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15230167 No.15230167 [Reply] [Original]

Every part of the human body including: Height, bones, skin, eyes, hair, hands, shoulders, nails, organs, neck, dick size, feet...... etc is determined by genetics. Yet, people don't seem to agree that the brain is?

>> No.15230176

Pretty much, yea. The only reason some people deny this is due to the modern neoliberal religion.

>> No.15230179

it goes against the assumption that anybody can do anything, equity etc
in other words what >>15230176 said

>> No.15230185
File: 388 KB, 1080x1732, retard2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess my race.

>> No.15230192

I think its taboo because of some faggot austrian from the 20th century

>> No.15230203

Diversity creates innate inequality, so the citizens fight amongst each other while turning a blind eye to the government. Of course, niggers are born too stupid to be sapient so they get all their necessary activation for their single neuron by shouting "FUCKWYPIPO" and now we're all fucked.

>> No.15230206

this isnt the pol thread you retard

>> No.15230212


>> No.15230225

Responses like this are why new computers and software are being designed by women and pajeets and everywhere you go is moderated extremely tightly now. Forcing diversity in every aspect of life is why scientific progress has slowed. You really want to tell me I'm not allowed to say niggers bad on /sci/ anymore? Name the peer-reviewed study that says niggers aren't inherently violent and retarded anymore. I'll wait.

>> No.15230235

not a nigger

>> No.15230238

>Every part of the human body including: Height, bones, skin, eyes, hair, hands, shoulders, nails, organs, neck, dick size, feet...... etc is determined by genetics. Yet, people don't seem to agree that the brain is?
Our brain can change its structure at will. Other organs can't. Simple as.

>> No.15230246

most of your brain structure and connection and innate properties are fixed by your genes you retard

>> No.15230252

The thing our DNA does encode is the development tendencies of our brain. Which can be overwritten.
They usually aren't. But they can be.
And when one black genius may be enough to end our civilization, we shouldn't create a situation where he absolutely has to.
Unless we want this civilization to end for some reason?

>> No.15230254


>> No.15230259

Our DNA is too small for this shit.

>> No.15230263


>> No.15230266

people have been trying to overwrite the development tendencies of black for over 50 years, no fucking progress.
it only create the entitled class of niggers that think he can't read and write properly or do basic math while thinking they are entitled to everything due to oppression that the west has to deal with today.

>> No.15230283


>> No.15230307

What if I jump off a building at will and change the structure of those too

>> No.15230315
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Bad argument, and basically wrong. DNA doesn't have to describe everything in the end state, it just sets machinery in motion and lets physics unfold. It doesn't need to be big, because it describes a program, not an end state. And as any mathematician/information theorist would know, you can create incredible complexity from very short programs.

Just as one example, the precise fold of the cortex where your brain will put each motor neurons is known, and it's always the same. And even further, that fold is neatly subdivided the same way for everyone, with the feet around the center of the brain and the head/face on the edges.
Most of the brain is structurally the same for everyone, down to a pretty fine level of details. There's less variation than you might think, it's not just a bib blob of disorganized shapeless neuron soup.

>> No.15230320

No, that's what we call evolution and it doesn't count.

>> No.15230324

Well, obviously, why would blacks want to turn themselves into good tax slaves?
And while methods for forcibly changing someone's personality do exist, they're generally considered inhuman and can't be used.

...on a large scale

>> No.15230365
File: 43 KB, 430x277, Idiot Curve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't JUST genetic. Look up some twin studies, ie twins adopted by different families and growing up in different socioeconomic situations, different amount of siblings, different occupations/education levels of the adoptive parents, schools they went to, healthcare, diet, etc - and then compare/contrast the twins in late teens/in adulthood.

Nature and nurturer play a part. Hell, if you know enough people with siblings - you don't even need twin studies to see (anecdotally, but endless anecdotes out there - so many that most of us should be able to think of our own) that there are huge differences in siblings who have the same parents.

Sometimes 2 siblings could be 1-2 years apart in age - show same academic promise/performance for most of their lives... and then when they get to say... 8th, 9th, 10th grade... maybe 1 falls into a completely different type of peer group than the other did at that age, and ends up with a bunch of horrible influences/makes a bunch of bad choices associated with that peer group and ends up falling off academically - either for an extended period or for....ever. Again, if you have lived long enough/have known enough people, you probably can think of a similar story.

TL;DR - To say that genetics do not impact intelligence is retarded. To say that intelligence is all genetic is also retarded. There are lots of retards in the world, you might be a retard and not even know it.

>> No.15230374

>And as any mathematician/information theorist would know, you can create incredible complexity from very short programs.
I don't think Mother Nature can use our software, Anon. Sorry.

>> No.15230382

Not yet, but I've always wanted to program in DNA.
If only proteins weren't so awful to design and work with.
I'm waiting for the day deep learning goes beyond just protein folding, and lets us design candidate proteins with just the desired activity (.. yeah, I realize I'm asking for a lot there).

>> No.15230400

genetic is like 90%. twin studies who where the twin went through different economic and life situations have them at around the same IQ when they are old.
of course nuture can effect some maybe due to retardation caused by the chemical/heavy metal in food or lack of opportunities to push their intelligence to the fullest extent but generally almost all of its is nature.
they're not even smart enough to be slaves. that's why they were called niggers

>> No.15230411

this is already after many of them were mixed with white to create the current "black" in America. black who were originally trafficked from Africa probably had sub-70 IQ.

>> No.15230462

>I can change what is saved on my hard drive; therefore, a 10GB HDD is the same thing as a 4TB SSD.
Retards actually think like this.

>> No.15230498
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>"Like 90% genetic"

Valid citations needed

This discussion is pointless. Beyond agreeing genetics have impact on intelligence & other things also have impact on intelligence - there isn't anything else to be gained from this.

OP listed genetics impacting height and several other characteristics - if you are malnourished or have certain deficiencies throughout your entire childhood/pubertal development compared to your well-nourished, non-deficient twin - wow, one if you is gonna be shorter/skinnier/have all kinds of other problems related to caloric deficiency and whatever other things you were deficient in... just like what we agreed would happen with comparative intelligence in the setting of 1 twin having negative environmental impacts/exposures.

That being said - are you going to also argue that "height is 90% genetic?" because both twins very likely *would have* ended up as approximately the same height/weight if both twins had the same, non-deficient diet? Because damn, that sounds like an argument for diet being a hell of a lot more than a 10% factor vs 90% genetics - unless you are merely speculating on *potential* and ignoring non-genetic factors that seem to have a pretty damn big influence here.

Obviously, if you have 2 dwarf twins and you give one a perfect super diet & 1 a shit diet you aren't gonna get a normal height person out of the super diet dwarf twin. That again just brings us back to 'genetic and non-genetic factors play huge roles in human development and what you end up with at adulthood' - why arbitrarily try to assign percentages of influence - it is pointless subjective speculation

Both genetic and non-genetic influences have profound influences on what someone becomes as an adult. Yes, some people are dumb and want to ignore/minimize the impact genetics have because they are obsessed with equality and not hurting feelings - I'm not one of those people.

What is the goal here?

>> No.15230521

Same as me anon. I'm a tan skinned brazilian.

>> No.15230529

I wish I could have my old intelligence. Before hitting my head, alcohol, and extreme sleep deprivation

>> No.15230533

drinking poison and doing everything you can to destroy the structure of the brain you were given naturally is not a good idea.

>> No.15230537

Yeah I figured

>> No.15230557

In this case, it's possible to change the structure of your processors too.

>> No.15230563

>that's why they were called niggers
nigger literally means black, it just sounds cooler this way

>> No.15230566

this is the equivalent of taking a picture of your hand and asking "what country am I from." suffice it to say you are a moron

>> No.15230570

people can agree on that, subhumans on the other hand won't even know what genetic is.

>> No.15232651

So they will determine intelligence by the quality of your conclussions

>> No.15232743

the percentages are about the explanatory power on a population level and if we are talking about diet, then you could say that the better the diet (more close to optimal), the more explanatory power pure genetics have
this is the case in modern western countries

>> No.15232769

>etc is determined by genetics. Yet, people don't seem to agree that the brain is?
Its hard to agree on what causes intellegence when its hard to measure. With height and feet you just use a stick. With IQ you need to figure out some test to measure some abstract behavior that can change due to other factors.

>> No.15233731

>Yet, people don't seem to agree that the brain is?
it's a mathematical machine. the divine study. god created math. god created the human brain. we're god's iphone.

kanye_west_drink _champs.jpeg

>> No.15234107

Shouldn't midwit be between 95 and 105?

>> No.15234111

average intelligence has gone up since the test was first made, so average numbnuts' iq is higher number too

>> No.15234131

How many people are in your genetic lineage? Think on that really hard, and then look at how many ways that your genetics can be scrambled. Now add in environmental factors that can alter DNA for your parents, now add that in for yourself. Now consider your mother's diet during pregnancy and prenatal supplementation. Now consider your own diet up through now.
Genetics are your min max sliders. Nutrition and environmental exposures from in utero til now will either bring those sliders up or down.

>> No.15234370


>> No.15234432


>> No.15234502


The existence of nurture based intelligence differences doesn't negate the idea of baseline intelligence. Genes encourage problem solving is different ways. Some are more effective than others.

>> No.15234551
File: 30 KB, 531x578, 46F53692-9B0E-4DD2-BFB2-70EC0809F601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, did you think we would just go around letting the goyslaves believe that human behaviour is caused by genetics? Did you think we would just let you genetically engineer a smarter and better society? No no no goyim, we will be needing you and your retard goycattle buddies to be as stupid as possible. We can’t have another holocaust now can we? Eugenics is only for the chosen people.

>> No.15234789

yep, you are retard and shill, it's genetics

>> No.15236011

Unfortunately you were spared from such genetics

>> No.15236541

online iq tests are dogshit. there's no good way to estimate your iq without getting a test done in person by a professional. 1980s SAT and GRE are close approximations though

>> No.15236572

you just want to rig the results by your nose

>> No.15236598

>ALL iq tests are dogshit

>> No.15236613

comfort yourself

>> No.15236614

Huh? Are you really saying the iqtest.com is more accurate than a professionally administered iq test? are you out of your mind? Give me a good online test and I'll do it and post results.

>> No.15236618

>what are epigenetics
A species that's unable to adapt to its environment is a species less likely to survive.
all living things do this but mammals also have a great capacity to learn. this is 100% not encoded in the dna and it's literally as fundamental as genes are to survival.

>> No.15236621

>>ALL iq tests are dogshit
Anything else is cope.

>> No.15236642

You clearly don't understand IQ. It's not the be all end all like a lot of anons seem to think it is, but it still does measure something useful. Any other stance is retarded.

>> No.15236643

Do separated twin studies ever account for the dysfunctional relationship that led to them being separated in the first place?

>> No.15236710
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>> No.15237146
File: 51 KB, 800x471, Pavlov's_dog_conditioning.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Millions of years of evolution have caused the structure of dogs brains to instinctively associate the sound of a bell with food, however this is only activated when they are being observed by Russians

>> No.15237151

not in memespeak, the average 100 is a retard
one standard deviation above the average is a midwit

>> No.15237152

True, the dog couldn’t associate the bell with food unless he could create memories and had the intelligence to make such associations, both of those things being 100% genetic. Thanks for that cool example, anon.

>> No.15237159
File: 133 KB, 593x813, iq correlation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its the single most important trait to estimate success in modern societies
sure, its not the end all and be all, but it is the single most important thing (50-80% heritability, the older you get the more heritable it seems to be)
other important things would be conscientiousness (about 50% heritability), lack of mental illnesses (many of which are heritable as well)

>> No.15237270

academic performance in elementary is more indicative than highschool? but highschool grades influence what college you get into?

>> No.15237283

indicative of what? this is a table of what IQ correlates most with, not causal relationships and certainly not school causes higher IQ or something like that which some people seem to misunderstand

why is iq more correlated with good performance in primary education more than it is correlated with good performance in secondary or tertiary? probably because at those levels, you actually have to do the work as well
if you are lazy as shit (low conscientiousness), then you won't do the work necessary and not perform as well
the farther, the more other factors start affecting performance as well
you need to be intelligent and work hard

at least thats my explanation for it, take it for whats it worth (nothing lmao)

>> No.15237332

"mid" means average by definition dumbass

>> No.15237339

thats what you would think, but not how it is used in practice, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say, midwit is not 95-105, but 85-115

>> No.15237356

I had great grades in grade school that dropped horribly when i entered 10th grade due to depression. Elementary school is so easy if you're 'smart'.
"midwit" as an insult refers to someone in the 115 range. Just smart enough to know that they're better than most people but also unable to reach the top. Most try to ignore that though and act smug.

>> No.15237453

>Every part of the human body including: Height, bones, skin, eyes, hair, hands, shoulders, nails, organs, neck, dick size, feet...... etc is determined by genetics.
This is quite false, beyond the genetic mixing which has an importance that goes beyond pure heredity (two brothers will not have the same color of hair, skin, height ..), the more you advance in biology and the more you learn that the environment and the microbiota have a key importance on your development, having such a diet can make you an idiot, Same for getting a particular number of hours of sleep, and how you use the brain during its development.
The brain is the most complex organ and it is also the one that is most sensitive to the slightest change, whether you are autistic or low IQ can be caused by the presence of a simple bacterium.