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File: 84 KB, 946x710, a little weather in ohio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15204898 No.15204898 [Reply] [Original]

what are the possible downstream effects of a chemical burn of this size? how dangerous are the molecules involved and how long lasting are they in the environment?

>> No.15205448

It's about to be a lot more obvious that you're from Ohio

>> No.15205467
File: 219 KB, 1046x1200, luke_with_2_noses_by_secc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15205485
File: 135 KB, 714x1200, FJB train.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are the possible downstream effects of a chemical burn of this size?
It will affect around 50-100 million people directly due to the fallout of the "controlled burn" they instigated.
Picrel just shows the affected area from several days ago. Now all those chemicals will wash into lakes, rivers, streams, and ground water downstream all the way to the east coast (D.C., Baltimore, NYC, Philly, etc. and also down the Ohio-Mississippi basin to New Orleans and the Gulf of Mexico.
It really was a damned if you, damned if you don't though when it came to down to it, however they DID NOT have to puncture and release three of the rail cars to "prevent further explosions".
Each railcar contained around 25,000 gallons of Vinyl Chloride under pressure.

>> No.15205590

What is the diameter of that black cloud? Read that picrel smoke diameter was around 200 miles across.
Must be really large to be visible from space, of course the contrast in color helps.

>> No.15205636

>they DID NOT have to puncture and release three of the rail cars to "prevent further explosions"
yes, actually, they did - vinyl chloride boils above -13C (8F) and is stored as a liquid. storing liquids at temperatures above their boiling points creates immense pressure that has to be relieved, and punching holes in the tank prevents that from being explosive

is from a webtool that gives you a list of counties from a place name and a radius - i haven't seen anything say the affected radius is 200 miles or anything more than an order of magnitude less than that - it's certainly not the diameter of that cloud
a thousand railcars of 25000 gallons of vinyl chloride all burning at once wouldn't produce a plume 200 miles wide, that's like the size of a fucking hurricane

>> No.15205687
File: 129 KB, 500x874, Trainwreck in Ohio Suppressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes, actually, they did - vinyl chloride boils above -13C (8F) and is stored as a liquid. storing liquids at temperatures above their boiling points creates immense pressure that has to be relieved, and punching holes in the tank prevents that from being explosive
Are you retarded or a GOV GLOWIE?

The rail-car tanks were DESIGNED to hold VC, as all tanks that transport the VC are.

When the train derailed, two of the five ruptured, but three did not, until GOVERNMENT decided to put charges on them to rupture them so they would leak out so they could burn them.


>> No.15205737

>rail-car tanks were DESIGNED to hold VC
not after a train derailment they aren't
if they were, two of them wouldn't have ruptured

>> No.15205739
File: 103 KB, 614x679, Ohio Pete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OSHA is worthless
>Get big government out of private industry.

>> No.15205756 [DELETED] 

yes, he's a corporate rail owner bootlicker/cock gargler/ball fondler/etc.
the actual left cannot stand him because of the treatment of rail workers - he's liberal, not left. because the leadership of the Democratic Party is liberal (i.e. corporatist, privatize everything, pretend to regulate by creating regulatory capture), not left. the GOP is also liberal (i.e. corporatist, privatize everything, pretend to deregulate while leaving regulatory capture in place)
they both ultimately want you to be slaves to the capitalist owner class, because that's what the capitalist owner class ALWAYS ultimately wants

>> No.15205763

The cloud looks awfully black for something that's supposed to just be HCl
I read that the fire is going to create dioxins which will rain down and contaminate a large area.

>> No.15205767
File: 53 KB, 680x497, Ohio trains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>socialist owner class
There hasn't been any capitalism in the USA at the large level in almost a century.
Only capitalism still around are kid's lemonade stands, which are stomped by the bootjack leftist government cops.

>> No.15205802

>socialist owner class
lmao, even
ownership creating monopolization is pretty much the only way capitalism can go - if you have more money, you can make more money faster. it's always acceleration of wealth inequality

the propaganda they sell you is that it's just the lemonade stands at larger scales, but the reality is they're playing a different game that you're a pawn in
you've been turned into a tool for your own oppression by capitalists. they want you to be absolutely terrified of leftists because worker solidarity (i.e. things like unions, socialism, collectivism) is basically the only way you can resist their ownership. it's vital to them that the general populace has someone else to blame than the capitalist, because if they don't, the whole jig's up and the slaves realize there's a lot more of them than there are slave owners.

this train derailed because of capitalist desire to incessantly cut costs to maximize profit lobbying to deregulate and allow clearly insufficient levels of caution/safety to be applied to the rail system.

Warren Buffet owns BNSF railway, and at one point was trying to own Norfolk Southern (the company whose cars derailed in this particular incident - deregulation of rail safety and consolidation of rail ownership has led to many) as well - he's not a socialist.

>> No.15205814

>ownership creating monopolization is pretty much the only way capitalism can go - if you have more money, you can make more money faster. it's always acceleration of wealth inequality
The government is creating those monopolies. That's communism, a command economy. There is no free market in the USA, not even for food or mineral resources. The government dictates the supply and will destroy supply to keep prices where they demand it to be.

>> No.15205815

>he's not a socialist.
He advocates for socialism and mass immigration through his NGOs in order to consolidate power for the elite.

>> No.15205831

a free market, fundamentally, can never exist - if the state does not exist, it is too profitable for wealth to simply become the state. there is nothing keeping the markets of capitalism free except the naive belief that capitalists only compete on cost and quality
any market where i cannot pay to have my competitors and their families slaughtered is not a free one, and any market where i CAN do that is made not free by the mere threat that i could

no, that has nothing to do with communism, because communism isn't a command economy - that was the Bolsheviks' idea

>He advocates for socialism
no he doesn't - that would make him pro-union. he is not.
>mass immigration through his NGOs
he wants more slaves because he's afraid of domestic leftists gaining influence. really nothing more to it than that.
>in order to consolidate power for the elite
now this is spot on, but you've been duped into thinking that because the elites use social progressivism as a marketing/distraction strategy (it's a whole half of their culture war distraction campaign), they're socialist - that's not what socialism means.
however, if that is what YOU mean by socialism, then i agree with your use of the label - just not applied to socialist economic systems

>> No.15205906 [DELETED] 

>no he doesn't - that would make him pro-union. he is not.
Extremely naive take. Do you know what happened to unions under Lenin? They were usurped or executed.

>> No.15206341
File: 10 KB, 211x238, crack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>socialist owner class

this may be the most embarrassing post i have ever seen on 4chan and that is quite an achievement. i'm in awe. i'm going to print out your post, stick it on my wall and jerk off to it. stunning work! i hope to see many more of your posts on here in the future

>> No.15206523

Stfu commie faggot

>> No.15206654

>what are the possible downstream effects of...

Since events proper are nothing but signs, irrespective of the "real" event or lack thereof, and this one in particular does not seem to exist as such, there are literally no effects.

>> No.15206655

>what are the possible downstream effects of a chemical burn of this size?
>It will affect around 50-100 million people directly due to the fallout of the "controlled burn" they instigated.
>Picrel just shows the affected area from several days ago. Now all those chemicals will wash into lakes, rivers, streams, and ground water downstream all the way to the east coast (D.C., Baltimore, NYC, Philly, etc. and also down the Ohio-Mississippi basin to New Orleans and the Gulf of Mexico.
>It really was a damned if you, damned if you don't though when it came to down to it, however they DID NOT have to puncture and release three of the rail cars to "prevent further explosions".
>Each railcar contained around 25,000 gallons of Vinyl Chloride under pressure.
What would've happened if it all exploded? In terms of the grand scale, that is. Would the fallout be even worse?

>> No.15207852

>idiot noise and TLDR

>> No.15207855

>Warren Buffet
Clinton financer, HUGE DNC donor and Democrat.

>> No.15207858

no, IF the remaining railcars HAD exploded then the pollution and fallout would be same as now. Government always screws things up worse, doing dumb shit, making things worse.

>> No.15207863
File: 57 KB, 639x397, Ohio Train Movie Prequel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole "accident" was on purpose people.

This is not a coincidence. A coincidence of this magnitude would be in the billions to one, and could not happen.

>> No.15207920

see >>15205756

>> No.15207926

Yes, Warren Buffet = Democrat/leftist.
No need to keep repeating it.
Everyone knows this.

Just bump a thread if you want, no need to repeat the same thing over and over.

>> No.15207986

>film tanks
>billionaire investors pissed
>"what could we do to spark interest in our movie?"

>> No.15207990

I am becoming increasingly convinced that this whole thing is a case of mass hysteria and deliberate media manipulation for clicks.
Why are people claiming that it's being ignored if it has been one of the top news stories on social media for nearly two weeks now?

>> No.15207992

see >>15205756
liberal [math]\ne[/math] leftist
you've literally fallen for a Cold War-era psyop

>> No.15207998

Democrats are the party of economic central planning. Leftists support economic central planning. 95% of leftists vote D down ballot. Dem social policy is the most leftist in the history of the world.

The only one falling for cheap psyops is you.

>> No.15208000

> Dem social policy is the most leftist in the history of the world
i hope for everyone's sake this retardation isn't as incurable as it appears

>> No.15208024

No True Commie eh?

>> No.15208059

I feel like anyone with a room temperature IQ should be able to figure this out

>> No.15208118

>A coincidence of this magnitude would be in the billions to one, and could not happen.
As evidenced by the tens of thousands of times this stuff has been shipped by rail and never had an accident anywhere hear as bad as this one.
I think it's the "Big Lie" in action: the Democrats are destroying/sabotaging SO MUCH stuff, that it becomes insane to accuse them. Even though it's the most likely scenario.

>> No.15208122

>room temperature IQ sho
Describes your mom for not aborting you then herself. What a waste of space you both are. I hope we meet on the battlefield. No mercy.

>> No.15208124

>the Democrats are destroying/sabotaging SO MUCH stuff
Yep. Too many instances for just a coincidence. Everything going to shit in just the last two years since Jan 2021.
Retribution is coming.

>> No.15208215
File: 1.87 MB, 345x237, 1673755507882171.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reacts like a stupid animal after being called stupid
lmao even
the wealthy are pitting poor team A versus poor team B
>I hope we meet on the battlefield. No mercy.
nice larp faggot
wake the fuck up retard

>> No.15208217

>the actual left
This mythical "actual left" - I can't see any evidence that they even exist anymore.

>> No.15208229

True, all extreme left now.

>> No.15208496

it's not a "no true Scotsman" fallacy when you insist on calling a nigger a Scotsman and get called out for it

>> No.15208535

that is exactly the conclusion that mainstream media would like for you to draw, because awareness of actual leftism is a threat to their corporate owners. hence the incessant propaganda to conflate economic leftism with economically illiterate social progressivism (as demonstrated by what conservative media means by the "extreme left" in >>15208229)

basically, the Democrats use social progressivism to market to the minority vote while ignoring the economic issues that leftists care about (i.e. unions, worker protections, prevention of unfettered wealth inequality, etc.) because they inhabit the skin of the former American leftist movement that was (often violently, as in calling the National Guard to lethally force workers back to work during strikes) suppressed before and during the Cold War at the behest of America's capitalist owner class. they are not leftist, they just pretend social progressivism is all that leftism really is

meanwhile, the Republicans use the Democrats' marketing strategy (which they also pretend is all leftism is) to gain support from people who feel threatened by social progressives' racially motivated and economically illiterate social programs, or have been directly impacted by them, or are, most terrifying of all to Democrats, minorities who weren't helped at all by them because helping minorities in any real capacity would mean their "justice through social reform only" marketing wouldn't work. with this political support, they enact deregulation and cronyism as usual, because their masters are the capitalist owner class.

the only thing that remains of something resembling "actual leftism" in US politics is a few individuals that focus on economic leftist issues, and these individuals still get bipartisan resistance because the owner class cannot allow leftism to threaten their dominance - case in point, if the Democrats were actually leftist, Sanders wouldn't be an independent... he'd be a fairly centrist Democrat

>> No.15208618

Are you retarded? Do you know what the term "social policy" means?

Well, now you have me curious. Name a dominant political party from world history with more radically leftist social stances than
>Gender transitions, hormonal therapy, and genital surgery for children
>Males in women's sports
>No "undocumented migrant" is illegal
>100% candidate support for free healthcare for illegals
>Graphic homosexual instruction for 8-year-olds with books like Gender Queer
>Support reparations for slavery paid to all black people by all white people
>"Whiteness" taught to kids as "property" and an actual contract with the devil
>White people get on their knees and pray to BLM
>Months of violent rioting which murdered people trivialized. Book written called "In Defense of Looting"
>Standard 2010 Democrat policies called fascist
>Get you fired for opposing any of this

Go ahead. I'll wait for your easy and immediate answer.

>> No.15208625

>because awareness of actual leftism is a threat to their corporate owners.
Never has been, never will be. Wall Street funded Stalin and Mao.

>> No.15208739

all of them, because it's either
a) marketing to the minority vote and has nothing to do with leftism because it has nothing to do with economic structure
b) a conservative boogeyman created to distract you from the fact conservatives have run out of campaign goals apart from "totally not like the other ones, we promise" while giving tax breaks to the wealthy corporate overlords (who are, once again, capitalist LONG before they're ever progressive OR conservative)

this is desperate revisionist nonsense that even people who despise Stalin and Mao take seriously. you've been had.

it goes something like this: the Bolsheviks weren't even trying to be "true communists" under Lenin (Marx was already dead; he'd have despised the Bolsheviks), Stalin just wanted to BE the state, and Mao just wanted to be Chinese Stalin. not really more complicated than that, but people desperate to keep their serfs from recognizing leftism are quite happy to have serfs like yourself decry "leftist autocracies" while slaving your finite life away for capitalist owner profits in the economic autocracy that capitalism always becomes (see: >>15205831).

do you trust your capitalist masters' media? they'd never use it to lie to you about political ideas so you'd vote their way regardless of your own beliefs, right? or distract you with culture war nonsense so the serfs are too busy fighting each other to recognize who's really abusing them... right?

here's an easy litmus test for liberals vs leftists: leftists don't want you disarmed for the sake of the police state. did the GOP rescind the NFA that violates the 2nd amendment when they were in power? of course not, can't have the serfs frighten the protectors of property - we'll just pretend the neutered toys they allow you to have means "freedom" and then move to outlaw them anyway the moment they start spooking the capitalist owner class.

>> No.15208750

You're right, what you're saying is desperate revisionism.

>> No.15208771

sure, serf.

>> No.15208778

All you want to do is be the master so you can crack the whip, when in reality you'll be the first against the wall when the new boss turns out to be the same as the old boss.

>> No.15208804

Peak midwit word vomit. Of course you can't answer any question directly or give concrete examples. You can only speak in vague generalities and broad abstractions that make you feel smart for 10 seconds.

Nothing you've posted has the faintest connection to reality, and every single place retards like you get power starvation and genocide follow immediately. Oh, but wait, that wasn't real leftism.

>leftists don't want you disarmed for the sake of the police state
This might be the funniest bit of all. Every leftist in history, everywhere in the world, has disarmed the public 10 seconds after taking power. All the communist dictators, all the socialist governments, all "muh social democracies" in Western Europe/Scandinavia/Australia. All of them. You are a fucking buffoon.

>> No.15208811
File: 292 KB, 2072x1166, 1107478868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how dangerous are the molecules involved
The experts have weighed in and concluded that vinyl chloride is safe and effective to eat and drink, chud. The biochemistry of fish and amphibians and other mammals differs significantly from human biochemistry that consuming vinyl chloride and phosphine won't negatively affect human health the way it does with wildlife. The governor of Ohio has stated the water is safe and that the situation will continue to be monitored and tested.

>> No.15208970

You don't want a carcinogen being burnt or in the water table, yet here we are. I guess it isn't going to kill people at low doses through acute or chronic poisoning, so there is that I suppose.

That being said, the shit leading up to it like not declaring hazardous material to skirt regulations, practically nonexistent electrical braking, and strikebreaking workers that were pointing this shit out to "save Christmas" or some gay shit are the real egregious things to consider.

C suite should be drawn and quartered on their own trains, but will probably continue partying it up.

>> No.15208974
File: 41 KB, 800x479, consumer14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only clowntards pick one of either of the two sides the corporations endorse.
You're a fucking clowntard.
Now run along and convert another endangered ecosystem into more brown shanty for the sake of your sacred growth returns (which you require to continue feeding your hedonistic, self-serving, and gluttonous lifestyle).

And keep in mind that anyone with modicum of common decency, common sense, and science literacy will find the dogmatic and primitive rationalizations/excuses your cult continues to foist on people ever more unhinged and repulsive.

>> No.15209008

*tips fedora*

>> No.15209020

Rightoids only care about this because they want to make Biden look bad, it's not an issue, EPA and everyone has said it's safe.
If Rightoids cared about the environment, why do they literally oppose every other Environmental safety regulation and program? Why do they deny climate change? Why do they cut funding to Environmental scientists?

>> No.15209022 [DELETED] 

>EPA and everyone has said it's safe.
When the EPA inspector went to the town to give his speech, he refused to drink any water that he didn't bring with him.

>> No.15209135

>Every leftist in history, everywhere in the world, has disarmed the public 10 seconds after taking power.
That's not leftists, anon. It's *literally every government*, *everywhere else in the world except Yemen*. They must really be petrified of being held to account by well regulated militias. As otherwise happens so frequently...

>> No.15209137

>That's not leftists, anon. It's *literally every government*
Does Texas have no government?

>> No.15209151

Yeah, you're right. I should have explicitly specified 'most of the USA and Yemen'. Obviously not everyone knows about American attitudes to guns.

>> No.15209155

Does Switzerland not have a government?

>> No.15209170

In Switzerland a permit is required for handguns and semi-automatic firearms.

>> No.15209171

>a permit is required

>> No.15209193

So nothing. If Switzerland's requirement for permits doesn't bother you, I guess you'd have no problem with a similar system across the US?

>> No.15209200
File: 2.85 MB, 720x720, people are sheeps.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the big brother stated that the water is safe while they refuse to take off the haz-mat suits and the re-breathers
I can't tell if burgerland people are this low in brain power or this sheep anymore

>> No.15209207

You said every government disarms the population. Why isn't Switzerland trying to disarm the population?

>> No.15209225

The Swiss take forever to do anything.

>> No.15209226

What about Iceland? Does it have a government? Look, there's really no point to go on. Actively disarming the population is a socialist project.

>> No.15209233

>Look, there's really no point to go on.
I agree, anon. You should take your most cherished firearm and shoot yourself with it.

>> No.15209235

Why are you losing your mind with rage? You said every government disarms its citizens. I've given you several examples of governments that don't disarm their citizens and we can go on like this for a while. Are you shitting yourself with impotent anger because I've just shown you that disarming the population is a socialist project, not something every government does by default?

>> No.15209355

I'm afraid I don't care enough about you to be angry with you, anon. You've given two examples of governments that *do* disarm their citizens when they don't have permits. Also, Iceland is 'eco-socialist'.

>> No.15209359

>governments that *do* disarm their citizens
Then why do they have loads of armed citizens, and why isn't the government trying to disarm them or even try to make it difficult to acquire a firearm?

>> No.15209367 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 495x500, schizo_retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The authorities have already confirmed that the situation is under control and the area is safe. I don't know why you schizos are convinced this is some sort of disaster. It blows my mind that you people will take a insignificant and sensationalized news story like this and try to act like it's the end of the world, even when multiple government officials and scientists have repeatedly stated that the area is safe, but you're completely disinterested and indifferentwhen it comes to genuine existential risks like climate change, which the overwhelming majority of scientists are seriously concerned about.

Go back to your containment board, you fucking scientifically illiterate, fear-mongering hick. Nobody wants to hear the crackpot theories of some retard from rural Ohio who doesn't even believe in climate change.

>> No.15209375

Extremely nuanced bait. Very nice anon

>> No.15209497

What does any of this political bullshit have to do with this train disaster?

The train company has liability insurance, insurance that was okay with their brake/safety systems. If the insurance company WASN'T, then they wouldn't have insured the train company.
The citizens of Ohio should be gathering evidence for a class-action lawsuit, including water samples, air samples, groundwater samples, etc. Also take video evidence and start documenting any animal deaths and adverse health issues.

>> No.15209506

sure, serf

>> No.15209518

"scary chemical spill" is great clickbait, that's all. pretending no one is talking about it for some insidious reason while talking about it incessantly is how you trick children into spreading gossip, so naturally that's exactly what it does. pay no attention to the volumes involved (125,000 gallons is... not enough for much outside of minor local effects)
by now it's all probably rained out as HCl and slightly acidified the soil or reacted with basic soil compounds to form that hideous chlorine salt, NaCl

>> No.15209577

The courts and the neoliberal attorneys and judges that run them will just say your photos of dead animals are disinformation and far-right conspiracy theories.

>> No.15209693

Governor says no contaminants have been found in the Ohio river and water wells. The plume of smoke on the day of the derailment was not a concern to the experts according to negligible monitor readings. FEMA will not be deployed. Biden and Buttigieg did not mention it because even they knew this was a safe derailment. This is a complete nothingburger, chuds.

>> No.15209747

These are all older sources, devoid of today's fake news:
>At very high levels, the EPA reports, vinyl chloride can cause loss of consciousness, lung and kidney irritation, and in extreme cases, death.
>The EPA says that most of the vapor has dissipated already. The body usually gets rid of the majority of vinyl chloride and its byproducts within one day of inhalation or ingestion. Sometimes vinyl chloride reacts to create damaging substances in the liver, but these substances get cleared out in time as well.

No risks listed here:

>“Vinyl chloride is bad stuff,” said toxicologist Richard Parent, who leads Consultox Limited in Maine.
>Many chemicals have been shown to cause cancer in lab animals, but a smaller number are human carcinogens. Vinyl chloride is one of them.
>“For a single exposure over a short time, the data is just not available to assess the extent of risk one has of developing any disease,” Parent said.

>Of those borough residents who filled out the mailed survey, 66 percent reported new or worsening health problems in the week after the train accident.
This trial lawyer sure is scummy.

So basically, it's not a "nothing burger", but the short-term/local effects are substantial and residents should've been told to evacuate as quickly as possible.

Anything after that short-term exposure isn't likely to do much. But anyone exposed should monitor their own health for breathing problems and anything else that may happen.

>> No.15210803
File: 24 KB, 474x266, nothingtoseeheremovealong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anything after that short-term exposure isn't likely to do much
What else is left-wing government going to say other than
"We did everything correct comrade! "
"Government doesn't make mistakes!"
"It is just a coincidence this happened in the exact town as the movie was set in!"
"Do not question us! Government is correct!"
"Vinyl Chloride, Phosgene, Dioxins, Trioxins, HCl, etc. are safe and effective!"

>> No.15210922

>safe derailment.
effective too! "Look over there! A balloon! Look over here, a derailment!"

>> No.15210929

try rewording your post without sounding like an unhinged faggot this time

>> No.15210963

>that is exactly the conclusion that mainstream media would like for you to draw
No, I draw that conclusion by speaking to so-called leftists irl.

>> No.15210984

>unhinged faggot
Every Democrat sounds that way. It's what they are.

>> No.15211238 [DELETED] 
File: 316 KB, 2048x1582, ngXqeZh0Uqjg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15211240

>implying the feds help anyone but themselves

>> No.15211255
File: 19 KB, 474x379, an.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EPA and everyone has said it's safe.
Same as the "vaccines" eh? KEK!

>> No.15211833

FEMA funds have been released in the mean.

It seems that the difference between tax payer concerns "conspiracies" to "facts" is decreasing from 6 months to 6 weeks and the lying shillfucks can no longer keep up.

>> No.15211878

>If Rightoids cared about the environment, why do they literally oppose every other Environmental safety regulation and program? Why do they deny climate change? Why do they cut funding to Environmental scientists?
Those things typically only exist to harm and oppress whites. If leftists cared about the environment, they wouldn't pay billions to breed Africans and haul them to Europe. They wouldn't destroy European industry and move it to developing countries and call it "green transition". It is extremely clear at this point that leftists do not give a single fuck about the environment.

>> No.15211883

>why do they literally oppose every other Environmental safety regulation and program?
Because all of them are scams lobbied for by the major polluters and destroyers of the environment and you are their subhuman tool.

>> No.15212018

>If leftists cared about the environment, they wouldn't pay billions to breed Africans and haul them to Europe.
They don't give a fuck about the environment. They just want to kill all white people. All leftists are uneducated, ignorant, disgusting pedos that hate white civilization.

>> No.15213301

>All leftists are uneducated, ignorant, disgusting pedos that hate white civilization.
They need to be cleansed.

>> No.15213330

they were designed to hold it in static conditions. that's why two ruptured during a crash, and three held it while laying on the ground.

>> No.15213342
File: 55 KB, 531x419, When you raid the military checkpoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're gonna have our own "zone" to raid soon, US stalkers.

>> No.15213348

>three held it while laying on the ground.
Then the genius government decides to rupture the remaining three tanks so there can be a larger mess.
Planned Terrorism. >>15207863

>> No.15214846

>Dem social policy is the most leftist in the history of the world.

jesus christ lmao

>> No.15215066

Can someone explain what the weird ice and gasoline looking spills are in the circulating videos?

I thought it was just the sun reflecting off the ice and gasoline residue but it seems more wide spread.

>> No.15215080

VC is a hydrocarbon product. It's an oily liquid. Burning it produces aromatics like benzene which are also oily liquids.

>> No.15215131

So if people are finding this oily residue in Ontario and Montreal, is it harmful in those amounts? I'm guessing East Palestine is sort of screwed, but what about the rest of us?

>> No.15215136

Yes it's cancer-causing. Remember to thank Mayor Pete for his service.

>> No.15215144

>aromatics like benzene
Which also happens to be carcinogenic.

>> No.15215208

have you never seen an oil slick in your life?

>> No.15215253

>burning an alkene causes trimerization because i said so, okay?!
does no one on /sci/ understand basic organic chemistry?

>> No.15215270

>basically, the Democrats use social progressivism to market to the minority vote while ignoring the economic issues that leftists care about (i.e. unions, worker protections, prevention of unfettered wealth inequality, etc.) because they inhabit the skin of the former American leftist movement that was (often violently, as in calling the National Guard to lethally force workers back to work during strikes) suppressed before and during the Cold War at the behest of America's capitalist owner class. they are not leftist, they just pretend social progressivism is all that leftism really is
LMFAO COPE HARDER, from every "leftist" i have spoken to i have determined they care more about the right of a mentally ill predator to use the opposite gender's bathroom than genuine worker solidarity

>the only thing that remains of something resembling "actual leftism" in US politics is a few individuals that focus on economic leftist issues, and these individuals still get bipartisan resistance because the owner class cannot allow leftism to threaten their dominance - case in point, if the Democrats were actually leftist, Sanders wouldn't be an independent... he'd be a fairly centrist Democrat
i'm far left and that means that anyone who doesn't want to execute all people with a net worth of over 2 million usd is actually right wing!!!

>> No.15215277

sci is basically /pol/lite. Half of the people here are just pretending to be retarded while the other people are actually retarded. I'm just enjoying the show.

>> No.15215450

>combustion in nature is always complete
It's on the EPA datasheet for the chemicals released in the smoke my man.

>> No.15215498

wtf is the mechanism for that
how tf does thermolysis in air work

>> No.15215524

>i have determined
into the trash it goes
>execute all people with a net worth of over 2 million
we both know you'd be fine

>> No.15215558

He vutes for Biden asshat.

>> No.15215600
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>> No.15215606

where Clintons are like congealed neoliberal flavor syrup, Biden is like neoliberal flavored soda
he's solidly center right, as demonstrated by his administration's treatment of rail unions (i.e. siding with the company, always and forever obeying the whims of the owner class). Peter Buttgiggles is more the congealed neoliberal, so as transportation secretary he might actually be more responsible for this than Biden (whose handlers got a little nervous when Biden called himself a "union man")
regardless of political affiliation or Biden's culpability (it's Biden's admin but handling issues like this is literally Pete's job) it's clear leaving mister Pete in the position is a clear and present danger to American citizens and their health

>> No.15215623

What was it?
>Captcha 0XRAT

>> No.15215720

They are all congealed scum.

>> No.15215751

IIRC calling Pete someone who ultimately serves the capitalist owner class because that's what liberals like himself do (don't worry, the market will solve all of our problems eventually, i'm sure - keep the faith in innovation, trust the (patented) science, eat the bug, live in the pod, etc.)

people with the idpol brainrot don't like it when you point this out about their idols or their 'enemies' - it's dangerous for workers to not buy into one side or the other of culture war nonsense, as realizing the actual source of the problem might disrupt the exploitation (which, funnily enough, IS most of the problem). that's probably why it was targeted. you're supposed to pick a side, and neither side lets you pick the unions for a reason, the first response to someone pointing out how both parties ultimately serve the capitalist corporate ruling class in "liberal democracies" is a defensive reflex from everyone who's already bought into the culture war. not really something i fault them for, they're discussing things in the terms they understand, and it would be unfair of me to not accommodate that with explanation of my own positions and analysis - but sometimes the analysis is considered dangerous, too.

>> No.15215792

>Schizoid bot binary noises
kys spambot

>> No.15215795

what was the reason for the derailment anyway? Isn't ohio flat as fuck or do I have that completely wrong

>> No.15215804


part of the plan >>15207863
there have been 10 major derailments in the US in the last week, several chemical spills also.
more food storage facilities and processing center fires, and more chicken facilities mysteriously gone up in flames.
we are at war. most people don't know it yet and still refuse to believe who is behind it all.

>> No.15215850

there was something about an axel jamming up in a way that it started turning red hot due to friction. Showers of sparks were detected several times by thermal sensors and cameras minutes before the final derailment happened

>> No.15215858
File: 2.55 MB, 404x720, russia.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both sides pick the unions, what are you talking about satanic commie spawn lol?

Both red and blue give "free market" under a long list of conditions which defeat the purpose. They both rely on collectivism and regulations(which are superficial). Be careful not to put yourself in a position where you end up favoring the very thing you claim to fight: an overclass taking over the world with inefficient centralized power, claiming to represent the people whilst making everybody suffer. Remember Chernobyl?

>> No.15215996

>Both sides pick the unions
now this is a new one

>> No.15216018
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>>Both sides pick the unions
>now this is a new one
anon probably meant that there are no "sides", it is one big club.

>> No.15216019

Hello retard, please see here

>> No.15216022

It was the Vinyl Solution for a few uppity Trump counties

>> No.15216044
File: 94 KB, 504x500, planned wreck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very likely. they could have stopped the train 40 miles sooner when hot box detectors showed the wheels coming off, but they had to get to East Palestine OH for the wreck as it was planned in advance.

>> No.15216058

>Why are people claiming that it's being ignored if it has been one of the top news stories on social media for nearly two weeks now?
It's being discussed on social media, but I haven't heard shit about it on televised news.

>> No.15216063

>EPA and everyone has said it's safe.
Yeah, everything is just grand!

>Some residents of East Palestine, Ohio, say they have developed rashes, sore throats, nausea and headaches after returning to their homes this week, and they're worried these new symptoms are related to chemicals released after a train derailment two weeks ago

>> No.15216066

>Both sides pick the unions
Except when it comes to supporting the railroad unions, then it's time to tell them to shut the fuck up and get back to work.

>> No.15216081

the local politicians won't even drink the water, even after they're saying it's safe for people to drink.

>> No.15216115
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>> No.15216125

It was literally on Fox for hours Friday

>> No.15216136

Can't say I ever watch Fox.

>> No.15216148

Kek BUSTED staging a photo-op.

Similar to the fake "vaccine" staged photo-ops that many politicians and rich people did to get the plebes to think they took the poisons.

>> No.15216150

It was done on purpose, that's not the question. The questions are:
1) Why?
2) Why make it obvious that it was done on purpose?

>> No.15216151

Fox is mostly left-wing garbage controlled by that leftist idiot Lachlan Murdoch, but every now and then they get something right or report the truth, more than most of the lamestream media channels.

>> No.15216159
File: 189 KB, 1018x1280, a big scamdemicc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2) Why make it obvious that it was done on purpose?
To demonstrate power.

"Look at us! We are in control over the world and your lives!"

"We will even tell you the bad things we are going to do, and you cannot do anything to stop it."

"After we do the bad things, you still won't be able to punish us! We rigged the system in our favor!"

Picrel is related, just different events.

>> No.15216196

thanks anon for posting the pic, I couldn't find it

>> No.15216208

Those residents are delusional, take them to the infirmary

>> No.15216228

>how dangerous are the molecules involved and how long lasting are they

>> No.15216237

reporting from doral florida there was a renewable energy plant fire many people feeling sick outside

>> No.15216239 [DELETED] 

The edit warring on those pages is fascinating. Propaganda produced in real time.

>> No.15216241

Train derailment in Houston other day.
Tanker truck acid spill in Arizona.
Train derailment in Oregon and Washington in last week with chemicals.
Huge chemical plant fire in Italy two days ago.
Deepstate is getting worked up real fast.

>> No.15216307

True capital-marxism would be a UBI based on the production of the designated area.

>> No.15216311


>> No.15216324 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15216334

>a derailed thread about a derailed train
what a knee slapper

>> No.15216344
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0.105% of the 2020 federal budget went to Israel.

>> No.15216351 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 960x569, cuckd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much of their sovereign wealth did israel send to america?

>> No.15216397

idk but it is a lump sum given the fact that it is surrounded by countries who shout death to Israel and launch missile/terrorist attacks on it

>> No.15216432
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Y'know, I have to wonder if y'all, back in 1984, would've claimed the Union Carbide plant in Bhopal had been blown up by a CIA spook masquerading as a disgruntled employee; or that the Seveso disaster had turned the entirety of Southern Europe uninhabitable to satisfy some B-movie villain plot orchestrated by the gangstalkers you believe are stealing your toilet paper.

Because holy fuck, you do sound butthurt and conspiratorial right now.

>> No.15216433

if all your neighbors hate you maybe it's you that's the problem

>> No.15216440

It's called "Baader-Meinhof Effect". WE're on /sci/, you should be pretty aware of that.

>> No.15216472

> In Defense of Looting

It sounds like a parody so you know they meant it.

>> No.15216486

Alarmism, reddit and non scientist. The actual impact is small and 25,000 x 10 gallons is nothing if you factor in the volume of air it spread to. Talking PPT range even after tens of miles. Next time try listing the combustion byproducts, dose and health effects of those doses instead of whatever you've done here. There was no need to puncture if they would have utilized aireal firefighting (an actual use case for it, unlike forrest fires).

>> No.15216490

And it gets worse. The chemicals have a life span of about 2 years in the soil and 5 weeks in the water. So it snot exactly permanent but it will be long lasting.

>> No.15216769

Those inbred browns hate White people too so we might as well pay Jews to deal with them for us

>> No.15216787

But is it really an illusion? Are you telling me that 6 huge chemical accidents in one week is normal and that we were not aware of it before?

>> No.15216926

Union Carbide, despite being owned by Dow Chemicals now, still operates the website "https://www.bhopal.com/", which is full of their own propaganda about that time they gassed an entire city in India (Bhopal) with toxic cyanide precursors (in 1984, no less):
this is just a thing that capitalists do when they can't pretend that absolutely nothing happened (which is what they normally do). just because Soviet autocracy used the propaganda numbers doesn't mean corporate oligarchy is going to be honest with you - especially when it owns media.
the dishonesty is just part of the marketing budget instead of the state's budget, which i suppose is a mild improvement... provided the capitalist owner class doesn't have sufficient control over the state to prevent the people from holding them accountable.

do you really think culture war nonsense is anything but a distraction useful to fundamentally capitalist and deeply incompetent rail/chemical companies here? whenever capitalist owners are afraid of being regulated in a way that hurts their oligarchy, they use the media they own to set people against either "racism" or "globohomo" depending on whichever "choice" they feel most threatened by

>>15216018 is right, but not about supporting unions - you choose between sides that have already excluded leftism and constantly, incessantly, lie to you about what leftism is,
why? because unions able to strike TERRIFIES them. unified workers is something they can't survive - they still need their slaves. and, push comes to shove, they still don't fully directly control the military or political parties - it's much more indirect. if workers in a democracy unify and the political parties respond, they could lose their grip on the state. thus, the culture war's purpose becomes clear: preventing unification of workers, especially following an embarrassment of the owner class

>> No.15216984 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15216987

>Look, it's Capitalism destroying human life again

>> No.15216991

Why do you want him to come to Ohio? He sent scientists, health workers and engineers to Ohio, that's all we wanted.

>> No.15216999 [DELETED] 


>> No.15217011

Can you stop it with the antisemitic inquiries ?
Thank you in advance for your compliance.

>> No.15217174
File: 3.57 MB, 576x1024, rail strike.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a few months ago Biden was urging the house of representatives to vote on a bill that would prevent rail workers from striking due to unsafe working conditions. the dem-led bill passed and it became illegal for rail workers to strike.



>> No.15217177

If we suspect our water has been poisoned by the derailment what tests can we perform at home? Preferrably something easily accessible since i'm not a chemist.

>> No.15217188

best to just assume it's poisoned. i just bought a shitload of bottled spring water because i doubt it was bottled after the airborne toxic event, you know, supply chain delay. i'll use that for cooking and drinking until i can move to the heartland. i consider the east coast totally fucked at this point and i'm not living in a wasteland for the rest of my life.

>> No.15217284
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I got samples of the creek south of town.
Trying to find a lab to test them.

>> No.15217384

should probably double- or triple-seal those with additional bags