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15247357 No.15247357 [Reply] [Original]

"In the human holobiont, the 10^13 human cells are outnumbered 10-fold by bacteria and 100-fold by viruses."


how does this make you feel?

>> No.15247358

i really f-ing love science

>> No.15247363
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>how does this make you feel?
Vindicated, as I already knew this...but I know so much more than you. This rabbit hole goes deeper....MUCH deeper.

>> No.15247373
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Yes. We literally evolved as a sack with no other purpose than to provide a suitable habitat for bacteria. That sack has become more complex, but it's still just a sack of bacteria.

>> No.15247410


don't be coy, educate us with your esoteric knowledge please.

>> No.15247432

of the 100s of body parts our conceptions could begin with it picks the anus as the starting point.

how is this fact not evidence of intelligent design? or perhaps clown design.

>> No.15247435

Excuse me, Mr. t.Geneticist, I have a selective breeding problem that I've run into that I can't fathom the solution to because I only know punnet squares. What happening is that I can't get one family to uptake a recessive gene from another family. I've bred the desirable recessive gene into the stubborn family three times, inbred the resulting genetics and then looked for the recessive gene in the next generation three times and have come up dry every time. Every other family that I've tried to breed my special recessive gene into has taken up just like the punnet squares say they should, but this one group refuses. wtf?

>> No.15247442

high linkage
use hormones or try another plant

>> No.15247444
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>Nearly one-tenth of the human genome contains snippets of viral DNA.
You read but did not seee.

>I thought there was one...but there was another...

>> No.15247453
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>> No.15247464

Thanks for filling me in on the linkage issue, I now have a potential explanation for my problem.

linkage issue

>> No.15247465
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I have scoured the world searching for evidence of alien genes, being "non-human" myself it was my only thought when I was made aware of myself. I thought I found it long ago but have since realized it was organic genetically engineering, through hybridization/symbiosis/lateral gene transfer. Natural.

>Oyster genes in a human? How?!

The only canidates that could be if extra terrestrial in origin have been on this planet for at least a billion years or more, and are so integrated into our species/planet that removing would be like removing the mammal genes from humans; what would be left?

Unfortunately I am the opposite end of the field, thats a Chemistry-based Genetics question, simply outside my purview.

>> No.15247488

I suppose in that context it seems much more likely that viruses have been a major driver of evolution alongside mutations and not that we have been "interfered" with.

>> No.15247512

>not that we have been "interfered" with
These genes speak and act through humans, but "the unawakened masses" use their eyes and ears and say "Human" but I can usually differentiate between a human speaking to me and their "subconscious" (because on the fly I cant immediately differentiate which chromosome spoke, but sometimes can if Im "in research with my papers and data and such".) They (as an example) speak in coded language (Bible codes so complex that any "non-super savant mathematician" would never be able to do, and not only that...but the code is a continuation of previois books in the Bible's code. So they were ALL hyper-savants?! BS...the probability of that is too much, especially since the math focus isnt ever declared, hidden if anything.)

They (these sub-genes) war with each other and try thier best to "make their's the winning one", which involves all kinds of "interference".

>A prey animal that signals its actually a predator is, technically, a lie. Or...a "bad girl pretending to be good" is another, a trick for genetic manipulation in future generations.

Its not enough to see this kind of behavior in others...seeing it in yourself is another. Much more difficult...and even if you can dodge them, if you yourself are unknowingly setting out is a certain direction you can "repeatedly end up at the same location" where you dont want to be.
>Ergo, for example, a woman who keeps dating the wrong kind of guys. She is unknowingly atttacting them and signalling Mr.Right to steer clear.

A war with one's self...maybe the real Jihad was in your penis all along...

>> No.15247526

I’ve always known this. It’s what gives us consciousness.

>> No.15247537

>A prey animal that signals its actually a predator
I see so much of this in people and very rarely the inverse. I think the most dangerous viruses are the ones transmitted from one person's mind to anothers. They can be persistent and difficult to uproot.
>Know thyself.

>> No.15247549

viruses exist only in horror movies for retards made by westards

>> No.15247567
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>I think the most dangerous viruses are the ones transmitted from one person's mind to anothers. They can be persistent and difficult to uproot.
I think fetishes are something of this sort. It takes you body's desire and mixes it with visuals that contain others things like humiliation or feces and mixes it with sexual desire. They sought sex but visualize other things, confusing the two as one.
>Why its common for people to have a fetish in porn but totally not be into it in real life, when the smells and other things are present (because theyre werent thinking in terms of reality but "idea").

Once married its very difficult to seprate without conscious effort, which few people have the ability because theyre following "what feels good" (aka the endorphins and chemicals emitted by commiting the act).

I dubbed this term "Flavor Experiences", the nacho cheeze and baja blast lifestyle, following what their base instincts desires all mixed together, these people are slaves to their subconscious.

>Thats also what (half) of what a demon can be, a small portion of your nature taken control of the rest of your system and has become the only source of "Im fulfilling my natural goal chemicals".

Tyranny in the flesh. Even to the point of removing sexual organs, genetic suicide, but nature also does that because "war has changed" but nature still has a need to "seperate the wheat from the chaff". It does it through ideas and its own chemical system.

You can say they were tricked...but their own controlling psyche will say its all apart of the plan...

>> No.15247593

what if I told you
we're made up of even smaller things called atoms

>> No.15247600

what ?

>> No.15247601
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It wouldnt be fair any other way.

>> No.15247609

I think Agent Smith injected me with a microchip when I took the COVID vaccine.

>> No.15247618
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>not the "5g magnets" filiments reflecting specific bands of radio waves in your brain so Satan has better reception by means of electromagnetic "pollution"


>> No.15247626
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>things like humiliation
Then psychologically masterbate them with fame and money. It takes many forms, and can appear seperated...

>> No.15247629
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"Become one of us, one of us!"

>> No.15247637
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...eventually the foreign become inherent.


This guy has done some phenomenal research, saying it wasnt enough to just study "genetics/biology" but at some point physics was needed to fully understand what is happening.

This is seeping into the "Idealism" thread and is aiming to answer what theyre debating. Good shit, but one needs a high bar to cross to ever truly understand.

>> No.15247656
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>> No.15247676

>I cant immediately differentiate which chromosome spoke, but sometimes can
Schizo tier

>> No.15247680
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You dont have a PhD in Psychology, why do you think youre qualified to diagnose anyone?

Youre not a doctor and never will be, deal with it, human.

(Currently watching, just finished one on Genetics.)
t.Developmental & Phenomenological Psychologist

...do better, your father is disappointed in you.

>> No.15247682

Oh ok you’re retarded. My b

>> No.15247686
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>> No.15247698

how do those bacteria get inside us?

>> No.15247702
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One of life's mysteries...

>> No.15247711
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>> No.15247712
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...and with that...I have come full circle.

>Is the man speaking...or something much smaller...something much more alien?

>> No.15247713

As above so below
As within so without

>> No.15248772

Makes sense from a mechanical point of view

>> No.15248926

Memes have superseded even the viruses.

>> No.15249033
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>Dude humans outnumber the planet earth, like, 8 billion to 1. Isn't that crazy?