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15218345 No.15218345 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15218356
File: 822 KB, 1000x800, vaccine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better to be demihuman than not even be human at all. Wake up.

>> No.15218359

As soon as I saw Fox News covering antivax stories I knew it was bullshit. Realizing that the MSM feeds you horeshit to quibble about with other idiots is the first rule to ascending from NPCdom, yet /pol/ still hasn't figured this out.

>> No.15218382

>Realizing that the MSM feeds you horeshit
So SARS-CoV-2 is fake then.

>> No.15218394

Virologists did in fact say that a novel coronavirus was bound to affect us in the future after MERs.

>> No.15218683
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Jeez...and people here say they can tell the difference between a charlatan schizo and a savant schizo...

How convenient for all of us, huh?

>> No.15218690

Fauci said that there would be a devastating global pandemic in Trump's term. He must be a wizard.

>> No.15218872

When they opened their mouths.

>> No.15218940
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you sound like an insufferable faggot, OP

>> No.15219061

The vaccine didn't work. The majority got infected.

>> No.15219065

still not taking it (the vaxx)
still not sick

>> No.15219074

The vaccine did work. The majority got infected.
Death to the cattle, death to the cattle, death to the cattle, death to the cattle, death to the cattle, death to the cattle.

>> No.15219088

The vaccine didn't work. No one got infected. Respiratory viruses don't exist. If respiratory viruses did exist, scientists would be able to infect animals in the lab by the same means they claim the viruses spread in the wild, but scientists can only "infect" animals by some other means like injection after severely abusing the animals, so respiratory viruses don't exist.

>> No.15219089

I realized when I did some research into antivaxxer’s claims and saw they were always built on deliberate lies or at best a misunderstanding of the data

>> No.15219103
File: 118 KB, 900x2316, memes_cold_flu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Virologists did in fact say that a novel coronavirus was bound to affect us in the future after MERs.

>1) collect a group of symptoms from various or similar diseases (or ICD-10 codes)
>2) declare the group of collected symptoms now are a new Disease
>3) deploy a scare campaign and panic and make sure that [insert new disease] is diagnose as often as possible, so that people with one or more symptoms can be declared as "infected"
>4) include a asymptomatic form of disease, and make sure it gets diagnosed
>5) declare pandemic based on epidemiological/ statistical increase of diagnosis [insert new Disease or ICD-10 code]
>6) use pandemic to increase regulatory power, thin out population and force product on them
>7) after product is deployed revise what you told on step 2) and say symptoms are now different diseases and should be diagnosed as such
>8) declare pandemic is over based on epidemiolical/statistical decrease of diagnosis with [insert new disease or ICD-10 Code]

they do this trick every time.
Starting with leprosy, then pestilence, then syphylis, then malaria, then polio, then aids, then swine flu, then covid.

None of these "pandemic" or "epidemics" are cause by an disease with pathognomonic symptoms.
Hell... they cannot even distinguish:
> measels, pocks, shingles, rubella
They just see a skin disease.
Then do a round of thinking
> "must be the rubella"
> "But my child is vaccinated against it"
> "oh then it cannot be rubella... it must be scarlet fever with erythema multiforme"
They just pretend to know that the symptoms are a specific disease, but in fact, they go with whats "trending" or look at the vaccination data, and then exclude the other diseases, with the exact same group of symptoms and then they assign a new "ICD-10" diagnosis to the patient.

Most diseases have "flu like symptoms".
Sometimes with a) skin condition or b) neurological condition c) diarrhea
There are almost no pathognomonic diseases. It's wizardry.

>> No.15219105

It worked about as well as a pill that cures a cold in a week.

>> No.15219110

>but but without that pill
>your cold might could have been worse

>> No.15219119

Why didn't I die from covid?

>> No.15219315

>cherrypicked schizo ramblings

There will always be retards on both sides.
Learn how to ignore those who blindly jump on the bandwagon and those who blindly refuse to jump on it. They are just noise.

I'm novax and never got covid.
The entire time I was just trying to find what my actual risk was from covid and I could never find a straight answer.
The best I could find was IFR for my age (late 20s). The IFR for my age group was somewhere between 1 in 10^5 and 1 in 10^6.
I knew it was likely much lower for me specifically for a number of reasons:
1. The IFR numbers were skewed by people with comorbidities (obese, cancer patients, etc.) which made them not representative of me (healthy, not obese or overweight)
The average BMI for my age in the US is like 27.
2. The IFR numbers were based on COVID diagnoses so they did not include asymptomatic cases (which would skew things lower if included).
3. My lifestyle (I'm a hermit neet) probably also protected me from COVID more than average
4. Even with IFR numbers, you also need to know what your probability of getting covid is in order to calculate the risk (to assume IFR = risk implicitly assumes 100% chance of getting covid)

Just from these assumptions I guessed my risk of death to be somewhere between 1 in 10^6 and 1 in 10^7 or even less.
Looking at the population pyramid for the US, there are roughly 4.5 million people my age.

I don't care what the relative risk reduction from the vaccine is since the absolute risk reduction is at most 0.0001% for me.
My chance of getting some known or unknown side effect from the vax is likely higher than that.

>> No.15219338

Based effort poster. I basically did exactly what you did and tried to figure out my risk. Realising it was minuscule to non-existent I didn't bother with the mrna shot.

Just for comparison, my brothers got the shot + 1 booster and we all caught covid and we all had the exact same symptoms. Fever for a day, fatigue the next, then about a week of feeling "off" - just like a typical flu. It's like the shot had 0 effect on them.

>> No.15219355

Of course it worked.
The cattle directly injected itself with the mutagen.
They are all infected, except the lucky ones that received saline solutions.
Crossing my fingers they boost, can't always be saline amirite

Death to the cattle, death to the cattle, death to the cattle, death to the cattle, death to the cattle, death to the cattle.

>> No.15219358

Take your 5th booster

>> No.15219417

By 2022, the risk calculation gets even more favorable because omicron was more mild, all of the vax-cattle and previously infected offer some degree of herd immunity protection, and interventions like paxlovid or monoclonal antibodies protect against the extreme outcomes.
Unless you are old or have some extreme comorbidity, getting vaxxed at this point is actually retarded.

>It's like the shot had 0 effect on them
Is it any surprise that getting vaccinated for a variant from 2+ years ago is ineffective?
RNA viruses tend to mutate rapidly (that's why there is a new flu strain every year) and by the time a new vaccine hits the market it is already a year behind.
You likely all had similar illnesses since it was mostly your mucosal immune system doing the work.
The jabs in the arm don't train this part of the immune system. It is only when mucosal immunity fails that the vaccines become relevant. Turns out your mucosal immune system was good enough.

>> No.15219419

It's in ((their)) interest to only kill off the cattle and leave behind the ones who oppose them. Makes complete sense, can't you see?

>> No.15219577

>RNA viruses tend to mutate rapidly (that's why there is a new flu strain every year)
So why does flu move faster than human to human infection can explain?

>> No.15219600
File: 729 KB, 716x1698, how_to_poison_yourself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RNA viruses tend to mutate rapidly (that's why there is a new flu strain every year) and by the time a new vaccine hits the market it is already a year behind.
>You likely all had similar illnesses since it was mostly your mucosal immune system doing the work.

memes and memes.
It's all memes.
Pretending to know, when in fact, nobody can observe this shit.
It's all based on forskins and petridishes which not in the least resemble the human body or any complex organism.

99% of all in vitro studies show nothing which can be extrapolated to a real organism.
And 99% of in vivo studies are not in a natural habitat, use invasive methods, have no controlls and add medication to the experimental protocoll which also increase the noise of cause and effect.
Also they euthanized the animals within extremly short periods of times, then slice them open, then stain their tissue and to vague interpretation on what the see in the with toxic material stained tissue.

It's as "scientific" as reading coffee grounds.
Your buzzwords are meaningless in reality.

>mucosal immunity
>mucosal immunity
>mucosal immunity
Meme lord.

People poison themselves, lack sleep and regeneration time and then assert:
>"oh the meme Virus got me"
People do binge eating sugar, drinking alcohol and burining metal based fireworks.
And coincidentally get sick the often within the 4 months when the binge poisoning starts.
Oh muh mucosal immunity got impaired. Halp
The memeRNA of the mutating replication competent particle is at fault nothing else.

>> No.15219611

>within the 4 months
*3 months

>> No.15219643

>faster than human to human infection can explain
That's news to me
What is the rate that h2h predicts?
What is the rate observed?

I'm glad you corrected it.
I was about to call you schizo for stating an absurd 4 months but now it's more realistic with 3 months.

>> No.15219665
File: 25 KB, 668x202, flu_peak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I was about to call you schizo for stating an absurd 4 months but now it's more realistic with 3 months.

CDC says:
"he exact timing and duration of flu seasons varies, but flu activity often begins to increase in October. Most of the time flu activity peaks between December and February, although significant activity can last as late as May."

But it always peaks arround the holidays...
>binge eating, drinking and metal burning time

People poison themselves, then claim
"I catched some vague nano organism".
>I poisoned myself
Even though the mild poisoning symptoms for almost every poisoning is:
>flu-like symptoms
how about
>flu has poisoning like symptoms

>> No.15219694

Southern hemisphere has same holiday time but opposite seasons. The flu season follows the seasons not the holidays.

Try harder retard

>> No.15219832

>If respiratory viruses did exist, scientists would be able to infect animals in the lab by the same means they claim the viruses spread in the wild
Like putting infected animals in the same cage as uninfected animals? They do that kind of thing all the time.

>> No.15219837

>I'm novax and never got covid.
I fucking wish. I've had it twice now, though it was minor both times and had I not known about covid, would have assumed it was a brief cold.

>> No.15219845

>But it always peaks arround the holidays...
>binge eating, drinking and metal burning time
Or...crowding indoors for shopping and celebration? Would binge eating and drinking make someone feel like they had the flu if they did it while completely alone? Because based on my experience, that's a clear no.

>> No.15220257

Show me a scientific proof, not anecdotal, of a transmission on natural pathways, such as transfer of saliva or other secretions or exchange of breath which give the other person the same disease as the """infected""" host.

Also yes. When it's cold, you get a "cold" because it is cold.
And when it's cold your body chemistry gets slower because chemical reactions require heat.
And without chemical reactions tissue cannot repair.
Beeing in the polar Region and getting to cold can lead to various respiratory or pulmanory diseases because, the tissue is in dis-ease, because the temperature inhibits biochemical reactions.

To understand how temperature affects reactions, take a glass of vinegar and add baking powder. And observe.
Then take another glass of vinegar and cool it down to 0°C and add baking powder.

Then take a book about biochemistry, and try to understand how certain chemical reactions can only happen if there is enough energy.
And if there isn't tissue will decay and die.

Also ghere is no proof or any indication, that there are microorganisms that can operate better when it's colder.

>> No.15220288

Please read the frog and the scorpion.
In fact, read all the fairy tales, your mother clearly didn't love you enough to do it for you during your childhood.

>> No.15220497
File: 32 KB, 400x320, jones-icke-cia-3685542279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3-legged aluminum based alien life form in le diablo vax

This is called controlled opposition.

>> No.15220592

Why do you doubt a sentient nanotech virus is possible?