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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15220886 No.15220886 [Reply] [Original]

Are you smarter than a fifth grader, /sci/?

>> No.15220894

There's a variable missing aka the number of pages in the book. But either way I'll say no

>> No.15220900


>> No.15220903

If 30 pages plus 3/8ths of the book equals the full book, that means that 30 pages equals 5/8ths of the book. So one eighth of the book must be six pages, and the full book must be 48 pages.

Which begs question 13, who the fuck reads a 48 page book?

>> No.15220905


>> No.15220907

Why isn't it 48?

>> No.15220908

48 pages

>> No.15220913

>He's never read PI to 1 million and 1 places of decimals.
GTFO of here.

>> No.15220919
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Nice kindergartener containment thread. This one is destined to get 200+ replies from /sci/ intellectuals.

>> No.15220920

I'm a humanities major.

>> No.15220927
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>Doesn't give an answer
>Laughs at /sci/?
Okay fatso. Back to /b/ with you and your interracial shitposting.

>> No.15220931
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>> No.15220945
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>Okay fatso. Back to /b/ with you and your interracial shitposting.
It was so proud of its answer.

>> No.15220960

qa lost

>> No.15220975

Biden lost.

>> No.15220985
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>this page intentionally left blank
Sorry kids, I just destroyed your 48 answer :)

>> No.15220993


>> No.15221016

its an obv no for you then, bc youre supposed to figure out from the info given how many pages are in the book

>> No.15221049

30 + (1/8)x = (6/8)x
30 = 5/8 * x
48 = x
The book has 48 pages

>> No.15221083

being an engineer, i found the following obvious solution:
2\ln\big(\lim_{z\to\infty}(1+\frac{1}{z})^z \big) + 2(\sin^2x+\cos^2x) + 3\displaystyle\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\frac{\cosh y \sqrt{1-\tanh^2y}}{2^n} + 2\bigg[\displaystyle\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}(\frac{1}{2})^n(\lim_{x\to 0}\frac{-\ln(1+5(e^{-x}-1))}{x})+\lim_{x\to 0}\frac{e^x-1}{x}\bigg] + \bigg[ \bigg(\lim_{x\to 0}\frac{-\ln(1+8(e^{-x}-1))}{x}-\lim_{x\to 9}\frac{x^2-25}{x-5}\bigg)\bigg( \displaystyle\prod_{n=1}^{2}n-14e^{\pi j} \bigg)-14e^{\pi j}\bigg( \Gamma(3) - \lim_{x\to 6}\frac{x^2-4}{x-2} + \lim_{x\to 0}\frac{e^{14x}-1}{x} \bigg) \bigg]

>> No.15221091

>didn't even manage to fit polylogarithm in there
you failed in simplifying your solution, it could be further reduced with polylogarithm and airy functions

>> No.15221125

Neat way of writing 48.

>> No.15221180

>Mathematics made difficult

>> No.15221243
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>> No.15221275

Will this get me laid?

>> No.15221283

go back to facebook, faggot

>> No.15221373

A number divided by its fraction equals the whole. 70 is 7/10ths of 100. Divide it by 7/10ths and it equals 100.

30 / 5/8ths = 48.

>> No.15221417

They never once say he started the book on monday, there could be more pages.

>> No.15221425
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>> No.15221427

True. Not a great question, but assuming he started on Monday, it's 48 pages.

>> No.15221719

that doesn't do the problem justice, my answer really exposes the heart of the issue
wdym? any engineer immediately recognizes my answer

>> No.15221735

1/8th means 12.5% . From the question we know 30 pages + this 12.5% = 75%
so 30 pages is 62.5% of the pages.
Thus total number of pages is 48.
If you can't do this, you are a Nigger and should kys.

>> No.15221901 [DELETED] 

Tuesday + Wednesday = 3/8 so Monday is 5/8 or .625. Now we have a proportion 30/.625 = x/1 which is just 30/.625 = 48.

>> No.15221902

Tuesday + Wednesday = 3/8 so Monday is 5/8 or .625. Now we have a proportion 30/.625 = x/1 which is just 30/.625 = 48

>> No.15221983

>What's a line break

>> No.15222007

something for mathfags to make their schizo hallucinations fit into publisher's templates
as an engineer, i can afford ultrawide monitor to display my beautiful results and i don't have to break the beautiful line because the publisher thinks he's printing on paper even though the journal is only digital

>> No.15222021

there's all this algebra you haven't defeined though
x, y, z, n, and j idk it seems excessive

>> No.15222022

It doesn't say what page he started on
Therefore there's not enough info to actually solve the problem
Getting 48 is wrong, you don't know the answer

>> No.15222025

Many trannies and fags will suck your dick. >>15222007
Autistic. You don't make equations for you to read. You make them for others to read

>> No.15222039

where do you see the equality sign?
>for others to read
for other engineers to read
it's just engineering slang m8, no need to feel butthurt that you aren't fluent in engineerish

>> No.15222129

Solving simple problems is fun
All there is to it
What do you wanna talk about instead smartypants?

>> No.15222607

I have no clue how to do that lol I mean reading it over again I can see they are saying he read 3/4 of the book already but that's 30 pages + X = Y so I can't find out the rest

>> No.15222623

>Solving simple problems is fun
It's fun when you have a low IQ and delusions of intellectualism.

>> No.15222625

X and Y are functions upon a set you absolute nimwit

>> No.15222626

I remember teacher banging my head on the blackboard because I couldn't answer such a question.

>> No.15222635

still fun

>> No.15222641

I'm not saying it isn't fun. I'm saying it's fun for you because you have a low IQ.

>> No.15222645
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must suck to not enjoy the simple pleasures of life

>> No.15222661

The pleasure of problem-solving comes from the stimulation of the challenge and the satisfaction of overcoming it. If you are stimulated by kindergarten problems that are utterly unchallenging for an adult with a normal intelligence level, you have a low IQ. That's all.

>> No.15222666

I mean I get it. I understand that 30 + 1/8 of the book is equal to 3/4 of it, I think if I were to solve this I'd have to bruteforce it. I can see the number being anywhere from 2 to 10 so I'd keep guessing and checking the result to see if it fits

>> No.15222669

64 pages you just have to work backward

>> No.15222671

Whoops six times 8 is 48 not 64 wrong multiple

>> No.15222685

yeah and i hecking love that it's so fun being stupid

>> No.15222686


>> No.15222752

>Which begs question 13, who the fuck reads a 48 page book?

This raises the question: If you're so smart, why don't you know the difference between "begging the question" and "raising the question"?

>> No.15222793

There's only one humanity you idiot.

>> No.15222820

Parents are retarded?

>> No.15222874

30 + (3/8)x = x

>> No.15222887

Yes, reproducers are mostly subhumans with low IQs. Only the midwits and low IQs are still breeding

>> No.15222898

>Only the midwits and low IQs are still breeding
Only low and high IQs are still breeding. Midwits (you) are regurgitating standardized, corporate-marketed rhetoric like the one you're shitting out and failing to pass on their inferior genes, which is probably a good thing.

>> No.15222966

>using a natural log instead of a base 10 logarithm
Pure pleb

>> No.15222978


You said all of that, and you have no idea how you come across. You're 'an adult with a normal intelligence level', yet you can't socialize better than a toddler sperging out on too much sugar.

Everyone has an arena they're good at fighting in, anon.

>> No.15223016

based teacher giving kids brain damage to make them more smarterer

>> No.15223020

>What do you wanna talk about instead smartypants?
Feel free to answer the question.

>> No.15223045

Yeah that still doesn't change anything I already know that

>> No.15223065

I'm an adult with a significantly higher level of intelligence than yours, hence I don't socialize with your kind of crowd.

>> No.15223069

>participate in my heckin' kindergarten competition

>> No.15223075

>insults the intelligence of others for discussing a question
>has nothing else to discuss
People with nothing to discuss usually have low intelligence.

>> No.15223078

I'm discussing the propensity of lowly minds to jump on every opportunity to display their prowess at solving problems that are challenging to no one but a child. It isn't exactly an exciting subject, but still more interesting than basic algebra.

>> No.15223084

>I'm discussing
No, you didn't start out with any "discussion," you began with an insult, and then refused to bring up any other topics when asked.

>> No.15223087

>"I'm an adult with a significantly higher level of intelligence than yours, hence I don't socialize with your kind of crowd."
>Has contributed at least half a dozen posts not "socializing" with our kind of crowd.

>> No.15223104
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>> No.15223112

Yet another post! You sure are showing me. You're too good for this thread, aren't ya? What's that, 7 posts and counting?

>> No.15223115
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>Yet another post! You sure are showing me. You're too good for this thread, aren't ya? What's that, 7 posts and counting?
Why are they like this?

>> No.15223116
File: 172 KB, 595x841, IMG_20230222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brainlet here, rate

>> No.15223129

That's the second time you were unable to link a post you were replying to, Mr. Intelligent.

>> No.15223344

This is trivial.

>> No.15223352

This is what /Sci/ has come to ? Why are we spending time doing this 4th grader homework problem ?

>> No.15223366
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Because the actual issue is that the question is worded poorly.
The answer is not "48," the answer is "we need more literate people writing our children's schoolbooks."

>> No.15223379

Days without Jewish tricks: 0

>> No.15223389

You are the midwit in this situation, see:

>> No.15223391

I agree its a poorly worded question , but for the sake of a Childrens text book it is a exercise in ratios to solve an algebraic problem. By doing that with the initial condition that the book started on Monday is suficent to exercise that skill ?

In other words , frankly it doesn't matter when the book was started - only if the solution makes since with an assumed starting point.

>> No.15223397

Sense *

>> No.15223408

I would agree, but the initial tweet was that the 5th grade math problem was leaving adults stumped.
Sure, it might just be clickbait by a bored NYP staffer, but it makes me wonder if the adults were being stumped because they didn't know, or because their adult brains took the question like I did -- as in there is not enough information.
So I approach this as more a social commentary on the speed of ideas versus the speed of typing for those who can communicate or be bothered to communicate the faultlines in the logic.
And my argument is that the reason why this story has gone as viral as it has, due to the absurdly easy nature of the problem, is not that "the adults are dumdums," but that it speaks to something just below the surface that most people wouldn't bother to enunciate for fear of being "that guy" who has to get autistically specific over a dumb New York Post article about a math question stumping adults.
Or, the adults really are that stupid, and maybe they handpicked a bunch of utter bozos, but I refuse to believe that people couldn't honestly take a few moments to work out a simple math problem, considering that in my area at least, I'm pretty sure only a handful of retards actually failed math.
I truly believe that "Yes, people are just that dumb" is a cop-out answer, and I'm tired of throwing it around just because it's a "so how about the weather" type of social cliché.

>> No.15223463

The trick is in the wording.
>... THE REMAINING 1/4...
30+(x/8)+(x/4) = x
30+(x/8)+(2x/8) = x
30+(3x/8) = x
240+3x = 8x
240 = 5x
We know he read 3/8 of the book, so 30 must equal 5/8 of the book.
30 = 5x/8
240 = 5x

x = 48

>> No.15223515

[math] {1 \over 8} x + 30 = {3 \over 4} x [/math]


[math] x \big ( {3 \over 4 } - {1 \over 8} \big ) = x \big ( {5 \over 8} \big ) = 30 [/math]
Which implies:

[math] x = \big ( {240 \over 5 } \big ) = 48 [/math]

>> No.15223553

The question is badly worded, which is where the confusion is coming from. I'm embarrassed to say that I thought Klein got up to 1/4 of the way through the book ("remaining 1/4" of the book), leading to the equation


With n=total number of pages and r=remaining pages that left before reading up to 1/4 of the total number of pages.

Instead, it's

>> No.15223593 [DELETED] 

go back to facebook, fags

>> No.15223607

But how do we know he started reading the book on Monday?

>> No.15223622

thanks for your input faggot

>> No.15223631

you are welcome...


>> No.15223661

>sheldon cooper alert

>> No.15223707

5/8x is equivalent to 30 so 1/8x is equal to 6. 48 pages in the book. Do people struggle with this?

>> No.15224218

My brain literally melts as soon as I read 1/4 and beyond and I'm doing uni for programming how fucked am I

>> No.15224253

>The question is badly worded
The standardized cope of 90 IQ "intellectuals" that fail at kindergarten problems.