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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 113 KB, 650x755, isaac newton bad motherfucker. calculous. history. mathematics..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15208697 No.15208697 [Reply] [Original]

>never procreates
How smart was this guy, really?

>> No.15208699

>not being forced to give some bitch half your money
pretty fucking smart

>> No.15208700

I remember his name. You I'm questioning if your not a bot.

>> No.15208706

Brain dead

>> No.15208723

>bitches having rights to your money in the 1600s

>> No.15208748

Couldn't figure out his intelligence were worth passing on

>> No.15208821

Intelligence correlates highly with virginity. Most NPCs are dull and follow biological instinct. This is why the average person is intellectually dull. Eventually you'll get the odd genius that is smart enough and breaks through biological instinct but in doing so fails to pass on his genius genes. Life effectively filters out intelligence for unquestioning automata.

>> No.15208826
File: 16 KB, 447x330, 1650173753318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Intelligence correlates highly with virginity

>> No.15208836

actually it's another case of the midwit phenomenon. Retards follow instinct and have lots of children (although many of them died before the welfare state was established). Successful men are able to control themselves and they want to leave a legacy, so they also have many children. It's the midwits who have some flaw which prevents them from mastering themselves who are unable or too afraid to have children. They convince themselves that they can't breed, so they don't.

It's only the extreme autists like tesla and newton who often don't have children because they are so wrapped up in their work.

>> No.15208846

I laugh whenever someone says "newtons" because I just imagine miniature versions of this guy just piled up on each other

>> No.15208918

39yo v-genius here. I don't even care anymore. I'm going to solve ageing though, I haven't worked out how exactly yet but the wheels are in motion, so you can thank me now or later, either one is acceptable

>> No.15208930

was the selfism metaphysic prevalient than? Without this guys legacy how many billions would've never been borne for lack of the technological prowess to support large population sizes?

What if he simply viewed it as a team sport in the proliferation of humanity and not some self indulgement prime ape phantasm?

like today, constantly bombared with malthusian propaganda, if your in the banked world your birth rates are sub replacement, if your in the unbanked world bullets are flying at you in every direction, If some anon came on here with warp physics, went back a couple hundred million years, seeded some planets with life, came back to the present and provided a bunch of new earths, but his intertemporal experience made him unrelatible to the sheboons we would call that person smart right?

>> No.15208934

Sounds like someone has watched too much Andrew Tate. It's not genius that dictate success. It's psychopathy with high emotional understanding and control

>> No.15208961

Maybe he was disgusted by the retarded normies and prefered 2D.

Every thing of that?! No, because youre autistic, unlike Newton and I, who have Aspergers, the Chad-ism.

>> No.15208987
File: 431 KB, 1600x1234, Goethe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not very

>> No.15209036
File: 200 KB, 685x485, 491108_1_En_8_Fig8_HTML.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of mathematics have you invented? I have a novel 1.5D base system. Baseless base system (Zero-less, Dynamic/Scalar). Many papers on Number Theory.

You lecture old people, right?

>> No.15209107

>died a virgin
thats the cover story, he used to "teach" young men in personal night classes. if you catch my drift.

>> No.15209243
File: 211 KB, 1080x1480, smarter_than_newton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as smart as a hood nigga hustlin out on these streets ya feel me?

>> No.15209265


>> No.15209280

Maybe he had one whiff of a fetid vagina and saw its disgusting fluids, and that was the end of his sexual interest. Many spergs are like this.

>> No.15209331

>39yo v-genius here.
>I'm going to solve ageing though,
Why would you want to live a long life?

>> No.15209673

There's lots of things I want to do. Lots of problems I want to solve, or help solve them in some way. And if I'm alive longer then I can make a lot of money and use it to help people. And I could buy a spaceship and go visit other galaxies and stuff

>> No.15210756

very possible
its also possible he wasnt a virgin at all. he technically legally never married, but a crazy occultists such as himself in 17th century england might have visited the local prostitute ocassionally. the man was into bare knuckle boxing apparently so maybe he wasnt 100% le virgin introvert meme.

also he could have had a concubine or more that he just didn't marry for personal or convenience reasons

>> No.15211790

Think he also died reasonably poor which means he was a dumbass

>> No.15212396

go back to red.dit retarded faggot.
i have a masters in organic chemistry, 138-144 proven IQ and fuck bitches on a regular basis because i'm a chad

>> No.15212400

Was he "smart" because the rest of the world was primitive as fuck? Was he just lucky?

>> No.15212438

Kek, need an /art/ guy to make something like this

>> No.15212440

it happens when you bet on alchemy; being able to see the path to immortality and to actually achieve it are two completely different skills

>> No.15212442

You're not supposed to wiff it, anon. Put benis in it and ejaculate, then go take a bath to wash away the disgusting.

>> No.15212443

just buy a hooker

>> No.15212607

He’s sort of right.
>muh legacy
What the fuck is this cope? Having a lot of kids doesn’t mean you’ll be remembered past 3 generations. And what are you even basing this on? Fertility rates for ultra rich people are only slightly higher than the general population.

>> No.15212636

It's a built in fail safe so our species doesn't grow too fast and over take the gods.

>> No.15212840

Anything below 145 is midwit territory still.

>> No.15212892

Opportunity and extreme persistence, the kind of work ethic most people don't have.
There was a pandemic of the plague back then so he had to the opportunity to study math during the 2 year lockdown from Descartes La Geometrie w/commentary by Van Schooten which was an enormous two volume book.

One of his analysis inventions was by mistake, he misunderstood Descartes thinking the answer to something could be found using a method in the book so tried it himself and couldn't figure it out, stayed with the problem for weeks and developed an entire analysis that answered that problem using math 200 years ahead of the book he developed.
He also panicked when publishing the Principia that the analysis relied on infinitesimals which were unproven at the time, so invented the idea of a limit using geometry and proved everything in the book that way. He accomplished this working all day everyday and hardly ever taking a break to eat or even bathe.

>Die a virgin
This is unlikely because Newton later became a multi millionaire while running the London Mint he probably got some discreet pussy but wouldn't be the type to write about this in any of his notebooks and most of his friends were scientists he corresponded with remotely so they wouldn't know either. His religious views were considered heretical being that he denounced the trinity and he dabbled in alchemy, both these things were kept hidden in his real life and even after for decades so no reason to believe he didn't have a secret life of banging 17th century thots

>> No.15212898

I can't believe you guys didn't know that he was fucking his niece.

>> No.15212900

i unironically think this might be true

>> No.15212907

His neice was the Paris Hilton debutante of his time, an extremely popular socialite who probably had wild parties at his huge mansion in London no doubt he banged many of her friends with the ole 'Come see my telescope my dear'

>> No.15212915

Giga autist Chad

>> No.15212918

Going to shill it ironically and sarcastically , until it retroactively become true , in the post truth meta dystopian society we now live. The apple hitting his head was also a time traveling gorilla marketing campaign , and big gravity

>> No.15212923

He lost a shit load of money investing in the south sea bubble. Classic big brain mistake of thinking he was smart in other fields because... just because ok!

Whats with progressives and the gayification of history? Even the greeks weren't as gay as the memes.

>> No.15212958

>He lost a shit load of money
He was so rich that it didn't make a difference on his fortune.

>> No.15212966

i unironically believe that q from star trek is the devil soft disclosure style

>> No.15213001

the point was he didn't get married because he was an autistic sperg asshole by most accounts not because he was some big brain mega mind who calculated that marriage was a mistake which unironcally it wasn't back then as the divorce rate was close to zero.

>> No.15213007

He did lose money https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rsnr.2018.0018 but he died super rich anyway even after getting fleeced. It's prob impossible for us to understand just how rich he was, in his century the yearly wage of an East India Company sailor was 12 pounds, a lucrative job, and he died with 30,000 pounds or the combined yearly wages of 2500 sailors.

>> No.15213058

>He lost a shit load of money investing in the south sea bubble.
He was 78 years old when the south sea bubble collapsed, by which point he was likely mercury poisoned from experiments in chemistry. The fact that you are trying to exaggerate such a trivial sidenote from the end of his life is pretty hilarious. He was one of the greatest geniuses in history, while you are coping midwit.

>> No.15214264

>Discovers secrets of the universe.
>Helps fight climate change by not having any children.
Pretty fucking smart I'd say.

>> No.15214416

just because he never got married doesn't mean he died a virgin. as an aristocratic celebrity it's almost certain that he got laid, might have even had some bastards that no one ever found out about.

>> No.15216438

Would you rather
- lots of sex or
- be revered for the next 10,000 years?

>> No.15216487


>> No.15218216

>I CHOOSE to be ignored and retarded.

>> No.15218288

Undeniable genius.

>> No.15218350

Sex, hands down. I'll be dead anyway, so why would I care if people remember my name? Legacy is an ego-driven meme. It isn't real.

>> No.15220674

Sex, I don't see the point of not enjoying my time on earth when reality is often so confusing and exhausting to figure out. I love living under bliss.

>> No.15221196


The original incel. Probably fell down from a tere when he was voyeuring some couples or watching his mother get fucked by the local baron.

>> No.15221216

a stupid TV show ruined it for me.



>> No.15221952

Fuckng bots man

>> No.15222140

Nah I know I'd regret it and I don't think it would help. I'm autistic and get too nervous and stuff

>> No.15222197

>i have a masters in organic chemistry,
No you don’t
>138-144 proven IQ
>and fuck bitches on a regular basis
No you don’t
>because i'm a chad
No you aren’t