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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 320 KB, 576x522, muh 5 billion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15216895 No.15216895 [Reply] [Original]

How do they know it's 5 billion plastic covid masks in the oceans and no 6 billion, or 6 trillion? Either way, nice job science, way to go polluting the oceans and then doing utterly nothing to clean up after yourselves, completely irresponsible. All for plastic play acting props in support of a fake viral epidemic, what a total waste.

>> No.15216897

it's a bit of an overestimate. by my calculations it's 6 million masks.

>> No.15216916

Yikes! A mask-revisionist. I can't even.

>> No.15216918

Odd indeed.

>> No.15217003

>Price of masks before covid: 5 cents a piece
>Price of masks during covid: 1 euro a piece

I'm still shocked by the fucking shit that is capitalism.

>> No.15217007

>I'm still shocked by the fucking shit that is capitalism
>can't understand prices as demand signals
>can't understand demand and supply
>can't understand what value means
>can't understand competition
You socialists are braindead morons who have no understanding of reality, even when the market does appease to your feelings of what should be right most of the time

>> No.15217265

Uh, I'm really retarded, but aren't most disposable masks made of paper?

>> No.15217291

Stopped reading there

>> No.15217716

>Hundreds of thousands returned to the streets, putting each other at risk of getting COVID-19
What a bitch!

>> No.15217721

No they're nylon.

>> No.15218393

The important thing is that Pfizer got a big payday. Trust the science.

>> No.15219771 [DELETED] 
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>Uh, I'm really retarded,
yes, just like all the rest of the science pollution apologists. destroying the world's oceans all for a charade of a fake viral epidemic

>> No.15221054

woah there chud. if anything the sheer economies of scale, all that government spending and it being technically a common fight agains a plague like disease.

you're the one that has no understanding of reality if you don't realise that big import/export business and factory owners, and various smaller contractors were the reason the measures were the way they were. because the politicians either owned said companies or they received kickbacks from it.

fuck your retarded supply and demand bullshit, it's a scam and whoever is selling masks that expensive is a scummy merchant

>> No.15221163

I will never forgive science for what it has done.

>> No.15221175

why do people throw their masks in the ocean ? why not the garbage bin

>> No.15221226

In most Asian and African countries, garbage bins get dumped straight into rivers.

>> No.15221263

I really hate the ocean. I live about 90 minutes from the Atlantic. What I do is a wear a new mask every day, and then I throw the mask in a box at the end of each day. After about a year, I drive out to the ocean with my box of masks, and dump them all into the water. Fuck the ocean!

>> No.15221269
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>hating nature
You are not white.

>> No.15221284
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don't fuck with greta or you end up against the wall


>> No.15221312

Do you know who likes oceans? Brown people. Fuck off brownie!

>> No.15221332

>Do you know who likes oceans? Brown people.
You couldn't be more wrong.

>> No.15221359

>You couldn't be more wrong.
Really? Can you point out some tropical people with fair skin and blonde hair?

>> No.15221364

What do tropical people have to do with wanting to preserve natural beauty or enjoyment of the ocean? You know oceans exist north of the equator right?

>> No.15221367

You think those Alaskans spend a lot of time lying out on the beach, soaking in those rays?

>> No.15221368

Forget it, you're talking to an ignorant nigger.

>> No.15221372

>a blonde haired, blue eyed nigger

>> No.15221376

Do you think the Caribbean or Filipino populations treat the ocean with respect?

>> No.15221379

Yes. Have you been to those places?

>> No.15221382

You're not fooling anybody, nigger.

>> No.15221384

Do you know how I know you're autistic?

>> No.15221385

You clearly have not. They treat the ocean like an open sewer, even in the places they fish from.

>> No.15221401
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>> No.15221411


>Plastic waste affects environmental quality and ecosystem health. In 2010, an estimated 5 to 13 million metric tons (Mt) of plastic waste entered the ocean from both developing countries with insufficient solid waste infrastructure and high-income countries with very high waste generation. We demonstrate that, in 2016, the United States generated the largest amount of plastic waste of any country in the world (42.0 Mt). Between 0.14 and 0.41 Mt of this waste was illegally dumped in the United States, and 0.15 to 0.99 Mt was inadequately managed in countries that imported materials collected in the United States for recycling. Accounting for these contributions, the amount of plastic waste generated in the United States estimated to enter the coastal environment in 2016 was up to five times larger than that estimated for 2010, rendering the United States’ contribution among the highest in the world.

>> No.15221428

I don't understand, what point does this prove again?

>> No.15221432

Oh, I thought you were making a point that tropic nations were the worst polluters, not first world countries like the USA. My bad.

>> No.15221434

The original argument was about white vs. nonwhite people. You made the spurious argument that people originating from the tropics are more conscientious about the environment.

>> No.15221440

The argument was about which ethnicity enjoys the ocean. But you're all fucking autists, as if someone would literally save up masks in a box to dump in the ocean, and then it turns into a nice bit of racism as well. Good ol' 4chan.

>> No.15221442

>The argument was about which ethnicity enjoys the ocean.
So what does the US do to prove or disprove your point? You still haven't explained it.

>> No.15221445

>You made the spurious argument that people originating from the tropics are more conscientious about the environment.
The USA has a higher rate of plastic pollution than any other country in the world. You can't really be this stupid. Or are you going to blame all of the plastic on black people?

>> No.15221449

The USA isn't a white country.

>> No.15221456
File: 205 KB, 1200x900, ching chong summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

false, china & india are the big polluters, philippines up there with them

>> No.15221457

Is Germany? Is Russia? The UK? How about a very homogenized country like Japan, a bunch of pale Asians? Do they count?

>> No.15221458

You have really poor reading comprehension.

>> No.15221459

The UK isn't. Not sure about Germany anymore. Russia is a white country.

>> No.15221463

Russia is 6th.

>> No.15221465

6th what?

>> No.15221468

In total plastic waste.

>> No.15221469

only a white (or whatever) country, if they despise or look down on ALL other races

USA: pays to import and rimjobs some nonwhite races, e.g. asians and (((others)))

Point being russia is a white country because they're racist AF, america is not because they're only mostly racist.

>> No.15221473

But that's a spurious measure don't you think? They seem to rank 10th in mismanaged waste despite their huge population, though there is no indication of how that number came to exist. Meanwhile all the top 5 are brown countries.

>> No.15221476

>only a white (or whatever) country, if they despise or look down on ALL other races
If superiority and racism are your definition, then numerous asian countries are more white than actual white countries.

>> No.15221480

>Meanwhile all the top 5 are brown countries.
I don't know what you're looking at. Plastic waste that actually reaches the ocean? The latter is a bullshit measure because western countries ship their plastic overseas (often illegally) which lets them off the hook for ocean trash, even though it was not discarded properly.

>> No.15221482

>The latter is a bullshit measure because western countries ship their plastic overseas (often illegally)
So when brown people dump trash in the ocean it's not their problem because they bought the trash?

>> No.15221486
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>> No.15221488

>because they bought the trash?
Lol, they've actually refused it.

>> No.15221492

Yeah ok, sure. So they refused the trash and then threw it in the ocean.

>> No.15221494

okay, know it's getting late, but maybe read again a bit more slowly;
> a white (or whatever) country [...]
numerous countries are "asian countries", or some specific 'whatever' race. They'd only be 'white country' if they despised their own natives along with every other nonwhite race? Duh?

>> No.15221495

Yeah, that's pretty much exactly what happened.

>> No.15221503

Well thank you for conceding I guess. It's their fault for throwing it in the ocean and they clearly don't care about the ocean whatsoever. If they did they wouldn't buy trash and then refuse to deal with it.

>> No.15221505

>They'd only be 'white country' if they despised their own natives along with every other nonwhite race? Duh?
Nope, hating white people is a very white thing to do. Based Japan, more white than Scandinavia.

>> No.15221509

>send trash to someone
>someone doesn't want the trash, gets rid of it
I mean, what the fuck do you expect when you're sending literal trash to countries that don't want it?

>If they did they wouldn't buy trash and then refuse to deal with it.
Dude, you are legitimately retarded. These countries didn't buy anything, they've stated they don't want to be a garbage dump and western countries still send them trash.

>> No.15221512

>I mean, what the fuck do you expect when you're sending literal trash to countries that don't want it?
They bought it. They don't get to say they "don't want it" after paying to have it shipped over. That's just irresponsible.
>These countries didn't buy anything, they've stated they don't want to be a garbage dump and western countries still send them trash.
How is it getting there? Magic? If they actually refused trash deliveries they wouldn't be unloaded. This is just a cope to avoid their responsibilities.

>> No.15221527

>They bought it.
No they didn't.

>How is it getting there? Magic?
Do you think boats are magic?

>It has even sent some back to Canada, which had been discovered shipping waste illegally to the country for years -- a revelation that so infuriated President Rodrigo Duterte that he recalled his ambassador to Canada and threatened war.

>> No.15221531

Wow good job! You discovered that if a country actually does want to stop trash from being delivered it can do so easily. Now you surely must admit that the ones who continue to import trash are doing so because they make a profit from taking the metals from it or because they don't care about the environment and will dump it for cash.

>> No.15221542

You're so fucking dumb it makes my head hurt.

>The federal government has issued dozens of warning letters and fines to Canadian companies for shipping illegal waste overseas in the last five years, but critics say the penalties do nothing to stem the tide of trash being dumped in developing countries.

>Since 2017, Ottawa has identified well over 100 shipping containers of waste that have been illegally transported to developing countries from Canada, carrying more than 2,300 metric tons of garbage.

>Canada has come under fire in recent years for sending waste overseas, often misidentified as recyclable material. A years-long dispute with the Philippines over dozens of cargo containers of Canadian garbage embarrassed the government, which eventually paid more than C$1 million to ship the unwanted trash back to Vancouver.

>Sabaa Khan, director of the climate portfolio at the David Suzuki Foundation, said the shipments were likely intentionally mislabeled as clean, recyclable material, which doesn’t require the same insurance and documentation as contaminated scrap. She said they were probably only found during random inspections. “False labeling is a huge problem in the waste trade,” she said. “It’s a huge malpractice in the industry.”

Wealthy country sends "recyclables" to poor countries. Poor countries accept mislabeled shipments. Only find out during inspection that they were given trash, not recyclables. Faced with either paying to have it shipped back or dispose of it. But sure, first world countries that are sending trash illegally deserve no part in the blame, you fucking moron.

>> No.15221546
File: 744 KB, 1125x1542, jidf hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup /leftypol/

>> No.15221551

Uh oh, you can't decide what you want me to be. Black? Jew? OMG, a black Jew, your worst nightmare!

>> No.15221586

scientists are evil. we all know it.

>> No.15221605

Sorry, who is forcing them to throw this all in the ocean again? You skipped that part.

>> No.15221785

>Sorry, who is forcing them to throw this all in the ocean again?
scientists who lied about covid are responsible for the masks. trying to divert blame to other sources only shows off how irresponsible to scientists are. they wanted everyone to wear masks, but made no plans to clean up after the mess they demanded, instead the try to cast blame on everyone else for the mess

>> No.15221958
File: 625 KB, 1634x1454, 1677058828466146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the New York Times has now turned on the scientists over this issue.
What a paradigm shift, only a year ago the same outlet was screeching about "trust the scientists"

>> No.15222121

I hike a lot in the countryside , I am finding masks everywhere , top of mountains, streams, remote places.

>> No.15222242

>trust X
is a surefire way to get yourself enslaved. Always has been that way.
Doesn't mean you should start being a fucking idiot instead though.

>> No.15222261
File: 329 KB, 500x680, 435354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the New York Times has now turned on the scientists
No, it hasn't. It's simple damage control. The new narrative is going to be (already is, actually) that government bureaucrats were cherrypicking studies and taking them out of context, and now the real scientists are blowing the whistle, so we need more actual scientists in the government to manage the next pandemic (and you will note that these types always talk about the "next" pandemic as a given). Nothing is shifting with establishment mouthpieces. They're just shoehorn any outcome back into the template of their original agenda.

>> No.15222292

>only a year ago the same outlet was screeching about "trust the scientists"
They only did that because an entire section of the population felt genocided for being asked to uphold the most basic amount of hygiene standards for a while, and who apparently thought that "being skeptical" means succumbing to cringe 5G reptiloid tinfoil conspiracies on facebook like the digitally illiterate facebook boomers they were.
And yes, some of the measures like stay-at-home orders and shit were too extreme, but can you really blame our politicians for overreacting considering the apocalyptic imagery from China and Italy and the fact that this was a thing that had never happened in their lifetimes? It was a strange new disease with at the time unknown effects, and apparently the country of origin found it necessary to disinfect entire districts while wearing ABC suits like in the news collage at the beginning of every zombie flick. Of course this led to massive hysteria across the globe.
We know better now. Your 5G tinfoilery is still cringe.

>> No.15222302

It is rational, moral and necessary to remove you from society. "An entire section of the population" now understands this and no longer acknowledges the validity of your "rights".

>> No.15222317

The new and true narrative is that the media fucked up with their hysterical "we're all gonna die" reporting and being extremely biased towards studies that furthered this narrative, and that this has done considerable damage to the credibility of science among the populace.
Just for once the media are self-aware and admit to their mistakes, yet you retards still aren't satisfied. Like, believe it or not, the media will ALWAYS take on the most sensationalist narrative. This isn't a conspiracy but simple economic behavior. It might come as a shock to you, but the headline "this new deadly virus will kill everyone" sells more copies than "we don't know much about it yet".

>> No.15222324

>NNNNOOOO I can't get a haircut for a month or two, I'm going INSAAAAANEE

>> No.15222330

>The new and true narrative is that the media fucked up
The media doesn't decide public policy.

>Just for once the media are self-aware and admit to their mistakes, yet you retards still aren't satisfied
You see, "people" like you can't be reasoned with. They need to be physically silenced. The COVID fiasco has made it very clear to a large fraction of the population and it's just a question of time now.

>> No.15222349

>The media doesn't decide public policy.
Of course they do. They shape public opinion and thus voting behavior and thus the behavior of policy makers. Are you really this dense to not see the connection?
Media is a plural btw.
>"people" like you can't be reasoned with.
As opposed to Cletus and his chemtrail detection broom?
>it's just a question of time now.
You looney don't have the slightest amount of power. Even when you aggregated en masse in a single spot all you managed was break a few windows and get yourself killed. You've gone down in history as a laughing stock who had a mental breakdown for being prevented to get a haircut for a couple months. How the fuck do you think you'll survive any real happening?

>> No.15222355

>They shape public opinion and thus voting behavior
Interesting. I don't recall people voting for mask mandates, lockdowns, forced corproate injections or any of this shit.

>As opposed to Cletus
You and Cletus are equal and opposite golems in a false dichotomy.

>> No.15222373

>I don't recall people voting for mask mandates, lockdowns, forced corproate injections or any of this shit.
Looks like most people outside your little facebook boomer bubble were pretty okay with it.

Is this why the politicians who mandated all that stuff are still in power?
What about the US where the bleach injector boy got ousted from office by the pro-mandate party?

>> No.15222380

>most people were pretty okay with it
Then why the damage control?

>Is this why the politicians who mandated all that stuff are still in power?
They won't be in power for long. You are violently hated and you will be killed.

>> No.15222389
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africa and asia (china)

>> No.15222404

>Then why the damage control?
Because people didn't hate the mandates, which they saw were (mostly) reasonable, but the hysterical black-and-white reporting done by the sensationalist media, and the fact that everyone who dared to show the slightest hint of skepticism in regards to their "we're all gonna die" narrative was painted as a right-wing retard (which was true for a large section of "skeptics", but not for all of them). Basically the media have realized they've lost the public's trust with their hysterical sensationalist reporting, and are trying to repair the damage they've done.

>They won't be in power for long. You are violently hated and you will be killed.
Yeah, no. But keep believing it if it helps control your schizophrenia.
Also, have sex and touch grass, you will never be a power holder etc. pp.

>> No.15222464

>people didn't hate the mandates
They did hate the mandates, a hatered you will be physically subjected to quite soon, even according to internal reports from your own handlers.

>> No.15222497

You're gonna cross the Atlantic Ocean and strangle me with your chud spaghetti arms?
Shit, I'm so scared right now.

>> No.15222499

Your intense fear is palpable from your desperate attempts to prove that you are not hated.

>> No.15223034


6 million was already taken and they needed a large number; 6 billion sounded good.

>> No.15223053

>Sorry, who is forcing them to throw this all in the ocean again?
Do you agree that the Philippines is poor? Why should they have to pay to ship trash back that was illegally sent to them in the first place?

>> No.15223059

>The new and true narrative is that the media fucked up with their hysterical "we're all gonna die" reporting and being extremely biased towards studies that furthered this narrative
It turns out the government was actively censoring stories that went against the narrative, so of course we were given a slanted view.

>> No.15223060

>How do they know it's 5 billion plastic covid masks in the oceans and no 6 billion, or 6 trillion?
huge numbers in statistics always come from estimations. I can't even believe to describe how fucked you are that you had to ask to realize this.

>> No.15223092
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>It is estimated that 81% of ocean plastics come from Asian rivers. The Philippines alone contribute around one-third of the global total.