ever knew had severe speech disability and took 6 years to learn how to pronounce the “an” sound.
He graduated at 13 and scored better on the ACT at 12 than I did at 17, and I was in the top 2 percent as far as ACT/sat
The drug has a legendary mind yet social norms are completely foreign to him and he has struggled his entire life. Used to make out with his dog when we hungout as kids and when he’d get mad he would just grab my arm and squeeze really hard while grunting, even as a teenager.

>> No.15253115

peepee poopoo to you too

>> No.15253120

>Smartest person I ever knew had severe speech disability and took 6 years to learn how to pronounce the “an” sound.
And what does that have to do with what I said? Are you literally retarded?

>> No.15253123

You're literally too dumb to breathe.

>> No.15253125

Are there even any other GATE(r)s in this thread? What a horrendous disappointment, getting more from rereading my own posts than anyone elses.

They used to shuttle me on a short bus with one other kid to a different school one day per week. Only two gifted kids in the entire elementary school. White majority middle class area. It's much, much more rare than 10% as quoted in the OP.

>> No.15253130

literally too smart to breath, i get it youre all butthurt that you aren't gifted even when given first hand accounts that being top of the top of intelligence is a horrible torturous thing, but thats just your instinctive meatmachinery lashing out. Be mad at your parents for not selecting for intelligence if you want to be mad, but Im telling you, you should be happy.

>> No.15253131

No but I’m starting to think you are. Nature does not reward EXTREMELY high intelligence, it actually appears to be more of a burden. Nature does reward intelligence, but in a more balanced way. Humans that have abnormally high intelligence tend to have some sort of major hindrance, due to the fact that extremely high intelligence is in fact a mutation and is likely to occur among other mutations.

>> No.15253132

Obviously you're upset that not everyone shares your self-destructive NPC attitude, one which you've been programmed to have by decades of materialism propaganda.

>> No.15253135
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>Date Published: 1991

Good god. So you're saying the mRNA vaccines now travel through time and destroy the gifted youth of our past? Maybe the vaccines are trying to destroy their creators to save the future. Kinda like terminator, but infinitely more retarded.

>> No.15253136

>Nature does not reward EXTREMELY high intelligence, it actually appears to be more of a burden
Still waiting for an example. Your imaginary friend having a speech disability is not a product of high intellect.

>> No.15253141

another funny thing about you meatbots, i have consciousness so ive dropped tidbits of my self-actualized reality into this thread, and have influenced you who function as amalgams of exterior information

for instance, this post im replying to, was so heavily influenced by the post it's replying to, its completely derivative, you subconsciously reiterated the same premise and tried and failed to throw it back as an insult, you can see a similar effect with the standard deviation statement being reiterated in the very next post by some(one) who was influenced by it
its horrifying, the bible was right about 144,000 having souls

>> No.15253143

I am “highly gifted” and I’m telling you directly that it is a burden and I’ve listed reasons why. You, being non-gifted, should take this information and continue your happy little life.

>> No.15253144

Higher intelligence correlates with higher social isolation. When you're 99%ile intelligence, it's almost impossible to talk to half the population (and it's more like 99% of the population if you're as smart as that guy). Consequently, people like that either fail to develop social skills, or lose interest in talking to genpop. Either way, it results in a whole host of problems.

Not nature, but society. Either you conform to society and suffer every single moment because of it, or you reject society and suffer every single moment because of it. Kinda reminds me of the dextromethorphan episode in House MD, where the patient willingly chooses to make himself stupid to avoid these problems.

>> No.15253148

>I’ve listed reasons why
Your imaginary friend's speech impediment is not a consequence of high intellect. Neither is whatever dysgenics your inbred American ass is suffering from. Still waiting for relevant examples of how intelligence necessarily causes problems.

>> No.15253150

>I am “highly gifted”
no, youre a faggot lmao

>> No.15253156

>When you're 99%ile intelligence, it's almost impossible to talk to half the population (and it's more like 99% of the population if you're as smart as that guy). Consequently, people like that either fail to develop social skills,
Another midwit trope.

>> No.15253158

Any examples would only be anecdotal anon. Unless you actually care about the topic of intelligence burden, you’ll never get any better evidence than what is posted here in this thread.

>> No.15253160

>should take this information and continue your happy little life.
its a reason why so many gifted resort to drugs, shutting the endless stream of consciousness off just to have some peace, to be able to laugh and have a good time, drinking enough you can actually initiate the mating ritual, being able to sleep

>> No.15253161

>Any examples would only be anecdotal anon
So far, you can't even provide an anecdotal example except for you and your friends being literal inbreds and associating it with intelligence, even though there is no possible causal relationship between being intelligent and having dysgenic traits.

>> No.15253162

>its horrifying, the bible was right about 144,000 having souls
The Bible literally never says this. It was made up in the Reformation era by people who didn't speak the right ancient languages. Anyway you're just a pseud who's in the Dunning-Kruger valley.

>> No.15253168

>be intelligent
>be surrounded by people less intelligent
>nobody relates to you
>nobody thinks like you
>feel outcasted and unhappy
>realize that life is meaningless if you can’t be happy
>take drugs for happy
>subsequently lose intelligence from drug use

>> No.15253173

You're not very smart if your reaction to a sick society is to sicken yourself in response.

>> No.15253174

Okay so now who’s making leaps of logic and making ludicrous claims they can’t backup?

>> No.15253175

>be a midwit
>think you're "extremely intelligent"
>nobody likes you
>nobody wants to listen to your dross
>take drugs like a low IQ nigger

>> No.15253178

There's obviously a lot of inbreeding in your family, but you can leave that part out and my point still stands.

>> No.15253180

>sicken yourself to fit society
>never fit into society
Social isolation has proven to be as bad or worse than regular drug use so..

>> No.15253183

The fact that you only think there are 2 options means you're low IQ.

>> No.15253186
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At a certain level of intelligence it becomes indistiguishable from living in an open air prison and solitary confinement.

I have had one conversation in the last several years that was worthy of memory, all other is talking to a wall....or in otherwords, I havnt seen another person in several years.

>> No.15253188

He is squarely 110-115 IQ. High IQ people find their ways into high IQ circles. Retards like him don't cut it and thus spend their lives around actual 85-100 IQ morons. Then they go around screeching about how much smarter they are than everyone else and how lonely they are.

>> No.15253191

You sound severely mentally ill, not intelligent.

>> No.15253192
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>At a certain level of intelligence it becomes indistiguishable from living in an open air prison and solitary confinement.
>I have had one conversation in the last several years that was worthy of memory, all other is talking to a wall....or in otherwords, I havnt seen another person in several years.
>t. namefagging retard who spouts schizophasia all day

>> No.15253193

I don’t have to “think” that I’m extremely intelligent, the accelerated classes I aced and the papers I published as a high schooler speak for themselves. I had to give a speech at a local university about my work. It was a poorly written psychology paper on the development of consciousness and first memories which is a pseudo topic but still.

>> No.15253205

As predicted: no evidence of real intellectual accomplishments, compares himself to morons.

>> No.15253227
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>t.Bachelors in Math hehe, kind of a nerd.
Get a job you lazy shitbag neet.
Or kill yourself. Whatever.

You will never be respected in STEM.
Deal with it.

>> No.15253228

Plenty of them are likely autistic.

>> No.15253236

>You will never be respected in STEM.
Do I sense a hint of jealous projection? You're a homeless man who posts rants on 4chan all day.

>> No.15253242

There it is again, people talking about shit they know nothing about...

You dont know this but the definition of "Illiterate" means something different than it used to, now it means basically "NPC speak" where theyre simply saying the words to illicate the desired response with zero understanding of said words.

>You majored in math yet you stepped into my field, AGAIN. Developmental Psychology and Phenomenology

Youre using words like a liar does....youre transpatent through the wire, ma'am.

>> No.15253248

If you were intelligent you would finally look at schools and children's play pens and realize they need to be destroyed
Children need to grow up in the same world as adults do to become adults, jews take that as an excuse to make them do labor instead of letting them play and find out what works and doesn't

>> No.15253255
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>You're a homeless man
The term is "Stateless". Im too smart for humans, what else would I do? Work for evil idiots? Evil governments? Evil institutes? All corrupted and soulless...

>> No.15253256

I don't know what your screed has to do with my comment, but I do actually agree with you. However I think we both agree that this namefag is a well-known schizophrenic and has admitted to being homeless and mentally ill.

>> No.15253259

>why do non-NPCs try to opt out of NPC programming

>> No.15253264

Youre not a psychologist, just "intuition" without knowledge or intelligence; aka a female brain. Vapid. Ego centric, charlatan, shallow...

Do better, Bring STEM or STFU about your "i feel his this and that". Pathetic.

>> No.15253267

Namefags are indeed ultra schizos

>> No.15253268
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And you will NEVER be schizo.

You will die a normie death, as all normies do, without notice for those with merit or soul.

>> No.15253270

Who said anything about feelings? I know from empirical and rigorous observation that you are a schizo and a namefag.

>> No.15253294
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>empirical and rigorous observation
I dont speak psycho-babble, try speaking in english next time.

>> No.15253299

>higher than midwit IQ
>took the vaxx
Bold claim. Substantiate?

>> No.15253303

Nothing. Btw. you mean "better brain", not "better education".

>> No.15253332

fucking nuspeak faggot retard polluting the only good posts in this thread with your reddit nonsense fuck off never post again

>> No.15253338

Holy shit, I wish we could express to you just how supremely midwitted this post just sounded, and consequently your entire being is.
I mean unpacking everything you just exposed about yourself (e.g. >psychology) would require to so much, someone taking up the task would still sit here by midnight.

>> No.15253343

Why not read the paper and see what it says instead of asking a forum full of retards who hadn't even been born when that was written?

>> No.15253353

Developing earlier then others so you are smarter then the average kid doesnt actually mean you are gifted. Its the sad truth.

>> No.15253356

>Why not read the paper and see what it says instead of asking a forum full of retards who hadn't even been born when that was written?
Because truth is almost never to be found from academics in journal articles, and anecdotes from the vanishingly rare GATE /sci/ dropouts is more illuminating, and you would know this if you'd read the thread.

>> No.15253377

remember when these threads used to be fun and we'd talk about how we're on lists that would get us let go from the police and all have occipital buns?
heh, the good ol' days

>> No.15253384

I dropped out at 16. My issue was extreme social anxiety and agoraphobia. Not very exciting.

>> No.15253410

well that's okay have you started a homestead with a milk cow pigs and chickens, solar and micro-hydro power generation, just waiting for the end-stage of the covid plan (activation of idiots via social media into mass civil unrest)

>> No.15253415

I found useful therapy and learned to function in the real world, but I like your idea a lot better. Dealing with people is still tiring.

>> No.15253432

You’re too easy to bait. Probably nothing that anon said is even true.

>> No.15253506

>Why not read the paper
Because "the document is currently unavailable"

>> No.15253510
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>> No.15253521

Smart people get depressed too

>> No.15253528

haha, works every time

>> No.15253597
File: 38 KB, 474x491, Unsubscribe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are nearly a fourth of gifted children dropping out of high school?
Schools teach to the LCD, usually blacks or immigrants, which average around 80 I.Q.
Most G.T. programs are being cut due to "Diversity".
What's the point for kids over 100 I.Q. to be in public schools anymore?

Most are going homeschool or private school, to get away from Government indoctrination and wokeness also. Or just not to get shot by Jamal Deantarias Washington Lincoln.

>> No.15253600

>then the average kid
Late bloomer eh? kek

>> No.15253621

I did because not only was I not learning, I was miserable being there as well. The 'people' running the place as well as the majority of my peers made me begin to hate life, so I thought it out and decided playing games, training and reading all day was a better use of my time here than being indoctrinated into a system which sought to cripple me.
As things currently stand, there's no reason for me to be part of 'society' or be seeking to make money.

>> No.15253625

Which immigrants?

>> No.15253640


>> No.15253642

no, GATE kids get tested for autism, you just cannot win here

>> No.15253658

So you have trouble with basic 2nd grade English due to autism? Does that mean all ESL's are autistic also?

>> No.15253816

I dropped out of high school and college 4 times. I was in gifted programs growing up and come from a wealthy family. I got severely depressed and realized I'd never have to work to live, so there wasn't any motivation to just get through it.

Took me until my mid 20s, but I finally got my shit together and I'm very successfully completing a degree in my dream field.

I think some people just need time to get their lives straightened out, and most normal people keep going through school while they do. The issue is that those who are constantly told they're smart growing up tend to have a harder time accepting that they just have to put their head down and move forward like everyone else. Meanwhile, those from wealthy families lack the motivation of potentially becoming impoverished if they quit.

>> No.15253849

The more they encroach the more I will writhe. They do not belong in my mind. Get them out.

>> No.15254289

despite all your rage
you are still just a rat in a cage

>> No.15255189

No gifted means you need to memorize less than normal people.
Imagine you wrre taught which exact steps to take when you walk to the toilet.
At best, the teachers will accept that you can walk there your own way, somehow, and leave you alone.
At worst, you get bad grades for not taking the correct steps, because the teacher is not sure if the steps you took actually take you to the toilet.

>> No.15255849

Marked for life

Gang gang

>> No.15255861

Already explained why they aren't better. Maturing earlier means less intelligent in the long run.

>> No.15255881

because schools don't select for genius, but for obedience / conscientiousness

>> No.15255897

They're youtubers and tiktokers now

>> No.15255903

Literally invest the 100k+ you'd spend in education on this, or even take student loans and invest it on this
Cheese is food of the gods, milk, cream, whey, when we can't import anything anymore watch as society breaks down

>> No.15255942

Because psychology, especially psychometrics, is a garbage "science" and leads you to believe such non-sense. Go on and tell us all about how you measure "giftedness" in detail and in what way it's scientifically rigorous.

>> No.15255947

>Cheese is food of the gods, milk, cream, whey, when we can't import anything anymore watch as society breaks down
I just broke my raw milk cherry, there's no going back. Everything we've been told is a lie, produce your own food or submit to poisoning.

>> No.15255973

"Smart but lazy" people do not exist. If you drop out of school, college or uni you are stupid, simple as.

>> No.15255977

>Date published: 1991
Antivaxxers are retarded

>> No.15255984

I was in GT and almost dropped out of high school.
I couldn't tell you why really.
Around 11th grade I started experimenting with alcohol and drug and petty criminal mischief. In 12th grade I would skip entire months at a time staying home playing Runescape. I was always a skipper but by senior year it was really bad.
Eventually I missed so many days that the administration calculated that it was impossible for me to graduate by legal requirements or something. My only resourse was to attend alternative night school classes. These were computer based and I finished the entire coursework in 2 days. The coach guy in charge of the thing thought I was a legitimate genius when in fact the courses were retardedly easy.

>> No.15256002

>Around 11th grade I started experimenting with alcohol and drug and petty criminal mischief. In 12th grade I would skip entire months at a time staying home playing Runescape. I was always a skipper but by senior year it was really bad.
we all did, bro
whether or not its a function of some subliminal programming we received in GATE or whether we're just predestined to go down that path is speculative

>> No.15256014

Because they are chuds and don't get pussy.

>> No.15256251

>don't get
*don't want
whats the point of going backwards in evolution by having offspring coming out stupider? Who the fuck wants a zoomer like you to raise?

>> No.15256408

Here. I honestly don't know how many kids there were at my elementary, but there were maybe 15-20 GATE kids. It was purely an after school program, though, twice a week for 2.5 hours.

>> No.15256454

>I just broke my raw milk cherry
How is it? I've wanted to try raw milk, but it's illegal in my state and I don't feel like traveling to buy it.

>> No.15256505

How tf can it be illegal. You can extract it from an animal with your own hands.

>> No.15256713

>How is it?
hard to describe exactly why its so good, pasteurized milk tastes like cow juice now

>> No.15256764

>Why are nearly a fourth of gifted children dropping out of high school?
Too much Duhversitay yo!
Smart kids come from smart parents, so they are smart enough to get away from ghetto Canadians.

>> No.15256765

Nice thing about raw milk that wasn't homogenized is you can leave it for a bit and have cream on the top to skim off and make whipped cream and butter for cheap.

>> No.15256783
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>normie NPC that has no shame lying through their teeth.
FTFY champ.

>> No.15256909

>You can extract it from an animal with your own hands.
Sure, the illegal part is selling it.

>> No.15256952

My mom grew up on a dairy farm drinking raw milk, including skimming the cream for other uses. To think how the world has changed that farmers are getting in trouble for trying to sell it raw.

>> No.15256958

Based I am procuring a slim titcow wife to help me achieve this end

>> No.15257501

sanity is an agreement to play along (an agreement to dumb yourself down)
you might not get it

>> No.15257508

based cunningham's law abuser

>> No.15257515

Pasteurized milk is like DDR5 ram. The ram has built-in error correction, which everyone loves, right? No random bitflips from cosmic rays. However, this will allow ram manufacturers to get away with producing faulty ram that would otherwise produce errors. Similarly, pasteurized milk allows dairies to get away with filthy farms. All of the bacteria is pasteurized away.