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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15234913 No.15234913 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15234918

Photons are a scam. It's over

>> No.15234921

>source: YouTube
Schizo thread detected. Did not watch. Do not care.

>> No.15234929

Then explain the photoelectric effect.

>> No.15234934
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lol lmao.....jeez...

>> No.15234939
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Basedjaks out in full force

>> No.15234952

The darkmatter web inside the atoms conduct certain wavelenghts but block certain others allowing them to hit the regular matter embedded within it

>> No.15234966

There is not a single quantum effect that doesn't have a plausible classical analogue. QM is a correct theory, but some interpretations of QM is just pure mental illness. Especially with retards obsessed with noise generating computers who don't understand Bell's theorem.

>> No.15234967

New 'uygens 'ptics dropped I see nice

>> No.15234973

Interpretations are irrelevant. None of them answer why the math of QM works. Arguing about which interpretation is correct is utterly pointless.

> There is not a single quantum effect that doesn't have a plausible classical analogue.
In other words classical physics is just the decoherent limit of QM.

>> No.15234991

Interpretations are irrelevant when you interpret fantasy with more fantasy, like nondeterminism with many worlds.
Interpretations are relevant when you interpret fantasy with reality, like quantum mechanics with classical mechanics.

>In other words classical physics is just the decoherent limit of QM.
No, the point is that QM can and should be derived from classical physics, not the other way around.
Arguing otherwise would be like insisting that we should model empty space as the limit of zero air resistance. Technically correct, but it inverts the physical relationship between the two concepts.

>> No.15234995

> some gibberish
That's like saying statistical mechanics can be derived solely from temperature.

>> No.15235002

Heh, so the photons are actually interaction with continous em wave and discrete matter.

Qm believers btfo

>> No.15235008

It sounds like gibberish because quantum mysticism is justified by gibberish.

>> No.15235027

>QM can and should be derived from classical physics
It should be the other way I'm pretty sure. Imagine you have an empty universe, then the only thing that exists is a quantum field. No matter how big or small the universe is the quantum field works the same way. It's not until you start adding large amounts of matter, which requires a universe over a certain size, that things start behaving in a classical fashion

>> No.15235036

I don't agree with >>15234991, but he does have a point about building fantasies on top of interpretations which has culminated in the disastrous waste of money on ever more grandiose entanglement experiments and idiotic attempts at QC architectures due to a misinterpretation of Bell's Theorem in particular.

>Mentally sound, grounded people: There is no hidden variable, but QE is fundamentally still not more interesting than local momentum exchange in the collision of billiard balls.

These freaks need to be lined up and shot.

>> No.15235050

>Mental illness
Well, I believe that faster than light communication may be possible but at energy level humans will never achieve, and is related to why "empty space" has energy, but thats my personal research.

>> No.15235063

There's no evidence that is possible. In fact all our theories say it's not. You *want* it to be possible, big difference.

>> No.15235068

This came to me in a dream before and in my brainlet ways I tried to explain it to /sci/ and they just mocked me.
Just like that thread saying that space was a superfluid.

>> No.15235073

>not a single quantum effect that doesn't have a plausible classical analogue
Quantum tunneling?

>> No.15235090

>There's no evidence that is possible.
They said the same thing about space being real 2,000 years ago.

Congrats, youre not a real scientist. Youre a Sabine! SABINE!!!!!

>> No.15235094

>It should be the other way I'm pretty sure. Imagine you have an empty universe, then the only thing that exists is a quantum field.
You're almost there.
Now imagine an empty universe, and the only thing that exist are small atoms that collide elastically. You should derive the properties of the quantum field from that, using the classical analogues that exist for everything quantum.

>> No.15235095
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>our theories
Ah, haha, I didnt read after the first sentence, because Im already proven more competent in Phsyics than you, but youre just a brick in the wall..."one of us" type of human.

No thanks, I dont educate the brainwashed masses. I educate the ones that try harder in life.

>> No.15235098

FTL is quite possible. Speed is a matter of perspective. What's impossible is to keep accelerating to the speed of light. But you don't have to do that. You can just keep resetting the acceleration and from the perspective of an observer you'll be traveling at the speed of light, for you you'll just be starting from stationary to whatever % of speed of light every time you re-engage your propulsion system.

>> No.15235131

>You can just keep resetting the acceleration and from the perspective of an observer you'll be traveling at the speed of light
No you won't. Whatever gave you that idea??

>> No.15235146

Tell me, anon. Let's say you were in a spaceship in space in a complete void. You accelerate but need vast amounts of energy to keep the acceleration. So you turn the engines off. Now, do you keep the illusionary mass which was gained from the acceleration, or do you just appear stationary again due to not having a point of reference and the same energy would be required to achieve the same acceleration and speed again?
Continous acceleration to the speed of light is impossible as the energy requirements become exponential. In increments while in space you're essentially starting from a stationary point.

>> No.15235150

>Whatever gave you that idea??
You havnt seen the Portal game meme? Jeez...what the hell do you kids learn in school these days?

>> No.15235156
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>keep the illusionary mass
I thought that got dispoven...hrmm...too lazy to look it up which takes seconds but I'll flip through ny pics for something to post which will take much longer.

>> No.15235160

NTA, but nigga wtf? Your speed determines how difficult it will be to accelerate. "Turnin' dah ingine off den back on" won't change the amount of energy required to continue accelerating.

>> No.15235172

Speed is a matter of perspective. It's like saying the photos from your flashlight are going at the the speed of light + your movement. Acceleration is difficult from a perspective of already accelerating.

>> No.15235174

>Now, do you keep the illusionary mass
Well first of all, that "illusionary mass" (used to be called "relativistic mass") is only apparent to a stationary observer. And secondly, "relativistic mass" really isn't a thing. What used to be thought of as relativistic mass (I'm talking like a hundred years ago now) is now properly understood to be relativistic *momentum,* which behaves in a sensible way in all reference frames.

>> No.15235179
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>"Turnin' dah ingine off den back on"
He never try it becuz he never know haha fookin 'oomies.

>> No.15235184

> Now, do you keep the illusionary mass which was gained from the acceleration
You are incorrectly equating inertial mass to rest mass. The (non-accelerating) rest mass never changes.

> in space you're essentially starting from a stationary point.
From the spaceship's reference frame, sure. But that's not true for an external observer.

>> No.15235186
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>It's like saying the photos from your flashlight are going at the the speed of light + your movement.
They aren't

>> No.15235195

I hate Quantam Mechanics.

>> No.15235198

It's not a fan of you either.

>> No.15235232
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You cannot deboonk something that does not exist nor has ever been proven.

also "debunked" is a wierd term.
Since bunk is a slang term for "nonsense".
Photons are bunk.
Bunk does not have to be debunked.
No proof does exist.
All memes.

energy excites charge if material at certain wavelenghts.
Excited charges change position in an unpredictable direction away from surface.
No photons are required.
It's all energy.
No matter required.

>> No.15235242

> energy excites charge if material at certain wavelenghts.
That is only one part of the photoelectric effect. You have completely ignored the problem that you can increase the intensity forever and still produce no electrons if the frequency is too low. The fact light is quantized explains both phenomena.

>> No.15235286

>Photons are bunk.
Einstein literally won a fucking Nobel for explaining the photoelectric effect and here a hundred years later you're posting shit like this.

>> No.15235318

>You're almost there
You think the universe can't be smaller than an atom? That's pretty funny coming from a genius like yourself

>> No.15235335


>> No.15235349
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Hello. My name is boat. My rope here breaks if I'm hit a wave with frequency of certain treshold. This of course means water is quantized.

>> No.15235359

You will never be a scientist of any kind EVER. You will ALWAYS be at the bottom. I will ALWAYS be better than you.

Didnt need to be this way...but your unearned pride in yourself blinds you.


>> No.15235361

>interaction with continous em wave
Hello? Aether-like department?

>> No.15235366

Each phenomenological field should indeed be independent from more fundamental fields. This is precisely how disciplines studying naturalisms work. Physics is not mathematics.

You can't even use MD to accurately predict any thermodynamic systems more complex than hot noble gasses yet, of course these fields should be seen independently.

>> No.15235396
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>You have completely ignored the problem that you can increase the intensity forever and still produce no electrons if the frequency is too low.

Resonance frequency.
No matter required.
Please elaborate why light should have matter?
Magnetism has also no matter.
It's a field. It excites matter.
Light is a field, may it be a directed or whatever.
You cannot even observe a "wavelenght" without manipulating the light with an inferometer.
You can only deduct a wavelenght.
And you can never measure the frequency.
You can only calculate it by obtaining a "abstract" projection of a wavelenght.
Frequency is just f=velocity/wavelength. The frequencies are crazy big numbers like the red in a helium-neon laser is 4.7376 x 10^14 per second or 473.76 THz.

Intensity has nothing to do with energy translation.
A 10 watt UV blacklight emitting 0.5 lumens per watt will emit 5 lumens of visible light - approximately 1% of the brightness of a 40 watt incandescent bulb.
Yet the UV light can fuse matter, accelerate and influence chemical reactions and can be translated into electricity.

The properties of light and the abstracted wavelenghts (via inferometer methods) do not indicate Matter.
It just is.
We don't know.
You cannot quantify light in material.
You can abstract qualities, such as intensity, wavelenghts and calculate a hypothetical "frequency" from that.
No particle of any sort has to exist nor is proven by these qualities.
Please provide a proof for the existence of an photon.

And elaborate on the method of measuring it, and especially measuring the size and mass.
Not calculating it hypothetically. And say "just trust me bro".
And don't come at me with Even meme Events
>like in picrel
>t-t-trust me it happened it was just there really really briefly and uhm was so small that it could have been a measure error b-b-but we had a consensus that it might not be...

>> No.15235404

>from an ad company

>> No.15235411
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Well, light and magnetism does come *from* matter, for there is no light or magnetism where no matter exists...but I get what you meant and think you info-dumping someone is funny.

>> No.15235417
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>not teaching

>> No.15235419
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>Einstein literally won a fucking Nobel
Doesn't mean anything if there is no experiment to back it up.
It is all memes and "thought" experiments.

Relativism via Relativity was Popularized by Albert Einstein.
An 1.70m manlet leprechaun, who was astroturfed into relevance.
His retarded theories are based on no science whatsoever.
HE NEVER DID ONE experiment...
except in his mind.
>muh thought experiment
He didn't know how to tie his shoes, and he fucked his Cousin.
And then he fucked her daughter, brought into the world a retarded baby.
Threw her into a mental asylum, and then went beck to fuck his cousin.

"Her [Elsa Einsteins] mother and Albert’s mother were also sisters, so Elsa and Albert Einstein were actually first cousins."

"Elsa’s children from her first marriage allegedly viewed Albert as a “father figure,” but he also developed an infatuation with her eldest daughter, Ilse. In one of the most startling revelations, Albert had considered breaking off his engagement to Elsa and proposing to 20-year-old Ilse instead."

And OF COURSE he invented general relativity:
>because he wanted also moral relativism
>and fuck his relatives

Bending of space time does not exist and is made up by a dude who fucked his cousin, and then his stepdaughter like a hillbilly.

Please show the experiment in which we can verify the existence of a photon, and it measure its exact properties.
There is none.
He observed an energetic effect, and then did some rhetoric soicence meme magic, and then everybody clapped.
>thought experiments

>> No.15235443

>dude who fucked his cousin, and then his stepdaughter
The definition of "based" isnt "thing I like", its "Someone who takes an unpopular position without shame."

This is my house, not your's.

>> No.15235473



>> No.15236552

this is supposed to be his replacement of his single photon double slit video, and all he does is talk about diffraction patterns and the history 0/10

>> No.15237122

Waves bending around corners

>> No.15237200

>They said the same thing about space being real 2,000 years ago.
God talks about space in the Bible.

>> No.15237207

Of course photons are fake. They are based on atoms which are fake too https://www.bitchute.com/video/RDgNQkCemrQv/

>> No.15237221
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>> No.15237230
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Sorry, bro, thats a Hard No. As a Theologian, you have one chance to salvage yourself before I just shitpost hate back at you...

The afterlife? Thats not space.
Ah, the veil between the ascended man and true reality.

>> No.15237240

you're extremely cool
It's hard to stay passionate about linear algebra -- I know it's just fun puzzles at first, but later its applications are so difficult to conceptualize that sometimes I can't even describe how it could be useful outside of specific programming uses. Could you perhaps help me to enjoy it, how can i conceptualize other real world applications.

>> No.15237243

It's fair to assume you've decided space and any verse referring to it is referring to something else. NTA, but why are you pretending to ask? It seems quite disingenuous

>> No.15237247

>real world applications
Almost all of my research is deeply in the field of Theory, I enjoy dunking on people with egos. Pride+Ignorance=Dunkable. Also, helping low level student, thats enjoyable too.

Master's Degree people? Literally "En garde!" upon sight. Shoot first, dont evem ask afterwards.

>> No.15237250

>pretending to ask
I dont ask research questions to other people, literally at all, ever, with a few exceptions for a few people, such as Wildberger, I could aee picking his brain, but his videos are enough for that, so "meh".

I pick apart his theories anyway, Dedicant Cut etc, as my works overlap some of his.

As for "definitions of words" sure...you can call the Heavens as space, fair enough...we would ppint in the same directions, but then does that means Heaven is a physical location off world? Is Hell a physical location in the center of the planet? Thats why its hot n stuff?

>> No.15237934

What is this shit? Have you verified this for youraelf or are you just taking it on blind faith?

>> No.15238002

...every time someone posts a source from a non-youtube site its ALWAYS garbage with ZERO scientific grounding. I checked his sources, hes full of shit.

>> No.15238154

>more people think something is true
>that means it's true!
this is the absolute state of midwit academics in year 2023.
never accept anything without a DEFINITIVE proof.

>> No.15238367

>garbage with ZERO scientific grounding
Like atoms and viruses.

>> No.15238393


>> No.15238429

>Speed is a matter of perspective
the whole point of relativity is that this shit is not actually relative and light moves at the same speed for all observers. This is high school tier.

>> No.15238454

All that means is [math] \sigma_{p} \sigma_{r} = \frac{\hbar}{2} [/math]. Light being coherent doesn't debunk photons. This video does not debunk it. The only thing he does is bring up the difference discussing light in terms of emission/absorption of light v. an electromagnetic wave traveling through space. A Photon itself is just a quantum normal mode of the the electromagnetic field equations. That is: it's a solution to [math] i\frac{d}{dt}\ket{\psi} = \hat{H} \ket{\psi} [/math] where [math] \hat{H} [/math] is an operator defined by solving the potential form of Maxwell's equation for a vacuum (charge density 0).

>> No.15238701

>Ah, the veil between the ascended man and true reality.
Caught the retard. look up what רָקִ֫יעַ actually means in Hebrew, it can mean something like the expanse.

>> No.15239122

Nobody gives a shit what some ancient Jews thought about the sky.

>> No.15239317
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He was talking to me but....HAHAHAHHAA

~Hahahahha. Youre a funny guy. Post more.

>> No.15239482
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The language of the ancients, before the written word, spoke in geometric maths. I would know...I study pre-written history's written history. It was right in front of your face your whole life.......The Whole Time.


>> No.15239490

didn't the guys who proved quantum tunneling not even know how to find the area under a curve

>> No.15239532

After the big bang there was a quark-gluon plasma, but was there a less "mattery" form of energy before that? As in was there nothing that you could call matter that condensed into matter?

>> No.15239539

>Doesn't mean anything if there is no experiment to back it up.
Guess what there is plenty of regarding the photoelectric effect.

not that anon, but I've done this sort of thing myself in a TEM.

>> No.15239540
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>After the big bang
The continuous cycling of the Universal Year, not the Galactic Year or Solar Year. A black hole "turns matter into energy", and that energy is dispersed until the ending half of the Universal Year, where it begins to compactify, until it reaches the center of the universe (way outside the "visible" universe) where everything contracys into a smaller and smaller area. What happens in this area is equally hypothetical to a "big bang" but with logic instead of Genesis.

Time scales beyond the human mind. My earliest genetic memory is 500,000,000 years old when evolution made the jump to "animal" outside of some quasi-plant-zoid creature. Your genetics have memories...all the way back to the beginning of life itself.

>> No.15239745

Nobody knows what, if anything, came before quark gluon plasma.

>> No.15239748
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>> No.15240013

>Guess what there is plenty of regarding the photoelectric effect.
photo electric effect yes.
That it implies "photons" : no.
Never denied the properties of light, nor that light carries energy which can induce electric effects.
Yet the "cause beeing a infinitessimal small object" is just a made up fantasy without anything to back it up.

>> No.15240706

>That it implies "photons" : no.
Read and learn bitch

>> No.15240725

no u

>> No.15241522

Bell himself was a proponent of pilot wave theory, iirc.

>> No.15242311

> two dots
> the third dot is random
> the distance between those dots is also nothing interesting
Don't you /x/igger see, that any couple of dots can be vertices of such triangle?

>> No.15242316

without an interpretation, you have nothing

>> No.15243138
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>I see nothing!
Is that better than;

This means youre not qualified to grade my work. Your pride is the reason youre ignorant.

Drop the pride, see for the first time. Dont...and remain blind for all eternity.

>posts science
>/x/ lmao i dunno you tell me....
Go back to /g/ you second rate calculator.

>> No.15243509

Stochastic collisions of potential well trapped billiard balls with themselves and/or smaller billiard balls (neutrinos(?)).