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15213300 No.15213300 [Reply] [Original]

Are surgeons the most intelligent stem fuckers out there? Out of all the people I've met surgeons seem to be incredibly knowledgeable on everything, even stuff outside of their fields and outside of stem. Most engineers and software engineers are autistically retarded outside of their work for some reason

>> No.15213357

Surgery and medicine are not STEM although I'm sure they're smart.

>> No.15213365

>Are surgeons the most intelligent stem fuckers out there?
They are the most based and conservative. So yes.

>> No.15213385

I've met a lot of retarded surgeons who only got where they are because mummy and daddy got them there. Maybe there are some intelligent ones but all the ones I've met have been degenerates and not conservative at all.

>> No.15213396

Because you are in Eurofag land.

>> No.15213403

Surgeons aren't STEM.

>but surgeons provide value, and I believe that value only derives from STEM, therefore I reconcile my STEM bias with the value of surgeons by saying that surgeons are STEM

>> No.15213412


>> No.15213416


>> No.15213428

Yea. I guess if I want surgery I'd be better off going to China where sheer force of numbers and a brutalist education system ensure only the best make it instead of the wealthiest.

Thanks for the tip.

>> No.15213432

In infectious disease courses at the moment. Understanding pathogenesis and appropriate therapy seems pretty scientific to me.

>> No.15213555

China certainly has experience at sugery, with all the murdered dissidents there used in their organ harvesting schemes.
China even has mobile RV busses that perform organ harvesting. Top surgeons!

>> No.15213618

Yea, I guess they get plenty of practise. It's a shame Asian organs would have a higher chance of rejection in my European body.

>> No.15213729

Not smarter, but very, very detail oriented. You don't reinvent the wheel in the operatory, you build it the same way every single time.

You don't need to be "smart", you need to be meticulously meticulous. OCD is your friend. "Measure twice, cut once." ;)

Using your hands to fix stuff is always cool, so having similar hobbies is common, as well, which means you rub shoulders with lots of other cool folks that Lab Rats and Internists may not because they're too busy being lame and nerdy.

Surgery is stressful in good and bad ways, so having something very outside of it is good. Not uncommon to find a badass surgeon that gardens, or plays music, etc...

Surgery is cool, being a Surgeon isn't so much anymore. It's pozzed and 80-90% of the people make themselves sick and will just do it again after you fix them, so why bother? :/

Also, fuck all lawyers.

>> No.15213738

Most Surgeons are dumb cutters that are scared by a tiny bit of hyperglycemia.
The true brainchads are Internal Medicine Doctors.

>> No.15213757
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Those trips though.

>> No.15213767

They're easily the valuable part of the medical system. Though speaking strictly in terms of intelligence, I'm sure their average IQ is well below, say, physics and math PhDs

>> No.15213774

requires 250+ on USMLE to get into a residency
>internal med
literally requires a passing score, unless you're gunning for cardiology

lot of internal med docs were bottom of their class. surgeons were top of their class

>> No.15213783

surgeons are the only useful doctors
everyone else is a fag and nurses are bitches

>> No.15213786


>> No.15213793

>requires 250+ on USMLE to get into a residency
It doesn't, average step score for general surgery is similar to internal medicine.
Only reason why surgery is competetive in the U.S. is because it's well paid, in most other countries nobody wants to do surgery.

>> No.15213808
File: 53 KB, 640x521, medieval torture device circumcision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15215568


No they are dumb mechanical blood monkeys who can already be replaced by bots

>> No.15215572

That looks like a female surgeon. I would be scared too.

>> No.15216161

I can wait for the day when robots are allowed to operate on humans before accepting any form of surgery and if you can't then I feel really bad for you.

As opposed to surgeons in the USA who murder patients to save insurance companies money and all so they can get an all expenses paid holiday.

>> No.15216162

>average step score for general surgery is similar to internal medicine

this is changing drastically now, along with anesthesia and rads

>> No.15216169

>As opposed to surgeons in the USA who murder patients to save insurance companies money and all so they can get an all expenses paid holiday.
True also. USA = China-Light.
Not surprising since China owns most US politicians and military generals now.

>> No.15216177
File: 211 KB, 816x1634, Worst_Medical_Story.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are surgeons the most intelligent stem fuckers out there?

Medical school screens out all people under IQ 130 for surgeons... act surprised surgeons are intelligent.

>> No.15216195

When mummy and daddy pay someone else to sit your exams university screening is just a lol.

>> No.15216217
File: 65 KB, 500x557, young_boy_minds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When mummy and daddy pay someone else to sit your exams university screening is just a lol.

Until the training routine and exams quickly show that you are unqualified and you fail out fast.

>> No.15216271

Mate, it's basically like disassembling and reassembling a PlayStation with the added complication of it remaining turned on the whole time and I could do that as a preteen highschool drop out. Surgeons are not special, if they were they'd actually be good at their job but they're not. It's all some kind of psyop that only works on low IQ plebs. Anyone with half a brain knows surgeons have always been nothing other than the greatest bullshit artists of all time. It's always been like that.

>> No.15216288
File: 14 KB, 290x299, Listening_To_An_Idiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>surgeons have always been nothing other than the greatest bullshit artists of all time.

You are obviously thousands of times smarter than everyone else.

backs away slowly from the raving idiot

>> No.15216300

Evidence shows circumcision increases IQ in white populations and makes people more rational and less emotional. Circumcised men lead right wing whereas uncircumcised lead left. This is understandable if you consider the foreskin is analogous to a clitorous, and men with one basically have a pussy and use it like a pacifier. If you want a real conspiracy, just look at who it is behind anticircumcision groups.

>> No.15216305

>Evidence shows circumcision increases IQ in white populations and makes people more rational and less emotional. Circumcised men lead right wing whereas uncircumcised lead left. This is understandable if you consider the foreskin is analogous to a clitorous, and men with one basically have a pussy and use it like a pacifier. If you want a real conspiracy, just look at who it is behind anticircumcision groups.
Very interesting anon.

>> No.15216322

where can I read more on this
does this still apply if have it done as an adult

>> No.15216337

No. I'm just sensible and intelligent enough to smell bullshit when I step in it. It's surgeons trying to convince us that
>obviously thousands of times smarter than everyone else
When they are not. Fuck off shill.

>> No.15216352

sure, you use as a treatment something a medicinal company came up with and which brings the company money

>> No.15216463

Surgeons are fucking chads, but if you hang around them they will literally tell you their degree isn't needed, 7 years in fellowship would train anyone with good hand eye coordination to be a surgeon. medschool is just the filter.

>> No.15216494

I wonder who's behind this post.
There is no evidence of such thing, conjecture would even point to it making people dumber, seeing how children are more prone to alexythemia and other cognitive disorders due to it. The experience alone is traumatic for the child.

>> No.15216564

>This is understandable if you consider the foreskin is analogous to a clitorous, and men with one basically have a pussy
I got circumcised and it definitely has truth to it. Definitely made more less feminine

>> No.15216572

Having a disgusting scar and a dried up head that looks like it's been dipped in acid instead of functional tissue is a show of weakness, it is the opposite of masculinity.
There is a reason why this was historically used to brand slaves. But keep coping.

>> No.15216602

The real cope is than uncut blokes get microtears in the mucous membrane when their foreskin is pulled back for too long. Circumcised cock can screw way more girls in rapid succession (or the same girl for longer) leading to higher reproductive success and this is only one point. The anticircumcision movement is part of the feminist agenda to weaken and dominate men by afflicting them with the same limitations women have. Such as microtears resulting from intercourse, susceptibility to infection and disease and just generally having to treat your cock like an external vagina.

>> No.15216603

Anyone can cut open bodies and butcher them with a hacksaw

It takes grit to make it as a physicist

>> No.15216609

Psychological damage due to past cultural norms are different from psychological effects due to a loss of sensitivity of the head and as a result of physical "traumatic" pain.

>> No.15216612

Medical school is just trade school.

>> No.15217757


There is variation - from functional retard, all the way up to 'genius in their and other fields' - just like in every group.

Surgeons tend to be very confident and self-assured... cocky, braggy, lots of psychopaths/sociopaths. Projecting excess confidence is a big thing in the medical provider community in general, part of it is personality - and part of it... you kinda have to do, because patients and staff under you are looking to you to have the answers, to reassure them, and to lead and perform in situations where life/limb are quite literally on the line. And that excess confidence is certainly worse within the surgeon category.

TL;DR - sometimes surgeons may seem like they know a ton about everything - but it often may just be a convincing, blind confidence that overlays a relative lack of knowledge.

Consider reading about 'The Dunning-Kruger Effect' if you're not familiar with it. Applies everywhere, not just to this surgeon question.

>> No.15218817

It's only "harder" b/c you can potentially make more money. Surgeons are definitely more business oriented as they get paid by the procedure, rather than the pill/visit and a good hip replacement pays way better than 100 Z-Pack office visits.

"Medicine" is healing with molecules. "Surgery" is healing with steel. Totally different gigs and mindsets. Med is arguably "harder" b/c you can't directly fix anything, but is also more elegant. Biologics are doing things no surgery could ever do, and soon everything will be gene-based therapies too.

>> No.15218876

You don't even know the mechanism of action for the antibiotics you take anon, why are you posting like you do?

>> No.15218882
File: 43 KB, 498x371, BA4369DD-5A2B-4E80-8BBE-C8A50DFBF83B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you probably think sales people are smart too because they can answer your dumbass questions in a way such that they say a bunch of words without actually answering anything but fool retards like you. Whereas STEM chads are more likely to directly answer your questions without any guessing or added bullshit to make themselves seem smart. If you don’t hard study a hard science such as math, physics or engineering (biology doesn’t count), you’re dumb. Simple as.

>> No.15218960

>Go to 14 years of post K-12 school and residency programs
>Somehow smart
Dunno anon. It's a real fuckin mystery

>> No.15219014


youre so stupid it hurts

>> No.15219167

Not him but what they do prescribe is always the same stuff, antibiotics by chance lucky we have nothing serious, then they add to you useless anti-inflammatory or symptoms mitigating drugs, so hypochondriac are happy and they get extra check, what they do know is the fancy greco-latin names memorized

>> No.15219357

>Are surgeons the most intelligent stem fuckers out there?
They are sociopaths which an extremely inflated sense of self. You have been manipulated into believing that they are geniuses because are you gullible and weak-willed

>> No.15220574

No, they are pseud sociopaths that trick ppl and you fell for it.

>> No.15220577

My last reply was done before reading this, I see I'm not the only one with this idea.

>> No.15220591

im paranoid and Im starting to think the stuff I say online goes directly to dentists and mechanics and doctors and my garbage men and they all know what I've been saying and they've been instructed by those above to make me feel unsafe, watched and vulnerable so I just don't leave to go outside now.

>> No.15220828

They are the actuating branch of biology.

>> No.15220847

No. Surgeons are retards who can't do math and good at remembering things because that's the only thing they have. They sounds knowledgable because they are monkeys spend hours on memorizing stuffs but they can't understand higher level of abstractions.
They only sound smart to you because you are in a low IQ tier who confuse knowledge and intelligence.

>> No.15220851

biology is very close to not STEM according to /sci/ so medicine, which is an application of biology might as well fall into the pseudoscience tier

>> No.15220857

Surgery takes a special kind of person

Ome who can stand cutting open their fellow man and rearranging their guts for the sake of saving them.

>> No.15220863

Fucking Kellogs.

>> No.15220866

The freemasons help them because they are faggots. Basically their fraternity gets paid to mess with people who displease groups/individuals with the money and/or knowledge to exploit freemason behaviour. The freemasons are miserable slaves who get brainwashed with a recipe of bullshit containing just enough truth to make it APPEAR true. It's funny when you know. Not that I know everything. Not by a long shot.

>> No.15220875

Only there are no screws, the whole thing is flexible and your tools is a saw.

Also it's bleeding constantly and if you take too long it shorts out.

>> No.15220914

Admittedly there are additional complications. It's nowhere near as complicated as surgeons like to pretend though. It's their degeneracy and corruption which bothers me most. As well as their reluctance to make way for the golden era we are due as a race. We could have been friends once but now things are much more complicated.

>> No.15220986

People of all walks of like have rearranged your mom's guts, so it doesn't take anyone special.

>> No.15221786

>*tips fedora*

>> No.15221810

Reminder that barbers used to perform surgeries before they got muscled out of the industry by doctors teamed up with lawmakers. If you can cut hair, you are qualified to perform surgery.

>> No.15222975


No one fucking asked

>> No.15223025

Anons, surgeons are just like you and me, they're extremely wealthy with massive schlongs who put on their pants one leg at a time. There's nothing to be jealous of.

>> No.15223121

>chop chop chop chop
>now let's weave this thing right here

all the knowledge they have is thanks to trial and error using corps and sick people