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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15210154 No.15210154 [Reply] [Original]

>got the math PhD
>got the assistant professor job
I still feel like a literal retard.

>> No.15210169 [DELETED] 

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself

>> No.15210257

Congrats, anon.

>> No.15210273

It's better than die on streets ig

>> No.15210287

That's just because you're massively underestimating the intelligence of 4chan readers.
Just stop reading 4chan, and you'll feel smart.
And you will be, compared to non-4chan readers.
Stay at the shallow end of the pool.

>> No.15210298

congrat anon. mind telling how much what kind of uni and how much do you get paid? how competitive to get into? I want to become a professor as well.

>> No.15210301

that the trick, aint it? You know, von Neumann, the guy was smarter than everyone on this board combined, lamented in that he believed a single person could prob only know at most 1/3 of all then-discovered math. You got geniuses like Terrance Tao whose peers say has a huge knowledge of general math areas, but few ever comment on the fact that fields of science contain a wide range of areas - it's only impressive to know a lot when u compare it with the rest of average-humanity.

>I still feel like a literal retard
yeah, u should, because you are. Everyone is. But u recognize how much there more there is to learn. Even super geniuses recognize this, and this shuts down their ego. You know, standing on the shoulder of giants and all.

Congrats on the PhD, man. Really. Now just keep learning. Cuz even tho u dumb, ur also part of the small fraction of the human population who was born with the potential and used that potential to get to the state of intelligence u have now, and are among those with the best potential to keep learning (at least in math).

>> No.15210305

so tru king. whats ur iq? mine is 140, but i'm an autistic autodidact genius in fields like philosophy, history, math and law

>> No.15210317

>You're a doctor? That's so cool, what hospital do you work at?
>I'm n-not that kind of doctor...
>Oh...well, nice meeting you anyways

>> No.15210319

IQ is anti-history entryism.
History stops at IQ.
No fucking explanation.
I blame a subconscious niggerlynchin' urge in 4chan readers.
I absolutely fucking hate how 4chan readers discuss IQ.
They categorically refuse to investigate the history of IQ.
They categorically refuse to sympathize with the victims of genocidal euthanasia.
They refuse to admit that the history of IQ is genocidal euthanasia.
They refuse to admit that modern American negroes are geniuses in part due to extraordinarily unnatural selection pressure.
They refuse to acknowledge the lyricism of hip hop, dub, and rap as well as funk and disco.
They refuse to honor disco and house as musical developments of hi-NRG.
IQ is about telling you that racism is okay and it's going to be okay if you're a racist.
IQ is dumb.
You aren't going to be okay.
Being a racist means you're telling God to go fuck himself.
You are refusing to admit the truth.

>> No.15210320

Lmao I assume you're only talking about say /sci/ , have you seen /pol/ or /b/

>> No.15210324

>completed phd
You are at least like 28 , at this point you should get over feeling sorry for yourself and grow the fuck up.

>> No.15210628

Have you seen the state of /sci/ recently? The posters here are in no way more intelligent than those on /pol/ or /b/.

>> No.15210631

/sci/'s average IQ is 90

>> No.15210802

>assistant professor
You mean TA?

>> No.15210869

Congrats on the phd, if you feel like a dumbass just take the Irish approach
>fair sure fuck it it’s good enough

>> No.15210872

did 4chan trigger you?
I'm sorry to tell you but being born into a low IQ race you are guaranteed at most mediocrity for the rest of your life, no matter how much "diversity" support you get.

>> No.15210877

You got an assistant prof job straight out of grad school?

>> No.15210878

>They refuse to acknowledge the lyricism of hip hop, dub, and rap as well as funk and disco.
Literally the worst music genres ever produced in human history btw.

>> No.15210902

>>They refuse to acknowledge the lyricism of hip hop, dub, and rap as well as funk and disco.
>Literally the worst music genres ever produced in human history btw.
How could blacks create Jazz (the classical music of black people) and also create rap/R&B shit? Such extremes.

>> No.15211348

It feels strange knowing any of your young-ish profs could be a secret anon. I used to be a RA for a prof who sometimes sounded like they were hiding their power level. They were suspiciously foulmouthed, opinionated, and borderline politically incorrect. I never asked because of rule 1.

>> No.15211625
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>don't do anything with my life
>utter failure
>self-study math
>feel like a genius
we are not the same

>> No.15211632

OP is a woman

>> No.15211636

>get paid >70k to read off a 20 years old presentation and scribble a few things on blackboard while mumbling to yourself
ngl, if i knew for certain that i can get a job like that by pursuing a phd, i would apply today

>> No.15211673

You are. PhD doesnt mean anything but you wasted your parents pension money and your youth to be a monkey that writes empty articles.

All you can do now is continue the academic hoax so your parents get something back.

>> No.15211783

How is the 300k starting

>> No.15211793

>the history of IQ is genocidal euthanasia
it is, and it's fucking based

>> No.15212059

don't, you're above the general population in terms of overall intelligence, patience and problem solving. what you need to do, though, is to be creative and try to utilize your skills in non-conventional ways to make good money.

>> No.15212062

Don't worry OP. You might feel like retard but your students will be actual retards.

>> No.15212066

/pol/'s average IQ is 210.
It would be higher, but brought down slightly by glowniggers.

>> No.15212120

Happens all the time. Not universities aren't R1

>> No.15212121

go to ml, deepmind or openai fuck academia

>> No.15212124

This is a factually true statement. Teaching undergrads has revealed that despite how little I think I know, they know even less.

>> No.15212429
File: 44 KB, 354x640, 1676264398005371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15212605
File: 81 KB, 610x458, __opt__aboutcom__coeus__resources__content_migration__serious_eats__seriouseats.com__images__2012__06__20120629-honey-bunches-primary-83b132df1bd34841b09b168dbd7f2b7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's completely insane what IQ does to 4chan.
IQ turns 4chan from strangers on the internet to rabid nigger-killing zombies.
It's fucking alchemy.
If you want your own personal army of nigger killers, just mention "IQ" on 4chan and presto,
it's unreal how IQ makes you hate niggers because the USA used IQ to kill all the low IQ niggers and now the average American nigger is an absolute fucking genius

>> No.15212615

Intelligence is something unintelligent when countered physically and this perceived mentally.

>> No.15212619

Feeling smart takes heat. NOT MATH. fagpot.

>> No.15212715

that's because only the biggest retards stay in academia rather than going into industry
enjoy your peanuts, stress and unpaid extra hours