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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15221730 No.15221730 [Reply] [Original]

Now that goyslop has it's own unique taxonomy and jagon, the study of goyslop qualifies officially as a scientific subject, probably a subset of nutritional science. Before long it will have it's own journals that university students will daydream of being published in, but at the moment this subfield is just starting to take off. Opportunity knocks for anyone who wants to get in on the ground floor in goyslop studies. Test you scientific skill level in this ITT by expanding on goyslop taxonomy if you have the talent to do so.

>> No.15221772

You got one thing wrong. The purpose of Goyfeed is not to minimize resource usage. The purpose of Goyfeed is to make people sick. They want people sick so that they can sell so-called healthcare.

>> No.15221883

Lack of heavy metals (lead, mercury, cadmium, possibly other elements that I don't know about) as well as too low in known nutriens like copper. It's not by accident.

>> No.15221885

what sort of backwater Amish motherfucker dialect is this

>> No.15221888

Why are nu/pol/ memes so unfunny? Is it because they got overrun with Jewtin cocksuckers? This is even worse than those -oomer wojacks.

>> No.15221897

You've got a keen sense of goyslopology, you've got talent. I smell a nobel prize in your future if you stick with your studies

>> No.15221903
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Your taxomony is problematic. Goyslop and ZOGslop will be the first to get transitioned into the domain of Goyfeed and then they will become subcategories. I think the correct top level categories should be farmed Goyfeed and Lab-grown goyfeed.

>> No.15221920

Thats not a bad organization scheme, but if you look at the ancestral roots of the goyslop, you'll see that it's evolution makes that way of sorting things occasionally confusing. For example hostess cakes, they started off as cheap imitation versions of european style pastries all of which are made from farmed ingredients, but at the current juncture in time hostess cakes are made in china entirely out of petroleum byproducts. At some point in time they crossed over from one category to the other.

>> No.15222171

gentilenosh meme desu

>> No.15222272

I work for ExxonMobil. I can 100% guarantee hostess cakes (goyslop, is it?) are approximately 65% crude distillates and heavy paraffin fractions by weight. Typically a 60:40 blend respectively. Naphthalene and n-paraffins (C31) crystallize into their own microdomains within the cake sponge matrix to give them their delicious velvety mouthfeel. Fascinating structures and molecular mixed crystals can be present in petroleum -based goyfeed

>> No.15222287
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>> No.15222374

The funniest part is that the beyond meet burger doesn't reduce resource consumption. It is entirely based upon agricultural products which are grown for the sole purpose of human consumption. Switch to that only means you need to replace cattle land (cattle hearding has fairly minimal resource requirements if done in traditional manners) to farmland which requires a large amount of resource input regularly since the soil is pretty much destroyed by the tilling needed to grow those plants. It's just another way to introduce malnutrition by the elites into the human diet.

Also, Chile Con Carne is quite healthy. Peppers, garlic, tomatoes and beef are good for you. The beans are a decent natural source of protein and carbs. The spices commonly put into it can also have beneficial effects as well.

>> No.15222584

If you put beans in a chile con carne you're a faggot who deserves to be put up against a wall.

>> No.15223322
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The insidious jewish plot to make americans eat too much and never exercise

>> No.15223333

>ifunny watermark
/pol/niggers can't even save their own images, sad to see.

>> No.15223367

>2/3 carbs and sneed oils

>> No.15223378

I'm more partial towards zogchow

>> No.15223388

Chili con carne is not unhealthy. And if you know how to use a spoon, it's not messy.

>> No.15223479

>Lack of heavy metals (lead, mercury, cadmium, possibly other elements that I don't know about)
Stop trying to make this retarded psyop happen. No one is going to fall for it.

The vast majority of all human exposure to heavy metals comes from mining and industrialization. Our evolutionary history is almost completely devoid of mercury or lead, so our bodies have no means of processing or tolerating them. They are purely toxic.

>> No.15223497

First, let's talk about heavy metals. While these elements can be toxic in high amounts, they're actually necessary for our bodies in small amounts. For example, lead is important for the proper functioning of our nervous system, while mercury plays a role in our immune system. But when we don't get enough of these heavy metals, our bodies can't function properly. This can lead to a whole host of health problems, including developmental delays in children, cognitive impairment, and even an increased risk of certain cancers.

>> No.15223517

The ability to smell through time? Oy vey anon, you must have a very big nose to facilitate that kind of smell sense!

>> No.15223522

>Source: my ass
>t. retard

>> No.15223542


>> No.15223547

While lead is typically known for its toxic effects, it is also an essential nutrient that plays a crucial role in human health. In fact, lead deficiency can lead to a variety of health problems, including anemia, reproductive issues, and impaired growth and development in children.

Lead is required for the proper functioning of enzymes involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin, the protein responsible for carrying oxygen in our blood. Without adequate levels of lead, our bodies may not be able to produce enough hemoglobin, which can lead to anemia, a condition characterized by a lack of oxygen-carrying capacity in the blood.

In addition to its role in the production of hemoglobin, lead is also important for the proper functioning of the reproductive system. In men, lead deficiency can lead to a decreased sperm count and impaired fertility. In women, lead deficiency has been linked to menstrual irregularities and other reproductive issues.

Children are particularly susceptible to the negative effects of lead deficiency. Inadequate levels of lead during critical periods of growth and development can lead to impaired cognitive function, decreased IQ scores, and even stunted growth.

It is important to note, however, that while lead is an essential nutrient, it is not commonly found in the diet and should not be intentionally supplemented. Instead, a balanced and varied diet that includes sources of other essential nutrients is the best way to prevent lead deficiency and the associated health problems.

In conclusion, lead deficiency is a serious health concern that can lead to a variety of health problems, particularly in children. Adequate intake of lead through a balanced diet is essential for proper growth, development, and overall health. However, it is important to avoid excessive intake, as high levels of lead can be toxic and lead to a wide range of negative health effects.

>> No.15223548

>In fact, lead deficiency can lead to a variety of health problems, including anemia, reproductive issues, and impaired growth and development in children.
>Source: my ass
>t. retard

>> No.15223562

Lol, did you ask ChatGPT to make up an argument about the harms of lead deficiency?

>> No.15223733 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15224066
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>No one is going to fall for it.
Then we are all dead. Notice that most land arthropods (insects, etc) and birds have already disappeared. Millions of people have already died of it, recorded with such causes of death as diabetes. We won't last much longer.
>Our evolutionary history is almost completely devoid of mercury or lead,
No it isn't. The teeth in pic is a quarter millions years old.

>so our bodies have no means of processing or tolerating them. They are purely toxic.

The body uses them in proteins. The proteins work when the metals are present, the body is extremely sensitive in using the heavy metals over anything else, it takes orders of magnitude less lead that it takes the supposedly correct calcium to activate the same protein. it isn't poisoning.
Rome also fell due to its exhaustion, in a course of history eerily similar to modern history. That is not the only case. It seems it takes about 80 years at most, as the old people die and then things begin to rapidly deteriorate as the new generations are brain dead.
Not me, but not completely wrong.
Also not me, and wrong. The most likely connection with iron is that iron poisoning makes the body unable to use lead properly. The symptoms of iron poisoning and lead deficiency share much similarity.
Also lead deficiency causes gigantism, not stunted growth, as lead regulates growth hormone release.
As many other forms of brain damage it isn't properly measured by IQ. Indeed the flynn effect may be the result, either as people train up from the constant need to compensate for their broken brains, or because those who made the tests were already defective, and not all questions have a rational solution. These two are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.15225196

this feel like beating a dead horse when reading. maybe i am to old...