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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 36 KB, 279x402, movieposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15230201 No.15230201 [Reply] [Original]

Y'all...I never knew black women were responsible for putting a man on the moon. Why didn't they teach us this in school?

>> No.15230205

Because it was actually nazi scientists granted amnesty for using slave labor from the concetration camps that did it

>> No.15230217

The actual black women they reference were quadroon and octaroon calculators.
basically they were mostly white and the job they did was mundane number crunching.

>> No.15230218

Hollywood myths, she didn't even devise the flight path. While it is nice to see any black person understand how to iterate the Euler–Maclaurin formula on a computer, it's basically just advanced data entry. Amongst the sea of intelligent people at NASA, they didn't exactly stand out. They just did advanced data entry, before calculation packages were standard for scientists to use. Should there be a movie made about Mathematica?

>> No.15230265

>Should there be a movie made about Mathematica?
There probably is one. There's a lot of movies out there.

>> No.15230280

No Stephen, there isn't.

>> No.15230304

I just performed a basic search, and it pulled up many.

>> No.15230305

But surely there is a movie about Wolfram Physics Project and Rules 69 and 420 that I invented when I was 13.

>> No.15230967 [DELETED] 

Because school is rigged.

>> No.15232078

Absolutely, anon. That's the kind of advanced stuff they put in movies.

>> No.15232740
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it was both, nazis and black women working together , average americans are still not ready for this truth

>> No.15232972

>Euler–Maclaurin formula
They didn't use that, did they?

>> No.15233039

probably for numerical approximation of some faggy physics equations

>> No.15234703

Hidden Nigures

>> No.15234720
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>> No.15234729

To be honest I'm not sure. I don't think my brain recalled that at random, but I'd have to go back and look at what she actually did.

>> No.15234732

It makes no sense to denigrate her, the real problem is hollywood's obsession with coddling its "pet" negros.

>> No.15234745
File: 101 KB, 500x709, nigger worshiper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15234749

Ok I looked over what I could find, and I only see references to "Euler's method." I'll accept it as retardation on my part. Now I'm wondering why I thought she used it...

>> No.15234750


>> No.15234751

No. I just think there's enough material out there to go after the miscreants rather than attack some of the better of their kind.

>> No.15234853


>> No.15234858

You're right, we shouldn't be niggardly with our praise

>> No.15234860

Hollywood turned her into a sheboon, this is already insult enough.

>> No.15235161
File: 561 KB, 1706x1630, NASA_Science_and_Engineering_Newsletter_Annie_Easley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15235170

Subtle bait. Excellent response. Kek’d/10 would reply again.

>> No.15235255
File: 74 KB, 702x960, 1662676987680370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black women are now responsible for faking the moonlandings

>> No.15235282

FE is important because it's quite literally the biggest conspiracy; if it's true then literally the entire "universe" is fake.

>> No.15235683

But flat earthers can't even prove simple shit or do basic mathematics.

they're a distraction based on 2000 year old phoenician misinformation campaigns

>> No.15236037

are there reality shows about flat earthers?
or youtubers who believe they have been to the inner edge of that mountain ring or whatever they believe conceals the edges
what do they believe anyway?
is it like a slope that leads down into space? or is earth shaped like a flippo, can you litterally with just one step fall off?

>> No.15236052
File: 68 KB, 1022x731, FEMteKlXIAkWpRR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're going back to the moon just to land a neurodivergent non-binary BIPOC, aren't we

>> No.15236086

the edge is beyond "antarctica", which you cannot cross, even on the ball model

>> No.15236094

>we're going back to the moon
2 more weeks

>> No.15236095

there's a nice documentary, Behind the Curve

it puts flatearthers in the positive light, they do experiments with gyroscopes, lasers, fail every time, but don't tamper the evidence, just try another thing, work out why it could failed. it's scientific as fuck, in the spirit of the 17th century empiricism

they're contrasted with folks working at some univ, can't recall which one, whose job is popularization of science, being paid to reach out to the masses, and they fail so hard in comparison: smug attitude, "you can learn that from the books, lol", a total opposite. intellectually barren cunts, doesn't matter if right.

the bad thing about flatherthers is saturation with shady multi-level-marketing types. also the past few years they had been overrun with anti-vaxxers, leaving the real of harmless fun. not to mention i go there for flat earth memes, trolls, and not to get bombarded with the sino-russian propaganda day by day.

>> No.15236096

The black women did what blacks do best: slavery. In this case it was computational slavery for their Nazi engineer masters.

>> No.15236100
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>they had been overrun with anti-vaxxers, leaving the real of harmless fun

>> No.15236113

The "White" American fears the Schwarzvolkbund

>> No.15236273

Apollo 13 has the least niggers of any movie ever made.

>> No.15236466
File: 153 KB, 1600x1114, Working_Horses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Work horses built America, but no one ever mentions them because they were just labor.
NASA Black women were just human calculators, we now use electronic calculators.

>> No.15236761

>praising human calculators
Where’s Braun’s movie?

>> No.15237294


>> No.15237304
File: 446 KB, 1133x1600, black_sodiers_German_Imperial_Army_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15237311
File: 3.28 MB, 1920x1080, Budweiser-SB-KV-FINAL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Work horses built America, but no one ever mentions them because they were just labor.

Are you fucking serious? Have seen some those multi-million dollar beer and car commercials that have played during christmas and super bowls about the olden days of americana/frontier trade and horse power performance?

>> No.15237357
File: 10 KB, 279x402, 1677356710627862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15237874

that would great actually im sure.

>> No.15237883

Horses get all the glitz while the stolid oxen and mules are just ignored, where's there representation?

>> No.15238051

This is Star Trek you retard