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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 421 KB, 1200x630, 07-blog-Vaccines-3888518662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15239166 No.15239166 [Reply] [Original]

>There is no mechanism to isolate the body's upkeep of the mRNA message to the injection site
>Accumulations of stray spike proteins are being found all over the body including the liver and the brain
>If said spike proteins were left as a result of a legitimate viral infection, nucleocapsid proteins would be found along with them.
>No such nucleocapsid proteins have been found
>This suggests that the mRNA message of the vaccine has spread to unintended areas of the body and been absorbed by cells in those areas causing those cells to produce the Spike protein
>The entire function of the immune system is to attack and kill cells that are producing alien proteins
>In the autopsy of the man in this video there are stray spike proteins found in his brain alongside immune system lymphocytes and brain damage
>There are no nucleocapsid proteins to be found

Thoughts on the model being suggested here? Are the mRNA vaccines causing autoimmune complications?

>> No.15239231
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As annoyed as I was with the injectionist Karens lecturing everyone about getting the shots, it was funny to hear them pretend to be experts and know 100% that the mRNA stayed restricted to the injection site. The spoke with such confidence and now it may end up taking decades off their lives. Quite amusing.

>> No.15239265
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>>This suggests that the mRNA message of the vaccine has spread to unintended areas of the body and been absorbed by cells in those areas causing those cells to produce the Spike protein
That was known from the beginning, and yet it was pushed by the left-wing government starting in 2021 with "mandates" to force compliance of a "vaccine" that harms you.

Think about that for a bit.

>> No.15239307

source on your image?

>> No.15239312
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You need to go back to pol or wherever you came from. We like to keep the number of schizos, racists, and incels on this board to a minimum.

>> No.15239316


>> No.15239327

t. lying poltard

>> No.15239332
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>> No.15239333

I literally only posted this here to see if anyone could rebut the conclusion being drawn from the facts I posted.

This post does NOTHING to refute Brett's model.

>> No.15239337

Bloody Hell this shouldn't be political. It's peoples lives at stake ffs can you just think objectively for 5 seconds. Is the conclusion that these vaccines are causing autoimmune complications valid?

>> No.15239340
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>It's peoples lives at stake ffs can you just think objectively for 5 seconds. Is the conclusion that these vaccines are causing autoimmune complications valid?
Of course, among other complications other than just destroying their immune system Ig4 receptors.

>> No.15239415

>it was funny to hear them pretend to be experts and know 100% that the mRNA stayed restricted to the injection site.
Which makes no freaking sense. Do they think the ingredients stay in the shoulder forever? The body has to dispose of them some way, and that way involves filtering everything through the liver and kidneys.

>> No.15239452

>Which makes no freaking sense. Do they think the ingredients stay in the shoulder forever?
No, they lied to get people to take the fake vaxx's.
What the hell is in those things that they want every goy and commoner to have?
Certainly nothing to do with the virus, everyone has at least figured that out.

>> No.15239477

Doesn't it make more sense that they just wanted to make money from selling an unfinished product at an opportune time? You're making a big leap to explain a problem that already has a simple solution.

Anyway, this thread was meant to discuss the observed adverse effects of vaccines. Not schizopost about microchips

>> No.15239514

hmm no, if the virus was really released from the Wuhan lab by the US gov, why didn't big pharma already have a finished product? this was plotted since the very start, profit is just collateral.

>> No.15239533

We're supposed to believe they synthesized an entire new mRNA vax in just a single day and started production because they're just that competent.

>> No.15239753
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>if the virus was really released from the Wuhan lab by the US gov
Bro that is an enormous IF. What evidence even is there to support that? Yes, it almost definitely leaked from the Wuhan lab. But we know the lab was conducting gain-of-function research on corona viruses, meaning they were researching ways to treat the virus, not weaponize it. The leak was almost definitely an accidental breech of quarantine during said gain-of-function research

>> No.15239757
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>Doesn't it make more sense that they just wanted to make money from selling an unfinished product at an opportune time?
No, that doesn't really add up when you consider it was political and pushed mostly by Democrats/WEF/socialist-leaning politicians.

>this was plotted since the very start, profit is just collateral.

>> No.15239761

>The leak was almost definitely an accidental breech of quarantine during said gain-of-function research
Your damage control spin is not being bought by anyone, not even diehard Democrats.

>> No.15239765
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>> No.15239776

Okay those comments he made in 2017 definitely are Sus. I'm doing some more research on it now.

>> No.15239786
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Research "Event 201" in October 2019 also.

Also remember the movie "Contagion" and how the pandemic virus supposedly started in that movie. (was purposely used for misinformation of the bio-weapon origins by most governments.)

Also picrel is leaked FOIA email of Fauci's. Here is link to thousands of emails during the early part of the scamdemic.

>> No.15239795


>> No.15239798
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The problem with scientific power you've used is it didn't require any discipline to attain it. You read what others had done and you took the next step. You didn't earn the knowledge yourselves, so you don't take the responsibility for it. You stood on the shoulders of geniuses to accomplish something as fast as you could, and before you knew what you had, you patented it, packages it, slapped in on a plastic lunch box, and now you want to sell it.

Classic misdirection.

Pathogenic viruses do not exist.

>> No.15239800

okay hold on a sec. this is a cache of leaked emails obtained through a lawsuit that buzzfeed of all organizations filed? Buzzfeed then went on to publish an apologist piece about fauci that included this cache of emails? The same cache of emails that contains the one you just posted? Calling it a coronivirus bioweapon and explaining how it was engineered?

Wtf? Why aren't more people talking about this?

>> No.15239803

>Pathogenic viruses do not exist.
would you elaborate on this?

>> No.15239941

>Wtf? Why aren't more people talking about this?
Most people are. You're just not allowed to hear them talking about it.

>> No.15240737

Think about it. Have YOU ever met one?

>> No.15240761

Kill yourself nigger. The only people shitting up this board are the ones like you trying to derail threads with /pol/ bait posts.

>> No.15240772

>There is no mechanism to isolate the body's upkeep of the mRNA message to the injection site

it's amazingly simple, injcet vaccines in muscular tissue and
NOT in your fucking bloodstream


>> No.15240889

then why is the spike protein being found in peoples' liver and ovaries and brain?

>> No.15241031
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The why has been known for a while now, the normiesphere is still playing catch up.

>> No.15241133

>it's amazingly simple, injcet vaccines in muscular tissue and
>NOT in your fucking bloodstream
Sure, there's absolutely NO WAY it could travel to the bloodstream from the muscle. I mean, our muscles have no blood supply, right?

>> No.15241564

irrelevant. also, belief in science is religion.

>> No.15241669

victims of the vaxxx

>> No.15241851

get a hobby

>> No.15241968
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>Wtf? Why aren't more people talking about this?

>> No.15242082

>victims of the vaxxx
Estimated 10-15 million dead worldwide due to the vaccines now.
Over 400,000 dead from the vaccines in the USA confirmed, with around 4 million lifelong comorbidities.

>> No.15242101

sauce pleez

>> No.15242108

yeah yeah I know, they can't be trusted and the numbers are probably much worse than what they are admitting to.

>> No.15242115

Take the number of excess deaths since the start of the pandemic, subtract out the six million "with covid" deaths, and look at the number that remains. While not all of that will be from the injections, the spread grew after the injections startted.

>> No.15242122

reel sauce pleez

>> No.15242125
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Do you know a more efficient way to exterminate humans?

>> No.15242131

>Do you know a more efficient way to exterminate humans?
1% control 90% of the wealth in the world. (2500 leftist Billionaires worldwide)
Only around 10% of people grow and raise the food.
90% depend on those 10%.
The 10% are controlled or limited by government and the 1%.

>> No.15242374
File: 45 KB, 720x514, Twitter exposing US government.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fake news media hides the evidence.

It wasn't until Twitter takeover by Musk happened that he allowed Free Speech on Twitter to happen, and now normies are finally hearing the truth about the "vaccines" and stolen elections, and much more.

>> No.15242510

>leftist Billionaires

>> No.15242521

>>leftist Billionaires
95% of billionaires support socialist causes and are considered left-wing.
That's why the hate for the rich 1% coming from the lower income types who just want to live life free.
Even Donald Duck Trump is considered "conservative" but he was a Demcrat for decades and still very left-wing.

Elon might become more right-wing if he keeps taking those red pills. He's still too leftwing now.

>> No.15242616

It wasn't just 'karens' saying that, the 'experts' did too. Whereas I spent an hour or so reading papers on LNPs from before 2019 which had plenty of information on how they were able to travel anywhere in the body, and even target particular organs. In fact, that was one of the main strengths of the LNP platform. Either the 'experts' are retarded or they were lying.

>> No.15242624

I'm glad someone said it. Wuhan is a red herring, the biggest bioterrorists on earth are in the good old USA at Fort Detrick and Baric's lab in NC.

>> No.15243931


>> No.15243942

Happens in aspirated muscular injected patients too.

>> No.15244155

That happens 99.99999% of the time?

No wonder medical errors kill 750,000 people a year in the USA alone.

>> No.15244450

kek trust the science!

>> No.15244523

Not to mention it wasn't nurses or doctors even giving a lot of the vaccines, and they were told explicitly not to aspirate before injecting.

>> No.15244773

part of the plan.

>> No.15244893

unfriendly reminder

>> No.15245062

>Only around 10% of people grow and raise the food.
Too visible. They could convince people to take the vaccine but just straight up destroying all the crops would draw people's attention.

>> No.15245070

I think this is probably true, but fundamentally you need lipid carriers to get the mRNA into the cell. Therefore you won't get autoimmunity long term as the spike producing cells are killed off by the body.

Booster taking midwits are gonna fucking die though.

>> No.15245074

>straight up destroying all the crops would draw people's attention.
Would it? There have been over 50 food processing and storage plants that burned down in the last year alone. Where has anyone reported on this, that you have heard it?

>> No.15245350

The big question is how much damage are the spikes able to do before the spikes and spike factories are destroyed.

>> No.15245429

This is basically impossible, and the problem is much more to do with muscle vascularity which enables systemic distribution. This is the way intramuscular injections have always worked. Hence young men get the worst of it.

>> No.15246405

From I was told by medfags the worst long term effects will be some senescent cells which are more or permanent if too extreme.

Basically no one knows though.

>> No.15246411

The incidence of aggressive cancers has risen by 40% or more. It really makes you think.

>> No.15246551

suace plx

>> No.15246557

Check your nations health ministry stats.

>> No.15246574

no sauce then i accept your concession

>> No.15246591

I gave you the source. It's up to you to view it and decide if you agree or disagree.

>> No.15246779

i accept your concession

>> No.15246781

Absolutely seething lol

>> No.15246796


>> No.15246897

Good point. The US is under attack, most likely by agents inside the government.

>> No.15246914

Not that anon, but here is Senate testimony and verified scientific stats from the US military. >>15239340
Since you didn't notice it, you must be a bot. Bots are banned on here.

>> No.15247372

They straight up killed more chickens in the last year than in all of history combined. They said to prevent the spread of covid-19. Hmmmm

>> No.15247559


>> No.15249242

>The big question is how much damage are the spikes able to do before the spikes and spike factories are destroyed.
Who knows, but it looks like it depends on the individual. Many are dying, others seem fine. Most are inbetween.

>> No.15249282

Doses were carefully shipped and controlled. It's likely that there was a control group and an experimental group.

>> No.15249307

According to the Pfizer leaks, there were varying degrees of dosaging in different areas of the country, as well as some placebo doses. It's why people were asked to show I.D. and lot numbers recorded, so they could be tracked and data-based.

>> No.15249544

Not everything that can be damaged by the spike proteins can be repaired by the body. This is especially true for the heart, which can end up with significant scarring, which makes the person more prone to cardiac problems, especially those rhythmic in nature. If nothing else, stop getting booster doses. For most, and there are some exceptions, the current variants of covid in circulation are of minor impact.

>> No.15249578

>stop getting booster doses
No! They need more boosties! Take selfies and totes brag on social medieees!

>> No.15249589

Unironically this. Vaxies should be mixing and matching as much as possible to make sure they're not in the control group.

>> No.15249841

Also getting their boosters at different locations and states. Blue states have the best vaccines.

>> No.15251624
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It's being worked on.

>> No.15251641

irrelevant, shill. government is faggot.

>> No.15251757

capillaries aren't real blood vessels chud.

>> No.15251759

depends on whether or not you want to keep the surface of the earth habitable.

>> No.15251766

Well shit, so I stupidly thought the experts couldn't be trusted because of what they were saying. Instead I shouldn't trust them because of what they're doing. Right by accident.

>> No.15251768
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>> No.15251771

yeah these

>> No.15251808

controlled opposition, doesn't expose virology fraud

>> No.15251810

>controlled opposition
Yes that is what you are. Thanks for bumping the thread I guess.

>> No.15251822

you are shill working for government deceiving people.

>> No.15251830

>i am shilling
>for the government
>by telling people the government is untrustworthy
>the government wants this
uh ok buddy. meanwhile you do this all day every day for years and expect people to think it's organic.

>> No.15251831

take meds.

>> No.15251834

> many words
government is faggot, germ theory of problems is hoax.

>> No.15251837

>capillaries aren't real blood vessels chud.
The fuck are you talking about? They're connected to the circulatory system. What enters the capillaries will reach the blood stream.

>> No.15251838

Ok and? What has that got to do with anything?

>> No.15251839

all numbers are pulled from ass

>> No.15251842
File: 195 KB, 1141x759, DDT-is-good-for-me-old-ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop trolling with irrelevant questions.

>> No.15251846

How is it irrelevant to ask why you're shilling in a thread that isn't about your pet issue? Whether the vax is dangerous or not has nothing to do with whether the alleged particle it's claimed to protect from exists or not.

>> No.15251850
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another question to distract from facts: government is faggot, germ theory of problems with health is hoax and schizo garbage.

>> No.15251854

Ok we both agree. Congrats. Now you can go to another thread to proselytize.

>> No.15251863

relax. take meds.

>> No.15251868

I thought that meds were fake and shilled? Your message is getting muddled.

>> No.15252049

Good point.
People should get one of each vaccine to be sure.

>> No.15252951

This is some low level pathetic cope

>> No.15253917

Now reverse the colors and it reflects reality.

City dwellers vote is worth less than mine.

>> No.15253936

This. People who produce nothing don't deserve to vote on policies that affect people who produce everything.

>> No.15253959

>People who produce nothing don't deserve to vote on policies that affect people who produce everything.
Need to go back to only citizens who own a home are able to vote.

>> No.15254268

Kind of. Starting at 3-4 shots you're seeing vaxxies bodies treat covid like an allergy, which is why they're constantly clearing their throat and feeling run down. It's a good thing that's happening because if 2-3 of your organs are producing spike for long periods of time you don't want your body to start attacking them

>> No.15254297

Will it do that forever? Did it change their genome to do this?

>> No.15254359

We don't know. Signs point to yes, but there's no definitive proof because it just hasn't been long enough yet. This is why human trials usually go on for years before a drug is used.

>> No.15254393

The mRNA and spike proteins last a LOT longer than was originally stated. On the order of (at least) months, if not years. The actual length of time is unknown, patients were still expressing the spike protein at four months when the study ended. We also had a study very early on showing that a covid infection caused non-classical monocytes that had collected rogue spike proteins to become inflammatory and not commit apoptosis. The effect lasted at least 15 months. Spike protein from the vaccine would be cleared in the same manner. The take away is that whether you're infected or vaccinated (and vaccination does nothing to prevent infection), it takes a very long time to return to baseline. Vaccinating up to four times in less than two years is inevitably going to lead to an accumulation of spike proteins.

>> No.15254407

You will never conquer Ukraine.

>> No.15254478

this isn't fucking reddit using /s shouldn't be necessary

>> No.15254484

I pray that every mass replier gets prion disease. There is no lower creature on this earth. What will it take for mods to do something?

>> No.15254511

Oh geez. My bad.

>> No.15254517

Governments awarded pharma companies contracts in order to produce the vaxx and then purchased it themselves to distribute, so the vast majority of people did not pay out of pocket for the clotshot. The pharma companies already raked in their profits and the governments already spent the money, so why were they so insistent on injecting people with a controversial (untested) drug even after all of the adverse effects were being cataloged, to this day even?

>> No.15254541
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>, so why were they so insistent on injecting people with a controversial (untested) drug even after all of the adverse effects were being cataloged, to this day even?
There is something in the vaxxs they want all goys to have.

>> No.15254589

4 shots and 2-3 covid infections in that span as well. Cumulatively that's fucked, people's bodies aren't used to that kind of constant immune fuckery

>> No.15254592

Optics. Government needed the average retard feeling secure and safe to resume pre covid consuming and needed to present itself as the hero that brought back the good times. You can't do that with a 50% vax rate and everybody freely talking shit about it and posting their side effects.

In hindsight it seems like they were so obsessive because they knew they couldn't keep a lid on the lab origin and their role on it forever. They want to say "yeah it was an oopsie but we got you a cure within a year so it wasn't that bad"

>> No.15255253

>The effect lasted at least 15 months
As long as it eventually falls off, I'm good.
Getting vaxxed was one of my biggest mistakes.

>> No.15255255

Scientifically-speaking, people who took the mRNA shot became p-zombies. They no longer experience qualia.

>> No.15255287

Surprise infectious diseases pop up all the time. There's nothing sus about that statement.

>> No.15255296

It's just an email from a schizo you fucking retard. What is there to talk about? The guy who sent that email runs a Web design business.

>> No.15255392

Oh look, another cherrypicking of an inept retard blaming vaccines when the virus causes the same thing.
Let's consider the big overall idea of the case report here https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/10/10/1651
The claim is that such events followed vaccination, and patient never got diagnosed with covid, so it must be the vaccine. Further claim is that since nucleocapsid antigens were not detected and only the spike protein antigens were, it must be the vaccine.

Absent anti-N does not indicate "vaccine, not covid". For nucleocapsid, the average decay time even in severe patients was less than 1 year https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S073288932200027X
anti-S was detectable in 81.8% [65.2−91.8] of the sample at 300-365 while anti-N only 30.3%.
Antibodies produced in far fewer number for elderly patients and immunocompromised unsurprisingly also decay faster https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2021.775420/full

So to recap, a 76 year old man, with parkinsons and a grossly inept doctor, gets covid. Develops long-term neurological damage seen quite a lot for his age, and long-covid, then dies from aspiration pneumonia because his caretakers are sadly about as stupid as the lot of you. Tooootally the vaccine! Nobody look behind the curtain of medical malpractice. Let's all let the grossly inept doctor excuse his missing obvious indications of infection because he blames the vaccine for it because, somehow, something NOWHERE in any of the medical literature lead him to conclude "absent anti-N means vaccine did it".

The only people dumber than this doctor are you lot for believing this shit.

>> No.15255957

>As long as it eventually falls off, I'm good.
It sounds like there might be some extra crap in our genome. We now have a cell response that humans don't have. We create an artificial molecule as if it were natural. This was definitely my biggest mistake.

>> No.15256431

>4 shots and 2-3 covid infections in that span as well. Cumulatively that's fucked, people's bodies aren't used to that kind of constant immune fuckery
That's a good point anon. Not to mention other covid infections not just lab-made Covid-19 version, are always getting people "colds". Spike proteins overload.

>> No.15256436

sure glowie, suuuuure.

>> No.15257830

>Adam Gaertner lives in Arizona, USA, the heartland of America. He and his wife were running a web agency business creating touristic related websites. That business came to a standing halt with the pandemic and the lockdown. As for many other citizens, Adam had a lot of time on its hand and some serious interest into virology. Curiosity lead him to first try to understand what this virus was about, its form, its origin, its likely consequences on our body and what treatment could potentially cure Covid-19, the disease associated with the Sars-Cov2 virus.
I'm sure this guy figured it all out. If you pop on over to substack, you can read all about his views on the Ukraine war and that train in Ohio, too.

>> No.15258288

>Oh look, another cherrypicking of an inept retard blaming vaccines when the virus causes the same thing.
How many people have been infected 4 times? I know quite a few people who have been vaccinated 4 times.

>Absent anti-N does not indicate "vaccine, not covid"
You're conflating the actual viral antigens and antibodies to the antigens.

>Antibodies produced in far fewer number
See above, they detected the actual spike protein, not antibodies to it.

>> No.15258315

>How many people have been infected 4 times? I know quite a few people who have been vaccinated 4 times.
No idea what you're referring to.
>You're conflating the actual viral antigens and antibodies to the antigens.
I think you mean "proteins".
>See above, they detected the actual spike protein, not antibodies to it.
Yeah you meant protein. That does not alter anything I cited or stated. I can't even fathom why you'd think it does. The whole assertion being made is that absence of anti-N, and yes also the absence of nucleocapsid proteins, somehow would evidence the claim "vaccine did it". My explanation and citations clearly demonstrate it does no such thing.

As for why I can't fathom your rebuttal as relevant, that is because it does not alter the point. The proteins, from a cleared active infection, would of course be absent sooner than the antigens. Refuting it on the basis of absent antigen is refuting the stronger point. So I haven't the first clue what caused you to write that as if it refutes the point made.

>> No.15259632
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>>There is no mechanism to isolate the body's upkeep of the mRNA message to the injection site
A vaccine would not be effective if it did not affect your whole body.

Problem is, the "covid vaccines" are not real vaccines, but nefarious shit that has nothing to do with the virus.

>> No.15259638

wrong. the concept of cattleshot is total bullshit on its own

>> No.15260092

>No idea what you're referring to.
You're claiming the virus can do the same thing. Well, who do you think is more at risk, the person who's been vaccinated four times and probably been infected as well, or the person who's never been vaccinated and only infected once or twice. Remember, the vaccine will result in vaccine product entering the blood stream 100% of the time, and LNP's especially can travel everywhere, including across the BBB.

>Yeah you meant protein. That does not alter anything I cited or stated.
Fucktard, an antigen is any foreign substance that leads to an antibody response. It's not antibodies. Your evidence was about a lack of antibody persistence, when they weren't even looking at antibodies. They looked for the structures of the virus itself. Did you even read your own paper?

>"Surprisingly, only spike protein but no nucleocapsid protein could be detected within the foci of inflammation in both the brain and the heart"
Protein! Not the fucking antibodies, you jackass.

>The proteins, from a cleared active infection, would of course be absent sooner than the antigens
That's bullshit because we know the RNA hangs around for a long time if the person actually ends up with a brain infection. Furthermore, they found the actual spike protein in the brain, which probably has a limited capacity to degrade it. I see no reason the nucleocapsid wouldn't have hung around as well. Instead, you've decided to reach by declaring this guy, who had no evidence of an actual covid infection, must have had long covid, and the cardiovascular adverse effects which occurred shortly after his third vaccine were a total coincidence.

>> No.15260206

If you're the same guy who thinks the protein presence in the lymphatic system teaching T cells to identify it is somehow a bad thing, uhhh yeah there's no hope for you. None at all.

>> No.15260219

Seething schizo.

>> No.15260386

>RNA hangs around for a long time if the person actually ends up with a brain infection. Furthermore, they found the actual spike protein in the brain, which probably has a limited capacity to degrade it.
That's a huge concern being raised among neurologists.

>> No.15261316

still germ theory of your problems is fraud

>> No.15261336

>Source. A youtube channel

These not so stealth /pol/ threads are fucking annoying. Go back to your home board vindictive liar, your boomer bros miss you.

>> No.15261985

No refunds.

>> No.15262444

Antibodies are non specific. That includes antibodies targetting the so-called spike protein. Spike protein is disinformation to hide the neurotoxic, cytotoxic, carcigenous effects of graphen oxide.

>> No.15262447

It's been said on 4chan since spring 2020. Read Stefan Lanka articles. Or Thomas S. Cowan. Or Mark Bailey article "A farewell to virology".

>> No.15262878

antibodies don't exist

>> No.15263063

So bacteria doesn't exist?

>> No.15264874

so antibodies are meme

>> No.15265143

You're a clueless moron.
Is denying the data some kind of coping mechanism? I'm sorry you injected and radical new technology with so little testing just because you were told too. I'm sorry you've likely aged your heart by 10 years for absolutely no benefit and that the "schizos" were right.
Now back to the medical discussion.

>> No.15265153

No no, this is interesting. Even terrain folks admit bacteria exists. You truly don't believe in bacteria?

>> No.15265155
File: 493 KB, 906x848, unvaxed me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a GOD to (You), you domesticated livestock cattle NPC. A GOD. I hope it gets worse. All of you barely sentient fools are beneath me

>> No.15265602

I don't believe in bacteria. bacteria is not "antibody"

>> No.15265604

enormously based

>> No.15267222

KEK! Oh hail NonVaxximus, Supreme Leader of the Novax Legions!

>> No.15267228

>I don't believe in bacteria.
You're even crazier than I thought.

>> No.15268218

why would they need to do that when all the goys already voluntarily carry far more advanced chips that can be updated with new software on the fly everywhere they go?
they even pay thousands for it

>> No.15268226

That's a mere theoretical question. It doesn't really matter why someone is doing something evil when it's known that they're doing it.

>> No.15268304
File: 21 KB, 448x603, cypyi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoo, shoo, get another booster in each arm and don't come back.

>> No.15268312
File: 153 KB, 1280x975, 1678314233070638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off glowie.

>> No.15269936

>when all the goys already voluntarily carry far more advanced chips that can be updated with new software on the fly everywhere they go?
External phones are still not as good as implants.

>> No.15269942

when your "implant" is that fake as fuck thing?
yes they are

>> No.15269946
File: 75 KB, 960x918, Microchips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah injections is so 2021. Newer methods and newer tech now.
Graphene is even better than microchips, except for causing deadly clots in about 5% of people..

>> No.15269954
File: 169 KB, 1280x640, 1677585219984120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is six gorillion actually the number they claim covid killed? LMFAO

>> No.15269962

oh right you are a schizo

>> No.15270019

Yeah it is, you can't make this shit up.

>> No.15270048

Mmmmmm the glow is weakening.