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15234631 No.15234631 [Reply] [Original]

The future is now.

>> No.15234675

There are surgeons who would do this because they just wanna cut and slice

>> No.15234694

Frakenstein's monster

>> No.15234702

A surgeon is a tool, who is supposed to to what is asked of him, either by the hospital, the society, or the patient. A tool can help you, when used properly, or it can hurt you when misused.

>> No.15234708

thats haram

>> No.15234711 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15234726

>if only I could hollow out my abdomen and stuff the used-up uterus of a cancer patient or dead grandma up there then FINALLY I will be a real woman

>> No.15234730

quick pull up how le good guy magnus hirschfeld had this done to some desperate gay streetwalker in the 30s or 20s without anitbiotics and immunosuppressants having been invented.

Good thing youknowwho put an end to it...

>> No.15234738

> immunosupressants

Azathioprine increases your chances of getting skin cancer 250 times. Doing this for very young people is pretty much giving them cancer guaranteed.

>> No.15234910

So basically Hitler stopped science in its tracks. What a faggot

>> No.15234916
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>> No.15234923

this but unironically

>> No.15235239

inb4 "it is your political duty to have a hysterectomy to donate your womb to a heckin valid tranny"

>> No.15235526

So you are on your meds for your entire life WILLINGLY just to prevent your body from rejecting foreign entity?
And considering that bilogical transplants for hearts don't last long, you will need a new neowomb after a few years since old one won't regenerate?

>> No.15235539
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Sometimes I think that this shit with troon operations is just a way to be able to do human experiments avoiding all the laws forbidding it.
Can't call it human experiment when the human willingly does it and even pays money for it.
So you can butcher his body, attach and twist different things Mengele style and noone will bat an eye.
And there will be no consequences because the enterally crippled patient will most likely kill himself anyway, avoiding any potential lawsuits.

>> No.15235900

there would be nothing out of the ordinary regarding the baby, aside from the circumstances surrounding its birth

>> No.15235908

Based the monopoly on reproduccion carried by women is closer to come to an end

>> No.15236188
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>> No.15236206

I guess the onslaught of health problems that will result from being exposed to most of the immunosuppgressants and other medications shouldn't be concerning.

>> No.15236212

there are already women on immunosuppressants giving birth

>> No.15236227

For legitimate reasons. Not for using an organ never meant to even have the vascular structures, musculature, or innervation of the opposite sex reproductive system.

>> No.15236233

Surgeons are still bound by the hippocratic oath which includes a promise to do no harm

>> No.15236358

Who defines 'harm'?

>> No.15236456

Ideally? Society, by consensus. Unfortunately society's consensus is lagging behind medical techniques right now. We need to come together and agree to the obvious: that "gender reassignment" surgery is mutilation that should not be tolerated.

>> No.15236473

so what you mean is you have no point

>> No.15236488
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>some people are forced to endure serious complications from necessary medical treatments that they'd die without
>therefore it's perfectly normal and sane to intentionally trigger these complications in myself through elective surgeries undertaken purely to indulge my delusions and fetishes

>> No.15236489

Just insert whatever you believe as my point. You're not going to listen to reason or opposing opinions anyway, so why pretend?

>> No.15237336

this is actually fucking terrifying.

>> No.15237360

>People buying cutting-edge technology services from the free market with their own money is terrifying
Why are you such a commie? Mind your own biz.

>> No.15237368

on a personal level I really don't care what someone does with their own body.
But thinking about society at large, I can tell this will have consequences which will probably affect me one day. Implanting other people's organs into yourself *for no real reason* is a scary thing to normalise. It's a slippery slope that has already gone too far.

>> No.15237426

There's already an attempt to convince women to completely remove their fallopian tubes to "reduce ovarian cancer" despite risks for premature ovarian failure, with few orgs not standing behind it. Chances are that many things are going to attempt to be normalized that are societally detrimental

>> No.15237435

I actually would feel more comfortable hacking someone's genitals up and turning them into trannies (would need to do a historectomy if OP was possible because I'm not opposed to it because normal tranny surgery is a net benefit to the world by castrating a homosexual who I hate) than say doing a Bilateral TMJ replacement. Watch some surgeries on that. I find MMA surgeries even more terrifying because of the upper mandible being just hacked into. Plus I see nerve damage reported by most MMA surgeries.

t. Chud MD

>> No.15237438

I'm doing society a net good by castrating a homosexual.

>> No.15237507

so would you be able to knock yourself up with the stored sperm, or would it be the same thing as impregnating the womb donor? if i had a wife who died in a car accident and shoved her womb up some tranny's asshole (like OP'S pic) and fucked it, who would the mother be?

>> No.15237530

based slice'n'dicers

>> No.15237549

genetically, the mother is whoever the ovum comes from

transplants are retarded because your immune system knows better. in vivo genetic + epigenetic editing is the only actual long term solution here, and theoretically (kind of hilariously) this makes MtF possible with nothing but the M's genes (just duplicate the X chromosome and remove the Y, and use epigenetics to re-run the genital development process from stem cells), but not FtM without someone else's Y chromosome, with the sole exception of complete androgen insensitivity (appears female, is actually genetically male with a Y chromosome)

>> No.15237568

doctors who did this should be executed

>> No.15237586

People like you are the reason trannies exist on first place

>> No.15237634
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>Surgeons are still bound by the hippocratic oa-

>> No.15237636
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>trannies don't know what artificial wombs are

>> No.15237678

america is satan's material realm

>> No.15237714

Good. If we can't euthanize faggots, I have no problem with medically chopping their dicks and balls off. On second thought you're wrong by the way. The reason we have troons is because society did nothing about men fucking each other which is absolutely disgusting and unacceptable.

>> No.15237718

Ok Rasheed.

>> No.15237733

The double standar is what make it
>if a man fucks another man is bad and disgusting in front of people eyes
Troon process this information
>but if female do it its good and ok
Therefore it creates a simple pattern
>if me female good, if me man bad
And by this way you get a troon, with double standars
Also the troon movement is basically just one of many misandry-like orientated policies enforced by the elite

>> No.15237749

XY TO XY is always wrong. Don't care about your low IQ acktualllly reasoning.

>> No.15237777

Enjoy being a thrall and enforced of anti-XY policies by the sadistic elite

>> No.15237863

Carrying to term requires a delicate balance of hormones which would be naturally produced by a woman, I've never had someone be able to explain how they're supposed to do that with a uterus transplant. Apparently some of those hormones are produced by the placenta, and I guess you could try min-maxxing a bunch of hormones, but I'm not convinced that it's viable.
They did a bunch of uterus transplant on real women already, with successful pregnancies, and I guess some of them must have had hormonal problems so maybe I'm the retard here

>> No.15238787

the holy digits speak

>> No.15239085
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>you could try min-maxxing a bunch of hormones, but I'm not convinced that it's viable.
No one knows but by god I'm willing to sell trannies a billion dollars worth of pills to find out.

>> No.15239428

ethics be damned, we should do this just to make chuds angry.

>> No.15239436
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>i'm going to castrate myself and put myself into lifelong debt slavery to pay for frankenstein surgery just to make people on the internet mad
Oh no, please don't do that. Anything but that.

>> No.15239439


>> No.15239740

I don't give a fuck. I just want to see people angry. Biologists should advance biology without worrying about ethics. In fact, they should actively strive to offend as many people as possible with their advances. Making human embryos out of grapes just to cause religious leaders to argue if they have souls, growing balls of titties(probably offends feminists or something) that sort of thing.

>> No.15239768

>how can we piss away our already-plummeting credibility and funding?

>> No.15239922

Call me back when you could use nanomachines to change your species, no drugs required.

>> No.15240033

Even if you magically changed all your dna to 'dog' (or 'woman' for that matter) the body it's contained in is dramatically different than what it was designed to work with.

>> No.15240713
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>Immuno-suppressant drugs are needed stop womb from being rejected

>> No.15240730

Come back when they can actually make me an anime girl

>> No.15240749

As a prerequisite for this surgery you have to be mRNA vaccinated. So yes, the offspring will be disabled.

>> No.15242773

The idea of being born out of some insane person's artificial munt is stomach churning.

>> No.15242821

when will they be able to make eggs out of the trannard's cells so he can be the biological mother?

>> No.15242831

It is technically true, they have a vagina retard