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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 108 KB, 900x280, dt230228.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15238824 No.15238824 [Reply] [Original]

Legendary racist chud Scott Adams zinged the cosmology pseuds and the youtube worshipers hard.
What do you think /sci/, are the cosmologists and their youtube fangoys all a bunch of posers pseuds and grifters? agree or disagree?

>> No.15238826


>> No.15238828

Its kind of surprising that amidst all the current controversy, Scott Adams still has the time to snap off a top grade cutting zinger at the soience crowd

>> No.15238954

That's not a zinger at scientists. The dilbert dog is saying pseudoscientific woo nonsense. You contrarian retards in this thread can't tell the difference between that and actual science and that is the whole joke.

>> No.15239031

>The dilbert dog is saying pseudoscientific woo nonsense.
Ironic coming from scott adams since I remember him saying he was talking to spirits and being into law of attraction kind of stuff before his latest spergout

>> No.15239058

He believes in simulation theory.

>> No.15239061
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>everyone believes in simulation theory.

>> No.15239479

Scott Adams literally believes the world is a simulation, which is why he says he can do law of attraction BS.

>> No.15239483

Why are theists so afraid of the scientific field of cosmology? Is it because it easily debunks their primitive fairytales?

>> No.15239497

Christian apologists such as William Lane Craig view cosmology as one of the most important natural proofs of God.

>> No.15239503

Yes, that's because william lane craig is a retard

>> No.15239515

His record of victories against atheism's most stalwart thinkers seems to belie that accusation. Perhaps you just don't understand science.

>> No.15239522

The world being or not being a simulation literally wouldn't change anything. "It's X because simulation" arguments are stupid.

>> No.15239525

Is that what you read on his website? What a pathetic retard

>> No.15239528

I'm explaining his (Scott Adams') retardo logic. I think he is a retard, but they misrepresent what he believes because he's the same flavor of midwit as resides on /sci/.

>> No.15239554

not science

>> No.15239557

You never worked with stem did you?

The chud nailed it to perfection is almost as science

>> No.15239567


>> No.15239583
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>famous person expresses wrongthink in public
>literally everyone pissed off
>no one can refute it and most don't even substantially disagree

>> No.15239585

Mental illness

>> No.15239586
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Mainstream comics are generally made months in advance, but if you think Dilbert is edgy now just wait until it's an independent webcomic.

>> No.15239647 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15239951

>which is why he says he can do law of attraction BS.

he's a multi-millionaire who married a young hottie, i'd say he doing that BS pretty well. (yes i know he divorced, but the next hottie will come along soon enough)

>> No.15239991

She left him because he's impotent and a Branch Covidian. I doubt another hottie is coming.

>> No.15239996

Who the fuck wants to get married when you've got money for enough viagra and hookers to keep you going until you hit 100?

>> No.15240006


his net worth is around $75 million, there will be unlimited hotties coming his way even when he's 99 years old

>> No.15240022

>in America you can become a millionaire by drawing racist comics
How is this allowed?

>> No.15240026

>In Europe they think Dilbert is racist
>In Europe you can be thrown in jail for drawing racist comics
How is this allowed?

>> No.15240274 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15240285

What if we all get "cancelled" on purpose, get expelled from their society, and form our own society? What are they going to do?

>> No.15240301

Not him, but you are coping massively and you indeed understand neither the science nor the theological arguments.

Read more Western canon before showcasing to everyone what a poorly read peasant you are.

>> No.15240332

Infiltrate and subvert us slowly again to steal our wealth. It is how parasites survive since they are too weak to have a proper race war.

>> No.15240362
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Perhaps your a right wing moron who is stuck in the past, and youre too stupid and too inbred to understand that most people dont give a fuck about William Lane Craig's opinion. Its 2023. Nobody who actually believe in science or technology worships Jesus anymore or believes in christianity, so if you're still a christian and you're using this board, then I would be willing to bet 99% that you don't give 2 shits about science and you're just a right wing troll who came here to "own the libs" on a science board.

Your a fucking dumb ass and so is you idol William Lane Craig.

>> No.15240379
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>believe in science or technology

>> No.15240393

>Read more Western canon
Into the >>>/trash/. Lmao. No one cares about what your superstitious ancestors believed you dumb child

>> No.15240397
File: 131 KB, 800x523, Religion_of_Nobel_Prize_winners (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science is not a religion and this board isn't for you. Crawl back to your lowwit /r/atheist shithole or whatever the fuck those BSc dropout losers call themselves.

>> No.15240401

Western canon includes the history of naturalism and all of modern science from Roger Bacon up to and including modern science.

You are an ignorant, illiterate retard. Stop posting here.

>> No.15240405

Post an actual argument or fuck off, retard. Like I said, no one cares about your superstitious ancestors.
>m-muh bacon, m-muh popper

>> No.15240414

It's not our ancestors it's the living faculty in modern universities of STEM you stupid peasant.

>> No.15240429

No significant scientist cares about your western canon or considers it worth reading, you retarded child

>> No.15240480

All significant scientists study Western canon dumbfuck it is core at every modern university. You've clearly never been to a real university, why pretend to know?

>> No.15240794

Correct. Reality could be an impossibly perfect simulation of some kind or it could be the dream of a butterfly or it could be the imaginings of literal God. It doesn't matter. We're stuck here inside reality, and all we can do is make sense of it.

>> No.15240797

>it is core at every modern university.
You are having hallucinations. This is not good for you

>> No.15241604 [DELETED] 

they don't study it, the replication crisis is all the evidence you need to show that.

>> No.15241605

True. The fall of scientific output has everything to do with their abandoning the Western canon.

>> No.15241723

Every single one of the top science, engineering and math programmes in the world has humanties core modules where you learn Western philosophy and at least get exposure to Western canon. Not everyone is good at this, but I've never met a single researcher/professor at a conference who doesn't understand the epistemological foundations of our discipline and at least know how to place it in the greater context.

If you didn't have this, you did some kind of technologist degree or watered down STEM shit that it night as well be a technologist degree. Either way your thoughts are generally worthless because every idea you have has already been discussed to death (often literally) and that's how you manage to make such dumbfuck comments about cosmology without knowing who's evidence you are actually supporting.

>William Barton Rogers, MIT’s founding president, once wrote that “the abstract studies…of the philosopher are often the most beneficent sources of practical discovery and improvement.”
>/r/atheism mouthbreathers: "I believe in science." xD

>> No.15241728

If you went to a school where the humanities and philosophy were emphasized then you're as lucky as I was to have had such a thing. The majority of programs at the majority of colleges, even (maybe especially) the Ivies now reject Western epistemology emphatically.

>> No.15241764

Afaik it is still an AP and ABET requirement, therefore no accreddited university can award Physics or Engineering degrees without it. The anti-White grifter shit at Ivies is only in their soft programmes (and ironically STEM programmes now offer their own philosophy courses based in traditional Western Philosophy to escape that bullshit) and that's why their insufferable graduates face a decaying reputation and can only find work as diversity coaches and other jobs fundamentally relying on destructive leeching.

That being said, even that is only true for certain weak departments. I am personally acquainted with plenty of grads especially in subjects like fine arts, linguistics and philosophy who are more interesting in contributing and building on Western culture than destroying it.

>> No.15241792

you don't actually know what 'western canon' means, do you.

>> No.15241812 [DELETED] 

The scientific method was developed by people who's lives and works are almost exclusively humanities topics. STEM students just don't bother studying or learning about the scientific method. They don't like learning about it because it reminds them of their fallibility, so they avoid the scientific method in favor of more emotionally pleasing confirmation bias

>> No.15241848

why don't one of you lazy motherfuckers define it already

>> No.15242425

As is typical of a philosophy retard, your post is entirely contentless seething at the fact that scientists don't take your stupid 'western canon' dogma seriously. The fact that you think cosmology supports whatever nonsense your priest spouts is just further evidence of how retarded you are.
>William Barton Rogers, MIT’s founding president
Lmao. I could post several quotes by people much more scientifically significant than this guy that proclaim philosophy (especially your beloved 'western canon') to be useless in science. You are either extremely naive or stupid if you think his quote means anything.

>scientific method
Every scientist or good STEM student learns about how science works by doing it. We just don't bother reading hundreds of pages of drivel by moronic philosophers who want to stupidly dictate what science should or should not be.

>> No.15242434

>pseudoscientific woo nonsense
Big Bang, Evolution, Virus?

>> No.15242438

The brain is a machine that turns sugar into thoughts. The guru in the comic is literally correct, but whether you think this observation is profound or retarded depends on how old and jaded you are. Be honest though, the first time you ever thought about the fact that there's an equivalence between information and energy you probably thought it was really interesting.

>> No.15242447

Cosmology and "theism" have always been the same field you monumentally retard half wit. I know you thought this would look clever and be le epic own but it just shows how fucking stupid you are, how fucking stupid most of you idiots on this board are. You never know wtf you are talking about, on ANY subject.

>> No.15242451

How do you think you can understand the creator if you don't study the creation you black gorilla retard?

>> No.15242452

Well known retards like yourself disagreeing with me only makes me feel better. Post your website where you debunk relativity using free will now, retard.

>> No.15242457

There is no question to anyone on this board I am at the least 2 full standard deviations in intelligence above you and 99% of the posters on this board. There isn't a single metric you could devise of where I won't expose what a tiny and insignificant piss ant you really are

>> No.15242460

Post the article I ordered you to post, retard.

>> No.15242549

Find a single racist thing he said or put in his comics. Show it to me in this thread you ignorant dumb fuck. I'll happily admit if you can show me ONE THING that's directly from him.

>> No.15242556

>How is this allowed?
allowed. kek, you must be a euromutt or a limey/downunderfag.

>> No.15242807
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he does tons of anti-white material

>> No.15242946
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the 2023 dilbert calendar is now amazon's top selling item. dilbert collectables on ebay and elsewhere are soaring in value.

>> No.15243001

Maybe the weaker STEM students do, they never stay in the profession they are destined to be non-STEM, techs, sysadmins or other codemonkeys. Meanwhile my PI, our PhD student and I literally had a 30 minute discussion on empricism yesterday in relation to our model. Come to think of it the actual technical discussion was only 15 minutes in that meeting.

>dumb assumption
I'm physicist professionally employed at a national lab. I also never said I was religious, that's another dumb assumption you made. Your mind seems weakly disciplined to me, perhaps you would benefit from studying logic? We figured that out over 2000 years ago.
>Lmao. I could post several quotes by people much more scientifically significant than this guy that proclaim philosophy (especially your beloved 'western canon') to be useless in science
No you could not, not even Richard Dawkins is that low IQ.

>Every scientist or good STEM student learns about how science works by doing it. We just don't bother reading hundreds of pages of drivel by moronic philosophers who want to stupidly dictate what science should or should not be.
In short you are lazy and a weak student who is too low IQ to do more than bare minimum to pass the exams, and top of that laziness you have no intellectual etiquette which was apparent from the start as you commented on cosmology without bothering to understand that you are actually supporting opposing views.

>> No.15243055

>I could post several quotes by people much more scientifically significant than this guy
bill nye and neil degrasse tyson don't have the stature within the scientific community that you've been lead to believe they do
>Every scientist or good STEM student learns about how science works by doing it.
you only learn emotionally pleasing confirmation bias that way

>> No.15243117

>I'm physicist professionally employed at a national lab.
Cute larp but you contradicted yourself.
>our PhD student
Physicists employed at national labs don't have PhD students retard.

>> No.15243127

Of course we do retard you are only betraying your own ignorance of the research landscape. Most national labs are coupled to one or more universities. I myself did my PhD at a national lab. Nominally I was employed by the university where I was registered for my degree, but my office was in the national lab building and for all practical purposes my position functioned the same way as any other senior researcher with my professor -who was also a director at the lab- acting as my manager/PI.

To elaborate it is "our" PhD, it is because it is my research group funded by our joint grant, but the Professor is the first adviser and I am only the second adviser as I do not hold a faculty position.

>> No.15243141

Lol proving the point. Christian "scientists" are a joke, they're probably holding onto it for emotional reasons because why would an adult with rational understanding of the world believe old scriptures written for ignorant masses? Might as well believe in Zeus being behind the lightning while you try to reconcile it with the laws of physics. Metaphors? More like cognitive dissonance

>> No.15244084
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He's a based determinist

>> No.15244294
File: 58 KB, 640x199, DilbertData.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that one was from back when they were all hand drawn, picrel is the newer technologically crafted art, which is superior?

>> No.15244303

This is a question that deserves an honest answer. Today's so-called 'men' are cunts who would rather play house than fuck a different hot hooker every other day.

>> No.15244306

>Science is not a religion and this board isn't for you.
^Seething pseudo-science religious nutcase
Modern "science" does indeed blur the lines between true-science and religion.

>> No.15244345

>No you could not
You poor, poor fool. I'm just amazed at how ignorant you are about all this.

>> No.15244370

Dawkins was part of the Epstein Island gang, when Dawkins says or does something which seeming stupid, he is doing it because he is helping to push the media agenda of Epstein & Maxwell's bosses, his apparent stupidity its not an accident, its calculated for effect.

>> No.15244376

Delusional schizophrenic. Take your meds

>> No.15244425

I think that "people" who suddenly care about literally-whos just because they made news for being cringe are fucking losers.

>> No.15244875

you seem upset

>> No.15245061

I believe in stimulation theory.

>> No.15246222
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Scott Adams is a racist chud