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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15218601 No.15218601 [Reply] [Original]

Sciencebros...why didn't any of you tell me my last birthday would be my last one? :(

>> No.15218608

the science is settled, chud

>> No.15218677

We didn't want to ruin your remaining days. It's ok, we're shipping everyone guns to end it all when it's time.

>> No.15218735

I think the idea is that we needed to set some benchmark by this year or else eventually there will some kind of extinction event, not that the extinction would happen within 5 years. Sounds like hyperbole in either case anyway

>> No.15218738

So we're already fucked and any further attempts to stave off the apocalypse by torturing normal people while elites continue to fly around on private jets are futile and unnecessary. Got it.

>> No.15218906

It's not too late. There's still time for the government to create some new taxes for us. All we have to do is pay a bit more tax guys and it's over.

>> No.15218977
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>> No.15219009

Yes yes, you never used fossil fuels anon, you're innocent, sure

>> No.15219017

Humanity is more likely to collapse due to a weakening gene pool that does not produce enough intelligent people to maintain the modern world.

>> No.15219023

The lack of heavy metals is a much bigger problem right now. We can last a couple more decades of warming, we can't last a couple more decades of heavy metal deficiency. Almost all land arthropods and birds are dead, and there has been nowhere near enough warming for that to be the cause.

>> No.15219025

People are brain damaged from heavy metal deficiencies.

>> No.15219030
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You misunderstand. I don't give a fuck whether I did or didn't contribute to your climate apocalypse that may or may not be a delusion of a doomsday cult. In fact I only wish I could've contributed more because I've been waiting eagerly my whole life for those warm, snowless winters they've been promising me since I was a kid.

>> No.15219031

Enjoy your fires

>> No.15219035

Don't live in california, so not my problem. <3

Also those aren't caused by global warming.

>> No.15219047

>fires only occur in california
>fires aren't caused by hot, dry conditions
I think they still have trees in Russia last time I checked Ivan

>> No.15219050
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hahahahahaha xie actually went there

>> No.15220512

>while elites continue to fly around on private jets are futile and unnecessary
Playing the devil's advocate here, but this only accounts for 2% of global CO2 emissions

>> No.15220524

>but this only accounts for 2% of global CO2 emissions
So what? Was there supposed to be a point?

>> No.15220526

If they all simultaneously stopped doing that it won't make a dent in the CO2 emissions.

>> No.15220531

>If they all simultaneously stopped doing that it won't make a dent in the CO2 emissions.
So what? I'm still waiting for an actual point.

>> No.15220535

The point is left as an exercise for the reader

>> No.15220541

So you have no point. Them behaving that way really is just a form of mockery and assertion of dominance over obedient cattle (like you). Sorry about your exceptionally low IQ.

>> No.15220546


>> No.15220549

I accept your full concession, dumb animal. You may stop replying now.

>> No.15220553


>> No.15220558

My country generates an insignificant fraction of worldwide GHG emissions. It wouldn't make a dent even if it ceased to exist, therefore we are exempt from AGW policies. Call me back when the US, China, India and Russia are net zero. :^)

>> No.15220572

>My country generates an insignificant fraction of worldwide GHG emissions. It wouldn't make a dent even if it ceased to exist, therefore we are exempt from AGW policies. Call me back when the US, China, India and Russia are net zero. :^)
same here. it's irrational to demand that my country comply with climate shenanigans when others are contributing the bulk of it

>> No.15220582

You have non-white levels of reading comprehension.

>> No.15220587

>their countries aren't even relevant enough to invoke the ire of climate change activist

>> No.15220599

I'm glad you agree that most of the world doesn't need to do anything about climate change.

>> No.15220609

Speaking of which, my personal contribution is basically 0, so I am also excempt from climage alarmist policies regardless of where I'm from.

>> No.15220611

akchully, one's last birthday will always be one's last one *adjusts glasses*

>> No.15220613

ummmm no, sweaty, it's not about your individual contribution, it's about your group AKA the cattle. you are causing global warming collectively. the rich are a separate group because they're special, and they're not contributing that much collectively, so they're exempt from the policies they impose upon you

>> No.15220915
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I am exempt from climate policies because I don't fucking care, simple as.

>> No.15220947

There have been forest fires within California for thousands of years. They've regularly combusted when there is too much underbrush and then the seeds that spread into the ground from exploding pinecones, etc. sprout shortly after the fire subsides.

>> No.15221035

I'm glad we didn't improve the world for nothing.

>> No.15221044

>we didn't improve the world

>> No.15221424

exactly. net emissions when talking about plutocrats vs normal people, per capita when comparing nations. fuck em

>> No.15221454

This earth is going to be here for 1000 years after Christ returns and will only end at the end of the millennium.

>> No.15221493

fun story: in my country, "scientists" (mostly students who needed something to write about to get a degree and shitty academics) have been blaming changes in beaches on "global warming", using photos taken at different times... but if you talk to locals, they will always tell you how those changes were the result of earthquakes.

>> No.15221501

Where I'm from they started blaming coastal erosion from seawalls (tl;dr: seawalls stop natural sand deposition) on global whatevering instead of the wealthy elites buying beachfront property and then fucking up the coast.

>> No.15221557
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>> No.15221575
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>> No.15221607


>> No.15221774


>> No.15221775

What percentage of global emissions is from Dutch farms?

>> No.15222606
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>> No.15222684

>see pic
wow, this sounds serious, maybe I should start taking this climate change thing seriously, let me see if this guy has any academic papers on the subject-
>he's a novelist
into the trash it goes

>> No.15222705

Climate change hysteria is the biggest modern doomsday cult. They keep making predictions for the end of the world that never come true while they invoke "science" (the faith) and "scientists" (the prophets) as their evidence of it going to happen. Science worship today is so anti-scientific, it's ironic.

>> No.15223705

actually all the fires in california are caused by self-combusting trees that were imported from Australia.
They explode as part of their mating cycle. I'm not joking.

>> No.15223834


This is literally happening in the Pacific, idiot.

>> No.15223838

Name one nation.

>> No.15224035

This and also a lot of old growth was logged away a century ago and replaced with densely planted same aged pine plantations which are raised under fire supression.

>> No.15224038

The old growth would have gone up like a tinderbox too if it was being purposefully mismanaged like it is today. Back then the forests were regularly cleared and coppiced for firewood and other necessities. The entire landscape of California was worked by mankind to be productive until the 1970s, and without tending this is what happens.