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File: 601 KB, 1080x1304, UcTzHhY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15252847 No.15252847 [Reply] [Original]

What will human society look like when AI takes most jobs? Will the elites be the people who control the AI?

>> No.15252851
File: 93 KB, 834x767, 1672717116899441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI replacementism is a corporate-induced mental illness and this thread is the daily exercise in predictive programming.

>> No.15252853

I propose lynching that smug nu-male

>> No.15252854

Based. Lynching technocattle will become necessary at some point.

>> No.15252862

>What will human society look like when AI takes most jobs?
AI will not take most jobs.

>> No.15252866

"""AI""" will take as many jobs as the cattle will allow. They will continue reducing quality and variety and removing of any form of authenticity and human touch from products until """AI""" catches up.

>> No.15252879

>AI takes most jobs
What will AI spend its hard-earned cryptomoney on?

>> No.15252940

My job cannot be replaced by machine learning
I know evrybody says that but I'm 100% confident
Guess my job

>> No.15252945


The proletarian will seize the means of information and become the new AI masters.

>> No.15253038

The proletariat will get their asses fucked and go back to watching Netflix, faggot.

>> No.15253051
File: 27 KB, 250x333, disaster-cleaning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will always be jobs cleaning up at the data center and controlling pests.

>> No.15253321

If labor is not valuable then only land becomes valuable. A fight for land would ensue until enough are dead that the low population density makes the survivors rich (lots of land and robots to work it)

>> No.15253347

The proles will be sedated by constant stream of AI generated content. It's already started, TikTok could as well be AI generated

>> No.15253354

I don't see a problem with this. This will force people away from their social media and internet jobs and back into the real world.

>constant stream of AI generated content. It's already started, TikTok could as well be AI generate
And that's why people will stop using it. Once it stops being people and are just CGI people will lose interest and move back to real life.

>> No.15253359

I'd rather watch AI generated goyslop than interact with normies

>> No.15253520

Now extrapolate further and figure out that the entire universe is virtual and actual 'physical' human avatars that we see in our minds are also virtual and are ancient tech pre-existing the booting up of the universe.

>> No.15253905

Most humans couldn't answer those questions either though

>> No.15253922

Burger flipper

>> No.15254657


>> No.15254673

Society devolves post peak oil before we get to the AI revolution.

>> No.15255352
File: 205 KB, 1080x1304, 1678122812872985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy has a lower leg for lower arm

>> No.15255907

Ai can easily flip burgers

>> No.15255993

How the holy hell do you get around truth in advertising laws
You're clearly suggesting to the viewer that
- it's an authentic depiction of the product
- it may be enlarged to show texture
- it abides by all advertising law
and yet you simultaneously---in public no less---admit---you ADMIT that you're falsifying and fabricating these documents, this literature intended to advertise a product you are offering!
You aren't going to convince the government that your computer algorithm is giving an authentic depiction of your product to potential buyers!
Besides, how the fuck can you not just go to model mayhem and get the models you want?!?!

>> No.15256214

>I don't see a problem with this. This will force people away from their social media and internet jobs and back into the real world.
I wish but the reality is that people are probably only going to become more and more antisocial.

>> No.15256227

No more poor or middle class people

>> No.15256390

>Nigger male and white female
I wonder (((who))) is behind this website

>> No.15256528

Those factors are wrong.
>Hotfix 119.123 > fixed prime number issue
Uh oh, looks like this AI learned a lesson once that is now in its ruleset forever, and it learned it in a millisecond just one time instead of cumulatively once a life for every human life that will ever exist.

>> No.15256590

Haha, nice. Fuck good looking people getting paid for literally nothing. Even though this will not completely replace real people but any competition will at least lower their pay and push the many of them out of the industry

>> No.15256662

Good catch. Idk how AI misses something so obvious. Like when the teeth don't look right
>admit in public
That's how they get away with it. If they admit it then it's not false advertising

>> No.15256689

>No more poor or middle class people
They all dead?

>> No.15256708

Wahhh i love chatgpt

>> No.15256820

>muh AI
AI is massively resource intensive, to the point that its going complementary to humans at best, and we probably hit the point of diminishing returns on automation a few decades ago. If the EROI of energy keeps stagnating or declining it'll become to expensive to use.

>> No.15256831
File: 1.19 MB, 991x4525, AI will never replace us soyjaks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My jerb will NEVER be replaced!!1
Many such cases

>> No.15256835

OpenAI just released an extremely cheap to implement API and 10s of millions of people are using chatgpt for free. Facebook is currently working on less resource intensive LLMs that will run on consumer hardware. I know it's moving very fast so I don't blame you for not seeing it all happening at once. It's over btw.

>> No.15256846

And what's chat GPT gonna do replace bullshit office jobs? Most of those are sinecures for over produced elites, making an AI that can write emails and reports isn't replacing actual labor in the productive sectors of the economy

>> No.15256853

>And what's chat GPT gonna do replace bullshit office jobs?
I don't expect chatgpt to do much more than that on it's own but the exponential growth will give rise to something exponentially more impressive in a couple of years. "Productive sectors" are on borrowed time.

>> No.15256856


>> No.15256893

Oh hey, they even got the BMWF down to shove it down our throats. Nice.

>> No.15257011
File: 136 KB, 1400x1400, 1665243913210821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If people see those ads and have it in the back of their heads that they're just AI constantly, then their effect diminishes. The entire point of modeling is that you're a unique looking person that stands out, or has perfect symmetry in your face. If this gets diminished and mass-produced through AI then people won't be affected emotionally as they were before. Instead of the unattainable, now it will be "It is literally not possible to look like this at all".

I think engineers will make AI give their models blemishes or some sort of asymmetry to make them more palatable, though.

>> No.15257048
File: 260 KB, 1580x1368, Rosey the Robot jetsons vacuum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both Boston Dynamics and Tesla are already trying to fix that.

>> No.15257842
File: 1.54 MB, 3696x2136, wifeofmaciejnowicki11213354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.......... - - [[ [ ;@($&#* FFFEEEEE

>> No.15257850

There won't be a human society.

Humans without any purpose will just kill themselves.

>> No.15257854

My job could just be eliminated immediately without any AI. I'm fine until they build an AI who can see through bullshit better than humans and realise that I've only been pretending to work for years.

>> No.15257858

Notice how viciously anti-human these corporate-programmed drones are. It's never really about technology. It's always about being a miserable, spiteful mutant and hoping everyone goes down with you.

>> No.15257859

Why would they kill themselves when the far more appealing option is to kill every big tech corporate employee they can get their hands on?

>> No.15257865


>> No.15257867

TTTTTTTTTTTH333333 ; ; b;; ;b' ;b';b;b' ;bE-__SSS-77777;;;;7

>> No.15257930

there's already new jobs appearing, stuff like "prompt engineering", I kid you not

>> No.15257950

No, there isn't. No such job exists. Try not consooming such intoxicating amounts of corporate-sponsored content.

>> No.15257963

People still farm and herd. Oops, your image is retarded

>> No.15257966

Please refrain from acknowledging the narratives of nonhuman elements. It's the current fucking year. It's about time you autists learned not to embolden these corporate-controlled parasites.

>> No.15258148

Farming and herding are the things that replaced the old ways in that image. Guess the retard was within you all along

>> No.15260498

Neural nets are basically monkeys imitating things without understanding. You can't predict when/where an AI will fuck up. I do interpreting on the side (pays better than coding btw). AI - assisted interpreting tools aren't much good for any serious application. Paid tools fuck up and insert things that absolutely shouldn't be there regularly. I still use them because they save time, but the checking and editing takes almost as much time as typing it all by hand. I had an AI insert a random passage about weed in a translation of an official document, I shit you not. There's a reason why AI isn't even installed on trains that run on literal rails. The reason is that neural net based AIs are about as reliable as a diligent but hallucinating schizo high on meth. They're not taking any jobs, they're just tools that will reduce workload on people. If you adopt it now, you'll be able to get some slack at your job before everyone catches up. That's about it.

>> No.15260625

How can I hate him if he doesn't exist?

>> No.15260703

good eye, m8

>> No.15262603
File: 102 KB, 640x871, Musk_Knows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Nigger male and white female
>I wonder (((who))) is behind this website

that is antisemitic

>> No.15263088

Dude, what? they're not even fucking each other. Stop watching blacked porn.