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15222260 No.15222260 [Reply] [Original]

What is the likely health and nutritional impact of picrel dietary change on Europeons?

>> No.15222282

Chitin is a poison, so yet another way to make the elohim sick.

>> No.15222289

Bullshit headline. All they did was approve cricket powder for use. They're not replacing anything with it.

>> No.15222323

Show your nose.

>> No.15222331
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>Bullshit headline. All they did was approve cricket powder for use.
Which means it's going to be in your food now, golem, unless you actively resist it, which you won't.

>> No.15222337

>What is the likely health and nutritional impact of picrel dietary change on Europeons?

Average happiness index will increase.

>> No.15222341

I will NOT eat ze bogs and I will NOT be happy.

>> No.15222356 [DELETED] 

& Average ownership index will decrease.
just as kikaku

>> No.15222382

>They're not replacing anything with it.
They will. Just like they did when replacing healthy animal fats like ghee and tallow with unhealthy goyslop fats like søybean and rapeseed oil. It will be used as protein in every processed food under the sun. It will be used in protein powders.

>> No.15222386

I wouldn't eat ze bugs but it would be easier for me to eat them in powder form. What are the consequent effects of adding bug powder as a protein supplement to my diet especially if it turns out super cheap?

>> No.15222395

Cancer from Chitin because they're going grind up the entire bug to make the powder.

>> No.15222398

What is chitin actually made of. Is it a compound by itself. How is it synthetized? Have there been any experiments to verify its effects on human health?

>> No.15222402

>Legally, food already includes locusts and larvae of the yellow mealworm.

>> No.15222418

why is insect protein controversial?
how is it different than eating meat?
I won't eat fried insects, but protein made from it should be fine.

>> No.15222442

You can do it at home with black soldier fly larve with kitchen waste. All you need is a dark and open container, additionally pupae can climb out by ramp and adults can lay eggs above.
You sure like animal feed, maybe horse med isn't so bad afterall.

>> No.15222446
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German chocolate manufacturer Ritter Sport announced its new cricket chocolate. Should I try it?

>> No.15222486

>how is it different than eating meat?
If nothing else, it's revolting and dehumanizing.

>> No.15222505

ah yes i'm positive it wont work its way into reconstituted pink slime product or be added to coloured and sweetened emulsion food good to increase protein values

>> No.15222512

You can be absolutely positive it will just by the way "people" like him react by continually trying to play it down and attacking those who express their disapproval for it instead of those who are trying to normalize and enable it.

>> No.15222545

honestly ngl i'm totally fine with this as long as they keep it out of real food
i don't eat the pink slime already and the people who do are subhuman so it could be made of pasturised shit for all i care
as long as real food gets cheaper as a consequence which it should as more food sources become available although there might be some effect where people who currently tolerate goyslop knowing how toxic it is are so revulsed by some new tier that they swear off it
since there increasingly doesn't seem to be a middleground between real food and industrial waste products masquerading as food

>> No.15222555

>honestly ngl i'm totally fine with this as long as they keep it out of real food
Well, you're a moron with the foresight of a nigger.

>> No.15222558
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>point out that carnifaggots already eat bugs (shellfish, oysters, cephalopods)
>no uuuuuuuh actually it's no the bugs it's the "indigestible" tissue
>point out that carnifaggots already eat plenty of "indigestible" tissue (bones, hooves, horn, claws, beaks, feathers, and god know what the fuck else in sausages and other machined abominations)
>point our that carnifaggots already eat vaccines, hormones, "chemicals" whatever else globohomo is putting in livestock
>point out that meat also full of parasites in general, i.e. BUGS

Fucking faggots.

>> No.15222560

Bug shills will be dealt with physically.

>> No.15222570

Insectivory is a great mitigating strategy for addressing anthropogenic climate change, but I fear that some places are implementing it too hastily while greenwashing potential concerns. Being arthropods, insects have a protein profile very similar to shellfish and people with shellfish allergies might go into anaphylaxis if they aren't aware that they're consuming a potentially allergenic product. Insects also have slow metabolisms compared to other animals and have been shown to bioaccumulate heavy metals and organic pollutants like lead and PCBs that are incredibly harmful to humans. How exactly this might manifest in a factory farming setting where profit is prioritized and public perception is monetized is especially worrying.

>> No.15222574

>Insectivory is a great mitigating strategy for addressing anthropogenic climate change
Keep associating the two to make sure the backlash extends to AGW shils.

>> No.15222578 [DELETED] 
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cohencidental timing

>> No.15222594

As long as the elite eat food there will be real food available. You just have to pay elite prices for it.

>> No.15222597

>there will be real food available. You just have to pay elite prices for it.
Okay. Glad we both agree bug-eating should be actively opposed at the stages where it's still ostensibly "optional".

>> No.15222598

>>point out that carnifaggots already eat bugs (shellfish, oysters, cephalopods)
good bait

>> No.15222683

If your food has "natural" coloring or "natural" flavoring chances are you're already eating bugs.

>> No.15222769
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The spike protein is chitin

>> No.15222782

>Have there been any experiments to verify its effects on human health?
The longest was 3 weeks. I suspect that it was stopped there because at 6 weeks the lab rats died

>> No.15222789

>What is chitin actually made of. Is it a compound by itself.

>> No.15222795

>They will
It's been in the food since mid 2019.
You didn't notice people getting sick after this anon?

>> No.15222802

>manufacturer Ritter Sport
ho long before these brave woke fucktard facilities get burnt to the ground?

>> No.15222806

Fuck off nooticer.

>> No.15222810

>animal feed
And? So are a lot of grains, like barley and oats. I mean I don't eat them because I'm a low carb chad, but there's nothing particularly different about foods primarily farmed for animal use, especially if those animals are other mammals.

>> No.15222819

Long list of studies proving that chitin is toxic

>> No.15222835

Can you stop it with the antisemitism ?

>> No.15222847

Somali semen is a better source of protein for yuropoors.

>> No.15222891

You go from consuming a few lives a year to thousands of lives in one drink. I haven’t seen anyone else mention this but it grosses me out massively, people will end up having ptsd and nightmares about millions of bug ghosts trying to kill them etc. For this reason alone I will never eat the bugs, it’s highly unethical

>> No.15223038

The question is whether or not they'll be forced to declare it clearly on the label.

>> No.15223122
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>> No.15223145

>(bones, hooves, horn, claws, beaks, feathers, and god know what the fuck else in sausages and other machined abominations)
That's a stretch. I do eat stock, where that shit is discarded.

>point our that carnifaggots already eat vaccines, hormones, "chemicals" whatever else globohomo is putting in livestock
I don't. You can pay for better meat, ya know?

>point out that meat also full of parasites in general, i.e. BUGS
Not if they're raised well.

>point out that carnifaggots already eat bugs (shellfish, oysters, cephalopods)
Those are not taxonomically defined as bugs.

You basically seem to be saying that because some people eat trash food, they should accept this as well? There's people who actually pay to get decent food. So long as this bug powder is declared on products, and not in EVERYTHING, then it's fine, I'll simply avoid it.

>> No.15223150

it's not enough. we must make ze humans subsist on nothing but their own cancer cells. it is ze only way towards sustainability.


>> No.15223161

>>point our that carnifaggots already eat vaccines, hormones, "chemicals" whatever else globohomo is putting in livestock
>I don't. You can pay for better meat, ya know?
99.999% of all commercial farms give hormones and vaccinate their live stock. Getting non vaccinated non hormone grown meat is possible only if you basically pay someone to grow/raise couple of farm animals for you, the cost of such meat will be at least 10 times of supermarket meat, even if money is not a problem there simply is very limited or no supply of such meat.

>> No.15223192

I don't know where you are, but the supermarkets where I am (east coast USA) all carry hormone free, grass fed beef. It is more expensive, true, but not 10x. I could also buy directly from local farmers, but haven't felt the need or hassle. You're also being disingenuous because the things you're mentioning will typically break down during the cooking process, powdered bugs will not. Chitin allergy is also a real thing. Again, so long as this stuff is advertised on the package then it's not a huge deal, but I could see companies trying to get around that declaration.

>> No.15223226

>. You're also being disingenuous because the things you're mentioning will typically break down during the cooking process
I am not, I personally don't care and eat vaccinated and probably hormone grown meat and poultry. If you really have a supermarket supply of hormone/vaccine free meat in usa (and its not some marketing trick) then good for you.

>> No.15223267

>I personally don't care and eat vaccinated and probably hormone grown meat and poultry.
Like I said, a lot of that probably breaks down during the cooking process, so I'm not sure how much of a concern it is. The reason I like grass fed beef is because it changes the fatty acid profile compared to a cow fed $0Y and grains, and the health of the animal may also affect the quality of the meat. Pasta and bread made with large amounts of insect powder would likely be very inflammatory due to the insoluble fiber. The pasta and bread in the USA already tends to be terrible, especially with what I've had in Italy. So it's mostly a matter of choice. If they want to throw insect powder into foods and state that they've done so, and most people don't care, then fine. If the plan is to basically replace food (as they've stated, they want to get rid of meat) then I'm going to be angry. People should have the right to choose.

>> No.15223762 [DELETED] 
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>he believes the government labeling on his food packaging
its just more marketing and advertising, none of it is true

>> No.15223785

>none of it is true
So when I see products on the shelf stating they contain $0Y, I should assume they don't?

>> No.15223818

I wouldn't have known. I never touched goyslop in my life.

>> No.15224276
File: 130 KB, 1500x1126, rawshrimp_getty2400-56a498603df78cf77283283c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at these little sea bugs. I bet it's so revolting and dehumanizing to eat them.
>b-but they're not bugs!!!
'Bugs' is a folk-taxonomical term with no scientific meaning. Sure, they're not insects, but neither are spiders yet everyone stills says spiders are bugs.

>> No.15224277
File: 62 KB, 622x686, 51_apiomerus_spissipes_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those are not taxonomically defined as bugs.
Nor are crickets. If you want some sort of strict taxonomic definition then the term 'bug' should restricted to hemipterans. But only a retarded faggot would do that since we have perfectly good formal terms like 'hemipteran'.

>> No.15224294

I don't know what your incoherent and mentally ill rambling is about. I told you how it's different to eating meat and you started losing your mind about shrimps for no reason.

>> No.15224304

Chitin is toxic. Unless scientists can find a way to separate the chitin from protein, they're just going to include chitin.

>> No.15224306

What pray tell constitutes "real food"?

>> No.15224309

Whatever he feels like, you mentally challenged drone. It's truly bizarre to watch nonsentients obsess over definitions as if they are relevant.

>> No.15224318

So bugs are real food if I feel like it. Luckily for you, I control which foods stores sell and will ensure that red and white meats are all replaced with insect protein. I presume you have no issues with eating this real food.

>> No.15224322

>So bugs are real food if I feel like it
They're not real food as far as humans are concerned. No one cares what a minority of brainwashed nonsentients like you consider food.

>> No.15224328

>They're not real food as far as humans are concerned
Why not?

>> No.15224329

>Why not?
Completely irrelevant. It's a matter of fact.

>> No.15224331

>It's a matter of fact
How so?

>> No.15224333

Empirically, pormal people (the minority of psychotic nonsentients like you don't cout as human) simply don't want to eat bugs. Where did nonsentient psychotics get the idea that humans owe them some kind of justification?

>> No.15224339

So "real food" is about what a majority of normal people want to eat? Then coca cola is real food, as is what you like to call "goyslop". You're in the minority in what you want to eat. Though this assumes you aren't a bald-faced bald-headed liar. You're not a scientist and you never will be (which begs the question of why you're chronically posting on /sci/). Your chronic posting here is also indicative of your unemployment so you're also likely a disabled NEET contributing nothing to society. Remind us again why anything you say shouldn't be laughed at and mocked.

>> No.15224344

>So "real food" is about what a majority of normal people want to eat?
"Real food" is whatever I say it is. It's really funny how your profound retardation prevents you from processing this fact.

>> No.15224349

>"Real food" is whatever I say it is
Go ahead and say what it is. My suspicion is that you're an obese, incel disabled NEET and hardcore projecting your inhumanity onto others. Failure to specify what "real food" is beyond a circular tautology of "real food is what I say real food is what I say..." will result in no more (you)s from me. Last chance.

>> No.15224354

You are you losing your mind with rage over the fact that your mongoloidal semantics are irrelevant. That anon doesn't want your vile bug powder in any of the food he eats. I don't want it, either. Most people don't want it. It is therefore in their best interest to ensure it stays illegal to put it in food.

>> No.15224379

Poison isn't real food, and chitin is poison.
I hope you're vaccinated.

>> No.15224385

Don't eat processed food

>> No.15224387

Good job getting baited by this automated drone into accepting the premise that people need heckin' soience to validate their rejection of fucking bug powder in their food. Now his handlers just need to shit out some "science" saying that eating bugs is safe and effective to make you look like an anti-science retard again.

>> No.15224391

People don't want to follow the dietary laws of God because they for believe in the Bible. How ironic it would e if God said "so be it, I will make you eat everything you think is allowed to be eaten, and everything I allow will be prohibited".

>> No.15224402

He can eat whatever he wants. That's a given. Manufacturers don't get to put whatever they want in his food. That's also a given.

>> No.15224534

>chitin is toxic
Lmao what utter horse shit. Guess the mushrooms we eat are also gonna give us all cancer aids since they have chitin in them. Humans and our ancestors ate bugs for millions of years without being poisoned by chitin just fine. I won’t be eating ze bugs, but that’s just because i find it gross and not because of some retardation like toxic chitin.

>> No.15224545

>mushrooms we eat
The amount of mushrooms people it is negligible.

>Humans and our ancestors ate bugs for millions of years without being poisoned by chitin

>> No.15224546
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There’s nothing objectively wrong with eating invertebrates, the reality is most people just won’t eat them. What I don’t get though is when people bring up marine arthropods like crabs, shrimp, etc to say you already eat bugs and then people say it’s not the same because they have a lot more meat on them than terrestrial insects. If the end goal of farming bugs for food is a high output/low resource intensive source of protein by farming fast breeding invertebrates then here’s a grand fucking idea - instead of trying to convince people to eat something they don’t want to, just farm more of the high output/low resource intensive marine invertebrates that people already eat. If they’re just like land bugs as you say then just farm them and suddenly you won’t have to spend all your time convincing people to eat bugs

>> No.15224553

>The amount of mushrooms people it is negligible.
I’m sorry you don’t eat good food
>chimp diet: Insect species consumed include the weaver ant Oecophylla longinoda, Macrotermes termites, and honey bees.[60][61]

>> No.15224558

>you don’t eat good food
Not an argument.

>chimp diet
Not an argument, but good job admitting that you are on par with a zoo chimp.

>> No.15224570

>Not an argument
How? A chimps digestive tract is more or less similar to ours. Virtually every primate eats insects when they can, to the point where some even learn to use tools to better collect termites. Australopithecines are believed to have eaten insects based on isotopic data too. Even hunter gatherers today are perfectly happy doing so. What makes you think our ancestors didn’t do so?

>> No.15224576

>it's good for [insert non-human animal] therefore it's good to me
Not an argument.

>> No.15224584

>as long as real food gets cheaper as a consequence
The whole point of this is to price you out of meat retard.

>> No.15224585

You asked for proof of whether or not ancient humans and our ancestors ate bugs. That is the proof. It’s not limited to non human primates either, ancient humans did so too. You’re evolved to deal with it, chitin is not gonna give you bug aids

>> No.15224591

>You asked for proof of whether or not ancient humans and our ancestors ate bugs. That is the proof.
Chimps are not human, though they may very well be your ancestors.

>> No.15224592

>Unless scientists can find a way to separate the chitin from protein, they're just going to include chitin
Yeah, it’s called cooking. Chitin does not last under heat

>> No.15224597

>Chimps are not human
No but they do live essentially the same lifestyle as our ancestors
>though they may very well be your ancestors
Unless you’re a reptilian then the same goes for you, but if you were you probably wouldn’t be so concerned about eating a bug

>> No.15224605

I accept your concession. You claimed that ancient humans ate bugs, persumably in amounts comparable to what your handlers have in mind for you, and that they suffered no health consequences. "Chimps eat bugs" doesn't prove anything in that regard, but I encourage you to die on that hill and help me demonstrate the typical mental condition of "people" who share your opinions.

>> No.15224620

>You claimed that ancient humans ate bugs
Ancient humans and our ancestors, ie non human primates. But you’re focusing on chimps too much. Again Australopithecines ate insects too. Australian Aboriginals have been eating witchetty grubs for 70k years. Asians have been eating grasshoppers, scorpions, etc for as long as anyone can remember.
>"Chimps eat bugs" doesn't prove anything in that regard
The fact that just about every non human primate, even primarily herbivorous ones, eat insects is proof our ancestors did the same. Again why would you think they didn’t eat insects?

>> No.15224623

>ie non human primates
I don't care what non-human primates eat. We are talking about whether or not making bugs a staple food would be good for modern humans. Call me back when you have some evidence relating to that.

>> No.15224638

>We are talking about whether or not making bugs a staple food would be good for modern humans. Call me back when you have some evidence relating to that.
Nice deflection but that’s not what I was arguing. I was saying the idea chitin is toxic is a load of fucking dribble. Could eating a shitload of uncooked chitinous food give you a stomach ache? Maybe. Is it poisonous or gonna give you cancer? No. Saying that is like claiming red meat is bad for you because you looked up studies about meat being unhealthy and posted the first results you came across

>> No.15224642

>that’s not what I was arguing.
I don't care what you were arguing, if it doesn't directly concern the question of whether or not making bugs into a staple food would be good for modern humans. I didn't ask you what chimps eat.

>> No.15224648

>I don't care what you were arguing
>Ahah you see I was merely pretending to care about what you were saying when I was arguing with you
If you didn’t care then why’d you engage the argument?
>I didn't ask you what chimps eat
You asked for proof as to whether or not humans and our ancestors ate invertebrates without getting poisoned. Humans being hunter gatherers like the indigenous Australians I mentioned, and our ancestors being Australopithecines and modern analogues of early hominids like chimps. Either you have an astonishing inability to grasp a discussion using examples, or you’ve realised how retarded you sounded when you asked for proof and didn’t like it when given an example

>> No.15224650

>why’d you engage the argument?
I'm not engaging in any argument with you about chimps. Unless you can show me that our human ancestors ate massive amounts of bugs and remained healthy, your drivel is irrelevant.

>> No.15224654
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>the witchetty grub is the most important food insect in the Australian desert
>the grub features as dreamings in many Aboriginal paintings
There you go, a grub so significant as a food item for Indigenous Australians that there are rock paintings thousands of years old depicting them

>> No.15224657
File: 48 KB, 640x480, IMG_3261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about a traditional African delicacy of locusts?

>> No.15224659

>a grub so significant as a food item for Indigenous Australians that there are rock paintings thousands of years old depicting them
Are your ancestors abbos? Mine aren't. What was the life expectancy for the abbos in question? Do you have some specific data about the health effects of their diet?

>> No.15224660

See >>15224659 and make the necessary substitutions for every possible variation of your preprogrammed pilpul.

>> No.15224665

If you don't like bugs, just don't buy them.
Simple as that.

>> No.15224667

I wouldn't give a shit about eating bugs if chitin wasn't a poison, and it was cheaper than meat and eggs.

>> No.15224668

>If you don't like bugs, just don't buy them.
>Simple as that.

>> No.15224669

>t. bugeater
Go join their horde. I'm sure Science(tm) will soon establish that it's safe and effective.

>> No.15224670

I like pasta, and won't be able to eat it anymore.
>just make your own pasta bro
Already tried, fucking delicious, but takes forever to make.

I'll probably just buy wheat grains directly at this rate, not like it's not easy to make delicious meals with it.

>> No.15224672

>Are your ancestors abbos? Mine aren't
What happened to ancient humans? I thought you kept trying to ignore the part about human ancestors which is why you kept going back to chimps
>What was the life expectancy for the abbos in question?
Likely the same as literally any other hunter gatherer given that just about all of them in the right climate at inverts to some extent. Asking for a source on something we can never know across over 200 different language groups in a wide array of environments is not the gotcha you think it is
>the health effects of their diet?
It’s certainly better than the shit they eat now, and they live a decent 60-70ish

>> No.15224673

Do you believe than lead is dangerous, or a poison ?
Because it's not, it's an essential nutrient.
Do you believe the Earth is a globe ?
Because it's flat.
Do you believe space is real ?
Because it's not.

I don't give a fuck about science itself, only Truth matters.
And science done by humans is reliable to reach the Truth.
Just ignore, or if no other source inverse, any science done by demons, subhumans, goylems and other filth enslaved to the god of this world.

>> No.15224675

Bro beef is literally poison, i found this study saying it’s bad

>> No.15224678

>What happened to ancient humans?
Not my problem. My ancestors weren't abbos. Yours might have been chimps, niggers or abbos, but that doesn't tell me anything relevant to myself and other humans around me.

>Likely the same as literally any other hunter gatherer
So very low.

>It’s certainly better than the shit they eat now, and they live a decent 60-70ish
Is it 60-70 on the shit they eat now, or is it 60-70 on grubs?

>> No.15224682

>Professor Wolk was a member of the WHO
Written by a demon, can be safely ignored.

>> No.15224686

>Not my problem. My ancestors weren't abbos
Doesn’t change a thing, your digestive tract is the same as an abo’s. Hell it’s basically the same as a chimp’s. You start off with asking for proof as to whether or not human ancestors would have eaten invertebrates, then when you got it you asked for proof as to whether or not ancient humans did, and then when you got that you now expect it for you ancestors specifically as if I know who that would be. You’re exactly what happens when someone with a strong opinion and no understanding decides to try and argue about something. You can’t accept what you asked for initially so you move the goalposts when you get something that disagrees with what you want to think. Peak /sci/ retardation
>So very low
Just like your ancestors
>Is it 60-70 on the shit they eat now, or is it 60-70 on grubs?
60-70 on petrol is pretty good if you ask me

>> No.15224688

>Doesn’t change a thing, your digestive tract is the same as an abo’s.
Then let's see how well the abbo fares on my ancestor's diet, which includes loads of milk products. :^)

>So very low
>Just like your ancestors
That's your problem, not mine. If it was normal for most people to die in their 30s, smoking wouldn't look like much of a health issue, either.

Anyway, what this discussion shows is why your likes need to be killed and not reasoned with. Keep pushing and see what happens to you.

>> No.15224691

>Anyway, what this discussion shows is why your likes need to be killed and not reasoned with. Keep pushing and see what happens to you.
In your words, I accept your concession

>> No.15224693

he completely BTFO'd your argument

>> No.15224695

His argument is that chitin is poison and ancient humans didn’t eat them, neither of which are true

>> No.15224697

he has just demonstrated why both your points are utterly wrong

>> No.15224698

He’s just demonstrated that he has no idea how to make an argument

>> No.15224700

you are a laughably dishonest shill

>> No.15224701

Which part is dishonest, the part about ancient humans eating bugs or a protein found in the mushrooms you buy at the grocery store not being toxic?

>> No.15224706

judging the safety of eating bugs by observations about aboriginals or some generic population of hunter-gatherers is nonsense

>> No.15224708

He asked for proof they ate invertebrates and I gave it. What’s your point?
Almost as nonsensical as claiming something we’ve been eating for the past several million years is going to give you cancer. Maybe those vegan shill articles about meat and eggs causing cancer were right then

>> No.15224712

you really are not worth talking to

>> No.15224715

Then what are you doing here genius

>> No.15224717

letting you know that you got BTFO and everyone sees through you

>> No.15224724

I’m sure. Still doesn’t explain why something you evolved to eat is poisonous. Disgusting? Sure. Poisonous? Not so much

>> No.15224725

Humans literally have two different chitinase enzymes for digesting chitin. It's not a poison, it gets broken down into saccharides that your body uses in cartilage, among other things.

>> No.15224727

you never even approached showing that europeans are evolved to eat massive amounts of bugs

>> No.15224728

Why are you posting on /sci/? You clearly have zero scientific background.

>> No.15224730

Why are you samefagging and losing your mind with rage? Why are you thinking your lack of education is going to fool someone? Looks like some kind of a mental illness.

>> No.15224734

>showing that europeans are evolved to eat massive amounts of bugs
This is what I meant by moving goalposts. Nobody said massive amounts. Nobody said Europeans. The European digestive system is more or less identical to any other race. Sure there’s plenty of variation in skull shape, skeletal structure, so on and so forth but you have an omnivorous digestive tract just like anyone else

>> No.15224736
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>everyone who disagrees with me is samefagging

>> No.15224738

Not a samefag, and even I was your response isn't an argument it's merely a tantrum. Take your meds and answer the question. Why are you posting on /sci/ when it's clear you have no scientific background?

>> No.15224749

you got BTFO and you are now coping and lying

>> No.15224751

>you are now coping
>only argument is you cope now
Holy projection

>> No.15224864

Ah yes, I forgot all about the bread I ate yesterday that contained ground up shrimp, shell and all. Delicious.

>> No.15224867

>Yeah, it’s called cooking. Chitin does not last under heat
What the hell? Chitin is extremely resistant to heat.

>> No.15225055

but you are indeed coping and lying repeatedly and one has to ask who is paying you to do this

>> No.15225120

I feed my bird with cricket
it's all guts wit no meat

>> No.15225313

Long list of studies proving that the spike protein is chitin

>> No.15225707

Again you haven’t actually been able to say which part was the lie, is it that prehistoric humans didn’t eat bugs or that chitin isn’t poisonous?

>> No.15225941

We know that humans did not evolve eating bugs, because we do not have a chitinase to break it down. If we cannot break it down, then eating it served no purpose, ergo we never ate it

>> No.15226016

What makes humans human and not chimp is hunting megafauna. We're evolved to eat mostly red meat for last few million years. Bugmen seething cus they can't do shit about the insurrection inducing morale penalty of replacing steaks with fucking bugs lmao. But yeah that shit will get into processed goyslop for sure.

>> No.15226059
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It was added 3 years ago

>> No.15226075

please, please, please shut the fuck up

>> No.15226086
File: 30 KB, 931x698, c6d62873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fucking bug bars from snowpiercer

>> No.15226096

that is one of the least appetizing marketing images for a food i have ever seen, i cannot believe it was approved.
we all know these are going to look significantly less "ideal" in the wild too, can't imagine what kind of man-made horrors are coming down the pipe next but i suspect they will continue to originate from the american fast food industry.

>> No.15226107

Lol. The ingredients don't sound terrible though, although I'm sure the actual list of ingredients is at least 20 long.

>> No.15226145

>We're evolved to eat mostly red meat for last few million years
Nobody stated otherwise

>> No.15226149

Sounds like an efficient plan to prevent mass immigration.

>> No.15226165

>bullshit headline. all they did was suggest bugs in food
>bullshit headline. all they did was approve bugs in food
>bullshit headline. all they did was put bugs in a few foods
>bullshit headline. you can still find a few foods without bugs
wake up retard

>> No.15226174
File: 551 KB, 1x1, file.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A parasitological evaluation of edible insects and their role in the transmission of parasitic diseases to humans and animals
>The experimental material comprised samples of live insects (imagines) from 300 household farms and pet stores, including 75 mealworm farms, 75 house cricket farms, 75 Madagascar hissing cockroach farms and 75 migrating locust farms. Parasites were detected in 244 (81.33%) out of 300 (100%) examined insect farms. In 206 (68.67%) of the cases, the identified parasites were pathogenic for insects only; in 106 (35.33%) cases, parasites were potentially parasitic for animals; and in 91 (30.33%) cases, parasites were potentially pathogenic for humans.

>> No.15226297

This is probably the biggest blocking factor other than the disgust factor. Risk of parasites is of much greater concern than the other shit mentioned in this thread like chitin of all things. Improved hygiene standards could probably help a fair bit as they touched on in that paper and most of the human risk parasites would not survive cooking, but it’s still a concern. What I want to know is how the risk from insect parasites compares to the risk of disease in typical livestock

>> No.15226302

>The amount of mushrooms people it is negligible
In what world is this true?

>> No.15226321

Yummy crummy in my tymmy

>> No.15226334

>Guess the mushrooms we eat are also gonna give us all cancer aids since they have chitin in them.
I'm not sure it's the same thing. Maybe someone more knowledgeable can chime in, but would chitin from invertebrates not be complexed with calcium and other minerals to create the hard exoskeleton? Can't say I've cooked any insects, but crustaceans still have pretty tough shells even after cooking, and it's not fun when accidentally swallowing part of a shell. I can't imagine it'd be great for the intestines even when ground down. Mushroom chitin would be complexed with beta glucans.

>> No.15226356

>pet stores
>household farms
Pretty sure food production grade farming is different than someone breeding crickets out of their basement for your lizard

>> No.15226359

Industrial farming can be pretty gross, anon.

>> No.15226362

let me know when an industrial cockroach farm lets your school inspect its "livestock" for parasites

>> No.15226429

John the Baptist ate locusts.

>> No.15226555

Mainly just crustaceans have calcified exoskeletons, insects and arachnids don’t have nearly as much. A lot of insects like crickets even have so little calcium in them that feeding nothing but unsupplemented crickets to a lizard will result in calcium deficiencies and bone deformities

>> No.15226565

Why are incels trying to tell me what I can eat

>> No.15226566
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>> No.15226569

Do you think soft weak fluffy mushroom is the same thing as hard rigid strong crunchy crab shell? Are you a retard?

>> No.15226570

>Humans and our ancestors ate bugs for millions of years
No they did not. We know this, because we do not produce a chitinase to break it down

>> No.15226642 [DELETED] 
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lmao when they trick vegans into eating the bugs by hiding bugs in the vegan goyslop

>> No.15226644

Bigger penises.

>> No.15226646

In the world where you and your likes are almost universally hated shills. Mushrooms make up less than 1% of a European's diet.

>> No.15226649

Good job exposing yourself and the true roots of your insanity. Christian boogeymen will live rent-free in your head forever.

>> No.15226651

you've admitted multiple times to lying and shilling, as anyone can see. i don't think your denial means much after that. it just makes you look schizophrenic

>> No.15226966


>> No.15226970

We also have enzymes for digesting red meat. Better eat it everyday with everything. Vile little jewish shill. :^)

>> No.15226973

Yes it does

>> No.15227018

>goys are defending chitin now

>> No.15227022

lmao just take a bite into a freshly boiled lobster shell then

>> No.15227245

>A lot of insects like crickets even have so little calcium in them that feeding nothing but unsupplemented crickets to a lizard will result in calcium deficiencies and bone deformities
Well that's interesting. Thanks anon.

>> No.15227255

It sounds like some humans do produce chitinase.

>Chitin digestion by humans has generally been questioned or denied. Only recently chitinases have been found in several human tissues and their role has been associated with defense against parasite infections and to some allergic conditions. In this pilot study we tested the gastric juices of 25 Italian subjects on the artificial substrates 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-N,N',diacetylchitobiose or/and fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) chitin to demonstrate the presence of a chitinase activity. Since this chitinase activity was demonstrated at acidic pH, it is currently referred to acidic mammalian chitinase (AMCase). AMCase activity was present in gastric juices of twenty of 25 Italian patients in a range of activity from 0.21 to 36.27 nmol/ml/h and from 8,881 to 1,254,782 fluorescence emission (CPS), according to the used methods. In the remaining five of 25 gastric juices, AMCase activity was almost absent in both assay methods. An allosamidine inhibition test and the measurement at different pH values confirmed that this activity was characteristic of AMCase. The absence of activity in 20% of the gastric juices may be a consequence of virtual absence of chitinous food in the Western diet.

>Humans express two chitinases, chitotriosidase 1 (CHIT1) and acid mammalian chitinase (AMCase) along with several chitinase-like proteins (CLPs). Human chitinases are reported to play a protective role against chitin-containing pathogens through their capability to degrade chitin present in the cell wall of pathogens.

>> No.15227868 [DELETED] 
File: 351 KB, 768x768, jew s- globohomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh fake soience "studies"
>eat the bugs goy!

>> No.15227875

>muh fake soience "studies"
Proof that multiple studies showing humans produce chitinase are fake? If you were a little smarter you might see a line of argument as to why producing chitinase is not supportive of eating bugs, but you took the stupid way out.

>> No.15227888

He took the based way in and you got scared and took the soi way out.

>> No.15227915

No need to cover up for your stupid post. I've made multiple posts in this thread stating I wouldn't eat bugs, but that doesn't mean actually looking into something instead of blinding following what you've been told is a bad idea (you're doing what the vaccine sheep do, you're just following the other side). Don't be an idiot and do your own research. When you spout dumb shit like we don't produce chitinase and then use that as an argument against eating bugs, when that's contrary to the truth, you make everyone else who has reasonable arguments against eating bugs look like morons by association.

>> No.15227917

Fucking hell, I am not Timon and Pumba here.

>> No.15227965

>gastric juices
So if I eat nuts and seeds, that means I make nuts and seeds?
If we are going to count anything found in the stomach, then we should count EVERYTHING found in the stomach

>> No.15228056

>The absence of activity in 20% of the gastric juices may be a consequence of virtual absence of chitinous food in the Western diet.
They even admit that you only find chitinase in the stomach if you ate something with chitinase in it, eg banana

>> No.15228238

>No they did not. We know this, because we do not produce a chitinase to break it down
Yes they did. I suppose literally every monkey is going to die because they don’t have chitinases?

>> No.15228241

Nobody was talking about crabs and the hardness is irrelevant when he was trying to say chitin is poisonous. You’re retarded

>> No.15228244

It IS relevant, because alpha chitin and beta chitin are completely different things, idiot

>> No.15228250

Mammals do not have a chitinase to break down the beta chitin in insect exoskeletons. Your uneducated ignorant opinion is not a factor

>> No.15228316

>Mammals do not have a chitinase to break down the beta chitin in insect exoskeletons
Kek, I guess insectivores don’t exist. Ever heard of an anteater? Humans have AMCase, which literally stands for acidic mammalian chitinase

>> No.15228320

Both arthropods and fungi have alpha chitin. Beta chitin mainly occurs in algae, tube worms and a couple other non-arthropod marine organisms

>> No.15228327

I think you misunderstand, or maybe I do. Consuming a diet high in chitin will lead to the production of chitinase (note they said "chitinous," meaning made of chitin, not the enzyme "chitinase"). The pancreas will stop producing chitinase if no chitin is consumed. I suspect something similar happens with lactase and milk consumption, i.e. even in societies with lactase persistence, continued lactose consumption is required or the pancreas will stop producing lactase.

>> No.15228373

You don’t seem to realise that saying humans have chitinases and that chitin isn’t poison doesn’t mean you should eat ze bugs. There are better reasons to not do so, like the unsanitary conditions of insect farms and lack of regulation. “Chitin is poison!!1!!!11!” is just bullshit

>> No.15228407

Never, it's too late to go back, the game's already lost

>> No.15228445

As long as it doesn't have an ingredient list.

>> No.15228457

eAT buggies please

>> No.15228471

That’s not what it says at all. Chitinous means full of chitin, it doesn’t say you need to eat something with chitinase in it

>> No.15228474

ultra mega based take anon

>> No.15228503

>Chitin is a poison
Except for the lizard people in charge of governments.
The non-humans love eating insects.

>> No.15228506

I'd rather eat leftists and their aborted spawn. Just avoid their worm-riddled brains.

>> No.15228508

>germans will have to convert to judaism and buy kosher to avoid eating the bugs

>> No.15228509
File: 129 KB, 1060x818, WEF goo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't eat the shells of crustacians.
The shells are le bad chitin.

>> No.15228618

Some foods contain chitin, but also provide a chitinase, so the animals eat it to spread the seed. So the chitinase in the stomach came from these foods

>> No.15228621

No matter what you say, the human body does NOT make a chitinase that breaks down chitin. We cannot digest the alpha chitin in mushroom, and we certainly cannot digest the beta chitin in exoskeleton

>> No.15228623

Goys... I mean guys the bugs taste fine.

>> No.15228629

Anteaters lay eggs. Do you lay eggs, retard?

>> No.15228650

I found the actual study. The people had fasted for at least 12 hours. Where do you think the chitinase was coming from? It certainly wasn't from food at that point.

>We exclude that gastric chitinase activity in our patients could be associated with food residues since the patients did not consume food for at least 12 h prior to the gastroscopy, and we are certain that the chitinases present are not produced by gastric flora, since the several
species present in gastric juice secrete exochitinases and not endochitinase [32, 33]

>We cannot digest the alpha chitin in mushroom
Do you have evidence that 0% is digested? I'm not aware of any study that actually accounted for chitin consumed and excreted. It's popularly stated that cellulose passes through undigested, yet a more detailed look showed large portions of cellulose are broken down (though in this case it's presumably bacteria doing the job, but the point is a common assumption was wrong).

>> No.15228654

It's what makes up the exoskeletons of insects and the cell walls of fungi.

People eat mushrooms all the time. Bugs get into food all the time. Perhaps eating large amounts of processed insect would be too much of it, but the big issue would probably be that of too much fiber.

But the preparation could fix that.

>> No.15228655

They look like smaller shellfish.

Hunter gatherers eat bugs all the time.

>> No.15228660

Chitin is what mushrooms are made of too. It isn't toxic.

Some people have allergies, ok. Are we going to stop eating nuts too because they are a common allergy?

>> No.15228668

>Are we going to stop eating nuts too because they are a common allergy?
No, and products have to very clearly state if they contain peanuts or tree nuts, and even if they're processed in a way that could cause cross contamination. So long as the standard is the same for these insect products, then that's fine.

>> No.15228674
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europe's proud culinary traditions, centuries old irreplaceable cultural landmarks which function to define ethnic identity throughout the continent, lets throw all that in the garbage and eat bugs instead.

>> No.15228744

That’s not how it works at all. If that were the case then an enzyme like AMCase wouldn’t be called AMCase because if it came from food then it wouldn’t be specific to mammals
>No matter what you say, the human body does NOT make a chitinase that breaks down chitin
No matter how many times you say it doesn’t make it correct. The human body produces chitinase

>> No.15228751

>europe's proud culinary traditions
Europeans eat snails which are 10x grosser and 100x dirtier than bugs though

>> No.15228753

>anteaters lay eggs
This has gotta be a joke

>> No.15228758

I believe it was Gordon Ramsey who caught and cooked his own snails on a yt video.

Hey in America there are people who live out of campers hunting for fresh roadkil to eatl, they even have a roadkill cookbook.

>> No.15228764

>The human body produces chitinase
Then you should be able to produce a study showing that long term consumption of chitin is beneficial and safe. But you can't, because the longest study is 3 weeks. You do NOT have any evidence that chitin is safe, digestible, nor that it does not cause damage

>> No.15228768

You’re responding to the statement that the human body produces chitinases by asking for a study on something entirely different because you know it takes 2 seconds to look up whether or not humans produce chitinase. Why are you so bad at this

>> No.15228771
File: 59 KB, 480x640, anteater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, are you okay? Did you pass middle school biology?

>> No.15228775

Of course they can. If you don't want to eat it, don't buy it.

Ahhh, muh free market will fix it, oh no, not muh free market! Holy shit, how are conservatives still so stupid?

>> No.15228778

This thread is what happens when a mathfag who’s not actually good at math tries to argue out of his depth about biology

>> No.15228785

Do ..... do you idiots not realize people eat bugs all over the world? Like seriously, if it were poison we'd know by now. The only reason people don't eat bugs is they think it's gross. There's literally no other reason.

>> No.15228800

the native americans on the pacific coast used to stake out and fight over beachfront property because of the carrion haul at the beach. lewis & clark almost got their asses kicked for trying to horn in on a coveted dead whale that washed up when they were at the pacific coast, the locals didn't share when it came to whale meat.

>> No.15228821
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>> No.15228846
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That’s talking about echidnas you blithering idiot. True anteaters do not lay eggs. They are xenarthans, not monotremes

>> No.15228903
File: 383 KB, 855x1207, 1641479096905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people eat bugs all over the world
Yeah, non-processed bugs and bugs not raised to be mass produced.

The bugs were talking about in Europe, America and Australia will be mass produced and process bugs. We already see what happened with process meat, now imagine process bugs on top of that anon.

>> No.15228915
File: 1.58 MB, 1752x1831, Screenshot_20230129_091507_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just not gonna eat them is all

>> No.15228916

Based liberal. Understanding the value of capitalism and socialism at the same time. Go forth and perish the retarded liberals and conservatives who can’t react to something political without considering their political ideology tribe.

>> No.15228923

This is fake, spike proteins make your body better able to deal with the covid-19 virus damage — you sound insane, nobody ever claimed it stops or lowers transmission rates. Your disgusting anti-semetic flat earth conspiracy theories are not gonna help you with your trailer trash supremacy.

I never said there is value in capitalism.

>> No.15228925

I was curious, so I looked at one study, the one dealing with "Brain Fog." It's actually dealing with chitin like structures in the brain of Alzheimer's patients due to high levels of glucosamine. In other words, they're synthesized within the brain. I don't see how consumed chitin, which will probably pass through the digestive tract and out the ass, is a concern here when it has no chance of reaching the brain. As an example, IVM is a very safe drug, except if the person doesn't have an intact blood-brain barrier. In that case, IVM can cause serious neurological events. I wouldn't throw out my IVM just because of that, but someone could attack it with the same lame argument this image is using.

All that said, I sure as hell won't be eating whatever frankenfoods that are made from this stuff.

>> No.15228930

Glucosamine crosses in the intestinal lining (ie absorbed) not particularly well but it does get absorbed. Further related, it readily penetrates the bbb.
That doesn’t mean this stuff is dangerous, in fact in low quantity it’s probably harmless if no leaky gut or bbb issues, but I sure as hell am not gonna try to join the global guinea pigs.

>> No.15228935

: Ah perry the platypuss
I’ve built my anteater conflatinator and zapped the The Entire Tristate area!

: Mom! Phineas and Pherb put anteater shit in my pillow again!

>> No.15228940

for a short period of time relative to natural immunity, or at least until your next booster each of which increase your chances of death via infinite spike protein replication and heart failure or blood clot *
you forgot

>> No.15228956

You honestly think the person who compiled that list read the studies? He probably just went on google scholar, looked up “chitin bad” and pasted down every link he saw

>> No.15228957

You are staggeringly retarded

>> No.15228978

> it’s probably not true because people in general are dumbasses
nigga you’ve gone beyond the gnostic confines of epistemology

>> No.15229013

why are they talking about crickets when we don't even have plant-based foods subsidized yet?

>> No.15229029

So are any of you WEF shills gonna post studies showing that bugs are safe to eat?

>> No.15229031

How the fuck do you NOT know what leaky gut syndrome is?

>> No.15229033


>> No.15229036

What's wrong with being antisemitic?

>> No.15229044
File: 74 KB, 623x457, 1677313603586324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disgusting anti-semetic

>> No.15229105


I wanted to try pointing out the critical difference between eating only the Meat from a crustacean and eating an entire insect including the exoskeleton component, and that insects have hemolymph (it’s kind of like blood plasma with some nutriment, and some waste products) ie you’d be eating literal feces, whereas crustaceans like shrimp have Blood, and has a separate excretory system that is conveniently externally accessible, and entirely removed before eating.

also fungi chitin has less potent effects than insect and crustacean chitin for whatever reason… to the point that insect and crustacean chitin is used to increase wound repair rates and other medical treatments. Wouldn’t it just make sense to pick an example of a potent form of chitin … that people eat .. without any negative side effects?

But your comment gets the idea across much funnier and more concisely.

>> No.15229168

>If you don't want to eat it, don't buy it.
If he doesn't want to eat it, he better make sure it stays illegal, otherwise he VILL have to pay premium for normal human food.

>Holy shit, how are conservatives still so stupid?
I don't know. At some point they should have realized that trying to stick to dead ideals like democracy and freedom of speech are self-destructive and self-defeating in the presence of "people" like you, convert to fascism and start putting """liberals""" and the rest of the so-called left in concentration camps.

>> No.15229323

Their whole bodies are inedible, anon. Even if you were a cannibal, eating someone that consumes all that processed goyshit and takes in every poison possible is horrible for you.

>> No.15229349

>I'd rather eat leftists
Careful there. You are what you eat.

>> No.15229362

Not necessarily people in general, but the one who made that list specifically

>> No.15229366

>placental mammal
>lays eggs
You can’t make this shit up

>> No.15229399

>You honestly think the person who compiled that list read the studies? He probably just went on google scholar, looked up “chitin bad” and pasted down every link he saw
How many of those studies have you read to conclude that? None? So you're projecting? No matter. You will be shot soon.

>> No.15229498
File: 122 KB, 537x536, 1674993835160708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never thought I'd see people defend eating ze bugs unironically on 4chan. We are truly fucked as a species.

>> No.15229529

>What are the consequent effects of adding bug powder as a protein supplement to my diet especially if it turns out super cheap?
The more you use it, the more expensive normal food become.

>> No.15229956

overally maybe
mushrooms are seasonal food and you can bet your ass when it's mushroom season, people them every other day

>> No.15230050

>Glucosamine crosses in the intestinal lining (ie absorbed) not particularly well but it does get absorbed. Further related, it readily penetrates the bbb.
The glucosamine is being created endogenously.


>> No.15230057

It doesn't matter. It still doesn't make up a significant fraction of their daily meal.

>> No.15230060

I'm aware, so we can add that as a possibility for some people, but then you still have the BBB to contend with. Point being it's a reach to assume that chitin-like structures created within the brain means that eating chitin is inherently bad for the brain. I'm not supporting grinding up bugs and putting them into food, I can think of numerous issues with it, but complaining about chitin almost seems like a red herring.

>> No.15230061 [DELETED] 

This. Retards lack the basic foresight to realize that the more these disgusting food substitutes become normalized and commonplace, the weaker the potential backlash will be as real food becomes scarcer and more expensive and the more politically viable it becomes to ramp up the ongoing destruction of the food chain.

>> No.15230066

This. Retards lack the basic foresight to realize that the more these disgusting food substitutes become normalized and commonplace, the weaker the potential backlash will be as real food becomes scarcer and more expensive and the more politically viable it becomes to ramp up the ongoing destruction of the food supply chain.

>> No.15230067

There has never been this much meat production. The more someone else eats crickets the more meat is left for me.

>> No.15230069

Shills get brutally lynched. Soon.

>> No.15230072

>If he doesn't want to eat it, he better make sure it stays illegal, otherwise he VILL have to pay premium for normal human food.
This is honestly my biggest concern. The EU approving this stuff to be put into food seems like only the first step. We saw what happened in many countries when vaccine uptake wasn't high enough. President Biden went from "we'll never force anyone to get the vaccine" to "if you're a Federal employee, you're going to get vaccinated or have your job threatened." At what point does the EU start placing pressure on companies to include this stuff? When will they start giving subsidies for bug meal and taxing other options? It could become a slippery slope...

>> No.15230083

>The EU approving this stuff to be put into food seems like only the first step.
Absolutely. The agenda is out in the open. No one is trying to hide it that they are aiming to replace real food. They just know they have to take it slow and lead people on long enough until the average normie is used to having bug powder in all his food.

>> No.15230122
File: 176 KB, 800x600, 42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't make up a significant fraction of their daily meal
for that month or two, it does
pic related is your average weekend hunt, about 80-90% is left after cutting out the bad parts and about quarter of that gets dried for the occassional off-season risotto, sauce or soup
the rest gets eaten throughout the week, which amounts to some 1kg of "le evil chitinous mushrooms" every week per person
city rats don't eat as much because they can't afford it, mushrooms are expensive

>> No.15230148

>implying people will actually buy that shit apart from poor migrants

>> No.15230152

>for that month or two, it does
It doesn't. Shills get brutally lynched. People will find out.

>> No.15230180
File: 141 KB, 1029x1044, 888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw meat is only available for the chosen people via gubmint loicense and you get put to jail and forced to eat roach powder if you get caught with it
>city rat couldn't afford mushrooms
sad, they're tasty

>> No.15230187

The average European will maybe eat 3kg of mushrooms a year. Shills get brutally lynched.

>> No.15230195

>people eating 3kg of dick per year

>> No.15230200

>violent monkey telling a european what his diet is
nice try, schwab, not eating your roach powder

>> No.15230220

>subhuman ameritard showing the severity of miscegenation in his family tree
You will never be white.

>> No.15230242

post hand, violent monkey

>> No.15230302

Kill yourself, amerinigger.

>> No.15230328 [DELETED] 

>sad, they're tasty
mushrooms become good after they've had enough salt and fat cooked into them, they're generally bland and unappealing otherwise.

>> No.15230777

Have you people considered just buying raw ingredients and cooking for yourselves instead of buying premade shit?
They can't put crickets in a fucking onion.

>> No.15230804

Given that even one of them has literally nothing to do with negative effects of chitin thats all I need to know

>> No.15230824

What I’m gathering from this thread is
>there are better reasons to not eat bugs than chitin
>chitin isn’t poisonous
>humans have chitinases
>primitive people eat bugs
>there may be a risk of parasites from eating bugs raised in shit conditions
>people eat mushrooms
>anteater egg anon is a moron
>putting bugs in food is a ploy to dehumanise the populace
Did I miss anything?

>> No.15230836


>> No.15230863

Again, chitin is sprayed on fruit and vegetables because its both a antifungal and insecticide

>> No.15230868

Lol, that's a pretty good summary.

>> No.15230872

You missed the 47 studies showing that chitin is extremely toxic

>> No.15231011

All right, so the study for brain fog was bullshit. I decided to look at the one for atherosclerosis (I'm picking the pubmed articles because they require the least amount of typing to find).


So what they're studying isn't chitin, it's actually an enzyme that binds to chitin, but lacks chitinase activity. It appears to be a surrogate for neuroinflammation, but chitin itself appears to have nothing to do with YKL-40. I'm starting to thing someone just did a search for "chitin" in google scholar, and anything that appeared to be negative was linked. So far we're 0 for 2 for studies showing anything of relevance to chitin itself.

>> No.15231058

>It's fucking nothing

They are basically evaluating possibility of allergic reactions. If chitin were a problem then mushrooms and shellfish should be the canary in the coalmine but people have been eating insects, shellfish, and mushrooms for thousands of years.

Cool paper though

>> No.15231067

Bout right

>> No.15231112

Insects are beta chitin.
Mushroom is alpha chitin.
Shellfish are beta chitin but nobody eats the exoskeleton.
There are ZERO long term studies showing that chitin is safe for human consumption, meanwhile there are hundreds of studies showing that chitin is toxic

>> No.15231119

>herr derr urban legend says humans eat bugs
>some types of chitin don't kill you immediately
>we have no evidence that chitin is safe
>we have a mountain of scientific evidence that chitin is toxic
>let's force billions of people to eat it, because reasons

>> No.15231135

>we have a mountain of scientific evidence that chitin is toxic

>> No.15231138


>> No.15231146

So it's the same studies as the image shown here >>15228915. Well that way it at least has clickable links, but so far I've looked at two studies that proved nothing about chitin.

>> No.15231151

Your opinion is not a factor. Read ALL the science

>> No.15231156

I've read two and they were pretty unrelated, why takes me back to my previous hypothesis that someone simply searched keywords in google scholar and saved anything that appeared to be negative whether it was relevant or not.

>> No.15231166

Whereas you disregard anything negative and think billions of people should ingest something likely to be toxic

>> No.15231167

You mean the 47 random studies you compiled that actually have nothing to do with the toxicity of chitin because it’s not toxic?

>> No.15231172

>Insects are beta chitin
Insects primarily have alpha chitin. Beta chitin is mainly found in marine organisms
>meanwhile there are hundreds of studies showing that chitin is toxic
you compiled 47 and they don’t seem to have much to do with chitin being toxic at all, that’s far from hundreds. There’s plenty of studies claiming beef is bad for you too, so I guess beef is poison?

>> No.15231176

The cope on display is fantastic

>> No.15231182

>chitin is an anti fungal
The main structural molecule of fungi is an anti fungal? You’re more retarded than I thought

>> No.15231190

When a plant detects chitin, it produces chitinase as a defence mechanism. Your uneducated ignorant opinion is not a factor

>> No.15231194

I don't think people should eat ground up bugs, I just find the whole argument against chitin lacking in solid evidence.

>> No.15231195

>The most primitive and retarded human race on the planet survived on bugs
Not surprised, makes sense the WEF wants everyone to be just as retarded

>> No.15231199

There's plenty of evidence. The problem is your lack of effort to find it

>> No.15231205

So it’s not an anti fungal, the plant produces the anti fungal. Having you of all people call someone else uneducated is hilarious, especially after saying anteaters lay eggs
Makes it hard when the apparent evidence you’re talking about is intercut with random, totally unrelated studies. You keep saying there’s plenty of evidence yet you don’t actually post the specific studies you’re talking about, which makes me think you’ve read none of them

>> No.15231210

Are you a retard?
Why aren't you looking for YOUR OWN FUCKING STUDIES, ASSHOLE

>> No.15231212

Why would there be toxicity studies on something that’s not toxic and is of minimal consequence to human health? It’s not my job to look for evidence of your claim that chitin is toxic

>> No.15231219

Prove it's not toxic. Show long term human studies

>> No.15231221

>The amount of mushrooms people it is negligible.
bullshit, every single cell wall within mushrooms is structured by chitin. Even a cursory search on any search engine will tell you that the % of the mushroom's dry weight is anywhere from 7% to 44%, so let's just say an average of 25%. That's a lot of chitin and people would have been getting cancer and all forms of toxic symptoms for a long time, long enough that we would have stopped eating them long ago in our evolutionary history if that really was the case.
There's a lot of good fucking reasons to resist this push of eating zhe boogs such as >>15229529
but made up chitin toxicity isn't one of them and by repeating this autism you're only discrediting the anti bug pushers. You're helping the people you hate by discrediting your own argument to the average person you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.15231223

Prove its toxic, you’re the one making the grand claims of deadly chitin. There’s no reason to believe it is toxic when people eat mushrooms just fine, hunter gatherers eat bugs without issue and we literally have enzymes specifically for breaking it down

>> No.15231246

You're the one who wants to force feed it to billions of people. It's your job to prove it's safe

>> No.15231250
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>> No.15231253
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>> No.15231254

I’ve said several times throughout this thread that I don’t think bugs are a good idea for staple food, I’m just saying that your claims are bullshit because you have a very strong opinion and nothing to back it up

>> No.15231256
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>> No.15231258

NTA, the burden of proof is on you to prove it since you're the one who made the claim, when someone calls you out essentially saying "I don't think that's true" you can't just do a 180 and say WELL PROVE IT ISNT. That's not how shit works my guy and you'd know that if you had an IQ close to the mean.
But of course keep linking unrelated studies and telling me anteaters lay eggs, I'm sure you're the real intellectual here.

>> No.15231261
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>> No.15231263
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>> No.15231270

If you are wrong, billions of people die.
If I'm wrong, zero people die

>> No.15231286

The question is, why are you so unconcerned with the chance of billions of people dying? Are you a joo?

>> No.15231295

You try to make me look like the bad guy for taking precautions, like preventing billions of deaths is somehow wrong

>> No.15231296

Chitosan is not exactly chitin. It requires treating chitin with an alkaline compound. Funny thing is some people have used chitosan as a weight loss supplement, which could be interpreted as malnourishment if the person is starting at a normal weight.

>> No.15231300

>injecting chitin and chitosan directly into the bloodstream or in vitro with cultured cells is comparable to ingestion
This isn't even reflective of eating something with chitin in it, nor was that what these studies were trying to show. Do these studies reflect the same concentrations of chitin that you would expect from eating mushrooms or insects? You can do the same with beef being linked to higher rates of breast cancer, that doesn’t make it toxic. Why do you think all of these state that more investigation is required and that these tests don’t necessarily reflect the effects on the human body? None of these even show that chitin is actually toxic. All you’re showing is how little you understand from reading a paper
>preventing billions dying
you’re not the messiah

>> No.15231334

>Why do you think all of these state that more investigation is required and that these tests don’t necessarily reflect the effects on the human body?
Because its an A.I standard disclaimer, idiot

>> No.15231352

Why are you using an A.I to summarise a paper for you?

>> No.15231366

Because retards and shills claim the paper says something else

>> No.15231384

Or you could just read the fucking paper, unlike the others you posted which had nothing to do with the subject

>> No.15231431

You’re the bad guy for making shit up and then trying to find evidence later that fits your view. You’re not taking precautions, you’re just going “It’s fuckin poison and you’re all gonna get mega aids from ze bugs”. Nobody is even advocating for eating bugs in this thread, they’re just calling you out on your shit

>> No.15231442

Where is your evidence that I never read it

>> No.15231453

So you have evidence that all 47 studies prove that chitin is NOT toxic?

>> No.15231465

The fact some of them weren’t even related to chitin and it’s negative impacts in the first place shows you didn’t read them
You really do love showing how shit you are at sticking to a point and arguing it

>> No.15231486

>I read all 47 and found two that are a little weak, and I'm going to beat you to death with them

>> No.15231488

>read all 47
Stopped at 2, not everyone wants to bother sifting through 40 full fucking papers looking for something that relates to what you’re trying to claim when you haven’t read them yourself
>a little weak
You mean completely irrelevant

>> No.15231608

Not the sharpest crayon in the box, are ya?
You keep demanding evidence, but refuse to read it. And nobody is falling for your gaslighting

>> No.15231776

The evidence you’ve posted so far has been unrelated or total bullshit. It’s nobody’s job to read your papers for you and ascertain whether or not they have what you want. Twitter must’ve told you the wrong meaning of gaslighting because that’s not what this is, you are just dumb as a post in a special needs school

>> No.15232688

Europeans can no longer be considered human, so this is appropriate for them.

>> No.15232947

People will really happily consume foods with offal, the shit tube, beaver anal juice, and other random gross shit, while chowing down on lobsters, oysters, and whatever random bugs are legally allowed to fall into their food
But farmed insects reduced into a protein additive? HELL no that's way too far and gross as fuck.

>muh you can buy foods that avoid
You don't.

>> No.15233072
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>Your proud and authentic tradition is more disgusting, dirty and inefficient than my farmed bugz replacement.
Yes, and I intend to keep it that way. The same way goes with vaccine or transportation, I don't take no shit from you or your master.

>> No.15233175

Chitin is a poison, your argument is invalid.

>> No.15233179 [DELETED] 

then you would understand that saying chimps eat meat is a retarded comparison