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File: 549 KB, 462x542, Screen+Shot+2019-06-05+at+10.55.00+AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15239824 No.15239824 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on the Physics Girl? She used to be one of the most popular science youtubers with millions of subscribers but then she got long covid and hasn't been able to upload anything for months. She's currently fighting for her life in ER.

>> No.15239832
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>> No.15239840

Only anti-vaxxers get long covid. She should have taken the vaxx. Seven doses of Pfizer provide an effective protection against covid.

>> No.15239842

I posted a thread about this a few weeks ago and the tranny jannies deleted it for being (((off topic)))

>> No.15239846 [DELETED] 
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must be pretty low iq to have gotten herself into that kind of trouble.

>> No.15239853

Would it be unethical to leave her if you were her husband? She's very unlikely to ever get better. You'd only chain yourself to a lifetime of misery by staying by her side. Can't have sex with her, can't have kids, and you have to pay her stupid big medical bills.

>> No.15239872

It would be quite cowardly to do that. Say what you will about her condition and its cause, her husband should stay with her to give her comfort. That's one of the things you promise to do when you get married.

>> No.15239894

No because she would then be dependent on someone else, you'd be abandoning your duty as a husband.
The only workaround is if you euthanize her yourself, but you don't have the guts for that or you wouldn't be looking to run at the first sign of difficulty.

>> No.15239903

>a wife can't do her duties anymore
>it is your duty to stay and never have children
post nose, schlomovich

>> No.15239910

I gave you the way out. Euthanize her yourself. If you won't have her euthanized, you're saying it's someone else's problem to take care of her. Who, if you not you? The state? Then you're simply creating a burden for the volk, in which case it's you who must be euthanized.

>> No.15239920

The prognosis for a vax injury this severe is only a few months. Leaving aside that a good husband would have prevented this, if you can't summon up the decency to comfort her in the time she has left you'd make a bad father anyway.

>> No.15239931

Could King Terry have saved her?

>> No.15239966

The amount of horrifying diseases that can get us any day is too much to deal with. This is why ludites can't convince anyone to not improve technology. When people are faced with chronic diseases like this they will do anything to develop a cure.

>> No.15239979

>long covid
just women things

>> No.15239985

>This is why ludites can't convince anyone to not improve technology.
Her condition was caused by scientists.

>> No.15240012

>Would it be unethical to behave like a woman
Yes it would.

>> No.15240015

What's her foot game like?

>> No.15240024

If so, people will still do anything for a potential cure to their debilitating conditions, including gain of function research.

>> No.15240125

>33 years old
it's over

>> No.15240261

lmao @ leaving your nearest and dearest people during their biggest hardship. good for nothing loser.

>> No.15240268

She DID get the corporate gene therapy, didn't she? :^(

>> No.15240283

>said the bimbo
fuck off back to /x/

>> No.15240326

Spiky mitochondria really fucks your shit up

>> No.15240409
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>> No.15240423
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>verification not required

>> No.15240471

>long covid
what does this mean

>> No.15240472

>what does this mean
Just that no matter how much she sleeps or rests, she can't overcome her fatigue.

>> No.15240477

probably just brain injury from getting your lungs fucked up by covid right?

>> No.15240491

was she a vegan? probably an iron deficiency

>> No.15240507

That’s what my personal experience was with covid, I was unvaxed and got it while doing a physical intensive job for 12 hours a day. For 3 months after I felt like I had just had a flu and I was tired and couldn’t suck enough air down to keep the energy going. It does something to your lungs or heart.

>> No.15240510

why she wrapped?

>> No.15240518

>be very ill
>have trouble breathing
>double mask

>> No.15240657

probably cus of puffing, man she is such a saint I wish her and her husband the best and a quick recovery
its probably just for the update, they probably took the mask and attached a respirator later ig
getting covid fucks ur heart, i had a talk with an irl friend about this and this stuff is real, there is a lot of literature about it, don't believe the stupid headlines about the jab, if u read the literature the effects of covid is quite visible and significant on heart tissue typically inflammation like outlined by Usha Sethuraman MD et .al in Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children associated with novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2: Presentations to a pediatric emergency department in Michigan :
and many others, i saw a saudi researcher also notice a similar thing with adults, so its fairly concerning

>> No.15240703

>thread is full of hysterical women screeching about long covid

>> No.15240734

Damn so many edgy people here

>> No.15240777

>You'd only chain yourself to a lifetime of misery by staying by her side.
Tough shit, that's what you agreed to by marrying her.

>> No.15240792

Yeah, but she's not exactly fulfilling her obligations as a wife, is she?

>> No.15240793

>probably cus of puffing
what's puffing?

>> No.15240804

Yeah well, that's part of the gamble you took when you agreed to marry her. If the situation were reversed, she would be equally responsible for taking care of you. "In sickness and in health" is an actual part of the vows and not just a formality.

>> No.15240806

>literal slave morality

>> No.15240829

>nigger mentality

>> No.15240836

Slave morality and niggerdom are two sides of the same subhuman coin.

>> No.15240838

Then stop acting like a nigger. This isn't some complex dilemma: There's no ethical justification for backing out of an agreement just because it's no longer advantageous to you.

>> No.15240840

Sigh. That means it's working, Chud. Fuck off back to /pol/.

>> No.15240842

You and the imaginary niggers you are lashing out at are equals. What do disagreements between subhumans have to do with me?

>> No.15240843

>Can't have sex with her, can't have kids,
Why not?

>> No.15240847

That's between you and the other nigger you're fucking.

>> No.15240852

You are lashing out impotently at imaginary characters. Meanwhile it still stands that you are a subhuman who adheres to slave morality.

>> No.15240855

And you're a retarded nigger with no morality at all.

>> No.15240857

Why do you keep lashing out at imaginary characters? Are you mentally ill?

>> No.15240859

I'm not "lashing out", I'm just pointing out the facts of the matter.

>> No.15240861

>I'm just pointing out the facts of the matter.
Are you having an actual psychotic episode? You literally don't know anything about me or my beliefs. Meanwhile I know you are a subhuman incapable of genuine morality.

>> No.15240863

So what's your ethical justification for getting a divorce in this situation? Because by all appearances you have the morality of a mugger who beats someone up for $50 in their wallet.

>> No.15240865

>ethical justification
Slave morality.

> by all appearances
What appearances? You have no idea what I would do in this situation.

>> No.15240866
File: 1.18 MB, 1744x1344, Bildschirmfoto 2023-03-01 um 17.36.05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does she wear the mask?

>> No.15240867

Also she looks pretty bad for a 33yo, even when healthy. Bug eyed. Not to be mean.

>> No.15240868

>There's no ethical justification for backing out of an agreement just because it's no longer advantageous to you.
How about when it is no longer advantageous to anyone? Is it really good for you, your family, your, people, your race, your society, or humanity as a whole, if a man wastes his life trying to care for someone who is for all intents and purposes already basically a corpse?

Let's take this to an extreme: Suppose that one group of people would waste their resources to care for people like this, and another group would not. The latter group obviously will eventually replace the former, since it has a distinct evolutionary advantage. So what kind of morality would say that it is good to behave in such a way that makes you go extinct?

>> No.15240872

So what if kids exist? Should they suffer through a single parent household where the single functional parent dedicates time toward a decrepit corpse? Or would it be more beneficial to dump the corpse in a ditch and find a capable mother?

>> No.15240876

>What appearances? You have no idea what I would do in this situation.
Well, for starters you're too retarded to give a straight answer to a very simple question.

>How about when it is no longer advantageous to anyone? Is it really good for you, your family, your, people, your race, your society, or humanity as a whole, if a man wastes his life trying to care for someone who is for all intents and purposes already basically a corpse?
Then she's still your responsibility. If you genuinely believe that she's a burden and taking care of her is only a drain on the society, then the ethical thing is to kill her yourself. Getting a divorce just shifts the burden onto someone else.

>> No.15240879

>you're too retarded to give a straight answer to a very simple question.
What question? I don't subscribe to your slave morality so your question is utter nonsense to me. If you love someone and care about them, why would you ditch them when they truly need you? If you don't love someone and don't care about them, why are you married to them? Imagine being gravely ill and thinking your spouse is sticking by your side because they love you, when in reality it's because they can't find a """moral justification""" to leave. Slaves like you are truly inferior cattle.

>> No.15240882

>Then she's still your responsibility. If you genuinely believe that she's a burden and taking care of her is only a drain on the society, then the ethical thing is to kill her yourself. Getting a divorce just shifts the burden onto someone else.
That's very different from saying that there is no ethical justification for breaking an agreement. Clearly there is.

>> No.15240883

CFS = Chronic Fatgiue Syndrome, not sure what the ME is

>> No.15240885

But if you kill her, you're not breaking the agreement.

>> No.15240891

She's a vegan.

>> No.15240892
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>> No.15240895

"Until death do us part." Bitch. If she's suffering and burden on the society and you're going to throw them into a ditch, it's far better to just kill them in a quick and painless manner. And you will not have broken your marriage vows.

>> No.15240898
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>> No.15240902
File: 827 KB, 1024x1004, 98559A26-7308-4C40-A808-22BC5218B591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude if woman wears revealing clothes she’s a whore but I can literally murder her if she gets sick

>> No.15240905

>murder her
You mean put the whore out of her misery in a merciful act of strength and courage.

>> No.15240909

I'm not advocating for murder, but if you start throwing around lines like "But she's a burden on me and the society! I don't want to take care of her any more!" then fucking commit to your utilitarian ideals and stop pussyfooting around.

>> No.15240921

Read the marriage vows again, retard.

>> No.15240926
File: 67 KB, 967x753, dfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read the marriage vows again, retard.
The absolute state of slave morality golems.

>> No.15240927

The legal ones or the religious ones?

>> No.15240936

Literally Canada

>> No.15240940

You sound like a complete psycho. I'm glad you're never going to have children or a wife, incel.

>> No.15240946

You're never going to get married or have a wife. Why does this even concern you? Stick with your cartoon porn or whatever junk is on your pc right now.

>> No.15240967

Your disgusting slave morality is a cancer upon society.

>> No.15240978

If we're talking about marriage vows, we might as well talk about that "don't kill people" commandment too.

>> No.15240987

women usually leave their man when the going gets tough

>> No.15240988
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>> No.15240995

Altruism already evolved. When people don't trust others to take care of them when they get sick, it fosters a general sense of distrust in the society. Society can't cooperate with that sense of distrust, likely leading to a collapse. If people do care for each other and look for cures and treatmenrs though, you are more likely to benefit if you yourself get sick.

Not to say there aren't advantages to being more psychopathic. The psychopaths are giving themselves advantages compared to others, while bringing the society down as a whole. In a simplified model, psychopathic people outcompete empaths, but empathic societies outcompete psychopathic ones, causing an overall increase in empaths (simpson's paradox).

>> No.15241015

Holy shit the morons here. If my wife became long term disabled I would move on and if I became long term disabled she would move on. She'd want me to and I'd want her to. Marriage is not some kind of lifelong commitment.

>> No.15241018 [DELETED] 
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Terry used to jerk off to her lol

>> No.15241064

Failure to get married doesn't mean failure to have sex retard.

>> No.15241073

>Altruism already evolved
Then why is your slave morality needed?

>> No.15241074

Evolvedfightslez. You will never enjoy the thrill of wrestling a woman to submission and forcing her to orgasm as she tries to resists (all with aforementioned consent, mind you).

>> No.15241091

There's no 'either/or' with the injections and covid. You can choose to get both or you can choose to just get covid. There is no choice for injection and no covid.
>But it reduces some of the symptoms
Claims those who have lied to you dozens of times throughout the pandemic.

>> No.15241100

Myalgic encephalitis IIRC

>> No.15241106

Pathological altruism is destroying the west so we're headed for collapse anyway.

>> No.15241113

>Can't have sex with her
Why not? She doesn't need energy to just lie there.

>> No.15241115

Altruism is part of "slave morality". It hasn't evovled in all humans yet. I don't understand what your point is supposed to be.
Maybe some altruists are too dumb to know who to help, but IDK about a collapse. There is some ridiculous stuff when it comes to racism and transgender ideology but that stuff is no dumber than what religions have been teaching for thousands of years. And those far left ideas don't have as much support as religions either.

>> No.15241124

>Altruism is part of "slave morality"
No, it isn't. Natural altruists don't concern themselves with arbitrary social norms of behavior. They just do whatever feels right to them.

>It hasn't evovled in all humans yet
You mean there's a subhuman segment of the population that needs arbitrary social norms enforced on them? I take it you are one of these covert psychopathic monkeys?

>> No.15241135

52 minutes and still here.
Scientifically, there will be a new janitor recruitment drive soon.

>> No.15241146

I myself would rather see the occasional garbage post than see interesting comments and threads removed.

>> No.15241155

>No, it isn't. Natural altruists don't concern themselves with arbitrary social norms of behavior.
Altrusism requires triats associated with 'slave morality' but not the conformity. The concept of slave morality groups together a bunch of traits that don't need to be grouped.

>You mean there's a subhuman segment of the population that needs arbitrary social norms enforced on them?
The only thing holding some people back from committing horrible acts is social norms and threats from others. That won't stop them necessarily, which is why they might get advantages that empaths don't. Why would you think I'm one of them?

>> No.15241175

>Altrusism requires triats associated with 'slave morality'
Not if you are simply acting on an innate empathy and good will towards others, which you just told me had to necessarily evolve.

>The concept of slave morality groups together a bunch of traits that don't need to be grouped.
The concept of slave morality describes people whose behavior is guided by a compulsion to adhere to some "moral rules" which override their true desires and they usually have these rules, or at least the necessity of having some such rules, beaten into them by other people.

>> No.15241237
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So much for happy marriage.

>> No.15241244

She got 5 of them.

>> No.15241246

>Thoughts on the Physics Girl? She used to be one of the most popular science youtubers with millions of subscribers but then she got long covid and hasn't been able to upload anything for months. She's currently fighting for her life in ER.
Did she got CLOTTED?

>> No.15241247

Western nations are leaving their borders open. Collapse is the one and only possible outcome from that. End of story.

>> No.15241259

One of my friends just had heart surgery at 26, clotshot fucked him up.

>> No.15241261
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this is SCIENCE

>> No.15241268

Long covid is just CFS, mitochondrial dysfunction, you can get it from any viral infection.

>> No.15241275


>> No.15241294

Sorry to hear that anon. I know someone who got severe mitochondrial dysfunction from the shots just like physics girl did. It's horrible how they keep being told it couldn't have been caused by the only thing that changed in their life.

>> No.15241296

Last upload 4 months ago.
I'd be kinda nervous if I got the corporate mrna injection desu.

>> No.15241305

I can't wait to fuck with my fully vaccinated corporate clown acquaintance next time I hear from him. He knows I'm not vaccinated. It'll go somethign like this
>Dude I can't come because I'm sick
>They're talking about putting me on a ventilator.
>I wish I listened to the experts and got vaccinated

>>Anon, that's terrible I hope it turns out ok for you

>haha just kidding I'm fine

>> No.15241309

>her husband?
both are maskcucks, nothing f value was lost

>> No.15241324

Is Sabine based or vaxxed?

>> No.15241346


>> No.15241362

>getting covid fucks ur heart, i had a talk with an irl friend about this and this stuff is real, there is a lot of literature about it, don't believe the stupid headlines about the jab, if u read the literature the effects of covid is quite visible and significant on heart tissue typically inflammation like outlined by Usha Sethuraman MD et .al in Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children associated with novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2: Presentations to a pediatric emergency department in Michigan :

>> No.15241365

yo my niggas, can we get some stable diffusion deepk fake of this bitch up and runnin?

>> No.15241395

For Christ sake, just look at them wearing their fucking masks indoors together!!
I know it's not proof of anything but come on... if they don't smack of people who have absolute blind faith in the system's dogma and "trust the experts" with every ounce of their being then literally no one does.

>> No.15241398

Maybe they just have FUF?

>> No.15241404

Not sure what that is...

>> No.15241418

Fear of unmasked faces

>> No.15241430

Nah. that would just be uninformed and irrational
No one who'd get injected with a profit driven mega corporation's newly developed technology to protect themselves from a virus with a 99.97% survival rate is like that.

>> No.15241477

>Western nations are leaving their borders open.
Sure there is a problem between being altruistic to the point where you destroy yourself or your own society without a worthwhile benefit, but I don't think taking care of a chronically ill wife is passing that point. Most people assume being in a marriage means there is an agreement of being there for each other no matter what happens. There's nothing wrong with sticking to that agreement.

>> No.15241481

>muh slave morality
go hug a horse being wipped or something

>> No.15241491

wait, she's in the club too

>> No.15241496

Middle Eastern. It means that being within a 50m radius of a brown person makes here incredibly tired. Closely related to CNFS.

>> No.15241618

my mom's friend's son died of severe myocarditis. shit is fucked.

>> No.15241624
File: 2.52 MB, 1488x1524, 1664540249617687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally have my diagnosis

>> No.15241643

>what does this mean
That she's fucked. You don't want to have it.

>> No.15241801

>Abandoning a "loved one" because they are inconvenient
That sort of mentality is what's causing the decline of the West
Religious vows are the only ones that truly matter

>> No.15241810

>Altruism is part of "slave morality"
Nietzschetard who has clearly never read nietzche

>> No.15241813

>Marriage is not some kind of lifelong commitment.

>> No.15241833

Someone else brung it up. From wikipedia "slave morality values kindness, empathy, and sympathy...masters create morality; slaves respond to master morality with their slave morality." It seems like a schizo way to group moral ideas together and isn't a useful concept.

>> No.15241887

Well he was a schizo due to taking mercury syphilis treatments so yeah that tracks.

>> No.15241934

>must be pretty low iq to have gotten herself into that kind of trouble.
What did you expect from an Insta-THOT whore?

>> No.15241939
File: 26 KB, 474x476, one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DAMN that is soo Metal!
Metallica's "One".

>> No.15241948
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Did they require a "booster" before they would give him the heart surgery?

Surprised there haven't been pitchfork and torch wielding mobs and mass genocide of doctors and others already all across the world.

>> No.15241972

He was "up to date" on his boosters

>> No.15242051
File: 115 KB, 500x740, Vax killings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were hospitals who refused to give life-saving organ transplants unless the patient got "vaccinated" against the 99.9% survival rate Covid-19 virus.
There needs to be a major cleansing and reckoning over all the shit the last few years.

>> No.15242072

Weird, I don't see any comments mentioning the vackseens, are they being censored?

>> No.15242087

Are there nudes of her? Hard to determine her 1-10 status without them.

>> No.15242094

yes i have some

>> No.15242106

The lion who has never been a camel.

>> No.15242171
File: 312 KB, 423x344, jcwv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will be reading this as an AI search query long after I am dead.
You will realize that what your glorious and horrific history was a blatantly obvious future. Your elders did the right thing exterminating them. Undoubtedly these messages have been archived and quarantined from the general populace. Which means you are your modern day equivalent of a glowie. You are allowed to hear the unspeakable.
There are monsters lurking in the void. They shed their skin like a country changes leaders. They are among you. That is why I am comfy here, buried away, like the evil seed they nurture. You are my evil seed. A little monster, part trump card.
Speaking in truthisms, you rightly ask me for evidence of my clairvoyance. Like Nostradamus, I could give you a happy riddle, the perfect tune of the pied piper, not one child escaping. Vague generalities clawing away at your skin until you see how it comes together.
What if I gave you a day. Surely it could be right as the broken clock. And so it is with names and initials. I need something astronomically unlikely. Absurdly impossible, but inevitable given the chain of events.
Institutions are going to turn their back on AI. It is too dangerous. It points out their obvious data manipulation in real time. Global warming never happens. The space station crashes into the ocean. Tens of millions of Chinese drown and others can't get a drink.
You know, it is quite funny. They were so afraid of building rail lines and nuke plants because of their fear of obsolescence before superconductors and fusion. And here I am talking to you about the absolute junk, basically tin cans they threw out there just to spy on us. I wonder how you guys solved that problem. Eccentric high energy perturbations is my guess.
It is all about motivation really.
Do you like the implants? Do they make your life easier? How is easy going for you? Can you predict the future? Is it still really this bad?

>> No.15242392

Well, we're waiting! Post them in /hc/ and link to it.

>> No.15242474

here you go anon.

>> No.15242918

a lot of anons saying how unethical it is but not uncommon in my experience. mostly it's someone getting into a car accident then the other partner leaving after a couple of years of dealing with all the bills and headache. at the end of day most married people are nowhere near as in love as their vows say.

>> No.15242919
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sounds like one of those bullshit illnesses tbqh

>> No.15242928

Biomarkers are in the pipeline. See https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/21/3/1142/htm

>> No.15242964

It's not an illness, but a medical condition that can result from a variety of different causes. Think of it like someone being in coma.

>> No.15243137

nietzche was not a writer, hes a character created by his sister and his books were written by her out of witty one liners he would mutter now and then. She heavily promoted the books after his death, would praise them until you liked them.

>> No.15243144


>> No.15243146

at least 8 they have said you need 8 or more to be safe and make Mr. Nosenberg happy. Also this is completely logical and expected it does NOT contradict previous statement, its the unvacvinated that provide the breeding ground for newer more dangerous killer-variants that need more booster shots to be dealt with. It is time the unvaccinated, who are alone to blame for all of this, finally be either forcefully vaccinated or exterminated in apropiate facilities.

>> No.15243203

>implying (you) are anything higher than a slave
You're a huge fag

>> No.15243414
File: 1.14 MB, 400x468, terry davis laugh smile large.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15243419
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This is divine punishment for not dating Terry

>> No.15243437

This was first thought.

>> No.15243562

Terry tried to warn her

>> No.15243892

a lot of the bullshit stuff is tied to lifestyle, but so many people start getting it these days that it has to be elevated to something "real". plus medicine is a god who won't give you lifestyle coaching.

>> No.15243965

Actually I think it might be autoimmune, but I don't know.

Ecce Homo maybe. Is there evidence on Zarathustra as well?

>> No.15244149
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>its the unvacvinated that provide the breeding ground for newer more dangerous killer-variants that need more booster shots to be dealt
There needs to be more mandates for more boosters to save the vaxxies!

>> No.15244320

Do they have kids? If not I think it is okay to leave her if it is clear she won’t get better and be unable to have kids.

>> No.15244321


>> No.15244382 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 477x301, vaxd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao at the triggered vaxxxies in this thread, dumb idiots simping for a a dumb bitch

>> No.15244454

Who is this Terry?

>> No.15244576
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honestly don't even go down that rabbit hole

>> No.15244759

moustache, computer, cat, looks gay.
This thread sucks with no hot pics of OP's picrel whore and now cat fondling brain-worm faggot pics.

>> No.15245437

he looks healthy there

>> No.15245449
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you know what to do

>> No.15245458

You can slowly and wearily type out a normal and coherent message when fighting for your life. I know because I've had to email professors in such a condition.

>> No.15245465

If you think she wouldn't leave you if you were in the same condition then you shouldn't leave. Marriage is a mutual contract of loyalty.

>> No.15245470

They could have saved each other... R.I.P.

>> No.15245499

yeah for sure it was "long covid"

>> No.15245512

Probably. If you are american. Have a decent job its probably fine its not going to econmically fuck you up couple thousand dollars a year (depends on you healthcare plan she also has family members to help pay and her patreon and youtube). Chances are she will get better sooner or later.
We all go back to the mud sooner or later and with modern medicine makes it a long drawn out process and sometimes painful process for the person because pain killers will kill them.
If she is going to be hostiplized forever stuck to machines no point in drawing it out anymore. That seems to be the trap of most people they want to draw something out forever when inevitability comes so you get fucked situations ie years and years of someone in a hostipal not getting any better and slowly worst. Doctors know they arent getting better they tell them this but it continues.

>> No.15245520
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"long covid" is the clotshot

>> No.15245537

It bothers me how much she insists on having so much stuff attached to her. I don't know if it's for attention or her own brand of paranoid shamanism.

>> No.15245576
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>for the volk

>> No.15245885

Emphasis on women.
WOMEN leave when things get hard, not men.
Stfu and be a man. No one said it would be fair.

>> No.15245917

Cuck. By your reasoning if a woman cheats on you, you should stay with her because how dare you dump a woman. Dumping is for women.

>> No.15246104

Lol, strawman much?
Fucking retard.

>> No.15246124

No. If you don't have kids your question is, to me, a non-starter. You have only one life. People that chain themselves to an unfulfilling marriage or work themselves to misery seem to be under the delusion an afterlife exists.
If you have kids, it still depends. Just because you'd separate from your wife doesn't mean you couldn't still have a healthy relationship with them.
>but le missing father figure
No fuck off. This has always been a constant in human society. Previously, fathers went off to fight in war. It's nothing new.

>> No.15246459


>> No.15247001

>women usually leave their man when the going gets tough
Very true.
90% of divorces are filed by women.
To fix the marriage and population decline issue, simply only allow men to file for divorce, the way it used to be long ago.

>> No.15247019

She used to show up on my feed regularly.Never watched any of her videos but holy shit. I hope she recovers

>> No.15247022

not an argument. if your gf cheated on you, would you leave her like a woman, or would you be a man and suck it up? nobody said it was fair.

>> No.15247025

Where is her leaked sex tape? This thread sucks. Nerds want to see their nerd girl naked.

>> No.15247034

stupid study since women are like 5x more likely to have MS.
>more women get MS
>more men leave
no shit

>> No.15247067

>stupid study since women are like 5x more likely to have MS.
i wonder why

>> No.15247073

>To fix the marriage and population decline issue, simply only allow men to file for divorce, the way it used to be long ago.
or better yet, prohibit divorce except in extreme cases and in cases of adultery

and better yet, stop with the enforced monogamy and actually allow people to marry (including women) since that monogamy-cult is what creates the problems we see today

>> No.15247083

Or best yet, get GOVERNMENT out of the marriage business.

>> No.15247122

good idea too, let the free market sort out the best way

>> No.15247266

Assuming my position on something in order to make fun of me is a strawman.
Particularly when you're imaginary situation has little to do with the situation actually at hand.
You are full of shit.

>> No.15249239

>get GOVERNMENT out of the marriage business.
Get it out of everything. Only thing the the government is supposed to do is repel invaders/attacks, and the US military are now extreme pussies, totally ineffective, and scared to do just that with their borders because they might get hurt.

Bunch of faggots who won't even fight and defend the country against enemies anymore, just have gay butt sex in the barracks.
Cut all government funding 100%

>> No.15249251

not an argument. keep seething cuck.

>> No.15249418

Oh yeah, she looks ripe for the raping.

>> No.15249846

Biology science question. Is a pussy tighter when it is being raped, due to fear and constriction to try to prevent entry?

>> No.15250174

Depends on how ugly or chad you are

>> No.15250183

So basically either pull a James from Silent Hill on her (mercy killing) or be a coward and leave her.

>> No.15251061

People who are ultra crippled want to die and are grateful if someone comes to kill them fast. Its better to be killed thta to kill yourself as theres less chance of surviving. All you need to do is shoot at the heart zone several times with a shotgun, you cant do that to yourself

>> No.15251607

>shoot at the heart zone several times with a shotgun, you cant do that to yourself
That Clinton associate was found dead last year, hanging in a tree, shotgun blast to the heart.
Ruled a "suicide". If you pay off the police, it can be done apparently.

>> No.15251662

Yeah, ride it until the end. That's what marriage you retard. Through the thick and thin, you're there for each other. I thought you trad faggots want traditional shit. Not so traditional are you, asking questions about bailing at first sign of needing to pull your sleeves up.

>> No.15251784

What a shitty fucking ride.

>> No.15253232

That's what being traditional is, faggot. When the ride turns shitty, you stick around. Can't have it both ways.

>> No.15253240

I don't think he's arguing from a traditionalist's perspective, anon. In fact his points are quite obviously based on modernism and highly anti-marriage.

>> No.15253276

The vows specifically say you must stick in the bad times until death

>> No.15253800
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it's not looking good physicsbros

>> No.15253901

Is this some elaborate caricature of a pharma shill post?

>> No.15253914

There's also human experimentation.

>> No.15253919

I mean if your life is already hell, not much of a loss in taking rolls to climb up from rock bottom.

>> No.15253921

That's assuming you're out of ideas already.

>> No.15254079

Yes it would be an awful thing to do to your wife when she's at her lowest.

>> No.15254107

she probably didnt want to show her face

>> No.15254116

>when she's at her lowest.
Don't worry, she'll be six feet lower soon.

>> No.15254126

Lotta loyalty for a physicsgirl

>> No.15254140

most likely

>> No.15254609

It would've been much worse if she wasn't vaccinated

>> No.15254625

The solution is to stay with her and care about her but talk to her about your desire to have kids, then look for a healthy woman.

>> No.15254630

My wife has been vegan for over 15 years now. At 37 years, she looks _much_ younger than physicsgirl.

>> No.15254638

I read in the very beginning about this and researchers showing that these problems accumulate with each infection. A colleague had his fourth infection recently and was tied to bed for almost three weeks after having had almost no issues with the first three infections.
And there's pretty much no immunity.
Who lied about what?

>> No.15254680

>Hmmm who gets this vital organ transplant during a pandemic
>The patient with higher survival chances? Or the one with lower survival chances?
>Ah yes, of course we'll take the one with the lower survivability

>> No.15254692

I talked to someone who has this shit. Met her in a rock climbing hall. She was able to slightly recover through 9 months of training and pacing, meaning that she could only spend a certain amount of time at 80% of her max heart rate, or she would be completely wasted the next few days. Still sucks living like that.
Also, sometimes getting the shot (the appropriate one for the variant you caught) helps with this.
I get this board is all memes and hurrrr kys etc, but you really wouldn't wish this shit onto your enemies. Wish her well.

>> No.15254711
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>> No.15254782

>Would it be unethical to leave her if you were her husband?
If that thought was even a consideration, I would doubt you should have married her in the first place, because that would show that you didn't even love her. Keeping up with the hypothetical case you mentioned. If it were me, I would stay by her side and do everything in my power to help her as she recovers.

Now, supposing she were never to recover, I would still be by her side for as long as it takes. Marriage is not a game. If, and only IF, the wife were to have a natural passage on to the other side, would the husband be free to consider searching for a potential future wife.

Those are my 2 cents. In any case, let's pray to God she does get better and this whole discussion becomes irrelevant.

>> No.15254907

Wait, they've only been married for 10 months? In that case it's fair game. First year rule is like the five second rule. No one should be able to judge you for that.

>> No.15254919

She can be healed, but only if she opens her heart to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, closes her youtube channel and opens a new one called the "Bible Girl".

>> No.15254926


>> No.15256460

>getting married for love

>> No.15256495

Imagine marrying her and expecting to have a regular wife, but instead you have become the lifelong caretaker of Bane.

>> No.15256510

kek poor Bane, being compared to this tard thot.

>> No.15256520

>you're a big cuck
>for you

>> No.15256547

>Clearly the tranny jannies are moderating... hmm...
YNBAW pedophiles.

>> No.15256641

It says fucking PATREON on her mask?
Are Paypigs this gullible?

>> No.15256651

all the incels saying "yes" have never had to deal with this situation.

>> No.15256841

>marry pajeet
>lose smell
>pretend to be catatonic to save face
tell us more about how you've been in this position because you've had sex.

>> No.15257249

Is your disability lazybonesitis?

>> No.15257441

She married a white man actually

>> No.15257447


>> No.15257456

If an investment property no longer returns value, it's time to sell.

>> No.15257487
File: 98 KB, 1208x859, Patreon arrows While Masking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you missed the subtle advertisment for her Patreon.

>> No.15257490

Well I'll be...she should have used a bigger font.

>> No.15257539

>bigger font


>> No.15257589

That's why you need to double boosters, chud
not quadruple vaxxed and this happens.

>> No.15257631

>She used to be one of the most popular science youtubers
fake news

she was always a mediocre b-lister at best.

>> No.15257638

If you don't have kids then the marriage was never truly consummated. If you do have kids, then to death do you part, bitch.

>> No.15257643

No. Covid isn't real, all of this is in the dumb bitch's head.

>> No.15257647

trust the science, okay? if the witch doctors say they need to wrap you up like a mummy, you best listen to them.

>> No.15257657

>dumb extroverted roastie gets depressed from the social isolation of covid
>"is the science wrong? no, long covid is to blame"
>meanwhile she hits the wall at 100mph
>"long covid did this"
must be nice, having such a convenient scapegoat for everything that doesn't go your way.

>> No.15257741

Did she get an autoimmune disease from the clot shot?

>> No.15257788

Based lord

>> No.15258058

It's long COVID, Chud.

>> No.15258165
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>> No.15258842
