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15220880 No.15220880 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point?

>> No.15220885

To mine the cheese

>> No.15220978

Easier to launch from. Eventually you want a colony that is complex and populated enough to where you can start manufacturing rockets from lunar ores and things like that. You would only have to ferry people to the moon and then you can launch larger vehicles capable of long missions to Mars or the outer solar system. A lunar base is one small step in the direction of humans becoming a space-faring species.

>> No.15221622

To build on what this anon has stated;
The moon is useful for quarantine, for launching nuclear rockets without damaging earth, for studying the effects of long term human habitation in microgravity and conditions outside of the magnetosphere and as a practise run for colony building in preparation for Mars.

>> No.15221628

Helium 3
>The conventional deuterium + tritium ("D-T") fusion process produces energetic neutrons which render reactor components radioactive with activation products. The appeal of helium-3 fusion stems from the aneutronic nature of its reaction products. Helium-3 itself is non-radioactive. The lone high-energy by-product, the proton, can be contained by means of electric and magnetic fields. The momentum energy of this proton (created in the fusion process) will interact with the containing electromagnetic field, resulting in direct net electricity generation.[57]

>> No.15221632

Anything but Helium-3. It's a retard meme.

>> No.15221639
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>> No.15221643

The only fusion project that's using Helium-3 is making it in a Fusion reaction.
Thinking people will go to the moon to mine something at a few parts per trillion is multiple orders of magnitude of retarded.

>> No.15221650

Easy to refine oxygen and minerals from the regolith.

>> No.15221658

gibes for the diversity hire welfare cases at nasa

>> No.15221693

Dickwaving and practice for Mars.

That's a loooong way off and until then stopping at the moon is just a delta-v tax. You're also stuck with hydrolox engines if you do that, which is not very useful when you get to Mars.

>> No.15221713

>pretend to build a thing
>that is out of reach for 99.9999% of humanity
>trust me we really built it
>new we need a lot of tax money to maintain it
>so we need to raise taxes
>please don't ask questions
>it's for the greater good of humanity
>yes the common men will have less
>but the elite will use it to do sience in the moon
>to shift the goal post every 5 years on when to expect a return on investment
>but please give your money
>don't raise questions
>we can only fix earth, if we do something outside of earth
>we cannot simply just stop defforrestation by big corps
>dumping trash into oceans
>use ethanol, hydrogen as regenerative fuel
>or destil plastic waste into diesel
>no we have to throw it in the oceans
>trust me
>thats why we need a moon base
>or using solar updraft towers to have a constant wind energy solution
>no we need memeium-3 and waste a buckload of fuel to deliver it to the earth
>trust me
>it works

>> No.15221717

the actual black budget which you are not allowed to see any detail of is bigger than NASA's entire budget

>> No.15221728

Oh yeah so it's like dark matter.
It makes up 98% of the universe, but we cannot measure, touch, smell, see or experiment with it.
It's just there even though we have no way to prove it's existance.
But it's there.
The black budget & the dark matter.
Trust me, bro.
There is a big budget.
It's not a meme.

>> No.15221732
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You may have just woken up from a 5 year coma, but this exists.

>> No.15221736

For gain of function bio-labs.

>> No.15221738

the public version of nasa's budget is so fake it should be considered comedy

>> No.15221767

Take your meds.

>> No.15223229


>> No.15223341

Down the road it may be useful to stabilise the fusion reaction in fusion rockets, especially if additional propellants are to be used in the process. Mining he3 on the moon is stupid though given the size of Jupiter and Saturn.

>> No.15223394

The Moon is the gateway to colonize the solar system, is easier to launch from there, plus is really close to Earth so it can be resupplied quickly.
And since is very close, is a good testing ground for tech that can be used in other planets.

>> No.15223418

And it's going to be used to build a moon base.

>> No.15223845

Humans will not colonize the solar system

>> No.15223893

Upon what data is your opinion derived?

>> No.15223896


And ofc the geopolitical fact that whichever nation controls the moon and its advantages will gatekeep the entire solar system

>> No.15223954

his colon

>> No.15223996

We need to put a black woman on the moon to end racism.

>> No.15224556
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>> No.15224746

Its cool

>> No.15224756

unironically a good place to put your biolabs if you are experimenting with potentially dangerous shit

>> No.15226648

What if the function it gains is the ability to survive in extremely hostile conditions like space?

>> No.15226656

UFOtards coping again

>> No.15226669

Yea that's literally your secret unintelligent agencies spending huge amounts of money watching citizens of your country have sex, then drugging them, raping them, pretending they are aliens and then wiping their memories as best they can to cover it up. Personally I'm grateful they are wasting so much of your budget on suppressing you all in such degenerate ways. Otherwise the USA would be ruling the whole world by now.

>> No.15226694
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robotics arent nearly advanced enough to do this. humans dont work anyways since we cant pass the van allen belts without harm. no human has ever been to the moon.

>> No.15226732

IPBM nuclear silos on the moon

>> No.15227456
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This, or something similar will happen one day, despite the efforts of people like (you)

>> No.15227648

1. The military would love a permanent base bc of intelligence. Imagine having eyes in the sky all the time and being able to shoot down middles. Having a base on the moon gives your country a monopoly on space. Other countries can't enter or exit space with military there.

2. There are recources like helium 3 I think?

3. Any time you do anything involving space your furthering your knowledge of it. So nasa would love to have the epxierence and knowledge of contlstnstly upkeeping a moon base.

>> No.15227708

I'm not a UFO fag or bragging about the budget. I'm just saying if the government wanted to funnel money to secret shit as conspiracy theorists, they don't need NASA to do it.

The moon is neutral unless we break the Outer Space Treaty which may happen eventually but probably isn't a good idea.
There is helium 3 on the moon but it's a meme and not worth going there to get it.
Your third point is accurate, we have lots of data on living and working in zero-G, but very little in low-G.

>> No.15227727

To get away from niggers.

>> No.15228111

The treaty and more broadly, the entire legal framework for human space operations, is totally undeveloped and impractical. As it stands currently to create a hypothetical example;
>USA builds moon base
≥USA has to leave moon base because of solar event or whatever
>China beats the USA getting to the moon once the danger has passed
>China now legally owns the moon base and all associated infrastructure
>The USA takes China to the international law courts, loses the case and has to pay China's legal fees

It can't stay like this. Besides which the USA has plans to build a nuclear battleship... They just need a good excuse and that treaty is going in the wastepaper basket.

>> No.15228132

>What's the point?
- space storage station ( stuff could be sent there and be easily available to the space stations and to mars and other further exploration vessels )
- mass driver from moon to mars
- refuel station for further missions
- nuclear waste material storage
- experimental biology ( genetic engineering of plants / animals / viruses / bacteria )

i have plenty more ideas if you want, but basically the moon can and will be used as a steeping stone

rocket to space, drive to the moon, refuel take another rocket or a mass driver to mars
arrive at mars, land, refuel, take another rocket back to the moon, rocket or mass driver back to earth
you see how it helps to have a middle men, isn't the hard part just leaving the earths atmosphere / gravity? so after the hard part would be nice to have a safe place to leave from to other destinations

>> No.15228136

imagine you have to run 20 km, the first 100 meters are a climb 20% incline and the rest of the way is downhill, how nice would it be to stop at the top, rest for a while, and go on from there, so it's going from earth to mars

>> No.15228140

no, thats retarded

>> No.15228257

Not that anon but if you don't explain why then your opinion is invalid.

>> No.15229045

He who holds the moon holds the earth hostage

>> No.15229491

so shills like you have something to entertain cattle with

>> No.15229703

its pointless to get down in the moons gravity well, just use LEO, HEO or some earth orbit as the staging ground
the moon has almost no volatiles, the idea to use it as some kind of halfway point between the earth and mars is thus fucking retarded as shit, this argument was only dreamed up to justify the new program to go to the moon
I do agree we should make a base on the moon, but the fact is, its not going to help with Mars at all
if you do a detour there, its just going to cost you

>> No.15229737
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On a related note. I have a question Can you have a proper functioning shower in Lunar Gravity? Any issues that would possible crop up?

>> No.15229798

Retard nobody is going to put nuclear waste into a highly volatile rocket and send it to the moon spending billions of dollars a year with dozens of launches. We already solved nuclear waste decades ago by burying it into concrete and lead coffins then transfering it into several kilometres underground below tectonics

>> No.15230901



>> No.15231843

It will help if there is a manufacturing base on the moon due to lower deltav. Makes setup much cheaper. Mars will need to be developed much more rapidly than the moon. I see the point in sending astronauts directly to mars but colonists would benefit from time to adjust to the space environment while waiting for the launch window. They aren't going to be highly trained like astronauts are. So it would be a trip to the moon, some fundamental training in moon-g and then a cheaper rocket straight to mars where your supplies and equipment should be waiting already on the surface.

Situationally useful, not universally useful.

>> No.15231937
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Earth orbit is strategically important, with long term investment lunar industry could provide services to earth orbit in a way that is cheaper (accounting for say GHG emissions) or less easy to obstruct than from earth.
At the moment it's a long shot, maybe 50-100 years before it starts paying back the investment, but that starts to become a reasonable timeframe to start working for big national actors, at least as a hedge if nothing else, their plans at the moment are ultimately not a huge expense compared to other committments.

>> No.15231956

Easy to make
1) Oxygen
2) Aluminum
3) Glass
4) Solar panels
just straight from the regolith

>> No.15231957
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Throw rocks at earth?

>> No.15231967

No point. In fact settling America was also pointless.

>> No.15231988

So we can say that Moon is Based.

>> No.15232204

to spam john madden of course

>> No.15232212

You know how even now and then, teenagers throw rocks from an overpass highway and end up killing some driver?
The moon basically lets you do that on a planetary scale

>> No.15233117

World Wars and pandemics have commonly been responsible for generational shifts in technology and medical sciences. We can't keep having those, because those are revolving door escalation weapons. Eventually, there's a line that gets crossed and the entire planet dies. The alternate is space exploration and off-world colonization. Both elements are extremely hostile to human life and require indefinite investment timelines. They are, effectively, a combination of world war/pandemic categories but without the consequence of large scale human life loss. In space and off-world, one wrong move and everyone can die. As such, everyone is cautious as much as possible while still continuing to push the boundary of possible. Every step forward is a new frontier, an unexplored hill, an unturned rock; all of which has the potential to lead to a generational shift forward in technology and medical sciences.

The Olympics were created so that the world could compete on a peaceful stage and be prestigious without needing to resort to war to do the same. This is that, again, in a different way. Countries that establish themselves in orbit, on the Moon, Mars, and beyond--will all become more wealthy, more futuristic, more capable. A goal that all leaders want for their own citizenry, wherein the quality of their life is vastly superior relative to others, which in turn leads to migrations and exodus behaviors from other nation, where their best and brightest choose to leave them behind to immigrate into the great nations of the world and solar system. Of course, that inevitably will lead to future wars; but by the token of the great nations becoming far more advanced than the others, also means that the wars in kind will be much shorter lived and far less damaging to the biosphere. The outcomes and timelines will be asymmetrically skewed in favor of the greater power.

All of which will lead to block unifying effects across the globe over the next 50-100 years.

>> No.15233205 [DELETED] 
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idiotic sentiment picked up from popsoi&soifi

>> No.15233261


>> No.15233513

Boomerdoomer detected.

>> No.15233645

Why not?

>> No.15233874
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I like to daydream a lot but,

What would the space program have been like if Earth had multiple moons?

Or even if the Earth itself was a moon orbiting a gas giant with other moons nearby?

>> No.15234303

No country is going to "control" the moon, the thing is enormous.

>> No.15234312

to run away from niggers and normies.
I'm nuking you all when I get there

>> No.15234315

>Or even if the Earth itself was a moon orbiting a gas giant with other moons nearby?
easier and much better off I suppose, depending on the relative orbital velocities.
>What would the space program have been like if Earth had multiple moons?
Not much different I guess

>> No.15234326
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>this exists

...And just imagine if it actually flew!

>> No.15236734

Only a retard focuses on the example and not the point.

>> No.15238370

Dumbest poster itt

>> No.15238409
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Feel free to provide an alternative explanation midwit.
Pro-tip: you can't

>> No.15238451

Next step

>> No.15239292

Because it's LE COOL

>> No.15239354

Yeah, like, ALL of them.

>> No.15239602

I'm bringing you with us yte boi

>> No.15240100

>Feel free to provide an alternative explanation midwit.

>I keep believing in a wrong model until I have an alternative explaination
>please daddy, I am afraid of the unknown

Also explaination to what exactly?

>> No.15243036


>> No.15243483

If you get enough of a head start, you could place enough of your own weapons down on the surface to repel any other nation which attempts to land on it - let alone establish a base - and from there you can police what does and doesn't escape Earth's gravity into the rest of the solar system.

>> No.15243512

MOND predicts that stars should be short-term unstable. Nobody takes MOND seriously any more.

>> No.15243688
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strategic high ground for the new cold war

>> No.15243752

showers would work fine in low g like the moon or mars. They'd be deadly in very low g, but I bet any planets (including pluto) would be ok. The biggest problem is if gravity can overcome the water's surface tension. If it surface tension is stronger than gravity then you have essentially sticky drowning fluid stuck over your nose and mouth. On the marginal worlds where the surface tension is nearly too strong, you could probably add a surfactant to the water to make it run easier and improve your safety margin.
Standing water (bathtub, pool, lake, ocean etc) would be weird on low g worlds. They'd have proportionally much taller waves! Th water would be way 'splashier' than on earth, so swimming a crawl might be hard because there'd be so much splashing.

>> No.15243760
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Did you know you can fly on titan man