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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.49 MB, 434x766, 1676852091096101.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15216556 No.15216556 [Reply] [Original]

delusional scientists categorizes it's imaginary animals as herbivore, omnivore or carnivore, but the real irl animals just don't care, they don't understand the categories and refuse to abide by them, they just eat whatever they want thats withing reach.
whats the solution to this recurring problem with the scientists and their willful ignorance of reality?

>> No.15216664

Your single video of a horse eating a chick is suitable for one unique, special case of horses but this is not a generalizable proof. Kind regards.

>> No.15216675

>oh no, my autism can't handle it when descriptive terms are met by exceptions
Cry me a river, pseud.

>> No.15216676
File: 324 KB, 1626x1430, pig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll feed you to the fucking peegs and see how tasty you are.

>> No.15216679

>autists can't accept that reality is a lot messier than their arbitrary shut-in categorizations
go outside for once

>> No.15216724

Terms like herbivore and carnivore aren't hard rules and are based on the proportions of meat to plants digested.
Your entire thread is a strawman.

>> No.15216742

kek your loss, incel

>> No.15216788
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>Your single video of a horse eating a chick is suitable for one unique, special case of horses but this is not a generalizable proof. Kind regards.

Anon, I ....

>> No.15216789
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>> No.15216797
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>> No.15216801
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I don't know how to explain it to you anon...

>> No.15216802
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please I cannot stop it...

>> No.15216804
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so many single vidoes....

>> No.15216812

They don't really have the right metabolism to properly ingest anything. You cannot feed grains to a carnivore. Animals trying different foods is normal, human kids also eat retarded shit like leaves and dirt until they learn what's tasty through feedback systems.

>> No.15216831

herbivore / carnivore / omnivore are separated by their main source of food and what their digestive system is most adapted to
It's nothing new that herbivores sometimes eat meat and carnivores sometimes eat plants, but still, 99% of what an herbivore eats is plants, and 99% of what carnivore eats is meat
i don't know in general why e.g. a horse or a goat might eat a chicken, but I know for a fact that e.g. tortoises will actively eat bugs when they're lacking protein and jaguars and tigers will eat leaves from time to time for diarrhea iirc

>> No.15216859

Lynchian video.

>> No.15216864

Lead deficiency. Animals are not spared of the abnormal behavior that it causes.

>> No.15216900
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>delusional retard thinks that if a farm animal suffering from a nutrient deficiency eats weird shit, that means it's the norm for its species

>> No.15216910 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 448x336, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything must fit into the categories i learned in elementary school science class!!!!
its like religious fundamentalism for soience
and for people who are incapable of maturing past an elementary school mentality

>> No.15216917

>categories is invalid if things don't fit in them 100% perfectly
I like how post-modernist-type critique is quickly becoming the go-to for low-end midwits regarldess of political beliefs. I guess it's just the fundamental appeal of le heckin' faux questioning and faux skepticism of common knowledge.

>> No.15216927

>Newtonian mechanics doesn't explain certain phenomena.
>What's the solution to this recurring problem of engineers and their willful ignorance of reality?
The answer is consciousness anon, animals don't know what's good for them. That's why it's so easy to poison them.

>> No.15216932 [DELETED] 

pigs eating a bird

>> No.15216935

Pigs are omnivours.

>> No.15216937

>99% of what an herbivore eats is plants, and 99% of what carnivore eats is meat
source? proof?

>> No.15216940

I just don't see how this invented problem with these "categories" (that you falsely assume are 100% strict) matters at all

>> No.15216955

>Babies often eat toys
>Hence babies are le...TOYBORES!

>> No.15216958

It's about what they typically eat for nutrition, which can easily be measured via observation in the wild along with studying their digestive systems and teeth anatomy.
Rabbits for instance are well documented in eating their babies but they're still obviously herbivores, why? Because the thing they eat for nutrition is effectively always going to be plant matter.
Using individual videos of caged/non-wild herbivores eating meat is about as logically sound as concluding that humans are a cannibalistic species because under special circumstances, they can and have eaten their dead.

>> No.15217046

>animals don't know what's good for them
But meat is good for animals.

>> No.15217047

>arguing about definitions
midwit thread

same goes for the retarded "is pluto a planet" thread that's also on page 1

>> No.15217082

That's a neurotypical problem. It's described as a defect when autists don't do it.

>> No.15217090 [DELETED] 

/sci/ sure would be a lot better if you weren't too dull, lazy and low iq to start superior and more engaging threads.

>> No.15217636
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I think you fail to understand the terms/how they are applied, mate. Let me give you another solid piece of proof for your theory.

>Humans are omnivores.

>I met a vegan idiot once.

>Science is dead and everything is a lie.

>> No.15217673

>>Newtonian mechanics doesn't explain certain phenomena.
Such as?

>> No.15218315

Nobody has ever claimed pigs are herbivores you retard, they go way beyond a horse eating a chicken because it has a salt deficiency to the point where they will literally walk through a herd of sheep and pick off the lambs preferentially

>> No.15218969 [DELETED] 
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>The hippopotamus is a megaherbivore

>> No.15219647 [DELETED] 

idiotic post

>> No.15219933

It's not just farm animals. It's you who are delusional.

>> No.15219943

Meds, now, before you kill someone

>> No.15219979

>It's not just farm animals
It's almost always farm animals and they sometimes eat weird and unnatural shit because they're fed slop lacking in nutrients, just like you, as evidenced by your golemization and brain damage.

>> No.15220021 [DELETED] 

chinese cuisine

>> No.15220113


>> No.15220174

more vids pls

>> No.15220504

The 'bores' describe what an animal eats in it's natural habitat or under regular conditions. Of course everything is "technically an omnivore". They are used to deacribe what an animal usually eats. I've seen a video of a cow eating a fish once, but 99% of cows prefer grass.

>> No.15220651

The classification was made for animal workers so they know what foodstuffs to buy, not for autists and scientists (redundant)

>> No.15221210
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try feeding a cat with grass only or a cow with animals

>> No.15221232

Squirrels are cute as hell

>> No.15221252 [DELETED] 

look at the soience soi getting upset that reality doesn't line up exactly with his elementary school soience textbook's definitions
this is exactly what op what talking about
if you're interested in science then shouldn't you be happy to learn new things about the natural world? why get upset when you find out that animals don't exactly behave the way the oversimplified books for schoolchildren say they do, why not ecstatic about increased knowledge?

>> No.15221636

There seems something uncanny and vaguely autistic about this thread and having these videos saved on your computer.

>> No.15221707

the content in the videos makes you angry because they contradict your preconceived and wrong ideas. you should be happy that you learned something new, but instead you take it personally and get angry because you feel like you're being contradicted.

>> No.15221722 [DELETED] 

This is how Avian flu spreads to mammals

The retards ITT still aren't right about anything

>> No.15221745

im thinking theres a very good chance that horse got sick from eating that because the gut lacks the required microbiome to digest meat.

>> No.15221824

Black holes

>> No.15221826

It's bait, it's supposed to not matter.

>> No.15221882

it doesn't explain how a lot of imaginary things work

>> No.15222055

Reminder that it's exactly this kind of autistic thinking we have to thank for the gender nonsense pervading society right now.

You're like a child who just learned about sex or some other naughty concept, and then goes around to every adult proudly explaining the 'hidden' jokes within double entendre in popular media.
That, or I fell for the bait.

>> No.15222060

take your meds

>> No.15222064

>Reminder that it's exactly this kind of autistic thinking we have to thank for the gender nonsense pervading society right now.
That's right. When I heard that we have a word for animals who eat grass, my first thought was "I need to cut off my dick and become a woman!"

>> No.15222068

Try to deny this doesn't happen, faggot.

>> No.15222199

>Reminder that it's exactly this kind of autistic thinking we have to thank for the gender nonsense pervading society right now.
That's neurotypicality, you are the autist. Welcome aboard.

>> No.15222205

it literally is proof that herbivores eat meat that has nothing to do with the validity of the classification

>> No.15222308
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none of that is true, horses are omnivores. lmao that you're denying the evidence before your eyes in favor of your childhood schoolbook soience meme.

>> No.15222590

No, but dismissing carnivory and herbivory as categories because sometimes carnivores eat plants when they're sick, or sometimes herbivores will eat small amounts of carrion when it's convenient, is like dismissing male and female as categories because sometimes a small portion of the population is born with intersex traits that often render them infertile.
It's autistic to think that practical, natural, scientific categories must always follow the rigid pedantry of mathematical proofs. But that's what modern 'gender philosophers' do.

>> No.15222599 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15223204

Said by the member of the 'species' that recreationally poisons itself by consumption of alcohol, nicotine and other drugs en masse. Not to mention obesity rates and highly processed foods.

>> No.15223252

>It's autistic to think that practical, natural, scientific categories must always follow the rigid pedantry of mathematical proofs.
No it just isn't. It's neurotypical. Autists don't thinkn in categories. There are therapies for autists meant to specifically "fix" this "defect".

>> No.15223304

OP is retarded. In other news, the sky is blue

>> No.15223316

Eh. Everyone eats meat, but only herbivores can survive on grass.

>> No.15225132

Then what other massive gravitational object lies at the centre of the milky way?

>> No.15225140

My cat ate tagliatelle with tomato sauce the other day.

>> No.15225155

>mathematics is for neurotypical people.
Now i know for sure you are trolling.

>> No.15225174

What does it have to do with math?

>> No.15225181

>horses are omnivores. lmao
you're an omnivore too. why don't you go eat a pound of grass and see what happens?
you fucking giggletard npc

>> No.15225472 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 230x230, baird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In general, singularities are the non-physical mathematical result of a flawed physical theory.
t. Dr. Christopher S. Baird PhD, physics

There you have it, directly from the professionals. Singularities in the mathematics only prove a theory flawed and nothing else, they are not an indication of the existence of discontinuity in nature itself, they only indicate the unfortunate compounding of low iq with intellectual overreach amongst the authors of the mathematics.

>> No.15226200 [DELETED] 

the screeching soigoys coming to the defense of
>muh s o y e n c e ! ! !
are so cringe, they would suck bill nye's cock if requested to

>> No.15226229 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15226366

not even remotely true
not even for hypercarnivores, which tend to live much shorter lives and have to rest for much more of the day due to continuously poisoning themselves with dead animal remains

>> No.15226369

humans are not omnivores
humans are physiologically herbivores
no, not ruminants, we're not cows and we don't feed on grass, but we're herbivores nonetheless, just like the other great apes (even if chimpanzees eat (1-2% dead monkey and insects that doesn't mean their physiology isn't herbivorous either)

>> No.15226482
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OK, prove it. If you are autistic, and autists are good at math, explain this to me.

>> No.15226501

are you some kind of fanatical vegan idiot or something?

>> No.15226525 [DELETED] 
File: 110 KB, 764x947, middle aged crocodile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

162 years old

>> No.15226532 [DELETED] 
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400 year lifespan

>> No.15226537

It's true though. No other primate consumes animal products in any major quantity, tarsiers are the only other exception.
We are not even capable surviving on a purely carnivorous diet. Not only there are problems with vitamins, we can't metabolize enough protein to survive on it. (domestic animals have been bred to be fat, you couldn't survive on wild game)

>> No.15226627

humans have been eating meat for at least a million years.

>> No.15226655

Degenerate bug eaters will be shot.

>> No.15226675
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>> No.15226678
File: 166 KB, 850x618, Comparisons-of-digestive-tract-anatomy-It-can-be-seen-that-the-human-digestive-tract-is.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15226681

>In humans,
the colon represents only 20% of the total volume of the
digestive tract, whereas in apes it is about 50% (Fig. 2;
Milton and Demment, 1988; Milton, 2003). The size-
able colons of most large-bodied primates permit fer-
mentation of low-quality plant fibers, allowing for ex-
traction of energy in the form of short-chain fatty acids
(Leonard et al., 2007). Thus, humans are relatively poor
among autoenzyme-dependent omnivores in digesting
uncooked plant fiber. The human large intestine lies
somewhere between that of the pig, a similar omni-
vore, and the dog, a carnivore capable of consuming
an omnivore diet that has a reduced cecum and short
colon. Evidence for this trend is that hindgut absorption
of short-chain fatty acids accounts for 2% of mainte-
nance energy for dogs, 6% to 9% for humans, and 10%
to 31% for pigs (Stevens and Hume, 1998). In horses,
it provides 46% of maintenance energy requirements.

>> No.15226707

>are the only other exception
so there are exception but humans aren't because... because it is so chud

>> No.15227082

Captive animals could well be missing some nutrients which is found in animals. Or the sight of rodents are uncomfortable and biting/eating them gives relief.

>> No.15227092
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>> No.15227674

In combination with fruits and vegetables. Of course the guy you are answering is retarded because meat is not 'poisonous' because of a lack of certain proteins and vitamins. Almost all foods will have a deficit of some vital nutrient or another. That's why a varied diet is extremely important for good health. This should include some meat, but not to the degrees that some people choose to eat. Vegans completely overcompensate the other way but their intentions are good.

>> No.15227696 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 700x464, vegans are faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15227698

no me fren, u r de autistic wun.

>> No.15227896

Remember when 4chan threads weren't about making as many people mad as possible?

>> No.15227908


>> No.15227909

this was literally never the case.

>> No.15228495

>We are not even capable surviving on a purely carnivorous diet
Every mineral and nutrient can be find in meat. Maybe not in a triple mc happy bugar but the organs of the animals.

>> No.15228513
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>the scientists are wront
>I've got it all figured out
>t. schizo

>> No.15228969

I wrote exactly why it isn't possible in the next sentence. You couldn't get enough calories.

>> No.15229066

seeking the mental cases chimp out when they learn that the taxonomy expertise they all presumed they had was just imaginary. must be embarrassing learning that the neatly organized little categories you enjoyed believing in for so long are fake

>> No.15229394
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poor chicky

>> No.15229407

Solution: to stop cateorizing.
Even better: stop using language altogether.
Wittgenstein was right!

>> No.15229423

What the fuck are you saying. It's just a preferred diet, all animals will fuck around and eat random things they need to get to know the world. If you do any biology you know there are always exceptions and rules can be bent in many ways. But if an animal eats grass for 99% of their life they are categorized as herbivores.

>> No.15229433

You just described behaviors in abnormal conditions for humans.

>> No.15230193 [DELETED] 

maybe the taxonomy at play is all wrong. maybe mammalian digestive tracts, which have a common evolutionary background, don't exist in two or three distinctive types, maybe digestive tracts are a continuum and animals eat as much as they can of whatever is within reach because that easiest. if horses could eat nothing but chickens, maybe they would, but grass is usually easier.

>> No.15230249

Its. Not it's. Dumbass.

>> No.15230282

start using names like trans-herbivore and carno-curious