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File: 82 KB, 550x550, FpGFjWwaQAAzadG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15213874 No.15213874 [Reply] [Original]

maths is really hard

>> No.15213875

>amerilard education

>> No.15213884 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 780x520, smugoebbels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marty got the giant white privilege pizza, luis got the poor beaner barely can afford to eat size.

>> No.15213913

"Homeschooling is bad"

>> No.15214103

25% of Californians can't even read or write, American is a joke of a "country".

How good is capitalism? Why bother educating your future generation when it's cheaper to just import them from overseas as "educated" adults.

>> No.15214146

Today he says one pizza is bigger than the other, tomorrow he'll say one race is smarter than the other. This kind of behavior must be curbed early.
Everything is the same. Or else.

>> No.15214151

>Why bother educating your future generation when it's cheaper to just import them from overseas as "educated" adults.
Feudals do the same, and they don't even have to spend money.

>> No.15214153

>muh capitalism
OP's picrel is actually the work of people with your political views. lol

>> No.15214157

Your children VILL live in the cognitive pod. It's ze only way to be happy.

>> No.15214159

>25% of Californians can't even read or write

>> No.15214197

I'm surprised it's even that high given that california is barely 1/3 white europeans at this point.

>> No.15214210

Aren't cuntservatives the ones who want to defund public schools?

>> No.15214212

Yes, because OP's picrel is what "public school" looks like, especially when run by people who share your cancerous political ideology.

>> No.15214229

>don't give public schools enough money to get non-retarded teachers
>point to retard teachers as proof that public schools should be defunded even more

>> No.15214230

We pay a higher relative costs for public education today than at any point in American history, yet somehow still see consistently worsening results on a national average level. Perhaps throwing more tax dollars at it isn't the solution? Maybe there's something else happening to transform America into a dumb third world shit hole? You probably shouldn't look into the worst performing school districts in the US, or comparing average state IQ scores to their ethnic demographics. In fact you should probably just ignore all of these obvious patterns entirely, because otherwise it might get you cancelled for being racist.

>> No.15214231

you're got your chicken and egg reversed, retard anon.

>> No.15214249

>Just stop teaching nigs LMAO
>Poor kids don't deserve an education, only kids who can afford public schools deserve an education.

>> No.15214268

Notice how your political cult is forced to continually lie about everything. OP's pic is not a result of a lack of funding; it is the result of funding for a government program specifically designed to be that way by people who share your political ideology. People are really running out of patience with parasites like you.

>> No.15214275

You don't know anything about me besides the fact that I don't like conservatives and don't think the answer is to just completely get rid of public schools.

>> No.15214278
File: 747 KB, 1500x2550, AmericanPredicamentWhitePeople.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at these numbers. 64%of people have the mental capacity of an 11-year-old. Trying to "educate" these people is just pouring water into a glass that is already full. Then people complain that high schools are "all wet" with problems caused by stupid people who are just forced to waste their time there by the federal government in the name of idealism.

It doesn't matter how much you "soup up" a fucking Tractor it's never going to be a functional commuter automobile. There's nothing wrong with this. You just need to teach "tractor-like" people to function as tractors to the best of their ability and in a manner that is cost effective. Tractors are still valuable, they just serve an innately different purpose than commuter automobiles.

Even among the top 2% of people, how many of them actually amount to anything significant? Something like 1% of people are geniuses, does every one of these people "change the world"? No. It's a foolish ideal to think that there's some 'unlimited potential" in people, when establishing a realistic potential expectation based upon proven innate traits like intellectual capacity would be far more functional.

Innately stupid people could still become valuable workers since most work doesn't require a high amount of intelligence. You need to teach these people skills that they are actually capable of learning and extracting value from. 90% of people don't get any value at all from being forced to "hopefully" learn trigonometry in high school.

>> No.15214281

I know everything about you, animal. You are all identical. Either way, your lie didn't work out. OP's pic is specifically a result of anti-capitalist public schooling enthusiasts getting extra funding for their program to make public schooling "better". Conservatives specifically resisted this travesty. Parasites like you will be culled soon. People are fed up. Denying your political allegience isn't going to save you from the natural consequences of your parasitical nature and subhuman politics.

>> No.15214283
File: 1.94 MB, 4000x3556, ChildFairuse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To anyone saying "fuck nigs", understand that if a master can't turn a profit from a slave, this is the fault of the master, not the slave. The same holds true with all domesticated livestock. If the farm is not profitable, the only person to blame is the farmer. It is readily possible to profit from the existence of colored people, but it is not possible to profit from colored people by expecting them to function as White people.

It's easily possible to profit form an investment in a tractor, but you're going to lose all of your money if you invest heavily into "souping up" a tractor and bet large sums of money trying to drag-race it against muscle cars.

Your argument in that "Spending money to educate innately unintelligent people, as are guaranteed to exist as guaranteed by the normal distribution" will somehow invariably produce viable results.

How much do you have to invest in a 5'6" man for him to become a professional basketball player? By the logic of "invest in schools", you're saying that "so long as the 5'6" man is funded sufficiently and given adequate training, he will become a viable professional basketball player."

This is absolute nonsense. This is so contrary to basic common sense that you don't even need any studies or evidence to prove this fact. There's no point in educating people which are innately unable to be educated. Look at this picture.

>62% of American adults have less mental capacity than an 11-year-old
>Only 13% of America is black
This isn't a "colored problem", the failure of the education system arises from the fact that it is expected to perform a task which is logically impossible. You're trying to "blame the coach" because your 5'6" son didn't turn into an NBA prospect, and that's complete insanity.

>> No.15214288
File: 276 KB, 600x884, 4chanIQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>. OP's pic is specifically a result of anti-capitalist public schooling enthusiasts
What? OP's pic is specifically a result of the fact that 4th grade teachers are 4th grade teachers because they lack the mental capacity to do anything more intellectually demanding.

These women go into the trade of teaching because their capacity for schoolwork begins to falter beyond the 4th grade. Clearly a woman who has a maximum mental capacity of a 4th grader is going to make the same mistakes as a 4th grader when tasked with the same problem. The inability to understand the relationship of how the area of a fraction of a circle changes with the area of a circle requires a much higher level of innate reasoning and spacial processing than this woman has.

This woman is trying her best, and though the child is correct, the child likely has a much higher IQ than a woman who was incapable of being successful in any academic field that was more rigorous than the 4th grade curriculum. If you talked to that woman, I'm sure she is ashamed of herself for making that mistake, and if you attempted to educate her, she could possibly see the reasoning behind the argument. Regardless, the point still stands that her innate mental capacity cannot process the argument of the child correctly without external supports from a more competent person. That's why she's a 4th grade teacher.

>> No.15214295

No matter how many times you try to lie, it won't change the fact that OP's pic is the outcome of Common Core. This is what happens when anti-capitalist public schooling "reformers" get the funding for their dronification program.

>> No.15214313

So get rid of Common Core instead of public education as a whole.

>> No.15214319

Common Core is just the natural progression of """public schooling""", especially when run by parasites who share your sociopolitical views.

>> No.15214320
File: 193 KB, 533x650, 4chanDomesticTerrorist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck are you so edgy as to make completely insane empty threats on an imageboard over a mistake that a fucking 4th grade teacher made? Teacher's make mistakes all the fucking time. It's because teachers usually are not as intellectually capable as those who are employed in more intellectually demanding fields. If they were actually mentally capable, then they wouldn't have become teachers in the first place.

If you go to any college and talk to any teaching major, especially in Elementary Education, and you gave them this same problem, a profound number of them would tell you "I don't know", both liberal and conservative women, if you truly want to be the comedian who believes these women are capable of forming meaningful political opinions.

The most shameless part of your post is that these women, as unintelligent as they are, continue to be decent, kind, helpful, and reasonable people. They're just agreeable people, and to see some vicious, hate-fueled schizoid motherfucker like you talking shit using some imaginary "political" bullshit to attack and condemn women who are genuinely upstanding and legitimate members of society is fucking sickening.

It's like watching some god damn Morlock crawl out from the fucking sewers and start barking at the civilized people under the delusion that you're somehow part of the "upstanding community who contributes to society and civilization".

>> No.15214323

Why are you talking about this like is was some wokie social justice question? It's a math question.

>> No.15214331

Okay, public education is inherently evil. Things would be better if only kids who can afford private schooling could get an education. Poor people don't deserve to be educated.

>> No.15214333

I'm not making any threats. I'm just making a prediction. People are fed up with you and the political system that protects you is crumbling. Historcally, we know what happens to your sort when their rulers push too far and then lose power. :^)

>> No.15214336

Because it is specifically an example of wokie social justice schooling, not a teacher's mistake; it is that way by design.

>> No.15214337
File: 1.78 MB, 2250x4000, ChildLaborArgument.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>throws out random and meaningless buzz-word to justify insane hatred

I'm sure you're angry for a reason, but "politics" is not to blame. For whatever reason, you're suffering enough to come be furious with a random 4th grade teacher enough to start making empty threats of genocide on "political grounds". The irony is that there is no political party that supports you. Both of them condemn you, and easily most extremist groups condemn you as well.

Understand that you're angry for some reason, but it has nothing to do with politics. However shitty your life has been, it hasn't been caused by politics, because if it was, then there would be a group that sides with your ideology. I can only presume that your suffering is from some combinations of genetic, physical, social, intellectual, and emotional failures which have left you so unsuccessful at life as to be consumed by this bitter hatred for even the most innocently childlike civilians due to some blind and irrational indignation.

Whatever you think "common core" is, I can't fathom, but I gaurantee that it has nothing to do with this. Do you know what grade that children would supposedly learn that the area of a fraction of a circle changes in proportion to the size of the circle? Probably in High School Geometry, which is like 10th grade.

I guarantee most of these women teaching 4th grade could not pass any 10th grade math test, and few if any of them are going to have the innate spacial reasoning to understand these things. This isn't some "political conspiracy" to teach children incorrect math. This is just a display of the results when the intelligence of a person is expected to perform beyond it's capacity.

>> No.15214338

>Because it is specifically an example of wokie social justice schooling
It's a math problem, schizo.

>> No.15214339

No one deserves to be brainwashed, abused and to have years of their life wasted by your fundamentally subhuman system.

>> No.15214342

>parasites losing their mind over having their little leftist """schooling""" program called out

>> No.15214346

When you say "people are fed up", what you really mean is, oligarchs are tired of paying taxes to maintain the society they draw their wealth from, and would really prefer to pay nothing, whilst reaping everything.

>> No.15214347

You don't know my political views at all. I think the gender and race classes should be disposed of, but I don't think public schools as a whole should be disposed of.

>> No.15214349

>When you say "people are fed up", what you really mean is, oligarchs are tired of paying taxes
No, what I really mean is that half of the population is ready to go to civil war against your kind.

>> No.15214350

>The teacher doesn't visualize two pizzas of varying sizes with these fractions cut out
>The teacher just sees "5 is bigger than 4", because that's the limit of the teacher's intelligence

The main problem of your argument is that you yourself have failed to read the question correctly. You're condemning the question as "teaching a falsehood due to common core". The wording of the question EXPLICITLY STATES THAT MARTY ATE MORE PIZZA.

The original question, if you look in the teacher's answer-book, I guarantee it has the child's answer written down as the correct answer. The wording of the question literally provides you with the fact that "Yes, it is a fact Marty ate more pizza than Luis", and it asks you to explain how this is true.

>Book: "Yes, it is true Marty ate more pizza than Luis"
>Teacher: "No, this is impossible"

This is not a failure of the "common core", it's a failure on the part of the teacher, yes, but the question is perfectly fine, and I guarantee that the teacher's answer-key uses the explanation the student provides.

You've somehow failed to read and understand the question correctly to the point of believing it is attempting to explain some falsehood to children, when the question, in truth, is openly explaining the valid truth that "Yes, Marty ate more pizza than Luis. Since you know for a fact that this is true, you now must explain how this is possible, if 4/6 is a smaller number than 5/6?"

>> No.15214351

Have you ever considered that people work jobs because that's what was available to them, and was easy enough to make a living from? Because that's what it comes down to, for the majority of people who work a living.

>> No.15214353

Then fix it or create a better one instead of leaving them with nothing.

>> No.15214355

I know everything about you and your politics, parasite. People know. They can tell what you are the moment you gape your filthy maw.

>> No.15214362

I assume you're referring to America, and the answer is they'll do nothing just as they have always done nothing.

>> No.15214365

>Then fix it
It's impossible to "fix" something fundamentally predicated on those harms. State education is inherently brainwashing and training for social conformity.

>> No.15214370

>I assume you're referring to America
I'm referring to the worldview rejection of your ideology. Your fear and impotent rage are palpable.

>> No.15214372

I don't see men stepping up to be teaching men.

>> No.15214374

On the probability of an impoverished working class with nothing to lose rising up against their globohomo neoliberal masters, to far-right reactionaries rising up against homosexuals and brown people, I'm going to go with the former as being more likely.

>> No.15214376

If you had an actual education, you would have noticed that people the impoverished working class wants you dead.

>> No.15214379
File: 87 KB, 650x700, Reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you could read, then you would understand that the question is perfectly fine, even if the teacher's response is incorrect. You're only angry because you can't read.

>be you: "The kid is right, I'm so angry, fuck the book."
>the book: "Yes, the kid is right. The question explicitly states that the child is right"
>be you: "fucking retard evil woke politicians teaching the children falsehoods"

To believe this question is teaching a falsehood is to argue that the the child is incorrect. Otherwise, the question explicitly states that the child is correct when it says "Marty ate more pizza than Luis. How is that possible?"

>The quesiton "How is that possible?"
>meaning "Yes, this is possible, so explain how"
>The question does not say "Is this possible?"

Do you understand that your little tirade has demonstrated nothing than your own inability to read? Your entire argument is "I can't read and I'm angry because I have misread something and don't understand the question". If you could read the question correctly, you could understand that there is no mistake in the question...

You're angry because the teacher is equally as retarded as you are... by attacking this question and going on some tantrum about "common core", you've only demonstrated that you're too retarded to correctly read and understand a question written for a 9 year old.

>be you
>can't adequately read a question written for a 9-year-old
>imagine getting filtered this hard

>> No.15214380

your little socialist revolution will never happen. last time the "ideal conditions" for it came about, socialists ended up in concentration camps, and the same will happen again

>> No.15214382

How does teaching children wrong math advance leftism?

>> No.15214383

and if you had any connection to the working class, you would have noticed that the middle class no longer exists for people under the age of 35, and so therefore the vast majority of fighting and working age men have no reason to work for and maintain the status quo, since it doesn't provide them social mobility anymore.

>> No.15214384
File: 1.65 MB, 250x250, 1651754668043.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your fear and rage make me hard. You will face physical consequences soon.

>> No.15214386

See >>15214380. He nailed it. The people whose cause you claim to champion absolutely hate you, just as they always have.

>> No.15214391

>Have you ever considered that people work jobs because that's what was available to them, and was easy enough to make a living from?

That's the entire argument. Still, people who have the capacity to choose between a $100,000 /yr job working as a scientist or a $15,000 /yr job digging ditches aren't going to choose to be ditch diggers. People attempt to find the most profitable job they can reasonably perform, they "max out" their ability when looking for a job because they want the most money possible for their labor. In the case of a 4th grade teacher, the 4th grade, or at elementary school, is often where the person "maxed out" intellectually and their mental capacity starts to fail them if they attempt to do more challenging tasks.

TL;DR The grade, or at least the elementary/middle/high school level a teacher teaches is usually close to the highest grade they can consistently get a 100% on all assignments in. If you took any elementary teacher and gave them a high school math test, most of them would fail it miserably.

>> No.15214395
File: 29 KB, 538x297, Productivity by Hourly Compensation Timeline in United States (1948 - 2013).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, neoliberalism is the end of history in your world view. The idea we just return to the socdem policies prior to Robber-baron Reaganism is the greatest sin imagineable.

It's a sin because it enriches the majority of the population is why, not because it doesn't work, because it does work, just not for the parasite piggies.

>> No.15214397

They hate the govt in general, retards. That's why Trump got elected, because they thought he would come in and fix it as an outsider to the system. But now we know that's not what happened.

>> No.15214400
File: 94 KB, 1200x1553, AIDSFAGGOT2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine being so illiterate that you equate words to anger
You do understand you're like some retarded child throwing a tantrum during reading time because he's illiterate so reading is painful for him, right?

>> No.15214401

How many gig economy jobs do you think people cycle between before they just give up and their dreams are crushed?

The average millennial has had to reskill no less than three times over the course their life (so far), because the industry they were in went bust. Are you willing to work for three bachelors, or three diplomas, just to earn a minimum wage job at the end of it?

Eventually people accept their lot in life.

>> No.15214403

I will personally skin the likes of you alive if your rulers ever lose their grip on power. Countless others share my view. There is no discussion to be had. Let's wait and see what happens. Tick-tock. Tick-tock. :^)

>> No.15214405

Your fear and impotent rage are pure gold. You can shit out paragraphs that no one's gonna read but it won't stop the boot caving in your inbred face.

>> No.15214408

Yes, tick tock, eventually when the proles can't afford to eat or make rent and they end up homeless, i'm sure it's infinitely more likely they take up arms against the gays and browns instead of their landlords and bossess who refuse to give them a pay rise.

Tick tock indeed, are you excited for the peasant revolt?

>> No.15214409
File: 116 KB, 1022x900, 000090a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You actually think government schooling is about teaching math? The lesson was conformity.

>> No.15214410

>eventually when the proles can't afford to eat or make rent and they end up homeless
Last time it happened, your likes ended up in a concentration camp, because people correctly identify leftism as the cause for their trouble. I support and encourage your denial because it will ensure "people" like you contiune making themselves hated and increase the odds of extreme violence against you. :^)

>> No.15214411

what the fuck does this have to do with politics? its a simple matter of low IQ, and the fact that you all feel the need to let every know that "my side = high int and your side = low int" is pathetic. everyone who's smart enough knows this is wrong, regardless of their political party. there's no point of argument or contention, or even anything to disagree with here. even a mentally retarded person could be convinced of the validity of the kids answer if its explained well enough.

>> No.15214415

>what the fuck does this have to do with politics?
Common Core is entirely political.

>> No.15214420

and what political agenda is being furthered by telling a kid that it's impossible for 4/6 to be greater than 5/6? hard mode: try to answer without saying "my political opponents r dumb and want 2 make other ppl dumb" in some way or another

>> No.15214422

well its quite simply really anon the jews hate and feat whitey and they are much smarter than whitey so they make whitey dumb with silly billy jewish maths so that hot white girls will suck and fuck big nigger dicks to create a race of quadroon mulatto untermenchen which will be slaves of the jews probably of a sexual nature and let me tell you that is just the beginning

>> No.15214424

Still having a hard time accepting that Trump lost because he didn't care about the working class, and his policies reflected it? If the working class were better off under Trump, they would have given him a second term, it's that simple.

Still coping and inventing conspiracy theories about rigged elections to explain away the fact that people who work for a living hated your side of the isle so much, they kicked them out of power the first opportunity they got?

No, of course, it's time for a war is what. Capitalists can't win democratically when what they believe is on the ballot and people actually live under its logical conclusions, so they, like yourself, just agitate for a civil war so you can just seize power via a coup instead. Now there's no reason for the masses to chime in, it's kleptocratic time.

>> No.15214440

>what political agenda is being furthered
The intentional dumbing down of education to diminish the factor of intelligence and emphasize the factors of conformity and mechanistic instruction-following in order to produce obedient worker drones with cognition capped to the level of the lowest common denominator of a nigger. It promotes "equality", you see.

>> No.15214443

Didn't take you a long time to expose yourself politically, after a dozen posts denying it. I don't care about Trump. I simply understand that it is rational, moral and necessary to use extreme violence against you, and you are clearly unable to refute this. :^)

>> No.15214444

Does anyone know what publication this question is from?

>> No.15214447

Since you love waxing lyrical about death and destruction and appeals to historical precedent so much, what was the second largest armed uprising in the United States' history, after the civil war?

I'll wait. I think you'll find the answer enlightening.

>> No.15214449

this benefits both political parties equally. they both rely on uneducated/miseducated populations to win elections and keep power. dumbing people down doesn't tip the scale in either direction specifically, it just ensures that it continues teetering back and forth.

>> No.15214456
File: 83 KB, 640x665, South_African_Education.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't even read or write

Liberal progressive ideology:
It is NEVER the student's fault... it is ALWAYS a "Lousy education System"

>> No.15214457

You sure seem awfully invested in convincing people that you aren't violently hated. Tick-tock. Tick-tock.

>> No.15214459

>this benefits both political parties equally
You can shit out this rhetorical drivel all you want, but it still stands as a fact that CC was promoted by democrats and opposed by conservatives, and more importantly, it still stands as a fact that CC is rooted in politics. Your pathetic attempt to move the goal post falls flat.

>> No.15214462

Thanks for playing, I'll take the W and you can frame your L

>> No.15214467

>everyone avoiding the obvious issue
If we just kicked nigs out of public schools, we wouldn’t have common core. Just treat blacks like the mentally disabled and go on from their

>> No.15214468

making people dumber doesn't benefit them in any way though. sure, when minorities, immigrants, and gays are made dumber, they become marginally more likely to blindly vote democrat, but when white trash hilbillies are made dumber it makes them marginally more likely to blindly vote republican. it takes a medium intelligence to look past one's own biases and see the value in your opposition's argument (i.e. black men who get educated and become republicans) but it takes a higher intelligence to understand that bith parties are corrupt, and the enemy is the system which forces us to choose one or the other. the differences between the parties are things that don't really matter to them, so they leave it up to chance. but if you look at what the two parties have in common, that's what's important, because those things they wouldn't dare leave to chance.

>> No.15214469

Your mentally ill delsuions are going to blow up in your face pretty sun when the people you pretend to fight for stomp your inbred face in. Thanks for playing and keep using subhuman zoomoid normie lingo just to make it extra clear what you are and where you came here from. :^)

>> No.15214471

You can keep screeching about how policities conservatives explicitly oppose benefit them and not the democrats who promote those policies, but my point stands completely unchallenged.

>> No.15214475

okay, so because you found one example that supports your point, you're just going to ignore all other evidence? okay, how about some examples of the opposite happening... why do republicans consistently lobby for lower age of consent laws in their states? according to your narrative, this should benefit the democrat groomers more than them, right?

>> No.15214482

>you found one example that supports your point
I like it when pathological dishonesty devolves into actual delusional mental illness, as in your case. My only point was that CC is politcal. Then you tried to lie that it both parties supported it and got exposed. That's where we stand now. CC is a democrat project to dumb down the population.

>> No.15214486

i never said that both parties supported it, i said that it benefitted both parties. the fact that only one party publically endorses it only proves that it's not a top priority for them, they believe they can achieve their goals with or without it. the parties' true goals and the ones they project to the public aren't always in perfect alignment. look at what the parties have in common and you'll see what's really important to them.

>> No.15214488

>why do republicans consistently lobby for lower age of consent laws in their states?
Who cares and what does it have to do with anything?

>> No.15214491

>it benefitted both parties
I don't care whom it benefits according to your subhuman rhetoric. I know who promoted it and I know who opposed it.

>> No.15214495

just a counterexample of something that benefits both parties' agendas, but is only publically supported by one of them because it's not that important to them. i'm trying to illustrate that the issues that are truly important are not advertised, not public, not discussed or debated in media, and share unanimously by bith parties. CC is a red herring.

>> No.15214499

>just a counterexample of something that benefits both parties' agendas
You have not shown how it benefits both parties agendas. The democrat agenda is quite explicitly to keep increasing the age of consent and demonize men who prefer to bang young hot women.

>> No.15214520

>why do republicans consistently lobby for lower age of consent laws in their states?

PROVE this statement!!!
Fucking liberal progressive feminst believe ANY shit their media masters tell them!

>> No.15214527

The current age of consent laws were pushed by progressives and feminists in the first place, retard. lol

>> No.15214530

you only "know" what you're told. try using the pattern-seeking part of your brain, it's getting dusty. think about it this way, if republicans are truly the "smart" and "good" party then they would never win a single election. they are simply manufactured to be the lesser of two evils.

>> No.15214532

It's really funny to watch you kvetch and try to somehow weasel your way out of this. Show me where I said republicans are "smart" or "good", parasite. Show me where I said anything except point out, factually, that CC is a democrat program to dumb down the population, that was explicitly opposed by republicans.

>> No.15214533

democrats created drag queen story hour and similar events to make it easier and more socially acceptable for pedophiles to gain access to children. children with sexual trauma grow up to be adults with lgbtq identities, who almost always vote democrat. sexualizing children directly increases their voter turnouts over time.

>> No.15214535

>democrats created drag queen story hour and similar events
That's where the facts in your post end and they don't contradict anything I said. Try again, parasite.

>> No.15214537

weasel my way out of what? im having an anonymous argument with a stranger on the internet, i could stop replying at any time. i just care slightly more than enough to try to convince you that your political identity is not the solution you think it is. i'm trying to help you. but if you haven't realized that by now then you likely never will, so this conversation can serve no purpose any more.

>> No.15214540

lowering the aoc would allow gays to legally molest children and convert them into more gays, who will then vote democrat. therefore, lowering the aoc increases democrat voter turnout. can i make my logic any more simple for you?

>> No.15214542

>weasel my way out of what?
Out of being exposed as a long-nosed shill of the dumber variety.

>> No.15214543

I don't care about your mentally ill consequentialist rhetoric. The current age of consent laws were established by feminists and progressives and the same people continually try to promote more exteme standards. Those are the facts of the matter and that's where discussion ends.

>> No.15214544

Why would adults be able to do 10th grade maths? That's trigonometry and algebra and nobody remembers that after school.

>> No.15214548

>Why would adults be able to do 10th grade maths? That's trigonometry and algebra and nobody remembers that after school.

Dark brown fingers wrote that!

>> No.15214549

if my nose were longer than average i would be trying to convince you to continue voting republican. republicans have always given more money to israel compared to democrats.

>> No.15214550

Why do you keep obsessively rambling about republicans, schlomo? I don't care about republicans. I'll shit on republicans when their wrongdoings come up. This thread is about why you and your race need to be exterminated like vermin, not about republicans.

>> No.15214552

you can deny it and ignore it all you want, but denial won't protect your children from rapists. enjoy your nonbinary daughter's polyamorous harem of cucks and your tranny son's mulatto boyfriend at thanksgiving dinner, because that's what the future has in store for you whether you see it or not.

>> No.15214556

I don't care about them supposedly wanting to lower of the age of consent. You can keep frothing at the mouth about it and vomiting this mentally ill rhetoric about how it will make all the heckin' childerinos gay, but factually speaking, exposure to progressivism is what seems to make people gay, not the age of consent.

>> No.15214557

because "democrats bad" by itself with no other opinion is code for "republicans good". democrats may be slightly worse than republicans but that doesn't mean that it's productive to go around pretending like dems are "the problem" without providing any solution. because midwits who absorb that will just automatically assume that republicans are "the solution" by default, which couldn't be further from the truth. bipartisan politics are counterproductive and you know it.

>> No.15214561

Your absolutely desperate whataboutism exposes you, but I'll offer you a deal: how about we exterminate the entire republican party, but also anyone who identifies as a leftist or sympathizes with socialism? That sound fair to you? :^)

>> No.15214563

okay, let me spell out the scenario step by step for you
>predator tries to molest your kid
>you stop them because its illegal
>they go to jail and are forced to stop
>age of consent is lowered to an age younger than your kid
>another predator tries to molest them
>he is now within his legal rights to do so and by attempting to stop him by force YOU would be the one violating the law and going to jail
>you can either let it happen and stay out of jail
>or stop him anyway, get convicted of hate crime, go to jail and watch the same thing happen from behind bars where you're powerless to stop it

>> No.15214564

Didn't read. See >>15214561

>> No.15214566

lol no. i have a bachelor's in mathematics. my county is so short on teachers that i could start teaching on an emergency substitute authorization in two weeks or less. the pay isn't great, but it's better than the nothing an hour i'm making now. no, the real barrier is that there's no path from "emergency substitute teacher authorization" to "teacher's license" that doesn't require a detour through "get another bachelor's degree first."

>> No.15214568

your terms are acceptable. all democrats and republicans need to either change their views or be prevented from voting.

>> No.15214569

The point is the technocracy seeks to deny its cattle an education so they are not capable of comprehending the system that enslaves them. They are blind to the problem, because they have been denied the abstarctions, to see them.

That's why the elite seek to dumb down the population: so no one can rival them.

>> No.15214570

>all democrats and republicans
That's not what I said. All republican politicians and all leftists and socialism sympathizers. Deal?

>> No.15214571

If I pay the 12-14 year old for sexual services, am I a paragon?

>> No.15214572

To point of lowering the age of consent and denying women access to contraceptives and abortions to induce social circumstances that are conducive the women falling pregnant and carrying the child to term, because generally speaking, conservatives aren't comfortable with the neoliberal idea of the majority of the population growth coming from mass migration, and the old stock being reduced to child-less, wagie-cagie consumers.

>> No.15214575

that depends on your definition of leftists. does that include all democrats as a subset? if so i'm still in.

>> No.15214577

That wouldn't be fair to the blacks with average or higher IQ.

>> No.15214578

You don't see the whole picture. Homosexuality is pushed by the establishment as a depopulation mechanism.

>> No.15214583

>does that include all democrats as a subset?

> if so i'm still in.
Ok. Then what the fuck is your problem with my corretly pointing out that CC is the work of democrats and the pretext is promoting "equality"? What's up with this uncontainable butthurt that makes you immediately devolve into rampant whataboutism when anything replating to democrats comes up?

>> No.15214588

>democrats created drag queen story hour and similar events
Not all democrats are like that.

>> No.15214590

its more than just that, it also lowers physical and mental health overall, spreads disease and trauma, creates dysfunctional family relationships, encourages domapine desensitization and an attitude or hedonism and decadence which lowers physical strength and mental willpower, etc.
but you're confusing effect with cause. lower aoc --> more gays --> (all effects listed above including the one you pointed out)

>> No.15214591

NAXALT is not an argument. It doesn't matter if all democrats are like that. It's still rational, moral and necessary to drag every Democrat out to the street and shoot it several times.

>> No.15214597

>so they, like yourself, just agitate for a civil war so you can just seize power via a coup instead
just as much a conspiracy theory as the rigged election

>> No.15214599

its a pavlovian response that's been trained into me by years of bipartisan bullshit. every time i point out a flaw in a democrat, i get bombarded with midwit republicans agreeing with me and butthurt dems crying about trump. every time i point out a flaw in a republican, the opposite happens. so i've learned to always clarify that i don't support either party so i don't get pegged as "guilty by association" by the opposite side every time i make a point. i'm sorry if that bothers you, but that's the world we live in.

>> No.15214601

but the ones who are like that are in office right now, making laws. and the ones who "aren't like that" still voted for them.

>> No.15214602

What's wrong with socialism?

>> No.15214606

>its a pavlovian response
Holy shit. I didn't realize you had a small modicum of self-awareness but I guess I stand corrected. Well, give me a fucking break. Should I add a disclaimer that republicans are also le bad every time someone brings up something bad that the democrats are responsible for?

>> No.15214607

I somehow doubt that every time somebody points out a flaw in republicans you jump in and say "yeah but democrats are just as bad"

>> No.15214608

The more sexually mature women are before they're allowed to mate and pair-bond, the more sexually selective they will become. The logical conclusion therefore of higher AoC is a more competitive dating market, that will lead to more male losers. Homosexuality is a well known coping mechanism amongst men, so by creating a marketplace dynamic where young men are denied access to young women because the young women are chasing older and established men, you are in fact creating a breeding ground for homosexual resentment, which is why you see trends such as "transmaxxing" where self-identified incels willingly embrace not only becoming a homosexual but one of the highest calibre (trans-woman), because they are simply incapable of courting the interest of women. Lower AoC allows young men to mate and in better times marry young before women knew any better, which also correlated with lower societal incidents of homosexuality than we see today with the highest AoC in legal history.

>> No.15214612

Nothing wrong with it but you're going to the gas chamber.

>> No.15214613

Why would you shoot someone who agrees with you about those things?

>> No.15214617

>why would you shoot democrats
Because the world will be a better place without them.

>> No.15214618

it would help, yes

>> No.15214621

>Should I add a disclaimer that republicans are also le bad every time someone brings up something bad that the democrats are responsible for?
nta but yes. while tedious, the necessity of continually re-establishing a common ground is one of the costs of posting as Anonymous, similar to the constant specification of justification logic.

>> No.15214622

actually i usually say something along the lines of "democrats are worse" depending on if its relevant to the topic

>> No.15214625

>the necessity of continually re-establishing a common ground
I don't see any necessity to establish a common ground with someone who gets automatically asshurt when someone so much as points out that a certain policy was the work of democrats.

>> No.15214626

you're still operating under the assumption that the aoc laws only apply to heterosexual relationships. incels who troon out are such a low percentage of the population that they aren't statistically relevant compared to regular gays who were molested as children. making that molestation legal would exponentially increase those numbers, as gays are much more likely to be pedophiles than staights.

>> No.15214630


Homosexuals do not reproduce they recruit.
Child molestation is a key requirement for a large homosexual population.

>> No.15214634

Virginity rates are skyrocketing because women only want chad.

>> No.15214635

>it would help
Help what? What do I stand to gain from going out of my way to tarnish the reputation of conservatives? That both parties are corrupt and filled to the brim with globohomo shills is a given, but conservative voters make up by far the largest salvageable segment of the population. What is there to gain, practically, from speaking in a manner that undermines not only their "leaders", but also their entire system of values, while playing into the hands of the more globohomo-exploitable party?

>> No.15214637

This is only relevant in a post-sexual revolution context. A century ago, homosexuality was illegal, and the age of consent for heterosexual relationships was 12. Contrary to fear-mongers, there wasn't an epidemic of child abuse, because it was still customary for families to marry into each other, and the lack of contraceptives, and criminalisation of abortion and bastard fatherless children, meant people were far more selective and bound to their dating habits than they are today, which is where the erroneous anarchronism comes from.

>> No.15214642

women have always only wanted chad. men have been cucked into caring what women want.

>> No.15214647

This isn't entirely true. The explosion of transgenderism for example (which highly correlates with homosexuality) has come off the back of internet-induced, social contagion. It's not uncommon for many biological men to confess they found their "feminine identity" are years of pornography addiction. They start by chasing the object of desire, then as they become desensitised they increasingly start to view themselves as the object as desire.

>> No.15214648

They've been cucked into wanting to be with women AT ALL. Being with a woman who isn't attracted to you is emasculating and humiliating. Most men should NOT date.

>> No.15214652

>women have always only wanted chad. men have been cucked into caring what women want.

Women want to have an Alpha's child but live with live with a Beta. This is hardwired into them.

>> No.15214654

Generally speaking, the patriarchy is monogamous and the matriarchy is polygamous.

>> No.15214659


Just what I said, homosexuality and other perversions come from corrupting children or the morally weak.
Evil does not create it corrupts.
Heterosexuals reproduce their numbers, sexual deviants corrupt children and the weak to increase their numbers.

>> No.15214670

yes, that is what i said. not sure why you repeated it.
while true, this isn't really relevant. no one in power is advocating for simultaneously lowering age of consent and outlawing homosexuality. republicans conceded that battle a long time ago.

>> No.15214681

Don't call homosexuality a perversion. It's completely normal to find men attractive, both sexes are beautiful in their own ways. Acknowledging this doesn't make someone some AIDS infested flaming buttfucker.

>> No.15214685

>It's completely normal to find men attractive

I can admire a healthy dog or horse or a man, BUT I feel ZERO sexual attraction to them...
so NO!! it is NOT normal to find men attractive

>> No.15214687

How can you not be attracted to an ENTIRE SEX???

>> No.15214702

>How can you not be attracted to an ENTIRE SEX???

That is like asking how I am only attracted to humans.
Easy... I am NOT gay!

>> No.15214705
File: 594 KB, 2080x2080, ddniz1y-654bcc4c-a4bd-4037-8a06-c3dede329c7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to solve this equation, how do I solve this equation?

>> No.15214709

>posting on a science board
>"oh yeah like homosexuality is recognised to exist in thousands of other species, but when it comes to humans, it's uniquely 'evil'"

>> No.15214721

Cancer exists in thousands of species and it is NOT normal.
Why do gay people think they are OK??, they are NOT... they have a mental illness and should accept that and fix themselves

Being gay is NOT OK

>> No.15214724
File: 23 KB, 450x234, Males_Anas_platyrhynchos_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek the wikipedia article for homosexuality in animals has this as their lead picture
>see! they're kissing! science!

>> No.15214725
File: 138 KB, 753x748, 23523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your handlers said all answers are equally correct (so long as we're talking about something that doesn't test your reasoning abilities). :^)

>> No.15214731

It's more like asking someone if they prefer tacos or hotdogs, and they say "I ONLY eat tacos, I will NEVER eat a hotdog, I have NO DESIRE to EVER eat a hotdog".

>> No.15214738


No it is like saying you ONLY want to eat food, you do not want to eat some shit... you have NO DESIRE to eat shit!!!

NO... I honestly have no desire to eat shit, nor do I have any sexual attraction to men

>> No.15214739

So heterosexual women all eat shit? Because they're attracted to guys, and you're comparing them to shit.

>> No.15214759


No one is going to stop you from being gay.
Be gay and be happy... just stay away from children... OK?

>> No.15214769

Yes, of course.

>> No.15214774

So women are all tacos...?

>> No.15215130

No? They want to give people the right to choose their school. It's still "free", but no longer has to be state run.

>> No.15215245

You're all missing the point, which is that this kid is a retard who takes word problems 100% literally. Same level as writing "no one would buy that many watermelons" on a word problem about a guy buying a bunch of watermelons at a grocery store. Pure autism

>> No.15215283

You are dumber than a primary school kid.

>> No.15215288

>being this profoundly dronified
This is why you should never send your kids to government "schools".

>> No.15215297

No, the question specifically says to figure out how Marty could have eaten more. The teacher is just wrong.

>> No.15215351


>> No.15215599

You only think this way cause matriarchy has been winning for millennia.

>> No.15215732

>How good is capitalism
great, but you don't have capitalism you need a non debt based curency to have capitalism.

>> No.15216003

I guess the dolphins should just pray the gay away, right?

>> No.15216014

Other dolphins kill the gay ones. Balance of nature.

Humans are out of balance with Nature by allowing abominations like FLAGOTRYZ to exist.

>> No.15216166


>> No.15216626
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Marty's pizza was bigger, therefore he ate more than Luis.

>> No.15216629
File: 130 KB, 1080x1224, 029_1441886243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked quads of quads

>> No.15216828

Education is not a right, no one "deserves it", it is a privilege that entails responsibilities. Moreover. You can only " educate" a few number of people who are actually interested, this "compulsory right" lunacy does not work, you need an intellectual elite first and then people are "educated" in waves

Things indeed would be better if there wasn't an education board, as it were in America (the US was the country with the best education in the world prior to the creation of the education board, centralized institutions always worsen everything).

Education has to be a capitalist anarchy. If churches want to do their own system not for profit, they do it. If private companies want to do their own system for profit, they do it. If a couple of parents band together to hire private teachers, so be it. Whatever works best for the LOCAL CULTURE is the best way, not what some bureaucrats determined from top down.

Common Core actually did nothing wrong, it's just a list of standards

The issue is trying to force teachers to somehow implement all of them.

The point of common core is to develop skills through activities that force the students to think instead of plugging and chugging.

>> No.15216830

Public schooling is a demonic invention to create obedient soldiers and degenerates.

Only ignorant people or sociopaths defend it.

Typically it's people like this one, who don't even know what a right is

Only natural rights exist, the rest are all privileges

>> No.15216837

Because it destroys human perception of reality.

leftist can't survive even people perceive reality correctly.

>> No.15216840

Couldn't post link but search for "Prussian education system"

>> No.15217298

I get quads and nobody can answer the question

>> No.15218186

I am not a conservalard, but you are seriously underestimating just how much a useful idiot you are to certain interests (for the record, I don't think these are "ulterior", as I'll just explain). These interests are the cancerous growth of middle managment. Your ideology and rhetoric enable this going on unchecked. At some point, you need to withdraw the benefit of doubt and check if your tax is spent intelligently.
Leaner meaner res publica is nearly ALWAYS preferable. This is not an issue tied to some retarded one-dimensional political alignment.

It's also doubtless that your political leaning is more receptive, regardless of outlined above dynamic, Just check a Reddit hellhole like r/teachers. These dimshits have caricaturesque left-leaning views.

>> No.15218660

Homeschooling is for right wing wackos that either don't wan their kids to get vaccinated or don't want to send them to public schools because they hate black people and other minorities and don't want their kids around them.

>> No.15218667

>or don't want to send them to public schools because they hate black people and other minorities and don't want their kids around them.
There's always private schools. Sending a kid to public school is a recipe for failure.

>> No.15219156

When I eat 6/6 of 100% of the pizza I eat even less.

>> No.15220746

>>15213874 ChatGPT couldn't solve a single question in ITA's test.

>> No.15220751
File: 88 KB, 785x1000, (you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Homeschooling is for right wing wackos

>> No.15220763

>Sending a kid to public school is a recipe for failure.
This isn't true. Private schools make you believe this by kicking out children who are stupid so that the school average is higher.

>> No.15220771

>this isn't true
>goes on to point out one factor that actually makes it true
A typical product of public schooling.

>> No.15220773

Homeschooling is literally the reason that I can't talk to people and avoid all in person conversation.

>> No.15220775
File: 1.24 MB, 768x1166, Data _Is_Racist_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Common Core actually did nothing wrong

Common Core's MAIN idea was to eliminate sexual and racial differences in academic performance.
It was NEVER intended to teach BETTER, only to eliminate differences in demographic performances.
For example mathematics was simplified to the easiest possible way to teach it. Students of average or above average abilities were forced to literally count on their fingers (everything goes to 10) to solve problems instead of directly solving them. In fact they are PENALIZED for finding the answer directly, they MUST solve the problems using the method taught.

Common core is failing... the educator are NOT allowed to say why.

>> No.15220778

>goes on to point out one factor that actually makes it true
I did no such thing. If I make 100 people take a test and kick out the lowest 50 of them it doesn't make me a better teacher, it just means I selected for people who are inherently better performing. It's social engineering and YOU fell for it.

>> No.15220779

>Homeschooling is literally the reason that I can't talk to people and avoid all in person conversation.
Your retarded parents and bad genes are the reason.

>> No.15220780

you should have been engaging with people via other activities.

>> No.15220784

Let me just walk outside at 10 years old and find people to talk to. I wonder, does this even work for you today now that you're an adult? Probably not.

>> No.15220785

You are a genuine mouth-breathing imbecile. I'm not actually going to argue with you. I just think it's funny how you immediately go on to demonstrate what happens when you subject children to public schooling, with yourself serving as an example.

>> No.15220802

>I'm not actually going to argue with you.
Because you have no point. Keep falling for data manipulated by selection bias.

>> No.15220819

Even if the only difference was that private schools kicked out all the retards, that by itself would allow a significantly better standard of education: teachers can teach better and students can learn better without the violent and feral public school retards dragging everyone down.

>> No.15220825

/sci/ is smart enough to (sometimes) get into a graduate problem, but too fucking stupid to not reply to retards and sage terrible threads.


Suck me. That rule has made the board culture-illiterate unwashed masses of the 2010s incapable of using even basic functions of a 2ch-style imageboard. Saging threads and not replying to obvious bait used to be enforced with bans and ridicule. Lurkers are an extinct species. People just say whatever bullshit they think up immediately, fresh off the boat. Threads and posts like these are a cancer that ruined this site, and everyone in this thread should be fucking ashamed of themselves.

>> No.15221571
File: 31 KB, 468x469, 1674494113791664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this thread is worse than anything I've seen on even /pol/ in a while, where are the jannies to clean up this mess that obviously isn't discussing anything even ancillary to math and science?

>> No.15222319

What bothers me is that the people that struggle with the simplest of math problems are 10x better than me in every sport and have so much confidence in what they do because of Duning-Kruger. You'd rather be stupid but social than smart and social.

>> No.15223024
File: 282 KB, 400x462, Disdain_For_Plebs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread is worse than anything I've seen on even /pol/

Close your eyes and cover your ears and you can try to wish the truth away. If that does not work, cry to the Janny that the thread is 'bad' and he needs to make it go away.
Weak people like you are truly pitiful.

>> No.15223278

Here's your (you). This thread is cancer and anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together can see that. This is a Math and a Science forum and the amount of schizo babbling about and implying that you're going to mass murder people you disagree with belongs on /pol/. If it was you fantasizing about committing mass homicide, you probably belong in a mental ward. Either way enjoy your life buddy, I really hope you get help or find other means/purpose to get your shit together so that you may overcome your rage and become somebody with admirable traits.

>> No.15223445
File: 2 KB, 125x124, WTF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>babbling about and implying that you're going to mass murder people

Dude.. are you off your meds???
Where in this thread has ANYONE threatened ANYTHING similar to what you just hysterically made up??
Seriously... you have problems... please get some