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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1523402 No.1523402 [Reply] [Original]

Fun problems ITT

>> No.1523408

The smaller one.

>> No.1523415

they are the same size, ergo they fall at the same speed.

>> No.1523419

Depends, which cone has a higher mass?

Because objects with more mass falls faster.

>> No.1523422

On top of that, is this in a vacuum or in an atmosphere?

>> No.1523424

They fall at the same speed.


>> No.1523427

oh? Galileo would beg to differ

>> No.1523428


>> No.1523430



>> No.1523432
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>> No.1523434


Pick up a feather and a steel ball. Drop. Which falls faster?


>> No.1523436

in a vacuum, they fall at the same speed

in an atmosphere, the one with less air resistance falls more slowly

>> No.1523439

err, the one with less air resistance falls more quickly


>> No.1523444

Air resistance causes the feather to fall slower. In a vacuum, they would be the same.

>> No.1523446
File: 15 KB, 320x240, 1280412751376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the one with less air resistance falls more slowly
>less air resistance falls more slowly

>> No.1523443

>implying that has anything to do with mass
Your troll attempt failed. Stop trying.

>> No.1523441

The bigger cone has higher air resistance, the smaller cone would touch the ground an infinitesimal time before the bigger one.

>> No.1523448


the one with more mass falls faster in a medium with friction.

>> No.1523450

>implying feathers aren't streamlined by evolution to make flying easier

The steel ball has more air resistance, and it still falls faster. Objects with more mass fall faster.

>> No.1523452

It was never stated where the cones will be droped

>> No.1523456

But that's wrong, you fucking retard.

>> No.1523473


Alright, take two equal-sized balls, one made of paper and one of steel. Drop them. Only difference is mass, amirite? Steel ball will hit ground before the paper one. Thus, it depends on mass.

>> No.1523478


Shape steel like your feather. It'll fall faster.

>> No.1523479


>> No.1523480

if you're not a troll then LOL

>> No.1523486

NO, that is WRONG. Holy CRAP, think about this for TWO SECONDS. If you are a troll, you won. I'm pissed now. Umad? Yes I am.

>> No.1523491


Saying they will fall at the same rate? If your too fucking stupid to visualize the experiment, think about this >>1523478 and you'll realize mass effect the outcome.

>> No.1523494

If he had tested with little pieces of balsa wood, or taken a really high tower, he would have concluded that velocity is directly proportional to the size of the object. Take a ball: air friction is proportional to r² and velocity, mass is proportional to r³, force is proportional to mass, so speed is proportional to r! Every object reaches a terminal velocity in the atmosphere, for a human that is about 200km/h, for an ant it may be only 6 km/h

>> No.1523498


>> No.1523506

>implying mass has anything to do with volume
>implying mass has anything to do with air resistance

>> No.1523507

Oh, I'm not the stupid one. Your paper and steel example was all you needed to say to prove to us that you must have been asleep during your high school science class.

>> No.1523512


Now go away, you silly trolls.

>> No.1523514

ITT: People who are so dogmatic in their "science" that they can't accept something extremely simple that two objects shaped exactly the same but made up of differing materials and thus differing in mass will fall att different speeds. Mass effects speed!

>> No.1523525


LOL! You really think they landed on the moon? That's staged.

>> No.1523527


What's wrong with it? You don't have any argument, you rely on faith.

>> No.1523529

If you are in an airless environment without the effect of drag, objects will fall at EXACTLY the same rate, regardless of their mass, volume, surface area, size, or any other characteristic.
In the earth's atmosphere, mass STILL doesn't affect how fast an object falls! Only the relationship between mass and surface area!
Are you done yet, you fucking idiot?

>> No.1523550

Shall I try and mathematically demonstrate to you niggers that objects with more mass fall faster?

>> No.1523557


No, without atmosphere it will be infinite speed. You see things have a tendency to move toward their natural state - air upwards, earth downwards etc. But they are hindered by the medium, without any medium - infinite speed.

Protip: this is why vacuum is impossible and aether must exist.

>> No.1523569

No, because your math will be wrong.

>> No.1523568

aristotle: great troll or greatest troll?

>> No.1523567

>No, without atmosphere it will be infinite speed
stopped reading there.
incoming FTL post.

>> No.1523574

For crying out loud, you guys still posting in this thread without sage?

>> No.1523590
File: 74 KB, 430x296, trollistoteles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just missed the fame, man.

>> No.1523592

<div class="math">-\frac{\mathrm{d} V}{\mathrm{d} t}=g-\frac{1}{2m}\rho V^{2}Sc_{D}</div>

Air drag has Surface as factor so I guess they wont fall at same rate?

>> No.1523608


hahaha I just realized that S/m is the inverse of density so it cancels and both fall at same rate

Good problem

>> No.1523643

Whew, I'm glad this stupid discussion is finally over. Time to sagebomb the thread so no /sci/ folks can see the humiliating misconceptions that went on here.

>> No.1523644

Shit, only now do i realize the full meaning of the image posted...

>> No.1523662

>implying /sci/ isn't a hueg troll orgy.

>> No.1523672

Jesus /sci/ you get worse every day.

Stop being trolled you fuck-heads.

>> No.1523684
File: 33 KB, 410x303, SAGEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My god.

>> No.1523693
File: 66 KB, 680x760, 1279559770564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yo I'll let you continue but saging ain't doing nothin'

>> No.1523716


Trolled hard.

>> No.1523774

I'm Bumping so the world can see how stupid people on /sci/ are