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15203330 No.15203330 [Reply] [Original]

is polyvinyl chloride really as bad as picrel says it is?

>> No.15203341

Brainlet post clearly written by a guy who read the wikipedia page of vinyl chloride 10 minutes prior.
Don't tell us where it's from, we all know it's /pol/.

>> No.15203343

you sound like you know what you're talkng about, whats the real story on polyvinyl chloride?

>> No.15203346 [DELETED] 

It's extremely carcinogenic and when burned releases numerous horrible toxins including phosgene gas, which is banned from use in warfare under penalty of death.

>> No.15203351

Oh and that guy he knows who supposedly got cancer and died from it "within two months" is a nice headcanon.
Strong carcinogen aren't strong because they supposedly make cancer cells replicate faster, it just means you're far more likely to get cancer from exposure. Even the most aggressive pancreatic cancers do not go from one single precancerous cell to full blown metastatic cancer within a year.
There are far worse carcinogens in this world, substances that are almost certain to give you cancer years after a single exposure.
Yes vinyl chloride is a very potent carcinogen, yes what happened is an absolute environmental disaster, but most of that post is schizo babble mixed with lies and wikipedia knowledge, so what do you want me to say?
By the way polyvinyl chloride and vinyl chloride aren't the same. These tanks contain vinyl chloride, the monomer used at the end of the production process to make PVC.
Vinyl chloride was used as a propellant in aerosol sprays and an inhalational anesthetic until the 70s, if the substance is as carcinogenic as he says, most of the population would have died of cancer half a decade ago.

>> No.15203352

Half a century ago I mean*

>> No.15203357

It's true that one of the combustion product is phosgene, but hydrogen chloride is by far the biggest issue as it is produced in massive quantities compared to phosgene.

>An analysis of the combustion gases from VCM reveal the following con~position: HCY 27,000 ppm; C02 58,100 ppm; CO 9500 ppm; phosgene 40 ppm; and VCM trace. From a hazard standpoint, the gross quantity of hydrogen chloride is the main source of danger in a VCM fire.

>> No.15203362

it is needed to make the transportation secretary's bdsm gear chud

>> No.15203366 [DELETED] 
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gays with adopted children are the creepiest of faggots

>> No.15203415

>gays with adopted children are the creepiest of faggots
Cannot believe it is legal for fags/lesbos to adopt kids. That is beyond sick to give orphan kids to those molestors.

>> No.15203424

clown world

>> No.15203453

>Strong carcinogen aren't strong because they supposedly make cancer cells replicate faster, it just means you're far more likely to get cancer from exposure. Even the most aggressive pancreatic cancers do not go from one single precancerous cell to full blown metastatic cancer within a year.
I'm not defending /pol/ but that's a fucking weak excuse. A single cell will take time but 1000 cells got the head start going. If something cause cancer so aggressive that its guaranteed then constant high conclusions would speed that up. Even though that goes completely against his friend story.

>> No.15203471

>A single cell will take time but 1000 cells got the head start going.
that would be 1000 individual single-cell tumors competing against each other, not a single tumor starting at 1000x the size.

>> No.15203535

>If something cause cancer so aggressive
Carcinogens cause mutations that can lead to cancer, that's all The crushing majority of these pre-cancerous cells get fucked by the immune system.
In no way does the strength of a carcinogen influence the "starting size of the tumor", it's a matter of statistics.

>> No.15203699

>written by a guy who read the wikipedia page of vinyl chloride 10 minutes prior.
You mean 10 minutes before there was an edit war on wikipedia to correct the narrative to how vinyl chloride is not only harmless now but safe and effective!

>> No.15203706

It's crazy how quick shills go into damage control mode, isn't it? And most of them are doing it for free.

>> No.15203707

Everything has to be a conspiracy. Everything.

>> No.15203724

>doing it for free.
Like yourself?

>> No.15203725

No, I get paid $1,000/hr to shill by the railroad worker's union.

>> No.15204030


>> No.15204034

>is this post from pol correct?

>> No.15204127
File: 40 KB, 447x377, pol was right again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when has /pol/ ever been wrong

>> No.15204186

Take your meds.

>> No.15204246

hello psued, you're stuck in the demon core mindset of radioactivity and acute cancer, its obvious. chemicals like VC don't acutely mutate cells, though it does acutely poison them. the more cells damaged by VC exposure does increase odds of cancer, but if someone died after 2 months from exposure, its more likely they received a borderline fatal dose and their organs/immune system ceased proper function. I would believe someone that already has cancer working on a VC cleanup poison's themselves, that their immune system might be completely ineffective at holding back the already growing malignant cells

>> No.15205058
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>> No.15205095
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I worked at a factory over the summer and breathed in the spicy chloride fumes from the plastics ovens. It had a distinct smell that reminded me of chicken salt for some reason. Am I doing to die?

>> No.15205121

Fags are in general scum of earth, Faggotry and Pedophilia are one and the same.

>> No.15205195

Venyl chloride is the shit most PVC pipes, Venyl flooring etc is made of.
Whatever this retard is claiming is just made up scare porn.
Indeed it is toxic.
But, to be clear, it boils at ~ -14°C so it evaporates quickly.
This gas is really toxic.
Burning it will create Mostly CO2 and CO and very small amounts of phosgene (~40ppm).
And phosgene has a really short half life due to it's reactivity (thats why it is toxic).
~0.026 s in aqueous solutions.
And in air (highly dependent on humidity) from 20 minutes up to 3 hours.
Also its accelerated with heat.

It's is extremly dangerous but only for a short period.
Not burning it, would lead to an explosion hazard.

So this is a dangerous incident but widöy overblown by cortisol junkies and Qtarded midwits.

>> No.15205202

>Burning it will create Mostly CO2 and CO and very small amounts of phosgene (~40ppm).
Only if it's completely combusted in a laboratory setting. Uncontrolled burns vaporize the VC without oxidizing it. It's raining down on America as you typed this.

>> No.15205204

Every time?

>> No.15205301

>Only if it's completely combusted in a laboratory setting. Uncontrolled burns vaporize the VC without oxidizing it.

What does this suppose to mean?

It is basic procedure to burn chemical spills to prevent unpredictably further events or poisoning of air and water.
And there are protocolls for burning or disposing toxic chemicals.

What you think they do?
A reatard with a match comes over and just light this stuff up?
If something like this happens, thay add a reagent and burn it CONTROLLED.
So it does not combust uncontrolled.

In a standard setting a controlled burning of such a spill means:
>bring sufficient amounts of anhydrous ammonia/natrium hydroxide
>burn it while adding the reagent to reduce production of shitty chemicals

Do you really thing they just ligh this shit on fire and sing:
>let it burn
While the song by Usher plays in the background?

>> No.15205357

>If something like this happens, thay add a reagent and burn it CONTROLLED.
>So it does not combust uncontrolled.
Oh buddy... You don't know, do you? They drained the cars in an open pit and sparked it with explosives. There's no effort being put into making sure it was fully combusted.

>> No.15205440
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>polyvinyl chloride
It's Vinyl Chloride.
Poly-Vinyl Chloride is a solid form, most commonly known as PVC and comprises many containers and water/sewer lines you see.

VC is a liquid under pressure, a gas in the instance of the Ohio disaster.

Picrel has better info.

Note- There was a movie about a train derailment called "White Noise" 2021, in the town of East Palestine, and was filmed on location there just a year prior to this "accident".
Coincidence? Nope. The odds of a coincidence of that magnatude would be in the Billions to 1.

>> No.15205447

>hydrogen chloride is by far the biggest issue
Been melting paint off vehicles for hundreds of miles around the area.
HCL dillutes and goes inert fast though.
Phosgene = super deadly even in small amounts. Is what is settling in low areas and killing millions of birds, wildlife, pets.

>> No.15205452

Conspiracy = Two or more people who create and carry out a plan.
Unless someone does something alone, then yes it is a conspiracy.

>> No.15205454

>wikipedia to correct the narrative to how vinyl chloride is not only harmless now but safe and effective!

>> No.15205489

I don't know why my 7-day old thread on vinyl chloride got moved to /pol/ by the jannies. I think several other threads on vinyl chloride got moved to /pol/ as well.

Seems like not only is the media NOT reporting on this, you can't talk about this here either or else it'll be moved/deleted.


>> No.15205495

>Seems like not only is the media NOT reporting on this, you can't talk about this here either or else it'll be moved/deleted.
You know why. Democrats/leftists/socialists/globalists censor anything that goes against their narrative.
Retribution will come as the pendulum swings, and it won't be ugly, it will be horrific.

>> No.15205522
File: 57 KB, 639x397, Ohio Train Movie Prequel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There was a movie about a train derailment called "White Noise" 2021, in the town of East Palestine,

More of them telling us what they are going to do before they do it. Clown World.

So how long will toxic chemicals be around after this? In that town, probably for decades, but how long will people have increased rates of disease in the rest of the northeast and appalacian area?

>> No.15205597

This post glows as bright as the planned trainwreck fires.

>> No.15205638

>Even the most aggressive pancreatic cancers do not go from one single precancerous cell to full blown metastatic cancer within a year.
maybe back in the days before everyone was vaxxed lmfao

>> No.15205691

Good point. Seems the "vaccines" are causing more cases to appear faster.

>> No.15205703

it's a horrific disaster but their containment measure of intentionally burning it is the least shitty thing they could do
however they need a many year long evacuation, and a many year long ban on agricultural products from a large radius in the immediate area, anywhere remotely downstream, and anywhere the wind has carried those cancer clouds, the disaster is still being incredibly downplayed

>> No.15205713

>many year long ban on agricultural products from a large radius in the immediate area, anywhere remotely downstream, and anywhere the wind has carried those cancer clouds, the disaster is still being incredibly downplayed
Great, $15 an egg now!
But you are right anon, everything within a few hundreds of miles of that area will be contaminated to unhealthy toxic levels for at least a year or more. Columbus, Cleveland, Philidelphia, Washington D.C.,Baltimore, Louisville, and many other cities and regions.

>> No.15205722

really our best hope is that the airborne toxins and acid rain are destructive enough that the crops and livestock just die where they stand and can't be sold, it's terrible to behold.

>> No.15205728

already happening near the "accident", but as you get farther out, yeah those will be contaminated but still FDA approved.

>> No.15205807

the IgG4 class switch + general damage the spikes proteins cause is what I think is behind it. Plus you know not stopping and even increasing the chances of getting covid which is allowed to run much wilder since the now vaxxed immune system is trying to respond to the wuhan strain instead of whatever gay ass strain is currently spreading (think its kracken? lmfao). A nice big dose of industrial chemicals in the air+water supply probably won't help though

>> No.15205856

this is just not the case

this whole accident could produce something like 150,000 gallons of HCl total. that's really not that much compared to how much atmosphere there is, and it's almost certainly just going to get neutralized by basic (as in high pH) compounds wherever it lands, turning into chloride salts

>> No.15205870

Okay good. Move into a house near there since you trust the government so much. You can show us how overblown this is and how believing the government is a smart idea. The government told me men could be men, the great replacement is a myth and also its a good thing whites are being replaced so I'm not too sure. Make sure you believe that all races have equal intelligence too. We're letting in millions of third worlders every year but we have to take care of the environment. I sure am glad this system is always honest and straitforward.

>> No.15206038 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15206051

wtf are you talking about

>> No.15206054

The vax damages your immune system in a way that stops it from killing off cancerous cells. It's very well-studied.

>> No.15206095

define "studied"
because it smells to me like something that's well-shilled

>> No.15206125

I mean the relationship between IgG4-shifted immune responses and cancer is throughout the medical literature, and peer reviewed studies have shown the vax shifts the immune response to that type to the exclusion of the more effective IgG3.

>> No.15206202
File: 90 KB, 1179x947, Memememememe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trains and chem spills happen pretty frequently.
And with even more toxic shit.

Now something happens.
And conventiently it has the option to fuck up the search results if you would search:
"Palestine chemical attack".
So yeah, if something like this organically happens, I would have make sure, as many outlets talk about it as possible.
With memes and shit.
Memes are a powerfull weapon.

Also it is a good beta test, to see how people would react:
>would they give up their land?
>would they consoom questionable pill?
>would they allow a new lockdown?

Even Joe the Toe is talking about it.
It is wanted to have a fear circle jerk to squirt cortisol all over the peoole.

>> No.15206231

you are going to troon out soon I can tell. Try to save yourself bro

>> No.15206367

>They drained the cars in an open pit and sparked it with explosives.
And remediated the hazardous chemicals as required by protocol.

stop fear porning.

>> No.15206384

>And remediated the hazardous chemicals as required by protocol.
They did not. Which is why they jailed all the reporters going to the site to expose them.

>> No.15206404


>> No.15206431
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>> No.15206449

stopped reading there

>> No.15206487

>gays with adopted children are the creepiest of faggots
>Cannot believe it is legal for fags/lesbos to adopt kids. That is beyond sick to give orphan kids to those molestors.
>Fags are in general scum of earth, Faggotry and Pedophilia are one and the same.

Good science thread on polyvinyl chloride, guys-who-definitely-don't-have-males-in-their-porn-history.

>> No.15206496

They were right about the vaccines lol, stupid /sci/entists