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File: 71 KB, 896x877, 4bS6aiFDofnd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15244353 No.15244353 [Reply] [Original]

Has there been any official scientific findings which explain the rapid growth of the popularity of homosexuality? It seem like the type of hot topic that might attract some attention from the scientific community, its like the sexuality equivalent of global warming

>> No.15244361

The left will say there has always been tons of gays, but they weren't able to speak out in the past.
The right will tell you this is result of gay indoctrination and sexual abuse.

The truth, however, cannot be determined, because you are not allowed to publish anything that might cause a ruckus with the left.

>> No.15244397

I am Spartacus!

>> No.15244420

Maybe just because it doesn't take a lot to be bisexual. You just have to think one person of the same sex is attractive just once. And now it's culturally acceptable and Christianity is losing it's sway.

>> No.15244443
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>Has there been any official scientific findings which explain the rapid growth of the popularity of homosexuality?
TikTok, s o y, Disney, social media, feminism.

>> No.15244493

high co2 levels

>> No.15244530

Consider an economic argument. Offspring have become too expensive to care for.

>> No.15244540

I only have bisexual thoughts like sucking cock when it is in a context of high humiliation, like being a cuckold forced to suck the bull's cock. However, anything homosexual disgusts me in other contexts, like in a romantic context.

>> No.15244545

Unplug your router for a month

>> No.15244548


>> No.15244553
File: 52 KB, 750x500, alex jones' science adviser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel knows why, its in his phd thesis

>> No.15244570

>libtard smug look
Is this how a real scientist looks like?

>> No.15244571

>Has there been any official scientific findings which explain the rapid growth of the popularity of homosexuality?

Vanilla doesn't give the same rush, so they go for worst things

>> No.15244575

Actually true. I like cbt and other fucked up stuff, and the best stuff is more often than not some mentally ill homo destroying his cock and balls in bizarre ways. Hetero stuff is just too vanilla in comparison.

>> No.15244587
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>> No.15244600

Yes. Tell the children.

>> No.15244640

This guy is based. He's got the flamboyant, disco-era type of style and wears it on him with full personality without being a colossal faggot. He was silenced by Big Pesticides after doing several experiments showing evidence that atrizine has damaging effects.

>> No.15244652

"In the past" is relative. For only the last couple centuries it's been unacceptable because of the Christcucks. Before that, basically every man was bisexual. Had a wife and she bore him many children, but on the side he was fucking boys and men on the regular.

Humans are naturally quite like bonobos. Everyone has sex with everyone else and nobody really gives a shit. The only difference is we let the bankers and landowners tell us there's a magic man in the sky who hates when we do anything other than being slaves and making more slave babies.

>> No.15244655

Are you riding the high of estrogen euphoria?

>> No.15244673

you're the banker's best friend, the consoomer who lives only to take dick and buy product
and you will die and be eaten by your cats

>> No.15244699

Porn and acceptance makes it easier to figure out but I imagine a good portion of the population is a like a 2 on the Kinsey scale but haven't figured it out yet.

>> No.15244701
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>t, jealous of scientists

>> No.15244703

Its just everyone who used to be considered straight realizing they are a little bi when they aren't scared to think so.

>> No.15244748

>People identifying as part of the most widely celebrated group in the western world at accelerated rate
I just can't connect these dots Watson...

>> No.15244755

How are you not dead from AIDS yet?

Please die soon, your carbon footprint needs reducing.

>> No.15244786

Ya'll got any arguments in there or are you just going to scream and bitch and stamp your feet like the women that you are?

>> No.15244807

>introduction of the internet to the masses in the 90s
>internet is wild west
>internet speeds improve significantly through to current year
>kids have greater access now to porn
>social media becomes popular
>kids retreat to the indoors where comforts are
>smartphones created, increased social media access
>wider net is spread for perverts to prey
>tumblr and similar platforms hotbed of debauchery intermixed with general adolescent interests
>having an interesting "look" and hobbies is no longer considered unique enough
>adolescents see trendsetters in celebrity spheres that are coming out as buzzword letter sex mafia people for legitimate reasons or attention and shock value
>adolescents follow celebrities and influencers
>adolescents further groomed by online predators
>rates of letter sex mafia increase exponentially

>> No.15244816

You haven't hanged yourself yet?
99% of people hate fags and troons. Don't let the fake news media lull you into thinking you are accepted.

>> No.15244827

sounds based

>> No.15244845

Get better man

>> No.15244849

This. Plastics are among mankind’s worst creations.

>> No.15244866

The homosexual portion of the population has remained around the same. It’s mostly just people identifying as bi or whatever but are really just straight.
>99% of people hate fags and troons
In Africa maybe

>> No.15244906

Someone sounds jealous

>> No.15244908

You're not allowed to publish anything that reveals the harmful and powerful effects of the utterly massive public relations industry either. As far as the public is concerned marketing tops out at reminding you to buy a coke and making you purchase another hamburger on occasion.

>> No.15244913

You get a lot more people willing to 'try it out' not that you won't get burnt alive for being gay

>> No.15244968

In the J.B. Calhoun "Universe 25" experiment, homosexuality peaked just right before the last generation of autistic individuals, along with feminazis and PUAs. At the end it was just pure undiluted autism, "the beautiful ones".

>> No.15244996

Most probably that number is as high as 10%, and that is consistent with the numbers reported in ancient cultures worldwide, who didn't care as long as people fulfilled their duties with society by having children, even if that required some kind of "help".

>> No.15245147

>Silent generation: 0.8% gay, 0.6% bi
>Gen Z: 3.4% gay, 13.1% bi

>> No.15245151

Mental diseases are contagious, that's why they are called diseases in the first place.

>> No.15245260

Replication crisis.

I went in for a free STI test, part of the requirement was that some guy asked me a bunch of questions for some statistics. It was all like, do you fuck men or women, what kind of sexual activities have you been involved in and how often. The guy entering my responses into the tablet was clearly a massive fag. I'm totally straight and I could tell this was frustrating him. Anyway some question was like would you ever fuck a transexual to wish I responded no. Only I saw him check the yes box. So the cunt was falsifying data to promote his degenerate sexuality. I guarantee everyone who got tested and did the anonymous survey was listed as some kind of faggot whether they are one or not.

>> No.15245534
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>> No.15245538

> 20% of GenZ are Sterile Faggots
It's so over for Fertility rates lmao. I also saw statistic that says GenZ has least amount of sex ever, this is nothing but a mass culling.
The Perfect Genocide. Absolutely love it.

>> No.15245540

schizo part of my brain screams its the microplastics and estrogen in the water supply. racist part screams its because of jewish control over media and education. the down to earth part calmly states that with our society's rejection of God of course evil and filth like this would promulgate and we have to just wait for another flood to cleanse this wretched world

>> No.15245547

>It’s mostly just people identifying as bi or whatever but are really just straight.
I do think this is common. There are many who don't engage in lgb sexual activity but have perverted thoughts or are just very emotionally open people. So the label becomes something they associate with because they just need identity.

>> No.15245548
File: 103 KB, 1582x1124, Fp6_VyNaYAAtoB9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GenZ are Fattest, Gayest, and Lamest generation ever.
Pic rel is for 8th and 10th graders.

>> No.15245551

It's nothing, being a Faggot nowadays is trendy, specially among girls.

>> No.15245560

you should read the SRS thread on kiwifarms. they amount of suffering and torture people put themselves through isn't normal. women are committing to a lifetime of test usage, the removal of their breasts (which fucks up hormones even more), removing their uterus for some bizarre reason, fucking up their urinary tract and usually clit by using the skin of their arm or leg to construct a fake penis pretty much damning them to constant UTIs. Not even Sodom and Gomorrah were portrayed as poorly as our current reality.

>> No.15245574

Before religious hegemony :
>Earth was full of fags
>A shit ton of people fucked crossdressing men and little boys

After religious hegemony :
>Earth is full of fags
>A shit ton of backwards ass people fuck crossdressing men and little boys

During religious hegemony
>Prisons and literally anywhere where the rule of law has no real effect are full of fags
>Half of everyone who was ever in a position of power either sucked a cock or got his cock sucked by a child
>Shit ton of secret gay shit all over the world
>Areas were gays aren't as frowned upon have them all over the place (ladyboys and ladyboy chasers in thailand are one such example)

At some point you negroes have to accept that sexuality is a spectrum and that no one is really 100% gay or 100% straight. If that were true, we would associate attractiveness in a person on purely sexually dimorphic patterns, but we just don't. Some men will look so womanly they will be attractive for some men and vice versa for women, hence the butch/femme thing in lesbians, and twinks and bears, and all the trans and tranny chasers in-between.

the fact that >>15244652 has received zero (0) counter arguments and only emotional responses shows how there is literally no case to make.

If religion WAS the natural order of things, homosexuality and whatnot wouldn't have been persecuted so harshly. We didn't give a fuck about pedos or overall tyrannical assholes that murdered and raped, but god save us from all the gays !!!

fucking retards

>> No.15245577

we should throw fags into the bog

>> No.15245578

The more people castrate themselves willingly, the easier solving the overpopulation problem becomes.

>> No.15245579
File: 24 KB, 337x500, 1673799639862552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has there been any official scientific findings which explain the rapid growth of the popularity of homosexuality?

There is no rapid growth, majority of those stats is tied to bisexuality aka women sexing up with other women until they get a chad/tyrone or rich guy. Which has been a thing for thousands of years.

>> No.15246171
File: 218 KB, 620x352, 77787789-50F6-436B-B0EE-2DFE2F67A52C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has come and gone repeatedly. It wasn’t just accepted for all time before Christianity took over.

It seems like as societies reach a late stage and become decadent, sex stops being a way to express love and create a family and becomes more about exploring pleasure.

>> No.15246177

It's a mixture of both
Being a fat gets you attention and social points now.

>> No.15246182

perception that there are, or reality of too many people -> societal incentives to not breed (in today's framework, be LGBTQ)