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15231942 No.15231942 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it taking so long to cure mpb ? We know what is causing hair to fall

>> No.15231949

what is the cause?

>> No.15231952

we have inhibitors for the process, we don't have anything that can reverse it. the inhibitors that we have are also suboptimal as they require indefinite administration and often produce adverse side effects.

>> No.15231986

>We know what is causing hair to fall
Do we?
We know a bunch of things that correlate but I don't think the mechanism is really understood.

>> No.15232001
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Cultivate a society that sees hair as brutish and unhygienic. When everyone shaves their heads, MPB will simply mean a bit less time with the razor.

>> No.15232008

>tfw male but ba;ding like a female at a very slow rate
could be worse i guess

>> No.15232009

aidscancer the post

>> No.15232034

Especially in the zoomer generation it is over if ur bald at 20s

>> No.15232123

I wonder if senolytic medicine would fix it. It's supposed to be able to fix just about any ailment because it repairs and/or removes damaged cells essentially reversing the age of your cells. The only problem is they haven't been developed for humans yet because the places working on them get very little funding

>> No.15232256

>The only problem is they haven't been developed for humans yet because the places working on them get very little funding
Isn't that evidence that it's all a meme? Boomers would be ready to remortgage their home to get back their youth so it's a money-printing machine. Any sensible investor would throw all their money in it, unless there's actually little chance of it working.

>> No.15232273

>Why is it taking so long to cure mpb ?
It doesn't kill so research on it is really really low priority

>> No.15232284
File: 28 KB, 575x383, Mariel01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if pony tails are still allowed? That part of the head is the least like to naturally bald, so everyone can enjoy a quality pony tail long into their golden years.

>> No.15232294
File: 211 KB, 822x1146, Dermapen-3-58193280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the scalp tightness hypothesis turned out to be true, that would mean no money for pharma companies as dermarollers and dermapens are cheap. There would be plenty of clinics able to do it for you, but the barrier to entry would be low, so the price would be low. Maybe even barbers could be licensed to dermaroll your head for you.
Since there's so little money in it for anyone who does the research (you can't really patent the treatment), only those getting grants can afford to do the research, and there's not much grant money available for such things.

>> No.15232313

Hair transplant is basically a cure

>> No.15232322

You mean like what Jews did with foreskin in America?

>> No.15232342

Does foreskin start to fall off during late middle age, to the public embarrassment of the man?

>> No.15232483

Yeah you'd think that would be logical but a lot of people are all weird about it and try to argue every little reason why it's not a good idea. Plus there's almost zero outreach so most people don't even know about it

>> No.15232486

Here's the related wiki page too

>> No.15232505

Not really, it starts falling out again if you don't take the inhibitors basically forever, and you still need to go in for a touch up procedure after a few years in some cases

>> No.15232694

Female pattern baldness makes the head look like a vagina. Male pattern baldness makes the head look like a dick. Hardly a coincidence.
Do all balding people practice gay sex?

>> No.15232707

Does the transplanted hair fall out or is it that the hair surrounding it continues to thin until only the transplanted hair is left, which looks like shit?

>> No.15232752

A lot of progress has been made on understanding androgenic alopecia beyond DHT (specific dynamics regarding receptors, androgen response elements, downstream effectors, HDACs, Twist1, prolactin, oxidation, etc.) and a lot of the drugs on the way are looking like super legit treatments that are both more effective and far safer than 5ARs like finasteride. Some experimental stuff you can get your hands on like pyrilutamide and RU58841 already mog existing treatments, and treatments further on the horizon like HMI-115 look like they can straight up save your shit.

Like a lot of conditions, mpb is an extremely tractable problem that is already partially solved. From here on it's mostly a question of how retarded and arbitrary the approval process of emerging drugs is going to be.

>> No.15232755 [DELETED] 

The transplanted hair doesn't fall out, and modern transplants are at the thickness of natural hair (200 hairs per square centimeter)

>> No.15232758

I'm the guy all the way on the right. Comfort me, anons.

>> No.15232773

I'm sorry

>> No.15233152

Dutasteride + Minoxidil. You will never go balding, and will be happy.

>> No.15233168

>still have full head of hair
>my grandfather died with all his
Get better genes dipshit

>> No.15233176

>all you have to do is go back in time and choose different parents!
Thanks, very informative.

>> No.15233249
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>> No.15233255

if you need somewhere to empty your balls you've got my bussy, dadnon.

>> No.15233840
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>> No.15233860

Kill yourself then and leave the world to your betters.