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15249196 No.15249196 [Reply] [Original]

Just put a coffee in the microwave oven and noticed there were two ants in there. Set it to high for one minute. Afterwards there was what appeared to be burnt ant pieces, but one of the fuckers was still running around. WTF?

>> No.15249197

The microwave is to ants what a 5g tower is to you. Some are more injured than others.

>> No.15249203
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Microwaves create standing waves. If there was no rotating plate in a microwave, there would be obvious places of warmth and cold. One ant was at an antinode of the standing wave. The other wasn't.


>> No.15249206

The microwave resonance is concentrated in a non moving spot I think. Perhaps the same reason a microwave doesn't microwave the whole meal isotropically is what happened with the ant? The fucker avoided the beam?

>> No.15250006
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Unnecessary cruelty towards animals is a sign of psychopathy

>> No.15250040

One ant was vaxxed, the other wasn't.

>> No.15250172

It's an ant you fucking retard.

>> No.15250194 [DELETED] 

you're wrong about that, projecting human emotions onto nonhuman object is a bad departure from reality, its mentally ill and low iq. you don't know that you cat wouldn't enjoy being clobbered on the head by that axe, you only suspect that you wouldn't enjoy and you project that onto the cat. are you a furry? inability to differentiate between species is a sure sign you're part of the way there at least.
>b-b-but muh empathy
>muh empathy for all living things mufffugguh
its all stupid psychological projection, you're insulting your own intelligent when you presume that a cat is your equal mentally, that it can think and feel what you do. cats have single digit iqs, they're not any better or worse than a head of lettuce as far as living creatures go

>> No.15250313

i bet you have a diaper fetish

>> No.15251291
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i wonder whatever happened to ant anon and his insect techno rebellion? hmmm

>> No.15251310

But think of the plants. No one gives a shit about them despite them being a cousin more distant than animal.

>> No.15251322

Was one of them wearing a watch?