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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15216527 No.15216527 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you written a theory of everything yet, /sci/?

>> No.15216531


>> No.15216533

I'm unironically working on it. If you're interested in a preview just look for posts on this board and on /lit/ with a frog attached to them.

>> No.15216534



Jew on this board practically screaming to do this shit stfu u stupid fuck

>> No.15216542
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I am researching regarding string theory

>> No.15216566

Newton started it, Maxwell found some holes, Einstein filled them in, and Hawking put it all together. What's done is done, it's a waste of time to reinvent the wheel. I'm working on Collatz while you shitpost.

>> No.15216618

>a theory of everything
You mean the Bible? God wrote it already, dawg.

>> No.15216622
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I did and I also discovered very strong evidence that supports it. There was an alternative explanation for the evidence that made more sense, though, and so I gave up on the theory. I never actually tried seeing if that alternative explanation is wrong, so I could still have a case for my idea but I doubt it.

>> No.15216659 [DELETED] 

Because there are a lot of known unknowns that exist meaning that any theory of everything is at great going to be a guess. Like we don't know if space is quantized or not, that a pretty major difference alone. We don't know if infinite density is physically possible. We don't know if the universe is finite size or not. We don't know if aliens exist. Lots of things would affect a theory of everything

>> No.15216663

Because there are a lot of known unknowns that exist meaning that any theory of everything is at best going to be a guess. Like we don't know if space is quantized or not, that a pretty major difference alone. We don't know if infinite density is physically possible. We don't know if the universe is finite size or not. We don't know if aliens exist. Lots of things would affect a theory of everything

>> No.15217018

You didn't list a theory of mind though, so this is not a true TOE.

>> No.15217099


>> No.15217104
File: 705 KB, 700x1050, vatican-media-reuters-south-sundan-ecumenical-retreat-190411-06_700x1050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You mean the Bible? God wrote it already, dawg.

>> No.15217123

the first thing to say is: langan's 'ctmu' is complete rubbish, it's a very sad attempt at a ToE. so i'm not sure why you use an image of him for this thread.

secondly, the best approach to a ToE is superdeterminism, which is very likely to be where einstein would have taken physics if he were given more time on earth. within superdeterminism, there are different proposed models, and no model is yet sufficient. to help develop any of these models, requires a deep understanding of the mathematics behind quantum mechanics. i lack this, hence why i do not personally contribute. i do however enjoy bearing witness to those who better understand the math, work towards finding a ToE, and in so doing, they will fulfill the noblest pursuit of finishing what einstein started lo those many decades ago.

>> No.15217954

>implying human meat-brains animated by such a poor, fragile processing matrixes as neurons are capable of such a thing

>> No.15217961

Electric Universe Theory looks like it has staggering descriptive and predictive power from supra-galactic structure down to local phenomena and gravitation. The more I read the more I become disillusioned of the bulk of theoretical physics.

>> No.15217997

A "Theory of Everything" would have to include all possible contingencies on what exists outside our universal structure, if anything at all. Even our flawed understanding of the universe itself shows the universe had a previous point of non-existence, so its point of creation is still under debate by creatures only capable of spawning 13 billion years later. Being in a solar system with a third-generation star has its benefits and deficits.

>> No.15218015

If by "previous point of non-existence" you mean a period before the "Big Bang", the big bang never happened and the universe's age and scale is indeterminate.

>> No.15218026

everything is electric.

Just need to iron out the details

>> No.15218055

What is your idea?

>> No.15218093

Is there some sort of expiration date on CBR or something?

>> No.15218195


>> No.15218381

Because everything can not be explained and it is futile to try

>> No.15218435
File: 46 KB, 497x535, Oy Vey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baseless accusations like this are why we need to be on the defensive goy.

>> No.15218454 [DELETED] 
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this logic turns on ignorance of mathematics and physics, stereotypical dunning krugerism

>> No.15218458

>A "Theory of Everything" would have to include all possible contingencies on what exists outside our universal structure
no it wouldn't, it would just have to produce what we observe.
>Even our flawed understanding of the universe itself shows the universe had a previous point of non-existence
not really. it suggests that the universe once occupied an infinitesimally small region of space. but nobody's really sure.

>> No.15218653

No, a certain, thoroughly proven theory of everything will have to inductively exclude everything else.

>> No.15218655

agree, this is different from what you initially said though.

>> No.15218657

I'm not that anon. I may have misread what was being disagreed about.

>> No.15218661

lol @ atheists who think the fake pope is an own

>> No.15218662
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>quantum gravity