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15220881 No.15220881 [Reply] [Original]

Patientoid arrives with foreign object in rectum edition.

Previously: >>15193280

We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.

Please keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.

>> No.15220891

It's a shame it didn't break. With all these faggots running around, it's a wonder why anyone goes into medicine these days.

>> No.15220904

>I slipped

>> No.15220910

Why is Nepal such a cholera ridden shithole

>> No.15220924
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>learn medicine related stuff in native language
>move abroad, learn and use a different language
>most information out there is available in english
>have to learn everything in 3 languages
It's tearing me apart. Is anyone else in this situation?

It saddens me that my current country's language is overtaking my native one as my "primary medical language". I will never be able to talk to my friends back home about medical stuff. It's also seriously demotivating me when I have to look up everything in multiple languages, since it takes obviously a lot more time. I don't want to neglect any.

>> No.15221021

There should be a rule that only MDs can post here. Been seeing too many DOs posting lately.

>> No.15221025

No, my first language is the lingua franca so the only languages I know a bit of French and German to supplement medical terminology and that's all I need.

>> No.15221138

It's not a big deal.
English is piss easy, your native language should be piss easy for you and the third language, well you just have to learn it.

>> No.15221169
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>ward round finishes very early
>half of it was me bonding with consultant over /pol/ shitposts and memes
Today was a good day.

>> No.15221215

Can you become a doctor if you have asperger's?

>> No.15221221

If I become a doctor am I guaranteed an asian wife?

>> No.15221295
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>you need to do thousands of hours of extracurriculars because… uhh.. you just do, okay?!

>> No.15221305

Wealthier people are usually smarter, but especially true is that poor people are usually dumb.
There is a shitload of nepotism though

>> No.15221309

I’m just pissed bc I got a 521 back in 2019 but am going to have to do 5 gap years because I graduated during COVID and had bad ECs and my mental health went to shit for a year.
Now I’m studying for the MCAT yet again and I got a 520 on FL1 like 5 months out (I’m testing in July) so I have to spend hours a day studying for an exam that I wouldn’t even need to retake if you didn’t need to focus so much on pointless extracurriculars

>> No.15221321

No one cares, should have stuck through it and graduated a year ago instead of falling for the COVID meme and then falling for the mental health meme.
Has nothing to do with your parents income.

>> No.15221325

What was I supposed to do if I literally couldn’t get hours anywhere during COVID?

>> No.15221327

it's practically a requirement

>> No.15221443

most MDs are either retards who couldnt even get into DO school and went to the carribean, or pajeets who just want to come here for that USA income

>> No.15221496

just become a dentist or optometrist.

>> No.15221525

podiatry even

the schools are so desperate rn that they are auto-accepting the worst possible applicants, we're talking 2.8 GPAs with 490 MCATs

>> No.15221590

oh god

>> No.15221608

Why are you testing in July if you're already scoring so high? Just get the MCAT over with and then focus on ECs.

>> No.15221766

Red pill me on dentistry

>> No.15221788


>> No.15221807

You just can't get ahead in this world..

>> No.15222010

>that pic
Is a serb trying to start another balkan chimpout?

>> No.15222650

is the EM job market really getting that bad?

>> No.15222698

Serb thread

>> No.15223054

costs even more than med school, with lower earning potential ($150k for general dentistry unless you own your own practice)

most specialties/residencies require expensive tuition. only the top 10% of a dental class gets to specialize, rest become low-paid general associates

an orthodontist with $1 million in debt is not unheard of

>> No.15223062

the job market isn't too bad yet, but fears are starting to affect the match, many EM hopefuls are now flooding anesthesia and radiology. HCA is flooding the market with low quality EM residencies and the ACGME doesn't give a shit

one EM attending online said their program got half the amount of apps as last year, and last year was already a big decline

last year, the highest IMG/FMG match rate was in EM (over 70%, meanwhile FM had only 54%). any EM program that doesn't fill, will just fill in the SOAP with IMGs

>> No.15223231

What BLOOD TESTS do you recommend for someone with heavy brain fog and muscle fasciculations/spasms?

My symptoms appeared basically out of nowhere about one month ago. I did the basic blood tests checking for liver/kidney function, B12, calcium, magnesium, etc... and they all came within the normal range. I had a MRI done and everything is good...

Despite all of this, I still feel like shit and continue having fasciculations and heavy brain fog.

>> No.15223240

Why are nurses who can think for themselves so rare?

>> No.15223242

See a neurologist.

>> No.15223250

where are the muscle spasms? generalized? upper limbs? lower limbs? one side? both sides?

muscle symptoms happen all the time? randomly? after certain activities? at certain times of day? anything youve tried that made it better/worse?

you had MRI done - MRI of what, just brain?

but yes, as far as blood tests, from what you listed - most of the typical ones were covered already. wondering if it is caused by something that wont show up in blood work - need to know more about symptoms, see above.

>> No.15223258

it is like that in most fields, sadly. just have to keep in mind that most people are stupid. amongst the smart ones, lots of them are lazy and/or don't care.

I see the same problem in nurse aides, nurses, EMTs, paramedics, PAs, NPs, MDs, DOs.... it never ends. You'll see slightly lower % of them in certain sub-specialties; and because of some educational 'filters' that try to select for people more capable of critical thinking - you'll usually see a lower % of non-critical thinking people the higher you go (into PA/NP/MD/DO) - but still.... some dumb/non-critical thinkers will always make it through.

Best thing you can do is go into a specialty or work on a certain type of unit that generally more critical thinkers/go-getters want to be..

For instance: nurses on ICU/CCU will usually care about their job/want to learn/want to have practice independence and dont want to/wont call the on-call for every stupid thing. Many things - they can't wait to make the call first, or else the patient will decompensate and die. - Compared to nurses on med surg who might call a general surgeon at 2am to get approval to put Vaseline on some guy's toe who is only admitted for a 23hr observation post-lap-chole... because "well technically that's a medication"

TL;DR - Idiots are everywhere, in every profession. But you can make choices to put yourself in places where fewer idiots/less extreme idiocy exists.

>> No.15223264

I want to work in neurology but I dont have the time or money to go to med school for that so what options do I have
Is there a way I could become a surgical assistant or a nurse who works specifically in neurology or do I just need to say fuck it and actually go to school

>> No.15223281

>or money to go to med school
This is a cope. I'm from a working-class family and I still made it.

>> No.15223308

Go to nursing school. Get your RN. Then you'll be able to make a good living while working just with that license. After you have your BSN, get into NP school; ~2 years in NP school - then go find a neurologist or neurosurgeon who needs a nurse practitioner. You'll pick up all the sub-specialty neuro-specific training independently/while on the job - and if you decide to change specialties - you still can, often without having to go back to school.

a lot quicker/cheaper school, a lot more employment options/flexibility; still really good pay; plenty of opportunities in clinical and academic settings. Nursing is a great option for those who will need to have stable/sufficient income throughout their academics, and you'll gain tons of valuable real-world experience

>> No.15223315

I did, she says nothing is wrong, just too much stress and fatigue, and it shall go away. I hope it does, but it doesn't seem like it.

They are generalized, on both sides. Random involuntary twitching/spasms in my muscles all around my body. They usually aren't strong enough to move a limb, but I can definitely feel them. They are not painful. I also feel like sometimes my movements are a bit jerky.

I also get fasciculations sometimes, like eye twitching, but also in other muscles like my calves.

The MRI was cerebral + angio. It looked at the brain but also at the sinuses, optic nerve, arteries, etc..

>> No.15223387

might wanna see another neurologist; though stress/anxiety/fatigue are certainly 'possible' explanations

if the muscle spasms happen often enough/are widespread enough - EMG could be appropriate; maybe even muscle biopsy - depends on how severe/how frequent/how widespread.

plenty of bad specialists out there, 2nd opinions; 3rd opinions; etc aren't cheap/are annoying - but are sometimes plenty worth it.

If you are getting a 2nd opinion, may want to try to go to a more specialized/fancy place, like a big university/regional specialty health system. or at least maybe try to go outside of the same system as your last neurologist.

I often see hesitation from specialists within the same *smaller/medium* health system - wanting not to be seen as "stepping on the toes" of a specialist in that same field/same system by contradicting their findings - if it appears that a proper workup has been done already. It is dumb/inappropriate, but it is something I've seen too much of. But again, that is far less of an issue with bigger health systems/high quality specialty systems

(speaking from the perspective of someone in the US, not sure where you are at)

>> No.15223422

I am in Europe.

The muscle spasms aren't really that annoying, the brain fog is... Up until about one month ago, I felt very good, with plenty of energy, and pretty much excelling in everything I did. Now with this brain fog, I feel like shit.

However, I suppose the symptoms might be coming together. The spasms and fasciculations onset about 2 weeks after I started experiencing brain fog.

>> No.15223458

Maybe instead of neurology - endocrinology / neuroendocrinology if you have access to it. Neuroendocrinologists are pretty rare here in the states, and even more rare to get insurance to cover them. but can be the key to a proper diagnosis sometimes - lots of very specialized blood tests that most others wont order. Hormones are ungodly powerful and they/their precursors are, unfortunately, often overlooked

>> No.15223555

>don’t have money

Kek. You take loans out from the government. I come from a lower middle class family and I am doing just fine. 350k debt but starting salary is about 500k and there’s the 10 year forgiveness.

>> No.15223604

But then you are a nursoid that doesn't actually know anything.
It's like telling someone interested in Electrical Engineering to become an electrician.

>> No.15223618


>> No.15223629

>You'll pick up all the sub-specialty neuro-specific training independently/while on the job -

neuro midlevels don't know how to do anything except treat headache

some can run stroke codes after like 10 years on the job, but it's very algorithmic

>> No.15223740
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>> No.15223841
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Do most doctors and hospitals have their own labs, or do they usually send them out to like an ArcPoint or Fastest?

>> No.15223878

>Do most doctors

medicine is more and more hospital/corporate owned

>> No.15223894

how? you'd think with so many footfags running rampant, the schools would be up to their knees with applicants.

>> No.15223909

In most states it's illegal for corporations to own clinical practices, I think Florida is the only one where it's allowed.

>> No.15223923

I'm not asking who owns the doctors, I'm asking if most clinics have their own labs or if they send it a place like LabCorp or Quest for testing

>> No.15223936


>> No.15223962


My father has an old (1970s) issue of National Lampoon which reproduces humorous medical/ER jargon. This particular situation was styled "bottle return", as the patient creates a vacuum such that the thing can't just slip out again. "The O sign" refers to a corpse with its mouth open, while "the Q sign" refers to a corpse with its mouth open and tongue lolling out.

>> No.15223976

because podiatry is already saturated and pays like shit

the whole "DPM is equal to an MD/DO" marketing language doesnt work anymore either, people smell the bullshit

>> No.15224135
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>cruise ship doctor (EM or FM/IM w/ ACLS cert only)
>free room, wifi, food, hospitality services (laundry, room cleaning etc)
>rotate call between other doctors, fuck around on cruise ship on time off
>mostly basic prescriptions and treating injuries from elderly falls or drunk retard stunts, occasional MI
would you do it?

>> No.15224193

Why wouldn't I? Actually it'd be one of my dream jobs out of residency. Either that or a combat doctor for some private contractors.

>> No.15224388

>>free room, wifi, food, hospitality services (laundry, room cleaning etc)
Even if you get that stuff for free, the salary is too small. Seems fun THOUGH.

>> No.15224399

Just got a TSH test resulting in 0.58 mIU/L. At 30yo, I'm still 175lbs, lean, and pretty much always tired. I didn't get any triiodothyronine or thyroxine levels back, but I assume there's higher than my TSH levels. You think there's a causative correlation between these levels and always being exhausted?

>> No.15224411

Is Ehler-Danlos the newest fake diagnosis for white women? It's fucking ADD tier, I swear to god. Fibromyalgia bullshit

>> No.15224413

Clinics usually have their own labs, what they offer depends on the size, big clinics usually do most things in house. Private practices rarely have their own labs, unless they're IM guys that do a high volume of specific testing, some still have a microscope and do rudimentary shit like urine cell counting, but most just send their stuff to external labs.

>> No.15224416

>combat doctor for some private contractors.
I was a contractor before I went back to school and any serious trauma went straight to the surgical team which are mil guys. I don't know what it paid, but it probably wasn't that good relatively speaking

>> No.15224425

>Ehler-Danlos the newest fake diagnosis
are they coming in claiming they have it w/o a Beighton Score?
make em bend bro.

>> No.15224443
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>are they coming in claiming they have it w/o a Beighton Score?
yes. "it doesn't always manifest as hyperextension or hyper-elastic skin". It's always these cunts with a bunch of vague """neurologic""" issues. They're always in their 20's and 30's

>> No.15224460

do engineers have higher iq than medical doctors?

>> No.15224486

Are there any good books on all of the fluids in the human body and what they do/ how they are made? All the ones I can find are mainly just focused on urine, while i am interested in that I also want stuff on plasma or saliva or mucus, and everything else. I would prefer it if it had a genetics undertone (in production and composition of proteins and such) but would be fine without that if there isnt one.

>> No.15224527

Physiology textbooks for the fluids, Biochem textbooks for proteins and other bio polymeres, there are a ton of them on libgen, just check out different ones until you find what you're looking for. Or just see what medschools in your country recommend for those subjects. The topic of "how bodily fluids are made" won't necessarily be condensed in one chapter, but the information you're looking for is just basic physiology and biochemistry. The molecular genetics of protein synthesis is it's own thing, also covered in biochemistry, but if you're looking for specific abberations in protein synthesis you'll have to look for more specialised resources on genetic disorders, though some biochem/physiology textbooks do mention common ones.

>> No.15224540
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>"doesn't always manifest as hyperextension or hyper-elastic skin""
if they know buzzwords might as well run em through the Beighton.
personally dont recall any treatments for Ehlers-Danlos (I only know three of the thirteen types) except some PT/OT and some assistive devices, so i dont know what these patients want

>> No.15224649

The physiology for fluids is more the kind of stuff I am looking for but I am having a hard time finding one I think would be good. Im not sure the kind of book Im looking for exists honestly.

It would be more like an encyclopedia of most fluids with many chapters on each specific fluid. Overall purpose of fluid x, where/how its made, what cells/proteins are involved in fluid x, what genes code for the production/regulation of fluid x, common genetic errors the fluid could have(things like sickle cell or cystic fibrosis), how fluid x interacts with other parts of the body.

I could find textbooks on specifics of each concept, but not on all of them combined for each fluid. Im not really asking you (nor expect you to) look for a book for me. Thanks for the information though.

>> No.15224722

If a lab is looking at stuff from my body like for a biopsy and diagnosing based on the statistics, why won't they let me see what they are looking at myself and what data they based their results on, and what stats were used? It seems like they are trying hard to hide something. A simple postive or negative result doesn't suffice for me. I want to know the detials.

>> No.15224853
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>why won't they let me see what they are looking at myself and what data they based their results on,
It's a trade secret

>> No.15224863
File: 504 KB, 1927x857, 15412BAC-4B4C-489D-8188-0DCFD196BCA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not looking for advice because I’m sure I just need to ice it, but why do black eyes look as bad as they do? I fell like 2 hours ago and look like fucking Quasimodo.

>> No.15224873

The most obvious reason that would be there is a group of men forced it up into some other guy as an act of aggression

>> No.15224988

What did the serb mean by this?

>> No.15225119

Brighton is one of the Diagnostic criteria. Can't diagnosd ED without a 5/9 Brighton. Download and print out the Ehlers Danlos diagnostic criteria from the international society of Ehlers Danlos and explain your patients that they're schizos and then diagnose them with the real schizo diagnosis (fibromyalgia)

>> No.15225122

Beighton* fuck autocorrect

>> No.15225254

Are diabetes or chronic stress (elevated cortisol) the only culprits behind constant hunger (with physical signs) if it can be immediately covered/relieved by dopaminergic stimulants?

>> No.15225504


>i dont know what these patients want
I think it's just to say they have Ehlers-Danlos. They must have seen a tik-tok or something and wanted to feel unique. For context I'm seeing them come into the ED for bullshit, so I don't know where they're getting dx at before I see them.

>> No.15225514

they're always comorbid with psyche shit too, BPD, GAD, MDD, etc

>> No.15225643
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>Long time lurker first time caller

Background heavy in industrial/chemical automation and low voltage systems, master mechanic in pretty much anything with wheels, wings or blades, design things and build them occasionally from race cars to prosthetics. I love engineering and science and I've always had a knack for knowledge and I want to do a fellowship in neurology.

I am wanting to start my bachelor's to start the road to med school but would love to get into neurology with the ultimate nerdom to build CBI and cyborgs with an emphasis on creating machines that can transfer your conscious. Ghost in the shell type technology. What field/a should I look into? (Was looking at a masters in mech E for my premed degree)


>> No.15225877

>fellowship in neurology
you mean residency?.
>premed degree
does not exist please do some research first. major does not matter, gpa/mcat/ecs do.
then get a masters in bioengineering, it does not require you to be a doctor. if you cant live without an md/do to your name then you could probably be a consultant but its not worth it considering the time you've sacrificed, the debt you're now in, or your salary compared to practitioners.

>> No.15225879

If it's the Emergency Room just prescribe Ibuprofen and tell them that there is nothing you can do because there is no treatment for "Ehlers Danlos" and that they have to check up with their General Practitioner to get some physical therapy.
5 minute discharge

>> No.15226144
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Comfy Thursday night. What're you up to /med/?

>> No.15226289
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Ehlors danlos isnt clinically significant they just have a lower pain threshold and a bit of hypermobility. Marfans is a different kettle o fish

>> No.15226294

For me I have seen a bunch of BPD looking for an Autism diagnosis. Not sure why though.

>> No.15226469

>Patient arrives with marfanoid habit
>Give him a lethal dose of morphine

>> No.15226544
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Any CRNA’s lurking? I’m a basic bitch RN with goals of going to CRNA school and currently preparing applying to ICU’s this spring.
I’ve narrowed it down to two, Cardiothoracic ICU and Medical/Cardiac ICU. In the CTICU they do fresh hearts, lungs, and LVAD implants. The MCICU is in a trauma 1 with good street cred. Which would serve better in preparation for CRNA applications? My later goals are more rural healthcare/military CRNA shit. Pls no bully.

>> No.15226730

The final solution

>> No.15226731

Medical Secretary-chan... I kneel.

>> No.15226734
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>> No.15226786

>Ehlors danlos isnt clinically significant
vascular type (translucent skin type) has increased risk of aortic dissection and aneurysms while the females have increased risk of uterine rupture

>> No.15226801
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What is up with this asshole? He's some guy from a Putin speach I think? Looks like sebh to me, judging from the skin on the face, but can that really fuck your shit up that much?

>> No.15227220

The problem isn't that the languages are difficult, the problem is having to look up how something is called or phrased in 3 languages and then memorize it. It's triples the effort.

>> No.15227238

>Compared to nurses on med surg who might call a general surgeon at 2am to get approval to put Vaseline on some guy's toe who is only admitted for a 23hr observation post-lap-chole... because "well technically that's a medication"
I'm a nurse, but not from the US and it's interesting to see that the same things are happening elsewhere too.
The problem is that there are rules and common procedures in place. You're supposed to stick to them, there is no grey zone, because defining it is impossible. So whenever such a situation arises, I just want to kill myself. There's no way to win. You can either bite the bullet, waste precious time and embarrass yourself by calling the doctor or you can give the patient stuff yourself and hope that he's not by some odd-chance allergic to said thing and it comes out that you gave medication on your own, lose your job, license and livelihood and die painfully.
I hate that we all just can't accept rules, obey them and the common protocols, as silly as they are.

>> No.15227647

Yeah. I had a lady in her early 30s with vascular Ehlers-Danlos - all kinds of horrible issues. Eventually, as a consequence of some of those issues she needed a pacemaker. When placing the leads, they ruptured the access vessels and made a near-fatal extra shit show, required a bunch of vascular repair attempts; extended/complicated recovery.

This was back when the fancy non-coumadin oral blood thinners were just barely coming to market - indications and insurance coverage were ungodly restrictive, naturally. She needed to be anticoag'd for some of the vascular work she had done.. as if the vasc ED wasn't enough, while struggling to get her anticoag'd, she was found to have some weird coagulopathies AND was unlucky enough to be a 'coumadin non-responder'

At one point, I think they had her taking 30-40mg of coumadin a day and her INR still never got above 1.2. I think she ended up being stuck doing lovenox injections for quite a while until Jesus came back to earth and got her insurance to approve pradaxa or something, it has been a long time so I don't remember all the specifics.

Poor lady was "otherwise healthy" aside from all the Ehlers-Danlos fallout... she had 2 kids, didn't even get the Danlos diagnosis until delivering her last kid - I think, as you stated, she ended up having complications during birth - uterine rupture or other thing leading to massive multi-vessel rupture (she was lucky to avoid complications with the first kid) and that was how they made the Dx. I assume she had smaller issues from it when she was younger but just never to the severity/specificity that it got properly Dx'd.

All I could think about was her poor kids and how likely they were to lose their mom at a relatively young age - she had already narrowly avoided bleeding out at least a few times before she saw us for a consult... hopefully her luck kept up/got better. Some diseases really, really suck - that's for sure.

>> No.15227710
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Yeah, it is tricky - a lot of nursing, hell, a lot of healthcare, is shit that you can't learn from reading a book. Eventually, with enough experience in the field and becoming familiar enough with your co-workers, your specific facility/unit, and the physicians you work with, you will get a lot better & a lot more comfortable with making decisions.

Especially at first, it is really difficult because making a certain judgement call might be the right answer/be expected of you when working on a certain unit/when the patient has a certain MD - but the exact same situation with a different MD or on a different unit could get you chewed out. You will learn preferences/expectations of each doc & setting as you work more. It gets easier.

I assume what I'm gonna say about ICU/CCU applies in most countries outside the US - if you want to work where your independence is valued/expected & where you are trusted to/need to work to the full extent of your scope of practice - consider working ICU/CCU. We had lots of protocols and guidelines for extra things but we had a lot of independence within them.

An RN I worked with used a baking analogy to compare some things we did on ICU vs how things go on other floors.
'On medsurg, you almost always have the MDs give you step by step, specific instructions - like reading the instructions on the box to bake a cake. Often on ICU, like if we are doing something like say, titrating vasopressors - think of it as 'MD gives us the option of 3-4 ingredients to work with and says 'just make sure you end up with a cake at the end' - we figure out/dial-in/adjust all the specifics using our experience & protocols/guidelines, and continually adjust things to maintain our target BP/MAP/pulse/etc goals (the cake) that we were ordered to aim for.

ICU was a lot of fun. You learn a lot of stuff, get many great experiences, & build confidence/leadership skills fast. Consider looking into it if it sounds up your alley.

>> No.15227783

ICU always sounds "cool" and like the "real deal". However all my contact with people who work on that ward at my current hospital were assholes. Whenever we transferred patients, the whole atmosphere was horrible. They were so pretentious and didn't even acknowledge me. Sometimes I regret not going there when I was out of school, so I could play the "new guy" card until I'm competent enough and they just accept one.

>> No.15227802


>> No.15227829

Stop calling me that or I will refer all the patients to a different specialist.
t. FM Chad

>> No.15227847

The Vascular subtype really shouldn't be called Ehlers Danlos. They even have an own international society because they realized that EDS is mostly a joke diagnosis meanwhile the Vascular subtype has a 40 or so median lifespan.

>> No.15227854

how do we tell the vasc sub type from the meme population which is the majority

>> No.15227898

You made a critical mistake. Don't use the term "brain fog" or anything that remotely smells of alternative medicine, blogspam or something you'd read on facebook. If you do you'll be told to fuck off. Name specific symptoms that are as close to ones in medical guidelines as possible.

>> No.15227919

Don't worry about it, it's rare as fuck. It's generally diagnosed when someone shows up with a bunch of angio problems at a young age.

>> No.15228245

agreed. too many lazy "umbrella" diagnoses out there. I call them "(symptom) NOS (not otherwise specified) diagnoses"

it impairs our ability to properly manage things and obviously leads to worse outcomes

>> No.15228272

hospital/unit culture will vary widely from one place to the next - there will always be asshole hospitals/floors out there. I'm sorry that was your experience, it certainly isn't an isolated one... but in all the hospitals I've worked at, the ICU/CCU RNs were far more inviting & accepting of people who wanted to learn/were of the right mindset to work on the unit than the other floors were when it came to the 'eat the young/be a giant dick until you actually get to know the person' mentality.

It will always be harder to get accepted/find RNs that are eager to teach/orient if they are already ungodly overworked and understaffed... which, obviously, is a far too common problem - and in settings like ICU/CCU/ER/OR - the patience threshold is gonna be a lot lower because the cost of mistakes/delays is a lot higher... so hopefully you can find a place that is properly staffed so you can get quality training/orientation. Far easier said than done, I know... and I know it isn't like they disclose shit like that in the job postings.

So, yeah, garbage ICU culture exists for sure; but so does garbage 'every other unit' culture. Hopefully, those who want to be in that environment can find a hospital that has a healthy culture on ICU/CCU. Day shift tends to always be more bitchy, too, on all units - a handful of the day shift ICU nurses on my unit weren't there because they wanted to work ICU... they were there because it was the only available day shift posting they could apply for at the time.

When I was in my last 2 rotations in RN school, I met RNs on ICU that were the coolest/most happy to teach RNs I'd ever come across - great team on that floor. They helped foster my interest in working in that setting. If they had been pretentious, bitchy cunts (as many of the med surg RNs in same hospital were) then I would have been infinitely less interested in working ICU. The field has a lot of problems but also has a lot of choices - can take a few tries though

>> No.15228317

care to elaborate?

>> No.15228385

>Faggot Medicine-man
Yes, very chad.

>> No.15229065

Type IV Ehler Danlos will generally die before 30, their arteries are like cigarette paper. Once they make their aortic dissection or blow up their colon they're basically dead. If they get pregnant they will almost die during childbirth blowing up their uterus.
Horrible diseade desu, especially since they're in constant pain.

>> No.15229183

That hurt. Is this a troll image?

>> No.15229245

out of our thread

>> No.15229840
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>you should remember this from your previous modules, so we're not going to review anything
>you definitely won't see this on STEP, but we're going to spend an entire days worth of lectures on this esoteric signaling cascade because the PhD lecturer thinks it's cool
>wait, what do you mean you don't have a dedicated micro or histology class?

>> No.15229857

I literally took dedicated med micro and histology in undergrad. Why didn't you?

>> No.15229866

pathoma has a alright amount of histo and sketchy micro and pharm for bugs and drugs

>> No.15229897
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>> No.15229920

Had sinus issues for a week issues went away but now have slight swelling in right sinus sac and eye feels swollen.

>> No.15229972

Well you have sinusitis, sounds like. Do you have allergies? Common cold symptoms? Sounds like your adaptive system is starting to do its job, though.

>> No.15230210

Brain mri without contrast im guessing

>> No.15230362

To be fair, why even ask.

>> No.15230380
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Is insulin resistance really possible even if OGTT goes perfectly well and fasting insulin (and c peptide) is low/normal, but fasting glucose is slightly off)?

>> No.15230591

Possible? Yes, I'd suppose...

Even if you measured fasting/baseline insulin level and it was normal - I assume the 'post-prandial' insulin levels in the response to/during the OGTT weren't measured. Because sure, you could do a GTT (IV or oral) and get your glucose down to the desired level - but... did it take far more insulin than would typically be expected in order to get down to that level?

and how 'off' are we talking for a fasting glucose?

I mean, beyond a certain point, does it really matter? If you're only dealing with minor variance from 'normal' with certain measures and if you don't have symptoms/complications... and if treatment/lack of tx isn't gonna change / if other diagnostics aren't gonna be indicated... then, meh, could be getting too deep in the weeds for most purposes. Depends on goal/purpose and a billion other things I suppose.

I certainly could be wrong/there could be more data/highly specific clinical protocols I'm not familiar with - specialized endocrine stuff isn't my wheelhouse

>> No.15230740

Fasting G: 97 mg/dl
Aftet OGTT: 100 mg/dl
Fasting I: 4.2 uU/ml
Symptoms: Rabid constant hunger (normal weight gain/loss, normal bmi) and severe exhaustion/weakness if I resist

>> No.15230855

anyone see the new pediatrics residency changes? they're even more drastic than the FM residency changes

peds keeps getting cucked more and more as a specialty

>> No.15231090

>he goes to class
>he takes anything the professors says serious
You will know much more by just reading and doing anki. Thank god I realized this by year 2 and stopped paying attention to any class at all.

>> No.15231097

How do you guys cope with starting medical school at 22 or younger?

I'm certainly grateful that I get to start my career 1 year earlier and meet people better than me, but rn I feel like shit because I'm just outclassed by my friends at fucking everything. I tried to take the opportunity to pick up good habits from them and make use of the fact that I was still used to grinding in the first module (where they were coming off gap years), but now that everyone has got into gear I'm just getting crushed on everything.

Class rank is way less good than it used to be. Difficult finding volunteer opportunities and board positions due to the process being application based and them having 1+ years advantage of life experience. Harder to navigate social environment due to less maturity level, less life experience, and less to leverage. I just don't know what to do.

>> No.15231101

I feel you brother. I go to a USA MD school and we have to literally self teach micro with 0 lectures.

>> No.15231161

a year is nothing, stop being dramatic

>> No.15231324
File: 2.68 MB, 3494x2816, Lady_Cilento_Children's_Hospital,_Brisbane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AUS$1.2 billion to make a glorified botanical garden with pediatric facilities
Researchers and designers always spew the same studies and commentary of "we need to make hospitals look more open and less like hospitals"/"nature and le natual light speeds up a patient's recovery" yet you rarely see new hospitals apply any of theae "ideas" to actually improve a patient's treatment unless it's another fucking children's hospital. When is this shit gonna change for adult/senior patients? It's very passive aggressive.

>> No.15231427

never had this concern. having 1+ extra year between undergrad and med school wouldn't have magically made me any less retarded.

>> No.15231589

>Class rank is way less good than it used to be

doesnt matter unless youre bottom 10% or you want a surgical subspecialty

>> No.15231607

Don’t occupy brain space with that shit desu. Only thing on your mind right now should be passing classes and scoring high on your steps like you’re doing right now. Anyone who acts like they’re not getting crushed too is lying to you, they’re suffering just like you.

>> No.15231744

>Class rank is way less good than it used to be.
Isn't it harder to be top of the class now because average GPA and MCAT scores are increasing, meaning the competition is rougher?

>> No.15231864

>OP's pic is my benis in your mom's vagina :D
any good books on nutrition?

>> No.15231918

umm norovirus.

>> No.15232109

Is it true that in the US med school only takes 4 years? I'm jealous right now, ngl.

>> No.15232140

4 years of graduate school
You need an undergraduate college degree to apply which also takes around 4 years usually.
So by the time you get out of high school.
4 years of college, 4 years of med school, 3-7 years of residency, and then you attain attending status

>> No.15232150

Oh, I see, did not know about the undergrad part. In Brazil, med school takes 6 years + 2-7 years of residency.

>> No.15232218

How long should it take for food to get turned into feces. I ate corn last night for the first time in a few weeks and this morning I had some coffee went to the bathroom and the feces had corn. I would say 15 hours passed, is that okay

>> No.15232222

14 hours is normal.
You have bowel cancer. It's over.

>> No.15232361

Weird, I thought MD schools had more time to focus on that stuff. I am a DO and we had top notch micro, anatomy, and histology lectures, I think I scored like 99th percentile on anatomy and micro.

>> No.15232405

5 to 4 years of university + 1 year internship+ 1 year social service to be a general practitioner. If u wanna do a spec then you can add 3 to 10 years.
T. Mexico.

>> No.15232406

Hard or not

>> No.15232488

No one did, the patient supplied the information unasked.

>> No.15232558

That's 100% bowel cancer
Seek your consultant

>> No.15232852

I dunno man, see an endocrinologist if you haven't. Seems like there are a decent handful of non-insulin/non-glucose-related labs and/or imaging that they'd maybe wanna consider to help find some answers for ya.

>> No.15233126

well, look like I'm gonna choose pathology after all, folks
any tips?

>> No.15233134

micro and anatomy are far heavier on comlex than Step, so DO schools will go more ham on those subjects

Our Neuro and MSK both years is difficult compared to other schools in the region, but our physiology is usually a joke

>> No.15233241

Did you fuck up Step 2?

>> No.15233351

thanks doc

>> No.15233744

Eh... I guess I won't be able to avoid redoing labs from cortisol, thyroid panel, insulin + finally checking acth (wish I could check crh and trh as well, but apparently they're only limited to studies as of now)

>> No.15233796

Okay two things:
I'm an /n-tard and fucked up my knees in ~3 years of exclusively cycling for mobility. Accidentially had the saddle misadjusted too low for a short time. Also very limited with gearing range, nothing that climbs, I like to mash anyways and I have an urge to race anything no matter how unrealistic.
Pain started last summer until it became unbearable around christmas. Ditched the bike to recover at home for a week, only did walking to avoid complete atrophy. On the second walk it got really bad again it left me stranded outdoors far from anything.
Both knees are painful, feels 'internal' and anterior. None of the tissue I can touch or put pressure on seems to be inflamed or irritated. I've tried provocations and got somewhat of a positive on a 'patellar grind test' or 'inhibition shrug test' but I only have a worse and a better knee to compare regarding the force needed.
I should mention having gout, last bloodwork showed 7, so thats no good and it actually got me in the ankle just yesterday.
How to further diagnose and besides hydrate, rest what do to improve regardless of condition and rest how long ? One week at a time was definately not enough. Should NSAIDs ? Thank you.

>> No.15233798

Ah yeah the second thing:
I get insanely dizzy after getting out of any paused deep squat. Doesn't matter if I'm squatting heavy weight or body weight. If I pause in the bottom for lonh enough I better hold onto something after coming back up.

>> No.15233807

Try some "breathing squats". It's old-fashioned, but will make you a breathing God. I was able to "blow up" a rubber water-bottle like popping a ballon, after a couple years of doing them. Those things are super tough.

>> No.15233813

Anon, PT/NT and former pro-bodybuilder here, try working your hammies more. Most people are weak in that area.
You can do this in biking by pulling the pedals rather than pushing them. You will feel the difference in the hamstrings rather than around the knee and lower quads.

>> No.15233823 [DELETED] 

like 20 squats in 20 breaths type of stuff ?

>> No.15233835

Google "BFS"

>> No.15233846

Do you mean 20 reps in 20 breaths a la Daddy Platz ?
Anon here is probably absolutely right regarding my legs being exclusively quads. I try to keep up with the hamstring curls but at the end of the day my quads geberate quite impressive force... hammies meh... are you implying the knee issues are a result of force imbalance ? Or result of quad dominance ? Thank you.

>> No.15233885

The best thing about this hospital is that it is 50m from where I practice, so I don't have to see any snot nosed children in my ED.

>> No.15233888

>Do you mean 20 reps in 20 breaths a la Daddy Platz ?
Pre-Tom Platz. This goes back to Grimmeck.
Squat with about 50-70% max, do 20-40 reps per set.
Take HUGE DEEP breaths (1-4 between each rep, more breaths as you get further along in reps).
The squatting is just so you don't pass out from hyperventilation.
Is better than cardio for improving lung function.

>> No.15233892

>are you implying the knee issues are a result of force imbalance ? Or result of quad dominance ? Thank you.

>> No.15233906

>podiatry even
>the schools are so desperate rn that they are auto-accepting the worst possible applicants, we're talking 2.8 GPAs with 490 MCATs
>how? you'd think with so many footfags running rampant, the schools would be up to their knees with applicants.

Footfag people as a whole aren't known to be productive.

>> No.15233927

I'm almost certain that this Queensland hospital was partially made out of complaints from doctors not wanting to mess with bitching and crying children in their general hospitals in the first place.
It's true that the favoritism towards it is pretty annoying tho.

>> No.15233935

>podiatry even
>the schools are so desperate rn that they are auto-accepting the worst possible applicants, we're talking 2.8 GPAs with 490 MCATs
How smart does one have to be to cut off toenails and treat fungus, or splint the whole of the foot?

>> No.15234480

nah, europoor here
if there's something i fucked up it's my social skills and confidence

>> No.15234616

I don't understand how you can have social anxiety. I don't really get time to think about fears.

>> No.15234838

There's people that have been since since early teens. Not just mentally fuck but also broken for not fitting society throughout the majority of their life.
T. Not that guy

>> No.15234865

Imagine when you're hit with real challenges like running your own business or your own family. This talking shit is nothing mate.

>> No.15234899
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Yeah. Unfortunately medicine is a career for latest of lates bloomers. My engineer friends have been living in their own and managing by themselves since they were in their young twenties. I'm in my late twenties and just about to finish residency.
Shit is fucked up.

>> No.15234914

lecturers saying rote memory won't work anymore is just cope right?

>> No.15234944

>Either that or a combat doctor
A friend of the family was a surgeon on various UN missions. He saw a fair bit of combat, and even more damages to people.

One day one of the guard dogs was shot but not killed. The dog was important for security but they had no vets there. So this guy thinks, "hey, what's the difference?" and gets to work. He was experienced (on humans) but this too was a success. A roaring success, it turned out, for people in the neighbouring village heard about the feat, so soon the camp was full of sick people and also sick animals, all queueing up to be treated by the battle vet.

>> No.15234945

Any orthofags ? How can I tell if its either of the internal ligaments, meniscus, bursa or cartilage and if the later where... i imagine theres cartilage where the pattela glides too...

>> No.15235004

>1.2 billion
>parking will still be inadequate and atrocious and too expensive

>> No.15235447

is 30 too old to attempt med school? I'm a med tech that works with hematopathologists and the career seems interesting. But everything in my life related to education is so far past the idea seems ridiculous

>> No.15235462

>is 30 too old to attempt med school?
No. You're going to age regardless so it's best to do something you want anyway.

>> No.15235708

>I hate that we all just can't accept rules, obey them and the common protocols, as silly as they are.
the problem is these protocols are sometimes wrong, pointless, inapplicable or based on shaky corporate funded "evidence"
no ofc not
pharma will say yes however, so that you can get meds for some disease you don't have

btw any endos in here? how does it feel knowing you are cucked af by the diabetes pharma complex
>but muh hba1c

>> No.15235753

name a specialty that's not gigacucked by pharma
cards are even worse
>le treat a zillion people with statins to benefit one

>> No.15236207

>no ofc not
Good. If my pancreas slow but unavoidable failure is causing this hunger then I hope that I will die while wasting away

>> No.15236241

30 is still young, anon. Go for it.
>t. 30yo first year

>> No.15236254

Fellow psychfags? The only way this speciality can keep some validity is by starting to clearly separating bigboy psychiatry such as psychosis, bipolar disease, deep depression and anxiety from life struggles or "adult adhd". Don't think I can ever work in an outpatient clinic again..

>> No.15236255

No. The oldest I know is a hem/onc doctor who started med school in his mid 40s. Now a well respected doc within the department even though he's only an assistant professor/junior faculty in his early 60s

>> No.15236260

I'm interested in psychiatry, but I went with infectious disease.

>> No.15236265

>bigboy psychiatry such as bipolar disease, deep depression and anxiety

these are all bullshit diagnoses though

>> No.15236269

Post 5 studies supporting your point that use specifically the word 'bullshit'

>> No.15236274

Anxiety should not be on the bigboy list no. Sorry for unclear phoneposting.

Agreeing that the current diagnostic paradigm is bs but a manic patient is def very real.

>> No.15236294

psychiatry must be really depressing knowing you give drugs to your patients that likely don't work

>> No.15236302

Psych discussion on nu4chan is impossible, sorry everyone's a causefaggot these days

>> No.15236304

They're basically the modern versions of medicine men.

>> No.15236347

>It was a one in a million shot, doc! One in a million!

>> No.15236360

tho lots we do is sus, even in other specs
i've not lost faith in evidence based medicine, deadass some stuff works very well, fx HAART against HIV not even finna cap that treatment slaps
ong tho shit like aspirin, statins, noac and so on is just wack af
too bad docs be simping for that pharma money

>> No.15236362

>but a manic patient is def very real.
I bet it's more likely you encounter a tumblerina looking for an accessory diagnosis than you do someone who actually has BPD. GAD is absolutely bullshit due to its conflation with social awkwardness/discomfort/trepidation about the future. If it's not manifesting as angina or palpitations, GTFO. It's another accessory/fashion diagnosis. Same thing for PTSD as well. POG vets that never saw combat love that one too.

>> No.15236368

also I want to say the idea of an adjustment disorder is disgusting

>> No.15236372
File: 442 KB, 1125x1262, 984966FA-93A5-4DD1-87EC-2F0CA5874E1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s the best kept secret in medicine. You sit on your ass while the dental hygienists do all the icky work. You come into the patient’s room for 2 minutes tops, tell them to floss their fucking teeth, then leave. Minimal chance of death (sometimes abscessed teeth can infect the brain, just prescribe a fuckton of antibiotics (fuck the people that say not to)), make your own hours, get paid every bit of what a brain surgeon makes, and don’t even have to go to med school. Fuck every other profession besides dentistry.
>t. Physicist that realizes his mistake

>> No.15236374

i must say all those diagnoses sounds like pharma trying to force us to make them money

i feel so bad for my psychiatry bros, i genuinely feel pain for them
dentistry is deadass based, ong

>> No.15236379

No cap my zoomie, dentistry be bussin fr fr

>> No.15236481
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>just prescribe a fuckton of antibiotics (fuck the people that say not to)

>> No.15236499

Medlets already seething at the Dentistry chads.
>yeah it was a tough day today. I had to tell 6 people that they needed to floss. My staff says I have to fill a cavity next week, fml I am worked to death. Can’t wait for my fourth vacation this year in May.

>> No.15236561

Not /med/ here
I was wondering if there were any good studies on treatment outcomes for people with anorexia and bulimia
What I want to know
>what do the treatment programs look like? How many patients begin these programs?
>what challenges do patients face?
>which percentage of patients achieve what % of weight gain?
>is relapsing common? Which programs did they do and what % relapsed?
Thank you my friends

>> No.15236577


>> No.15236582

Thanks a lot anon

>> No.15236892

>Can't wait to kill myself because I make 300k looking into people's mouths.

>> No.15236942

What can i take to stop feeling any type of desire?

>> No.15236961

Rote memorization is for brainlets, Anki memorizing is what geniuses do

>> No.15237018

What factors affect visible bruising?

>> No.15237044

just jerk off

>> No.15237093

He's a trad Cath LARPer and it's Lent so he pretends he can't, but he will anyway.

>> No.15237140
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I have no medical or first aid knowledge, thinkin about career change to EMT/paramedic.
worth pursuing or waste of time
feel free to make fun of my mediocre ambitions

>> No.15237166

I've napped on average of about 1.5 hours every day since the beginning of 2020. If I try phasing naps out of my sleep schedule, about 2 months in my sleep will destabilize and I'll get massive amounts of insomnia/daytime sleepiness which make it practically impossible to stay up the entire day.

I've considered doing a sleep study to find out if I have narcolepsy. However my 60 year old father has basically napped 1-2 hours and slept from 1 am to 7 am his entire life, so I'm afraid that this may just be my permanent genetic propensity.

>> No.15237390

>Don't think I can ever work in an outpatient clinic again

/meddit/ is scrambling into psych because "outpatient psych is a lifestyle specialty"

don't expect the millennials to do inpatient

>> No.15237395

>get paid every bit of what a brain surgeon makes

tell that to the orthodontists with $1 million in debt.
dental school costs significantly more than med school and dental residency costs tuition

most new grads are associates making a measly $150k

>> No.15237400

I like to think there is random guy who that actually happened to, and he cannot convince anyone that it was what happened

>> No.15237543
File: 22 KB, 660x705, 1669676692261281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inpatient psych

>> No.15237548

What if I told you that the ambitions of the 1/7B human don't matter me? Like, at all.

>> No.15237580

Lads I'm almost done with my Phd on top of the M.D (M.D. are not considered doctors here) and now I'm being coerced to go do actual physicians work as a GP. I would have to do 9 months of this shit before I can retire to my comfy specialty in the hospital where I don't see anyone or meet patients. How can I last this 9 months?

>> No.15237700

>How can I last this 9 months?
ask yo momma

>> No.15237750

Cope. My dentist tells me every visit about some new vacation he’s been on or some new property or car he’s bought. My regular doctor is still driving some old beater.

>> No.15237908

dentists are gigachads or powerstacies, absolute elite
doctors are pajeets, wangs and incels as well as mentally ill walled roasties, all slaves to big pharma, hopelessly toiling for 90 yo goners

>> No.15237967

long covid?

>> No.15237970

I have the same symptoms after covid and the brain MRI was normal.

>> No.15237976

diagnosis: it's over

>> No.15237980

Im not taking about sexual desire but all types of desire

>> No.15238018

This is your brain on 4chan

>> No.15238648

He's right
Dentischads polishing instathot teeth dab on doctorcucks busting ass to prolong 90 y.o. life for 1 more month

>> No.15238720

My pathology professor has a twitter account where he keeps making claims about vaccine-induced myocarditis.
Is he correct or is it a meme?

>> No.15238722

What’s internal med like as a specialty?

>> No.15238742

we dont have it in my country, instead it's divided into nephro, cardio, gastro etc

>> No.15238858

>accepted but can't attend med school because of the vax
>months go by
>still depressed
I hate ths world.

>> No.15239154

i thought conservatives were supposed to be "chads", not faggot pussies

you're afraid of a shot?

>> No.15239162

my friend got the pfizer booster, had heart palpitations but ended up fine. i stuck with moderna, no issues

>> No.15239371

You got microchipped lol.

>> No.15239378

You could solve all of this by going back to your country. One might say you have to go back.

>> No.15239385
File: 75 KB, 960x918, Microchips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or graphene'd
Some were chips but graphene is better for new tech like 6G.

>> No.15239422

More than a pediatrician makes out here. The only doctors making mad bank these days are private specialists and anesthesiologists.

>> No.15239429

What's a better path to follow, PA or NP?

>> No.15239441

Nurse practitioners have a lot more freedom to choose their overall career paths, and in most cases probably make more money. They also have more experience working towards their education since they usually have nursing undergrads.

Quick search of NP vs PA on Indeed in my city shows NPs have almost double the hiring opportunities, and if you select >150k/yr salary it's well beyond double.

>> No.15239491

>you have the right to refuse
>covid happens
>lol jk

>> No.15239517

You realize healthcare workers require like 12 other shots right?

>> No.15239521

paid like shit, have to deal with the absolute scum of society, high stress, etc. it's not worth it, don't do it. just become a nurse instead.

>> No.15239534

>have to deal with the absolute scum of society
What do you mean by this? Elaborate, please.

>> No.15239535

I'm a CNA and make $17.50/hr while my AMR roommate AEMT makes $15.

>> No.15239536

Yeah I'm fine with the other ones, I don't want the covid short though and everyone's having a temper tantrum over it.

>> No.15239537

>I don't want the covid short though
Good. You don't want to get graphene'd.

>> No.15239545

They changed the AT to GC ratio in the genetic code of the drug which made me uneasy, and with the immunocompromised literature coming out I'm glad I didn't get it. Those fibrin thrombi they're extracting from cadavers is also cringe

>> No.15239549

I fucking hate doctors they always minimize your symptoms and diagnose you wrong when you have something slightly uncommon, they make you shill thousands of dollars and waste years of your life before giving you the right tests and then go "oh lol turns out you do have something" after several years of gaslighting patients into thinking it's all anxiety and in their head or they just want drugs. Fuck you all cunts, Google unironcally does a better job than you and I can't wait for AI to replace you.

>> No.15239551

What can i take to supress any type of desire except food water and sleep?

>> No.15239730

>Those fibrin thrombi they're extracting from cadavers is also cringe
you're an absolute cretin.

>> No.15239908

Sabine after a night out

>> No.15240055

Can you guys check out my thread? >>15240047

>> No.15240085

holy kek the absolute state of american quacks

>> No.15240130
File: 47 KB, 780x666, 1673425895330460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate hysteric patients like you that just keep coming when not even sick
just go home, if you are sick come see me
>but muh tummy aches for 1 second if i do this one specific movement at full moon
even if you have something, diagnosing it makes no sense since you aren't ill anyways, what good will treatment do you
and then there's something called overdiagnosis, maybe you have this one rare inconsequential thing, but 9999 other people don't with similar symptoms. You can maybe be helped by early diagnosis (not likely, since you aren't even really sick) but all those 9999 can ONLY be overdiagnosed and thus harmed by side effects from unnecessary treatments that won't ever benefit them
>Fuck you all cunts, Google unironcally does a better job than you and I can't wait for AI to replace you.
if google does a better job can you please stop wasting my time then. Go diagnose yourself and order meds online and hopefully no doctor ever has to deal with your crap unless you are unconscious in which case you won't be annoying with your yapping and actually be sick enough to warrant medical attention, bitch

>> No.15240241

Is it racist to keep using skin colour-based diagnosis(i.e. white-centric terms like 'pale', 'jaundiced', 'cyanotic') in medicine in 2023?

>> No.15240655

look at palms, nails, sclera, conjunctiva, and other telling areas.
you are performing a thorough physical exam, right?

>> No.15240769

Doctors are trained to be extremely arrogant. Many patients know much more about their illness than their doctors (althought some patients are insane) and doctors are trained to believe they can never be wrong and they will never admit to a mistake. Their degree basically gives them a right to have the Dunning-Krueger effect. Doctors that are willing to be humbled by the complexity of biology and think innovatively towards new solutions are very rare >>15240130
. Its one of the main problems that need to be solved in medicine. AI will soon surpase doctors in ability to treat and communicate humanely with patients. If a typical doctor doesn't know what to do, they just don't do anything. They don't learn about clinical trials or investigate further to find out exactly what the problem is so patients can get a clue. Its all problems related to arrogance, insurance companies, doctors having no extra time, and doctors being unwilling to learn new things. People's lack of respect for the profession has been increasing in recent years when they discover how incompetent most doctors are because you can learn more than they do about most topics using a google search.

>> No.15240826

google doesn't know shit either, you'll end up self-diagnosing with ten different illnesses half of which aren't even real. the truth is we're a lot less far away from bloodletting and giving cocaine to five year olds than most people think.

>> No.15240874

Hi /med/, retard here. I have concluded that this study: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nicl.2017.06.003 potentially explains my depression, and as such supplemented GABA(with a PED5 inhibitor to increase BBB permeability). I feel so much better now. SSRIs did not help with my depression at all.
If this remains effective for at least a week, I will talk to my psychiatrist about this, but are there any faults in my logic?

>> No.15240956

Shalom. Are big fibrin strands a normal finding post mortem?

>> No.15241126

retard here
I was on a hike earlier and it started raining and rain hit the trees the leaves etc and got in my mouth, this has happened a bunch, I've also touched trees handled wet wood etc then proceeded to put my hands in my mouth (after drying them) to varying degrees like itching my lip, putting fingers in my mouth to get a little bit of crud or whatever out and I've never gotten ill from it, I'm just wondering how? I've probably ingested a fuck ton of bacteria over my hikes and never gotten ill

>> No.15241916

What >>15239429 said.

A lot more opportunities to change area of practice/specialty without requiring additional formal education. I have worked in vascular surgery, general practice, & specialty out-patient offices - ultrasound-guided joint injections/other in-office procedures - tons of options out there.

To be an NP you have to have your RN first, so yes, most do have tons of valuable real-world/clinical experience going into it - but you will still see the occasional RN who either got into an NP program as soon as they got their RN-BSN or maybe their only RN work experience was working in psych or something - most of us in my NP program had a decent handful of years working ICU/CCU and whatnot

Scope of practice with NPs and PAs will vary from state to state but NP practice authority has been expanding a lot in the last handful of years - the AMA fights against recognition of scope for both PAs and NPs but they fought the NP side of it more, so we have had to play catch-up when it comes to state by state regulation... the scope of practice we were trained for has usually been wider than what most states allow for.

And... if you end up hating most of the NP jobs you are finding at a given time - you can always go work as an RN or go teach in nursing schools and such

>> No.15242462

>Doctor prescribes fibrates
Is there anything that screams "BRAINLET" more than this?

>> No.15242470

you for getting prescribed that lol

>> No.15242481

I am not the patientoid in this scenario

>> No.15242504

patient tolerated statins?

>> No.15242516

you realize the government already tracks all your phone calls and messages anyway? what's a microchip gonna do

>> No.15242523

>you realize the government already tracks all your phone calls and messages anyway? what's a microchip gonna do
>You cannot throw away your cell phone or remove the battery!
>You MUST have a cell phone on you and in your body at all times like me!

>> No.15242560

cope harder you fucking moron

>> No.15242570

Even if they didn't tolerated statins, you still wouldn't prescribe fibrates.

>> No.15242633

Holy cope.

>> No.15242716

He's more correct than not.
Anecdotally, two of my uncles (out of three) are having late stage heart failure. Onset two weeks from booster.
Both of their wives developed leg clots, one pulmonary embolism.
Over half my friends now (~30 y/o) have developed clots/palpitations/peripheral vascular disease in the past year (all post-jabs). Friend's kid was born with a rare diagnosis of vaccine induced eczema.
Two older friends died from stroke (one week post booster).
I used to be the tired/unhealthy one but now I'm left holding my dick at get-togethers as everyone passes the fuck out at about 8pm.

>> No.15242858

Sounds like vax is unmasking health problems due to poor American lifestyle. Haven't seen anything like that at all.

>> No.15243041

I don't associate with anyone with a BMI even halfway past overweight. I'm not an Amerilard and your post is absurd.
"This clutch of poisonings was a good thing, because it exposed their underlying proclivity towards being poisoned."
I posit that you are a shut-in who doesn't know anyone deeply enough to even have them confide in you their health issues.

>> No.15243050

Consider the following: say about 1/10000 people have some interesting, strange disease. In addition, about 1% of the population is crazy, hysterical or just pathologically an asshole
That means for every interesting, actual disease there is, there are around 100 people who are there to do nothing but waste my time, when I could be helping someone else.

>> No.15243057

Yeah, that the physician who treats himself has a fool for a patient
Let alone a non-physician with mental illness

>> No.15243077

>That means for every interesting, actual disease there is, there are around 100 people who are there to do nothing but waste my time, when I could be helping someone else.
what's worse, these people are asking for trouble too, without even knowing it
they are one false positive test away from an intervention that can offer them nothing but harm

>> No.15243122

If my friend has a fever with no coughing, sneezing or vomiting, what can the causes be? sudden onset

>> No.15243132

>BMI even halfway past overweight
cope fatty
clotshot should be renamed fatty remover

>> No.15243136

So I've seen a general practitioner today who disnt even bother an examination after I explained. Straight referral to a specialist and also told me I just can't expect to keep going on as fast as I've been doing.
I have doubts. After all there is people that are regarded as being professional athletes and almost everyone else is pretty much far, far removed from those in terms of physical performance. Yet, they have the same body (!= physique) as everyone else.
So why can't I, relatively young, able bodied and healthy, intuitively work up to and sustain a personal peak form, when some can sustain higher eorkload and performance without injury ?

>> No.15243213

If I order a blood genotype test for aromatase, what will the result tell me? Does it just say whether I have certain related polymorphisms or is there something like a measurable blood level of the enzyme in a reference range?

>> No.15243335

Vax shills. You're going to die soon and you're being tracked right now.

>> No.15243441

Should I bite the bullet and study for Step 3 now to take it before intern year or just take it during/after intern year?
t. 4th year

>> No.15243674

What’s the best way I can support my OB/GYN gf while she’s in residency?

>> No.15243687

Sexing her daily so she don’t cuck you with the chadnesthesiologist.

>> No.15243722

Consider the following: it's a lot more than 1/10000 and we are terrible at diagnosis. Note that I'm not saying they still shouldn't be turned away, because the doctor will likely fuck it up and make things worse.

>> No.15243749

Hey dummy, every professional athlete is roiding and doping up to their gills, and probably taking peptides nobody has even heard of.

>> No.15243781

This. Anti-doping regulations are blacklist-based aka a fucking joke. When in doubt assume fraud.

>> No.15243790

well, enlighten this fool. what's faulty with my logic?

>> No.15244143

This is true and I dont argue that point. I must have expressed myself unclearly. I do not want to convey that I, personally expect to even be in any sort of position to, under any circumstamces, ever equal pros. Even with the same training, trening and other support. They are in part genetic phenomenons.
I meant to conveynthat I do not consider myself to even be at the peak of what I personally am probably capable of doing. Yes I do suspect that my rest intervals are too short. But then again im not always absolutely hellbent on mashing. Sure, I've been passed 3 times I think. I remember those, one was an electrically assisted bike that has clearly been tampered with (regulations here) one out for a training ride on a BMC TM and the last one was out on an Orbea, idk the model but it turned out to be on his homestretch. If I was absolutely mad about it I would probably have caught the two guys without assist. Okay maybe I am mad about it and too competitive. But come on, I do a minimum of 24, up to maybe 50 km on weekdays and usually rest most of the weekend.
Things I could and probably should do better: No mash just spin. Longer rest intervals especially because of the cartilages catabolic and anabolic response being slower and taking longer because of the nutrition through diffusion. And lastly warm up some instead of blasting out of the gate.
But really, is no more than 50 km a day even that much, even if you go hard in a big gear?
Maybe youre right and I'll just ask the doc about tren and when he refuses bargain for 500 test e 'TRT' ?

>> No.15244221

ass cancer with abscess

>> No.15244228

Let her practice bimanual examination on your rectum

>> No.15244335

>doesn't have a cell phone
thats like not owning a car

>> No.15244341

main argument to take it early is if you're doing something that doesn't have an intern year, like path, rads or surgery

lot of IMGs already take step 3 before even applying to residency to be more competitive though, lol

>> No.15244349

how long are we going to come into /sci/ and see this pic of OP with the glass bottle up his pelvis

>> No.15244560

>increasing the chance for the next edition to be 'bottle up the stink 2: electric boogaloo'
all depends on you

>> No.15244565

Pic in >>15223740 is a great contender for "/med/ Concealed Carry Edition"

>> No.15244579
File: 43 KB, 800x450, cover1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucking sick of residency already.

I hate my fucking shithole country. I hate 24 hour shifts every 3 fucking days. I hate all the fucking boomers perpetuating this shit. How I wanna blow their fucking brains out, but that would only mean my whole life amounted to a fucking slave work.

>> No.15244629

You knew what you were getting into.

>> No.15244631

No i fucking didn't. Go fuck yourself. Fuck medicine too. I fucking curse this bullshit career.

>> No.15244642

>No i fucking didn't
There are countless stories of residency being awful. You thought medicine was supposed to be a walk in the park?

>> No.15244739

In my country we got so many per guard duty that my boss told us to come to guard duty each five days.
Do not get me wrong, them nite shifts feel like they take years from my life expectancy but it’s nice to meet with my family more often.
Just do whatever functioning resident would do and turn alcoholic/junkie/sex addict.

>> No.15244778

Yeah medical education (and medicine in general) is a complete joke in third world countries.
In medical school everybody teaches outdated or straight up wrong information. If you don't ignore them and just study the literature on your own you will end up retarded.
Then you often have to pay for your residency and the free ones are either extremely competitive or instantly filled through nepotism or corruption. So you end up paying tens of thousands of dollars to work slave hours, the quality of the residency "education" is shit too.
Then once you finish residency and can finally work as a specialist, but you earn pennies that don't go as far as Americans or Europeans actually believe it does since most things are actually more expensive in third world countries than in developed countries.
Your fault though, as a doctor there are a lot of ways to migrate to other countries where doctors are either paid more or have better working conditions, but you were too lazy to learn a new language or too much of a bitch to actually leave your shithole country.
You hope for change but the medical system in your country will just degrade more and more, since everyone with half a brain already left or is planning on leaving.
By definition anybody left is a brainlet.

>> No.15244898

>guard duty
I like this expression anon

>> No.15245006

opening up your own establishments is comically profitable in 3rd world countries

>> No.15245284

For the government. Motherfuckers will tax your ass so hard they become majority shareholders without putting in a single penny.

>> No.15245339

3rd world country
apart from politics, tax evasion in medical field is the easiest shit in 3rd world countries

>> No.15245502

have you taken the bivalent boooooster on top of the primary covid shot series?

>> No.15245523

i got the covid after being tricked into taking the first shot. ive been sneezing like 50 times a day for the past two days and its hell.

>> No.15245564

i'm not a doctor but i'm a very good tipster

i'm likely the mRNA inside you had gotten to your nostrils

>> No.15245605

Does anyone know a good way to subscribe to Fierce Biotech's articles on my Kindle?
I want a decent biotech or medical publication I can read somewhere other than my laptop. I like reading magazines on my Kindle but I don't know of any good publications that support it

>> No.15245757

Use Calibre to convert a PDF to a MOBI and then send it to your kindle. Retard.

>> No.15245928

lol idiot. its not gonna stop you from getting covid, just not having to go to the hospital or dying

>> No.15245936

Fair enough, I just hate hoops.

>> No.15245978

ESL moment. Faggot fisties name it on-call.

>> No.15246048

it's kind of gay that you have to brush your teeth twice a day and floss and you still have to go in and get your teeth cleaned periodically.
how is there not something better, like getting your teeth electroplated or something.

>> No.15246056

I simply almost never brush my teeth, because something something ADHD and I work from home
Went for my first dentist visit/cleaning as a late twentysomething, teeth are completely fine.
Big toothpaste is conspiring with big floss. Just stop drinking liquid sugar 5 hours a day.

>> No.15246188

It's not lupus if rash isn't scaly (?), right?

>> No.15246538

what do you guys think are the most important factors to get into a US residency program nowadays, especially since Step 1 is P/F?

>> No.15246722

PD directors have already started screening based on Step 2

also, research if you're shooting for anything super competitive

yet to be determined if class rank matters

>> No.15246725

I know it's an ESL expression and we all call it on-call, but I think it's nice.

>> No.15247219
File: 87 KB, 1200x675, rash-356432_1920-1200x675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
please tell me how to cure this

>> No.15247747

Two tone, not well defined border, not symmetric, too large, clearly growing

Hmm you have like 8 melanomas bro. I give you 5 minutes to live. Definitely trust me, I'm a 4chan expert.