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File: 3.82 MB, 900x597, urban sprawl tenochtitlan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15213978 No.15213978 [Reply] [Original]

can urban sprawl such as this be undone?

>> No.15214002

Really slow on a scale of multiple generations.
What you do is build giant commieblocks at the center while not allowing new construction on the outskirts. As buildings crumble people move to where construction is allowed

>> No.15214007

That explosion when the Spanish take over is quite impressive.

>can sprawl be undone
Yes, Singapore managed it. Basically the city needs to buy decommissioning blocks, then tear down the buildings. Build parks, skycrapers, markers/bakeries and deep garages. You can keep the same density of people at a lower road maintenance cost and smaller commutes lead to less cars driving at an any given time.

It's still bug eating globalism though. If you want charming little European towns surrounded by farms and forests you need less people. The third world is too overpopulated to have that so it's slums vs. skyscrapers.

>> No.15214010

This is literally the worst possible thing you could do. Commieblocks leads to sprawl of the ugliest variety.

>> No.15214035
File: 88 KB, 1175x1090, k0E8KvnmPjg9LsqyEd4AFrIjLhEfVNEEEV7cnJVRjU6M53wg7U0L75puf6Jv5JZVSvOd59fV2UYhj7LtTv-CXA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can be undone in less than a second

>> No.15214271

Mexico city doesn't suffer from urban sprawl, it's just huge. Urban sprawl implies a lot of low density areas.

>> No.15214399


>> No.15214470

Its just about increasing the density. You need tallish buildings (10 floors suffice) and good metro

>> No.15214641

>Its just about increasing the density
And why do you imagine this to be a good thing?

>> No.15214650

This. The idea that we are supposed to hate urban sprawl is jewish mind poison. They loathe the idea of people owning land. They want us in dense population centers where we're easier to control and supervise.

>> No.15214655

All "urban sprawl" means the urban shitholes you hate get to spread like cancer and consume everything around them. It does not mean you get your own fucking cabin in the woods.

>> No.15214789

Its the opposite of sprawl. I didnt say its a good thing.

>> No.15215070
File: 661 KB, 781x715, 1657763618323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your average soviet commieblock neighbourhood is much more pleasant to live in than suburbia nightmare. Despite the hideous building facades, which is easy to fix, the soviets were really excellent at urban planning. Lots of parks and green corridors, roads placed away from living zones, no train stations are very far, decentralized shopping and light industry zones, etc...

Of course, if you have millions of feral pavement apes directly next door you you then yeah, it's shit.

>> No.15215112

Urboids and suburboids are both breeds of the same subhuman subspecies. Imagine wanting to live in an urban concentration camp pod or a cookie cutter grid house next to nonsentient normalgroids.

>> No.15215139

That's not what sprawl means. Sprawl is any developments unsustainable or unplanned by the city, usually due to requiring expensive maintenance (huge road/power/water complexes) or not being able to hold on to high income tax payers due to poor living conditions.

>the soviets were really excellent at urban planning. Lots of parks and green corridors, roads placed away from living zones, no train stations are very far, decentralized shopping and light industry zones, etc...
They were known for the opposite. The only places that worked well were ex capitalist cities where they replaced destroyed buildings with ugly commieblocks. There's a reason everyone fled commie shitholes even in East Germany which actually built on top of good urban planning. The new commieblock developments in Russia were notoriously horrific, basically they built huge, dense, ugly housing unappealing grid complexes on city outskirts with a patch of grass as a "park" between them and a station that led to the city. The "decentralized shopping" is the tuckshop at the station, not a charming market. No amenities, none. People have to take a 40+ minute train to the city centre. The real problem though, it that you should have more luxury housing instead of deliberate cheap housing. That's why Eastern euro cities are being emptied of people to this day, no one wants to live there if they can rent even a small modern luxury flat in the Western EU.

Compare this with Western Europe you have beautiful forest parks/rivers, farmland near charming quaint cities with beautiful architecture or alternative modern architecture with lots of modern amenities. Huge industry, but it's properly hidden by forest lines and far enough from housing while still being connected with fast public transport.

Sadly the capitalistblock developments are basically something between this ideal and American suburbia, so sprawl is becoming a problem again.

>> No.15215173

Shut the fuck up arrogant bitch, you dont get to redefine what sprawl is.

>> No.15215219

noun: sprawl; plural noun: sprawls
an ungainly or carelessly relaxed position in which one's arms and legs are spread out.
"she fell into a sort of luxurious sprawl"
a group or mass of something that has spread out in an untidy or irregular way.
"a sprawl of buildings"
the disorganized and unattractive expansion of an urban or industrial area into the adjoining countryside.
"the growth of urban sprawl

>> No.15215295

That isn't true. None of it.

>> No.15215415 [DELETED] 

Its completely true. Kruschevka were a huge failure and everyone hates them. They were the old time version of bugman pods.

>> No.15215418

Cope, all of it true.

>> No.15215427

Fake map shill. Satellite imagery did not exist back then.

>> No.15215880
File: 1.82 MB, 2400x1200, earthscraper-mexico-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turn everyone into CHUDs.

>> No.15215886

they'd be even better off on density if they weren't being manipulated into crossing the border with promises of gibes

>> No.15215907

Low density sounds like suburban sprawl not urban sprawl.

>> No.15215913
File: 125 KB, 1156x611, mexico-city.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks nice.

>> No.15216435


>> No.15216507
File: 169 KB, 1300x731, 54135154135351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want denser urbanization because it looks cooler. Fuck suburbs and their shitty stripmalls, I don't know how people manage to stay happy in those environments. I want to see gothic architecture and timer framed apartments on my walk to work. The appearance of something makes all the difference in people's mental health

>> No.15216519

>In 2021, there were 5,333 people living in Amsterdam per square kilometer of land.
> In 2020, the total population of Mexico City reached 9.2 million and a population density of 6,163.3 residents by square kilometer.
Population density is not too different but the styles are completely different. Mexico city probably could build some scenic canals since it was built atop of a lake, likely they diverted some river to get that going

>> No.15216584

Netherlands has some very appealing structure to its urban design however I found the total absence of wild space claustrophobic and suffocating. No matter how far you go, you are still in an urban setting packed full of people with zero privacy.

Still, there is a lot of inspiration to be found in their urban planning although buildings are beginning to get very, very tall.

Suburbia is a capitalist scandal to drive up consumerism by forcing reliance upon the motor vehicle. Nobody should own land except the state, although I also strongly believe there should be a capacity for people to just go off into the woods and build their own cabin far from society.

>> No.15216589

All of the netherlands can be tought as a giant suburb. Its endless small towns next to each other with a population density akin to suburbs. But with trains.

>> No.15216777

Kinda cool idea desu

>> No.15216779

>The appearance of something makes all the difference in people's mental health
Based and true. The value of beauty should not be underestimated.

>> No.15216780

>Nobody should own land except the state,
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.15216782

>But with trains
Trains and underground parking, this makes all the difference.

>> No.15216826

It solves the landlord problem. People just rent land from the state, kinda getting close to georgism.
>but the state would be a landlord
The state represents the people with democratically elected popular politicians. All private land comes from the state giving away its land

>> No.15217706

No it does not you brainwashed cuck. Housing supply is limited to begin with due to government policies: developmental legislation especially of the not being allowed to live on your own property variety, foreign speculation, immigration etc.

Now imagine if these corrupt cunts had full control over the market instead of just partial control.

The solution to housing is to let the market collapse, not yet more centralisation to enfore unsustainably high easy growth.

>> No.15217742

>Now imagine if these corrupt cunts had full control over the market instead of just partial control.
I dont need to imagine it, i live in a country where the state owns all the land. Housing is indeed expensive but i never claimed government ownership of land would make housing cheap. I said it solved the landlord problem, landlords only rent their structures but not the land, which has always been politically charged.
The government controls housing regardless of who owns the land, you cant do whatever you want in land you own

>> No.15217777
File: 35 KB, 474x315, Urban Renewal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want X, therefore I support everyone being forced into X, regardless of if they like X or not.
Utopians are the cause of so much violent conflict because they can't understand why not everyone shares their vision. Keep in mind that pic related is also your utopia.

>> No.15217779

>just rent land from the state
Just become homeless because the state kicked you out onto the street for not getting the latest booster shot.

>> No.15217788

fuck the left, I don't care about politics. I just want cool shit to look at

>> No.15217800

kys commie faggot

>> No.15217821

The state can do whatever it wants. Thats a a fact. The state can kill you or worse for no reason and no need to give one. You are delusional if you think owning land is going to keep you safe from the state, ultimately all land belongs to the state.
All so-called private land was granted by the state. This was certainly the case in the united states in its earlier history, when the state would grant lands to settlers going to the west. Similar grants happened in colonial times, and what the state gives it can also take.

>> No.15217824

How do I know you can't remember your kings

They were there shaked everyone's hands and promised that the state won't take your lands

>> No.15217936

...and why the fuck would you want to do that

>> No.15217951

Yeah. Quite a few ways. For example, if people move away, eventually the buildings that are not sturdy enough to survive will decay and be swarmed by plantlife.

>> No.15218029
File: 381 KB, 900x601, leftopia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leftists want everyone to live in hives clustered tightly togther. It's not enough for them to live in such hives, they need everyone else forced into them.

>> No.15218133

>Leftists want everyone to live in hives clustered tightly togther
Unironically. They think making everyone poor will lift poor people out of poverty. Instead they commie hellscapes. At least they're not as overpopulated as Bangladesh/Egypt, but low IQ races suffer under every system.

>> No.15218510

Are they fucking chaining you to live like that? Political authority only exists to the point where you believe in it. Even moral authority over theft and murder exists only because of threat of violence.

You're sheep. Embrace it or stop being an hypocrite and leave the game.

>> No.15218966

I'd rather hand my money to the state in exchange for housing than help pay off some rich assholes twelfth property. Rich people are so much more corrupt than the state. The state has limited sources of income and their largest potential source of income in rich people. Tightass rich people with a sense of entitlement who don't pay their taxes and lord over everyone with their inherited wealth as though they are something special. Inheritance is destroying society.

>> No.15218967

Your ilk breaking down the ability for middle class people to have generational wealth is what makes you a useful idiot of the elites.

>> No.15218983 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 618x441, 106 low iq envious and angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15219162

Read Henry George

>> No.15219176

Stop giving "rich people" money too. Buy your own house, idiot.

>> No.15219177

Plenty of wealth building options outside of land. I never said the state should own all property. If you are that much of a dunce you are the last type of person who should be building intergenerational wealth.

>> No.15219200

>buy manufacturing assets
>have to rent land from the state to house it
>buy stock exchange
>have to rent land to place the server
>some corrupt bureaucrat retard can end the lease any time and destroy my business

Just stop, your ideas are dumb. Land is the biggest and most valuable investment the majority of citizens are able to make in their lifetimes. It literally is the foundation of all wealth building. Stop thinking you're gonna get rich by trading shitcoins.

>> No.15219248

I'm not a munny grubba. I simply want affordable housing for everyone. Escalating house prices is a doomed strategy. Look what's happened since the boomers. If you're on middle income you need a partner and both must work to be able to afford a property now. What are the kids gonna do in another generation or two.

I get it though. It's cultural brainwashing and an elaborate form of slavery. It's also unsustainable.

>> No.15219279

All you have to do is allow for shops, cafes, restaurants etc to operate in suburbia, so you you dont need to drive for 2 hours to get food. Why americans are so retarded.

>> No.15219295
File: 2.72 MB, 3954x1429, KIC Image 0000 7 - 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...and why the fuck would you want to do that
OP here. I honestly just want Tenochtitlan back so badly. No other reason.

>> No.15219297
File: 384 KB, 1100x733, VigaBarcoColor2 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mexico city still had really neat canals in the 19th century, it's such a shame it's all gone.

I'm not even mexican, I just adore this city.

>> No.15219301
File: 1.10 MB, 2445x2048, 5829_Paseo_de_la_Viga_con_la_iglesia_de_Iztacalco (3).jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stuff is really feels like the heart and soul of mexico, and it's just kinda all disappeared right when people finally realized it was cool.

>> No.15219306
File: 348 KB, 1200x1677, Tomas-J.-Filsinger---Visualizacion-Tenochtitlan (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15219350

Who are you buying your house from and how do you finance it?

>> No.15219381

How were they doing aerial pictures in 1300s Americas?

>> No.15219461

>Nobody should own land except the state
go fuck yourself pinko tranny. State is the worst owner in existence and giving it to the bloated bureaucrat means nobody owns it. No owner leads to failed shithouses like the old soviet block which imploded as soon as the iron fist of the state relaxed as everybody ran for the door.

>> No.15219464

>Who are you buying your house from
From my fellow freedom loving white neighbour.
>and how do you finance it?
The fraction of money I earned that wasn't stolen by the govermment.

>> No.15220665

I feel that feel. It must such having to live so close to the USA. There's an ocean between me and them and it still isn't enough.

>> No.15220692

>Plenty of wealth building options outside of land.
65% of wealth is real estate, the other options are a feint. But land should still belong to the state and then rented by people willing to get value out of the land

>> No.15220699

Look at this beauty

>> No.15220770

Land investment is small brain investment. The only reason it works is because so many people buy into it. It's a marketing strategy which only serves to enslave people. It would be better perhaps if government owned the land, leased it to individuals/corporations and then the assets on the land were privately owned. I gain benefit from corporate ownership of property through retirement investments, so it's difficult to argue against any form of corporate property ownership.

I gain zero benefits from arrogant, entitled, incompetent third generation rich guy owning property which I then rent and this structure of property ownership only serves to suppress me.

>> No.15220958 [DELETED] 
File: 2.97 MB, 1280x720, 5-A - Copy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not tenochtitlan, and it's not even accurate to what maya cities looked like.

That film is still a guilty pleasure, though.

>> No.15220972
File: 2.97 MB, 1280x720, 5-A - Copy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not Tenochtitlan, and its not a very accurate picture of a maya city either, although it is still extremely kino in its own way.

That film is a guilty pleasure of mine, for all its faults.

>> No.15220988

>means nobody owns it.
exactly, we need to go back to our roots. Back to when the concept of being able to 'own' land was still considered a mental illness.

>> No.15220997

>however I found the total absence of wild space claustrophobic and suffocating.
This is ironically the very reason Netherlands developed urban design so well. Because they don't have any nature to flee into to get away from the city. Best to just make what you have pretty instead.

>> No.15221004

>some corrupt bureaucrat retard can end the lease any time
Well yeah if you don't live in a democracy with rule of law that can happen but then any system whether built off of the state or rich people is going to fuck you over.

>> No.15221792 [DELETED] 


>> No.15222086


>> No.15222092

gosh i love civilisation it's so cool watching the primitives turn into a society it's a shame that we've reached a point where so many people are actively detrimental

>> No.15222098

i don't see what the issue with the roads is
i think it's really quite impressive that we've developed such compact junctions but i agree with the overall notion that we need to drive a lot less
>Of course, if you have millions of feral pavement apes directly next door you you then yeah, it's shit.
and this is a huge reason why the problem cannot go away

>> No.15222106

what is this does it just guess based on the grammar and high order word use? maybe throw in a bit about the subject matter
i can't imagine it actually appraises the argument but i don't mean to defend that anon - they're clearly stupid or baiting

>> No.15222117

I think it gives quite a bit of weight to the level of nestedness and complexity of sentences, which makes sense, because it forces you to keep a mental backlog of all the unresolved parts of a statement until the very end, where you have everything you need to synthesize a meaning, whereas flatter sentence structures allow you to assimilate bite-sized substatements and compose the overall meaning gradually. No, I don't think there's any merit to writing like this. :^)

>> No.15222125

I challenge your use of subordinate clauses there - I really don't think it's permissable to string them together in such a way. I do not simply think it's unmeritorious: I think it's outright wrong. However, it does still make sense since there will be a correlation between people even trying to use more complex grammatical structures and their intelligence. I was always taught never to put a comma before a connective outside of a list.

>> No.15222127

Ok, retard. I like just how far over your head the point went.

>> No.15222156

>high intelligence, poor writing

>low intelligence trying to emulate high intelligence

>> No.15222163

You said there isn't any merit to it and you were clearly doing it performatively to score highly on the ai test. I think it's outright incorrect which would suggest that really the ai is just looking for commas strung around sentences and maybe certain words rather than actual proper use of grammar. That is, it's looking for the implication of grammar not grammar. I think these things are very problematic - they're going to lead to people using grammar incorrectly and thinking they're using it right.

>> No.15222170

>I think it's outright incorrect
Its "incorrectness" has no bearing on the actual point, and the AI doesn't seem to care about it, either, which only strengthens that point.

>> No.15222176

Eminent domain. It can happen in any country for any reason. Economics, national security, corruption, etc. Im israeli and our government is always refusing to renew leases to arabs. But it isn't something that happens so often because the minimum land lease is for 50 years and 100 years is more common.
When a lease ends you dont just get kicked out, the government pays you for the structure value. The land itself can't be sold.

>> No.15222181

What is the point? That, yes, it appraises your iq based on some approximation of "grammar" or at least the attempt to use it. That was literally my hypothesis and I wouldn't have replied if I was just repeating it.

I'm making the statement that I think these ai toys are dangerous. If you do not think there are already zoomers out there using it as an appeal to authority on what is and is not intelligent grammar then you are terribly naive. As schools become even worse the reliance on these toys as tools is only going to become worse. Zoomers will grow up, thinking that the purpose of commas, is to use them, like this.

>> No.15222185

>What is the point?
Holy shit. You really are stupid.

>> No.15222188

Well fucking enlighten me faggot. I understand how it works and why it works the way it does. I'm basically saying that it's an actively dangerous toy that should not be given to the public.

>> No.15222209

Your word salad doesn't score nearly as high as mine, despite your best efforts, because your mental capacity is just too low to construct a coherent sentence of the same complexity even when you try. I didn't even have to try; I just shat out an entire line of thought with one intention in mind: to keep it coherent without breaking it down. It's not counting your commas and it's not testing your grammar beyond the bare basics. It tests vocabulary and sentence complexity, the latter being a good proxy for the simple reason that the more complex a grammatical structure is, the more mental capacity it takes to keep it coherent. You're probably going to shit out some post misunderstanding the difference between "coherent" and "grammatically correct" but this is your last (You) and I don't care. You're an obnoxious pseud and you're coping.

>> No.15222213

>Your word salad doesn't score nearly as high as mine
oh so you're absolutely baiting nobody sensible would be so stupid as to appeal to the ai

>> No.15222217

Your failure demonstrates my point perfectly: you can't construct sentences of similar complexity even when you try and the bot picks up on it.

>> No.15222230

i actively don't want to try - i will not debase myself to the level of a performing monkey
i suppose in some sense i already have by replying to you

>> No.15222238

Look, I don't care about your low IQ seething and coping. Everything I said stands unchallenged.

>> No.15222247

i'm happy for you anonymous
you really showed me anonymous who is smarter

>> No.15222250

Your inferiority complex is showing through your projecting. I wasn't trying to show anyone who is smarter. I was simply demonstrating how the bot works and this seems to have triggered you deeply.

>> No.15222267

you're the one who brought up our iqs though i really don't care who is more intelligent between anonymous and anonymous

>> No.15222278

>you're the one who brought up our iqs
I only bring up your IQ because your excruciatingly low IQ attempt to dispute my point only proves me right. lol

>> No.15222295

well there's an implication that your iq is higher otherwise it would be like punching your own face to call me stupid while being equally stupid
you also outright said >>15222209
>Your word salad doesn't score nearly as high as mine,

>> No.15222299

You keep demonstrating your subhuman level of intelligence in every post. Call me back when you're capable of basic reading comprehension.

>> No.15222301

well if i've failed thus far to demonstrate it i doubt anything will change and i have to wonder why you waste your time talking to me
i'm an idiot so it isn't like i have anything better to do

>> No.15222310
File: 706 KB, 298x200, 1639760827368.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have to wonder why you waste your time talking to me
The mild aggression you evoke is the most stimulating thing I can get for the level of effort I'm willing to invest right now... which is very low.

>> No.15222316
File: 803 KB, 2479x3508, mexicOWNED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mexico is a shithole
>thats why america needs more mexican immigrants

>> No.15222335

well i'm happy i could be of service i'm really quite lonely and i just don't have anyone to talk to it's nice talking to anon because anon doesn't remember

>> No.15222338

Well, thanks for ruining the fun in bullying you by making yourself sound so pitiful.

>> No.15222346

is it normal to have people to talk to basically 24/7? it's what i use 4chan for

>> No.15222350

Why do you feel lonely if you don't constantly talk to someone?

>> No.15222363

i don't feel lonely if i'm not constantly talking to someone i feel lonely because i very rarely talk to anyone outside of a superficial fake context like work or whatever
it's nice to be real and let my autism ooze onto my keyboard
i talk to 4chan 24/7 because i'm chronically bored and talking to people is fun
i'm not literally just talking to 4chan right now i'm also doing basic things

>> No.15222372


>> No.15223582
File: 2.99 MB, 2241x1187, 1674235674699663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15223828


>> No.15225124

it's simple:

import scipy

result = scipy.stats.norm(loc = 100, scale = 20).rvs(1)

Retards eat it up like butter cake

>> No.15226373 [DELETED] 


>> No.15227088

Increasing rainfall is a good place to start...

But you would have to buy out large plots of the city to turn them into ponds and parks first.

>> No.15228591 [DELETED] 
